Sunday, December 27, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Uganda
To the Church and Nation of Uganda
You have wondered why you have suffered from civil war, disease, famine, torture, dictatorship, and unrest for decades. There are three reasons, first, because in ancient times you serve idols, demons, ancestors and occult practices. This has caused a curse on your land. Satan has claimed your nation as his own. Secondly, because of the martyrdom and persecution of my church. Thirdly, because satan is afraid of what you can become. He knows that you are a nation of the rise. You have a large population of young people. He wants to suppress and destroy any potential for you to release and claim your spiritual legacy. As a nation, you have a spiritual gift to give to the continent of Africa. When you are healed as a nation you will be used to bring healing to all around you. That is why satan and his legions are working to destroy every fabric of your society. My encouragement is to throw off his blanket of evil and rise into your redemptive future.
To my church, I have a warning and a promise. The warning is to not become complacent. Even now there is a movement within you to bring you back to the old ways. Some have said that you need to incorporate traditional culture into worship services. Refuse to do that. Darkness has no place in the light. Also do not let traditional, formalism and ceremonies keep you from a real relationship with me. My promise is that you shall have healing in your nation. People are hungry and thirsty for righteousness and peace. They are tired of war, poverty, famine, disease, oppression, and death. They want truth, peace, health, healing wholeness, freedom and life. This you will give them through me. I am going to use you as a vessel and example of love, acceptance and forgiveness. As you have brought healing love and wholeness to widows and orphans I will use you to bring that y=to your nation. I warn to you be wise, diligent in prayer and strong in spiritual warfare. Satan is bringing his best forces to face you but you can and will defeat them because when the enemy comes in like a flood I will raise up a standard against him. I am bringing greater numbers to work on your behalf. Fight for your families, communities, and nation in prayer and I will hear and answer.
Great Truth
December 24 –Great truth - Nahum 1:7
The book of Nahum is a prophecy against the city of Nineveh. Yet through the book a great truth is brought to us. The Lord is a refuge in the times of trouble. This truth was precious to David when he was fleeing Saul in the desert. When Moses was in the backside of the desert for 40 years he found this statement to be true. When Jesus was facing the opposition of the enemy in the wilderness He found this to be a powerful principle in His life
The Lord cares for those who trust Him. When Gideon was facin the thousands of Midianites with 300 men he found God to be faithful. When Paul was facing the sword of Caesar he found this to be a gem of victory. The Lord is good and you will find this truth as you serve Him. Learn it now so that when trouble comes you will walk in confidence and victory, for the glory of God.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
To the Church and nation of Tuvalu
To the Church and nation of Tuvalu
You are beautiful and were for many centuries unreachable by western countries. In those days you lived in fear, darkness and spiritual oppression. You gave yourself to the worship of ancestral spirits and other deities along with the power of the vaka-atua Administered by the priests of the old religions. Yet through a storm and by divine appointment, I sent you Elekana. Many believe it was an accident but I never do accidents. You receive him and came to me. I sent you others and you turned from darkness to light. It was with sadness I saw how western nations exploited you and took some of you into slavery. It is a shame to them and a source of pain to you.
To my people, I am going to use you to heal and restore those broken and in pain. You are my balm and medicine. Substance abuse and addictions are hurting many in your nation. You will be my people to set the captive free. You will be my hand extended. I have four promises for you today. First, through you, I will love the unlovely. Many are suffering from poverty. This is the poverty of heart, mind, and spirit. You will love it through me. Next, You will heal the sick. Those who are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually you will minister on my behalf. You will be a medicine of love. Thirdly, you will help heal the brokenhearted. Through me, you will bring the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Lastly, I will use you as a launching point to reach other places in the Pacific. You will also go to nations where darkness has ruled. You will be my light in them. So prepare and ready yourself for what I will do through you.
December 23 – Forgiveness - Acts 7:60
Forgiveness is something talked about much and done so little of. Stephen did this while people were stoning him. Jesus did it while hanging on the cross. We are to forgive no matter what. Unforgiveness hinders prayer, the blessing of God and abundant life in the Spirit. Today if you have not forgiven someone, do it so that God can bless you and use you.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Great Men
December 22 –Great men - Acts 6:8
Every once in a while a great man of God comes on the scene to do a great work for the Lord. Today, there are such men as Billy Graham, Pat Roberson, David Mainse, John Hagee and Benny Hinn. All these men have something in common with Stephen. In fact any man of God to be successful for God has to have these qualities.
