Monday, December 14, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Trinidad and Tobago

 To the Church and Nation of Trinidad and Tobago


     You have had a long and varied history.  For many generations, you follow traditional beliefs you practice Aminism, obeah, which includes communication with ancestors and spirits and healing rituals.  This puts you into darkness, bondage, witchcraft and demon worship.  This has also been the cause of the many problems that you have faced over the generations.  It made you slaves to empires and caused death, destruction, sickness disease and fear.  When I sent you my message many of you resisted it and even killed my missionaries.  However, over time their prayers, fasting and intercession broke down satan strongholds, your resistance to me and now you are thriving and strong.  The secret of true prosperity is found in me.  All true health and abundance start from the inside out.

     I have a warning and encouragement to give you today.  There are some of you who are still incorporating in your services and person devotions traditional beliefs.  This mixing of the two will never help you.  They will keep you in bondage you were never meant to be in.  Light and darkness cannot exist together.  A tree does not produce good and bad fruit.  Syncretism produces only bad fruit.  My encouragement is for you to focus on me.  I am going to use you to help heal the land of Venezuela.  It is falling apart.  I will use you to bring revival, healing and hope to a discouraged people.  You are the land of the trinity and the hummingbird.  You will fly to your neighbor and bring them the message of hope, love, healing, and truth.  I will show through you what true love and forgiveness is.  There is not much time so go forth and bring healing, restoration in my name.

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