Thursday, December 3, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Syria

 To the Church and Nation of Syria


     You have been a nation with a dark and torrent past.  For generations, you have been the sworn enemy of my people.  You have attacked them time and time again.  Sometimes you succeeded and other times you have not.  You have been fighting a civil war for many years now and the loss of life has been staggering.  You will be judged severely for what you have done.  Even now you have invited the bear into your country and you along with them will be soundly defeated by me when you attack mu beloved nation.  You will never succeed in defeating my people.  When I returned them to their land, I made a promise that they would not be defeated in this time period.  I will keep them safe for they have suffered much.  You will be humiliated again when you attack them.  You need to know it is not superior weapons or skill that keeps my people from defeated it is my protection.  A time is coming where even more judgment will fall upon you.  You will fall and so will those who are allied with you as well.

      To my church in Syria.  I know your heart been broken over and over by what you have seen and experienced.  Your nation has gone into bondage.  There is no redemption or future for it.  I, however, will find from among those who truly want freedom.  You have and will continue to discover that even in the darkest place I can and will shine my light.  There is a large group of people who are tired of war, religious strife, unforgiveness, and hatred.  They want love, peace, forgiveness, and healing.  You will be the instrument and my ambassadors in this nation.  You will also be instruments of reconciliation and hope.  I have three promises for you today.  First, You have been given a message of salvation and hope.  This message of true peace will finally be heard and accepted by many in your nation.  Secondly, I will keep you from the danger and strife that is about to once again engulf your land.  The armies of your nation have underestimated the enemy and their mission.  More war will break out.  Lastly, All hope is found in Jesus Christ alone.  Bring this to your countrymen and they will turn to Christ and there will be the last day revival.  Many hearts have been prepared.  All you have to do it deliver the message.

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