These men have to full of wisdom and the Spirit. They have to be full of grace and faith. They have to have grace and power which all come from life in the Spirit. A person has to be open to the Spirit and His direction. With these a person will be successful.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Come out
December 21 – Come out - 2 Cor 6:17
Paul cries out over the centuries. Come out from them and be separate. This however has nothing to do with communal living. There once was a group of Christians that read this verse and so they had nothing to do with the world. They never once went out to win a soul. They became as Dr. Gordon Franklin put it, “A happy holy huddle.”
God doesn’t want us to drop out of the world. He wants us to live in the world but not be part of it. Luke 6 says that we are to occupy until He comes. We can live in this world and not be stained by it. That comes by walking and living in the Spirit.
It is Paul’s desire that we not let the world be an active part of our Christian life. Romans 12:2, says that we are not to conform to the world but to transform it. Separation doesn’t mean isolation. It means being part of the world’s affairs and people’s of the world’s lives but not allowing them to rule or influence you. You rule and transform them through Christ.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Friday, December 18, 2020
Living Letters
December 18 – Living letters - 2 Cor 3:3
Paul is commending the people at Corinth but also giving them a great truth about themselves and their relationship to God and mankind. We are living letters or epistles. One great preacher stated that we are many people’s bibles. When people look at us do they see Jesus?
In the past man had the law of God written on stone tablets. It was more service than it was a living reality. Some people prefer just the tradition of service than relationship. Yet God does not want that kind of relationship with us. . The Holy Spirit has come to write the laws of God on our hearts. With the law of God written on the heart the believer is called to be an ambassador or a living epistle or love letter for Jesus Christ. One man stated that Christianity is better caught than taught. You can say more with your life than a thousand times speaking. It is the law of God written on your heart or are you just playing church? Today male a concentrated effort to know your God better and His word
Thursday, December 17, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Turkmenistan
To the Church and Nation of Turkmenistan
You called yourself the nation of intensifiers. You are proud, vain repressive and cruel. This has been your heritage and history. Even when you began and were part of the silk road. You wanted people to fear you. This you felt was the way to get respect. Your pride has been and will continue you be your downfall. Even today you are cruel, oppressive and trust no one. You try to destroy all freedom for fear that your power, authority, and riches will decrease. Your elite prospers while the rest suffer in poverty and oppression. You have down to the wind and will reap a whirlwind of justice and judgment.
To my church, I know that you are small but do not despise small, beginning. They are many in your land that hungry to peace, freedom and, healing. They have been damaged by the cruelty of their leaders. They want peace and liberty. I will give them as they reach out to me. I will speak to those who have ears to hear. Your assignment is to break down and destroy the forces of darkness. They are actually weaker than you think. I am sending my angelic armies to assist you. I have heard the cries, of prayer from my secret intercessors. Those who closeted themselves away too fast, prayer, and seek my face. I will not let your nation fall into complete darkness. I will visit many with signs, wonders and, miracles. I will show myself to them through visions, dreams and, prophecies. Even now the window of light is open. It is of short duration because I am coming back soon. Seize this moment and work for me, I am also sending help from other nations. Even now I am putting your nation on the heart of my people. They will come and help you, encourage you and strengthen you. It is your moment. So be strong and courageous for I am with you
God tests
December 17 – God tests - 2 Cor 2:9-11
The bible is full of stories of men that have stood the tests of God. It also however records their failures. Paul wants the believers in Corinth to be able to stand the tests that will come their way. He also wishes that in everything they are obedient.
The word of God states that more than anything else God wishes us to be obedient. When Samuel was talking to Saul after the incident where Saul had violated the God’s command, he told him that God wanted obedience rather than sacrifice. God wants people to obey Him no matter what. Sometimes it will cost much to follow the direction of the Lord yet whatever sacrifice we may seem to go through the rewards for service are much greater.
