To the Church and Nation of Tunisia
You have a long history. You have been visited and settled by many ancient people. You followed the ancient deities of Baal and Astorath, of the Persians, Greeks and then Romans. You came to me and I established my church and you became a great healing and missionary center in your part of the world. Over time you lost your love, zeal, and truth for me. In time you became cold, indifferent and lukewarm. Many of you had to escape when the enemies of the faith came and took the land. You were not able to stop them because you had lost your power, anointing, and authority. This is a warning to all churches. You will be overcome if you become lukewarm and cold. In recent times you have become a land where terrorists and murderers can dwell. This is to your shame. Oh, how you have fallen. In the last days, you will fight against my people and I will judge you and destroy you.
To my church, work while there is day. I have given you freedom for a short time period. Call unto me and I will answer. There is right now a window of opportunity for you to touch the people of your land. I am bringing light to those who are in the dark. I am revealing myself through, visions, dreams, and media. There is a hunger in the land right now for truth, peace, love, and forgiveness. They have seen the harshness and hate of religion. They now want love, truth, peace, and joy. You will bring that through how you live. Create friendships and be loving. I have three promises for you today. First, I will send you missionaries and leaders who will strengthen you. They will train, equip and encourage you. Next, I will give you joy. Your life will reflect my joy which is your strength and your hope. Lastly, I will give you a good foundation of love. This love will increase your faith as you read and apply my word. This love will also be the basis of your hope. I have great plans for you. To give you hope and future.
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