Sunday, December 6, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Tanzania


To the Church and Nation of Tanzania


    I have watched your country with great interest.  I know what you can become and I counsel you to move towards it.  In the past, you gave yourself to idols, demonic forces with Shaman's causing great fear.  With the introduction of other religions and other countries in your affairs, you became a place of slavery and darkness.  Thousands of people were exploited, transported and killed.  This brought shame, consequences, and bondage.  You are a divided nation with groups vying for power and prestige.  You have over a hundred languages spoken within your borders and are a young country.  You have had a moment to rewrite your history and continue to a blessing to the nations around you.

     To my church, I am going to continue to pour out my Spirit upon your land.  Since Pentecostals and evangelical churches are present because of missionary activity. All of them have had some influence in varying degrees from the Walokole movement (East African Revival), which has also been fertile ground for the spread of charismatic and Pentecostal groups.  I will pour out my Spirit in a greater measure in these last days.  I warn you, however, to be careful and wise.  There are people who view what I and you have been doing.  They want to exploit it for their own glory.  They are false teachers and pastors.  They will try to make disciples of their own in their own image.  Be careful and mark them.  Expose them because if you don't they will hurt the revival.  I have three promises for you today.  I will give you many souls.  There is a great harvest yet to be reaped.  Many will be young so they will need mentorship and role models.  Next, I will use you to find the lost sheep.  There are many who are hurting and you will find them and will heal and restore them.  Lastly, As you were a nation of slavery you will become a nation of freedom.  Through you, many will be freed, heal and restore.  This is your moment. Seize it for my glory.

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