Paul was to show by personal example what obedience would cost. His act of obedience was to go to Rome and face the threat of death to witness to Caesar about Jesus Christ. This act would later lead to his death. Today make the commitment with God that you will try in everything to be obedient.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Turkey
To the Church and Nation of Turkey
I have a word of warning and encouragement for this land. At one time you were the cradle of Christianity. I wrote to the seven churches which were in you. In time you fulfilled what was revealed in the Book of Revelation. You forgot your first love and then you became lukewarm and then finally cold and dead. This lead to you becoming apostate and then you left me. So I let you go and you fell into darkness, bondage, and death. Today you are trying to revive the glories of the past without me. You are reaching throughout the area by the military, economic and religious means. You will fail. You are two-faced and a liar. With one hand you court the nations of the world and pretend to be a benevolent nation. On the other hand, you attack and kill other nations. You are cruel, selfish and vain. For this, I will judge you and destroy you. My encouragement is for those who in this land who still have some decency. I will reach out to you with one last effort. I will find those who want, peace, truth, restoration, and forgiveness. There is a spark of goodness left in your soul so I will appeal to those who have that within their heart and bring them back to me. To the rest, I will bring you down when you attack my people and nation. You will fall in the battle in the future. You will be judged and you will be punished for what you have done.
To my church, I know that you have wept over your nation. I will one more time to visit you. There is still a short period of time before I come. Today I will heal, restore and release the captive. Satan is vying for the soul and conscience of your nation but there are those who wish truth, love, joy, and peace. I will bring them to you. You will not have to go looking for them. My Spirit is drawing them right now. Their hearts are being softened even as you read this. The time of harvest is upon your land. Go forth in love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. You will be the bearers of my peace. I will use you to bring peace that the world cannot give or take away. Work while there is yet day for the time of darkness is fast approaching. On that day I will judge this nation for its sins. I have two promises for you today. I will give you favor with many who you did not think I could touch. Even now I am working in places where previous to this time darkness was strong. I am piercing the darkness with my light and truth. Next, be wise and discerning. There are those who will come in to disrupt and divide. They see what I am doing and will want to exploit for their own gain. Expose them and do not let them ruin what I am doing. I will show my glory, power, and presence in your midst and this will be a catalyst for healing, victory, and peace.
God comforts
December 16 God comforts - 2 Cor 1:3-7
God is the one that comforts in times of distress. God comforts us and we in turn comfort others. There once was a man in our church that was going through a very difficult time. Through no fault of his own he lost his business and almost his house. Yet God was there during this time. Many times the only thing that kept him was his faith in Christ and the prayers of the local church. He made it through and is now a comfort to others.
It has never been God’s plan that we sit and vegetate. God wants our faith to be active. He wants us to produce and reproduce. We have so much to offer someone when we have gone through a similar situation they are going through. We can tell them of God’s comfort and control. The solution to their problem may not be the same as ours but we can help to direct them to the one who can bring the solution, that being God. Be of comfort and good cheer to someone today.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Tunisia
To the Church and Nation of Tunisia
You have a long history. You have been visited and settled by many ancient people. You followed the ancient deities of Baal and Astorath, of the Persians, Greeks and then Romans. You came to me and I established my church and you became a great healing and missionary center in your part of the world. Over time you lost your love, zeal, and truth for me. In time you became cold, indifferent and lukewarm. Many of you had to escape when the enemies of the faith came and took the land. You were not able to stop them because you had lost your power, anointing, and authority. This is a warning to all churches. You will be overcome if you become lukewarm and cold. In recent times you have become a land where terrorists and murderers can dwell. This is to your shame. Oh, how you have fallen. In the last days, you will fight against my people and I will judge you and destroy you.
To my church, work while there is day. I have given you freedom for a short time period. Call unto me and I will answer. There is right now a window of opportunity for you to touch the people of your land. I am bringing light to those who are in the dark. I am revealing myself through, visions, dreams, and media. There is a hunger in the land right now for truth, peace, love, and forgiveness. They have seen the harshness and hate of religion. They now want love, truth, peace, and joy. You will bring that through how you live. Create friendships and be loving. I have three promises for you today. First, I will send you missionaries and leaders who will strengthen you. They will train, equip and encourage you. Next, I will give you joy. Your life will reflect my joy which is your strength and your hope. Lastly, I will give you a good foundation of love. This love will increase your faith as you read and apply my word. This love will also be the basis of your hope. I have great plans for you. To give you hope and future.
Gloriuos Day
December 15 = Glorious day - 1 Cor 15:53-57
What a glorious day that is going to be when Christ comes to take us home. That day will afford many blessings.
