To the Church and Nation of Tajikistan
You are known as the land of the Tajiks. You were part of the great Persian Empire and Alexander the Great. You have been important as a crossroads for the silk road of ancient times. You have been ruled over for generations by different empires because of your location. You are the Jewel of the Mountains. You were once part of the Russian empire and have been subjected to tyranny, religious oppression, war, and disease. Now you are oppressing anyone who does not agree with you. In the last days, you will join with the bear in trying to destroy my people and for that, you will be judged. There is still an opportunity to receive my blessing by turning from your sin to me but do not take to long because time is running out.
To my church, I know that you are small in number but you are strong in faith and wisdom. You know that everyone has to register with the government to operate and this brings you under control. You have chosen to meet in homes and out of the way places. You are strong in prayer, evangelism and know the times in which you live. You know that you must work one soul at a time. Your strategy should be this. Pray for an individual until you have the assurance of their salvation. Then visit them and minister my love to them. They will respond and you will have the opportunity to disciple them. I will lay upon your heart those who have been prepared. I will also tell you when the time is right. As each one does this your numbers will increase. I am also pouring out my Spirit with signs, wonders, and miracles. I will visit people through visions and dreams and they will come to you for interpretation. I will add to the church those who will be saved. Stay, focused, determined and resourceful. Your creativity and wisdom will help you during these next moments. Remember I am coming back soon so work while there is still day.
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