1. We will be with Him forever. No more expectation the day will have arrived.
2. This old mortal and corruptible body will put on immortality and incorrupt ion.
3. Death will be swallowed up in victory and the grave will no longer threaten us.
4. All sickness, pain and death will be put away from the Christian forever.
5. This event will signal the onslaught of the tribulation period. During which we who believe will be
Judged, presented and then partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Monday, December 14, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Trinidad and Tobago
To the Church and Nation of Trinidad and Tobago
You have had a long and varied history. For many generations, you follow traditional beliefs you practice Aminism, obeah, which includes communication with ancestors and spirits and healing rituals. This puts you into darkness, bondage, witchcraft and demon worship. This has also been the cause of the many problems that you have faced over the generations. It made you slaves to empires and caused death, destruction, sickness disease and fear. When I sent you my message many of you resisted it and even killed my missionaries. However, over time their prayers, fasting and intercession broke down satan strongholds, your resistance to me and now you are thriving and strong. The secret of true prosperity is found in me. All true health and abundance start from the inside out.
I have a warning and encouragement to give you today. There are some of you who are still incorporating in your services and person devotions traditional beliefs. This mixing of the two will never help you. They will keep you in bondage you were never meant to be in. Light and darkness cannot exist together. A tree does not produce good and bad fruit. Syncretism produces only bad fruit. My encouragement is for you to focus on me. I am going to use you to help heal the land of Venezuela. It is falling apart. I will use you to bring revival, healing and hope to a discouraged people. You are the land of the trinity and the hummingbird. You will fly to your neighbor and bring them the message of hope, love, healing, and truth. I will show through you what true love and forgiveness is. There is not much time so go forth and bring healing, restoration in my name.
December 14 – Resurrection - 1 Cor 15:1-11
The most important truth of Christianity is the resurrection. Without the resurrection there is no forgiveness of sins. Christ would be still in the grave. What He said about His rising from the dead would be a lie. Yet, praise God, Jesus did rise from the dead. Paul brings out some important facts about the post resurrection appearances of Christ. Jesus first appeared to Peter. He then appeared to the twelve disciples. He appeared to more than 500 people at the same time. He appear to James and finally to Paul.
Some people have tried to disclaim and disprove that Jesus rose from the dead. Yet centuries of witnesses and the power of Christianity to reform society cannot be dampened.
In the eighteenth century they said that God was dead. In the nineteenth they said the church was dead. Yet today we see more Christian than any other time in history. Why has the church grown? It has grown because of the resurrection. Jesus is alive and living despite what the critics say.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Tonga
To the Church and Nation of Tonga
Your greatest resources have always been the people. They have shown their creativity, resolve, and determination. You lived for many generations with myths. legends, idols, demons, and shamans who held you in fear, darkness, and bondage. When I brought you the message of Jesus Christ, you receive it and today many of you serve and love me. You see my majesty and beauty in the things I have created. The sun, moon, sky, and sea speak of me. I know that you have had up and downtimes economically but as you turn to me I have promised to give your health and prosperity. Though you are scattered over many islands I will visit you again with my Spirit. I am going to bring revival through the Pacific once again. I will send you missionaries to have and train you. Be careful of those who say there are of me and are not. Even now there are cults who come in my name but do not bring the pure message of me. They are liars, deceivers, and false teachers. They come in the guise of the young but do not mistake their youth. They are still deceived and will enslave others with their deception. I have four promises for you today. First, I will show compassion to you and your nation. I will heal your poverty and health. Next, I will carry all your burdens. Come to me and I will give you freedom and rest. Thirdly, I am the liberator. I will set you free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed. Darkness will be dispelled from your life and I will cleanse you and restore you. Lastly. I will be gentle. You have been known as the gentle islands. I will be gentle with you and you, in turn, be gentle with others. As you receive so give.
The Lord's Supper
December 11 - The Lord Supper - 1 Cor 11:23-32
This is a portion of scripture that deals with the ordinance of that church that is called communion or the Lord’s Supper. What it represents is what Jesus did on the cross for us. He died for our sins. He rose from the dead to break the power of sin over mankind. Through the act of communion we remember His death. This will be done till He comes. Paul says that we have a new covenant through His blood. Paul states that both Jew and Gentile stand before God equal because of Christ in Ephesians 3. This covenant is greater than the Old covenant. It was wrought through the death of one man and is for all men. Let us remember Christ’s death today. His shed blood and His broken body. In a very special way. I leave that up to you on how you want to do it.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Run the Race
December 10 – Run the race - 1 Cor 9:24-27
Paul gives us some practical lessons in running the race in the Christian life.
1. Only one in a race wins the prize. Run in such a way that will gain you the prize. Run to win but in
God’s race you will win if you follow His training plan. Read the word, pray and live under the
Direction of the Holy Spirit.
2. You must go into strict training. This demands that you discipline yourself to do it God’s way. It
Will take strict discipline on your part to be a Christian.
3. Don’t run aimlessly or as a person beating the air. You are in a race and race to the finish. Your
Enemy is the devil and the price is your soul.
4. Beat down the flesh that leads you to sin. Say no to the world, flesh and the devil. Make the old
Life a slave to the ways of Christ. Let the new nature born in Christ have complete control.
So you won’t lose or be disqualified from this race.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Declaration of 1 Peter 2:24
Lord in 1 Peter 2:24, it tells us that by the stripes of Jesus Christ that we are healed. Thank you today for your healing. Thank you for the victory that we are receiving in this moment. No matter what we face in any area of our lives we are claiming our healing. Today we declare that you are our healer. Victory and breakthrough are ours as we stand upon this promise today. When you hung on the cross and allowed your body to be broken you were thinking of me. Thank you for your sacrifice and love. Thank you for all that you have done. Today this is my promise of victory and freedom. Not only do I declare it for myself but all who need it today. I am standing in the gap today for others who need your touch today. No affliction, disease or virus will overcome us today. No weapon formed against us will prosper. You are Jehovah my healer and theirs. Thank you for this and I claim this promise today in the name of Jesus. Amen
To the Church and Nation of Togo
To the Church and Nation of Togo
You have been called the land of the lagoons and later the slave coast. You have suffered much even to this day because of your past. You reap what you sow. For more than 200 years millions to enslaved, exploited, killed and transported from your shores. In the past and even now many within your borders believe in the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena and supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe. This is satanic in origin and gives demons control of your everyday lives. This gives satan a place in your society and your everyday life. This creates fear, bondage, and oppression. Your history is being repeated in your everyday life. You have been exploited by vain and cruel leaders. You have rebelled but have failed and thus more repression, censorship, and loss of freedom. Yet I have not finished with you yet.
I have a warning and an encouragement to my church. Some of you have allowed in your churches animism and traditional beliefs to be incorporated in your services and outlook. Repent of this and remember light has no place with darkness. You must come out and be separate. My encouragement is that I am turning your countries' namesake around. Instead of being the slave coast, it will become the freedom coast. I am going to set the captive free. Those in darkness will come to the light. The sorrow will be replaced by joy. Bondage will become liberty. As in the last days' past I will send missionaries and leaders who will come to you to help restore and revive you. I will visit you with love and grace. You will be my instrument to heal your broken land. I will also give you victory in the spiritual realm. I am sending heavenly forces to help you. They will fight with you in the spiritual realm to bring down and break the stronghold of darkness over your land. I will set the captive free. Today is the day of the Lord. Today is the day of victory, healing, reconciliation, reformation, and restoration.
Fulltime Service
December 9 - Fulltime service - 1 Cor 9:14
This is such a truthful statement made by Paul this morning. A workman in the field of full time service should get paid for the work they do. A person, one time ask me how much a minister should make. I simply replied that they should make as much as the average parishioner does. Some churches have this concept that the Lord will keep the preacher humble and they will keep them poor.
Today it is much better for the minister than it was. Most churches treat their pastors well. Yet there are a few that still think that the preacher should have very little. I knew a church in a western province that could easily afford to pay their pastor a decent living allowance, yet they refused too. The pastor was forced to go out and work. They began to complain that nothing was happening for them spiritually. The answer was quite simple they were too tight with their money. They were robbing God and His representative in that church. When they began to pay the pastor a decent living allowance, he was free to study, visit and do some evangelistic work and the church grew. Today remember to free your minister by giving him not only better support financially, but also in time, ability and resources.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Timor-Leste
To the Church and Nation of Timor-Leste
You have much suffering in your land. Civil war and foreign interference have been your testimony. You ask why has this happened? It is because Satan is afraid of what you can become and are becoming. You have turned to me. Many have joined the traditional church but I have placed among them priests and leaders who want my will. I am making them safe havens for the hungry, thirsty, hurting and sorrowful. I am also raising up in these last days a revival among my charismatic and Pentecostal churches. There are still forces in your land who want war, civil strife and power. They are working for the enemy but they cannot and will stop my great healing in this land.
To my people, I have a great and exciting future ahead of you. I give you a warning first though. Be careful there are those who spy what you are doing with great interest. They will try to stop it through intimidation, fear, and acts of terrorism. You must be wise and discerning. I have three promises for you today. First, I call you friend. You need to know how much I love you. You are special in my sight and I will never leave or forsake you. Next, I will give you joy. Your nation has been a land of sorrow. So I will give you the oil of joy for mourning. This joy will be your strength. Lastly, I will be your burden bearer. Cast all you care on me for I care for you. Come unto me and I will take your burden unto myself. I will heal you and then you will through me heal others.
Christan Freedom
December 8 - Christian Freed om - 1 Cor 8:9
Paul gives a solemn warning about our Christian freedom. 1 Corinthians tells us that as Christians we have great freedom. We have freedom from sin, sickness and death. We are free to serve Him any way we want as long as it lines up with the God’s word. We have the free choice of directing our lives under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Much of what we do is according to our conscience and what is revealed to our conscience through the Holy Spirit. To one Christian doing one thing is wrong but to another that thing may be perfectly all right to do.
Coming out of the Holiness Movement our fellowship has a real problem with the subject of drinking. The main reason we do not drink is that it has so many evil social issues that come with. We do not want to be a stumbling block to another. We are our brother’s keeper. Our lifestyle does have a bearing on our testimony. If we are doing something that really causes another person in the faith to waver, for the sake of the other person we better not do it. Everyone is accountable for their own actions but whether we realize it or not we do affect others. Remember that as you live for the Lord today. Don’t live under condemnation with this truth but use it as a guideline to success. Lord Bless.
Monday, December 7, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Thailand
To the Church and Nation of Thailand
You have been called the nation of free people. You say that the elephant is your national symbol. You claim to be free but you are in bondage. There is much sadness and hurt in your nation. You are a nation of idols, demonic powers, a haven to eastern religions and perversion. I see what occurs in your temples and your streets. You have reaped the consequences of your choices by different natural disasters, civil war, dictatorship, censorship and loss of personal freedom. You have drugs, crime, violence, and perversion happening in your cities and communities. Your social fabric will tear if you keep going the way you are. Yet there is an opportunity to repent before I come again to judge all nations and mankind.
To my church, you have been working hard. Your efforts of prayer, fasting, and intercession will reap results. I am sending you help from the nations around you. Your compassion for the hurt, the disenfranchised, the widow and orphan will touch many in the nation. You will gain favor as you go into the streets and minister to the hurting. You are to be my hand of love, acceptance and forgiveness in your land. It is through acts of love that you will break the stronghold eastern religion has on this nation. I will also give you an end-time revival. There are many hurting in your nation. This move will be great among young people. Young women will come because of the many sorrows they have suffered. In gratitude, they will become my greatest asset. In their appreciation for the freedom, they have been given they, in turn, will go and offer this freedom to others. I am raising up new and exciting people who will be strong, know their God and do exploits. They will overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.
Sinful nature
December 7 – Sinful nature - Gal 5:16-18
In a recent magazine the author of the article said that the problem with man was not society but sin. Paul says that we can have victory over the sinful nature. Paul says to live in the Spirit and when you do that you can overcome the old nature.
What the sinful nature does is contrary to what the Sprit of God wants you to do. They are in constant warfare for control of the will. Paul says that we if we say no to sin, we can live in victory. If we live in the Spirit then we are not under the law of sin and death. James says that if we submit to God, then when the devil comes to tempt us we can say no and resist him and he will have to flee. The choice is ours. Listen to the Spirit and He will lead you to victory.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Tanzania
To the Church and Nation of Tanzania
I have watched your country with great interest. I know what you can become and I counsel you to move towards it. In the past, you gave yourself to idols, demonic forces with Shaman's causing great fear. With the introduction of other religions and other countries in your affairs, you became a place of slavery and darkness. Thousands of people were exploited, transported and killed. This brought shame, consequences, and bondage. You are a divided nation with groups vying for power and prestige. You have over a hundred languages spoken within your borders and are a young country. You have had a moment to rewrite your history and continue to a blessing to the nations around you.
To my church, I am going to continue to pour out my Spirit upon your land. Since Pentecostals and evangelical churches are present because of missionary activity. All of them have had some influence in varying degrees from the Walokole movement (East African Revival), which has also been fertile ground for the spread of charismatic and Pentecostal groups. I will pour out my Spirit in a greater measure in these last days. I warn you, however, to be careful and wise. There are people who view what I and you have been doing. They want to exploit it for their own glory. They are false teachers and pastors. They will try to make disciples of their own in their own image. Be careful and mark them. Expose them because if you don't they will hurt the revival. I have three promises for you today. I will give you many souls. There is a great harvest yet to be reaped. Many will be young so they will need mentorship and role models. Next, I will use you to find the lost sheep. There are many who are hurting and you will find them and will heal and restore them. Lastly, As you were a nation of slavery you will become a nation of freedom. Through you, many will be freed, heal and restore. This is your moment. Seize it for my glory.
Never Burdened
December 6 – Never burdened - Gal 5:1
Paul cries out to us to today that we should never again be burdened or allow ourselves to be yoked again to some form of slavery. Christ has come to set us free. You could be yoke to cigarettes, gossip, booze, sex or even another person. Paul says throw off the shackles that bind you. Christ has come to set us free. There is freedom in Christ. We can be set free from any vice or problem if we abide in Christ.
The world has all kinds of philosophies and self help programs to try to break the yokes of bondage. None of these will ever truly work. Christ is the only one who can truly set a person free. Christ came to give man a new nature so that his old nature could be overcome. Remember that it is the old sin nature that causes us to stumble and fall. Life through the new nature and the Spirit can give you the freedom that you are searching for. Let Christ and the Spirit do the work in you today.
You also have a part to play in this. Your will, can keep you free. You can say no to the old nature with it’s bondage. You can say Yes, to Christ and the new nature and truly be free. The choice is yours.
Who is Jesus
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will
give you[a] a sign: The virgin[b] will conceive and give birth to a son, and[c]
will call him Immanuel.[d]
There are four things wish to share from this
scripture today. The first, is the Lord
will give a sign. Why did the Lord do
this? We all need a supernatural
experience. All here who have given your
life came through a supernatural encounter.
You heard the word of God, by some means. Tt entered your mind, your ponder it and then
accepted it. You chose by an act of will
in your heart , to put your eternal and natural life in the hands of God. Behind the scenes the Holy Spirit was
working. The Lord did this because you
could not save yourself. Mankind has
been trying to recover paradise loss through on effort since the
beginning. Cain tried and failed. Religions around the world are all about
behavioral truth. You follow a mantra,
code, set of rules, person’s teaching y and you will have heaven or heaven on
earth. God saw that and knew we needed a
savior. That is why in Gen 3:15 right
after the fall God told us the seed of the woman will crush the head of the
serpent. Man lost it but God would
restore it through Jesus Christ. The
Lord Himself we initiate and provide salvation. It would be through grace. Christ riches at God’s expense. We would through unmerited favor to live an
abundant and eternal life. Through the
Old Testament there are 300 prophecies and promises about Jesus Christ. Isaiah says it will be the Lord who will give
a sign.
There are three four reasons by a Virgin was the
chosen reason for Jesus to be born.
To Fulfil prophecy. Gen 3:15, the seed of the women. A woman does not have seed but an egg. This said that the one born of the woman
would have a supernatural origin. Our
scripture today points this out. Also
Isaiah 9:6-7, For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the
government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6). The virgin birth fulfills the prophecy of
Isaiah in order to establish the uniqueness and particular duties of this
coming child. He will bring peace and establish an unending kingdom. It is not
only a prophecy about the future. Rather, it is a prophecy that cements the
identity of Immanuel.
To establish is divine origin and identity. God with us.
It shows that God will dwell among His people. Isaiah 11:10 records, “In that day the root
of Jesse, who shall stand as a signal for the peoples—of him shall the nations
inquire, and his resting place shall be glorious.” The virgin-born Immanuel will do something
that requires the miraculous power of God. And this power finds a root in the
Holy Spirit: “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of
knowledge and the fear of the Lord” (Isa 11:2).
In Luke’s account, Gabriel tells Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon
you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to
be born will be called holy—the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). An angel tells the shepherds that the baby is
“Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). The word “Lord” echoes the Old Testament’s
primary title for God, “LORD.” What Luke intimates through the whole story of
Jesus’s life, death, and especially his resurrection, John says quite plainly:
“The Word was God” (John 1:1). The
virgin birth establishes Jesus’ divine origin through the Holy Spirit’s act in
Mary’s womb. In some mysterious and glorious way, the Spirit unites humanity to
the divine Word of God. Jesus is and always was the union of God and man:
Immanuel, God with us.
To confirm Jesus’ sinless humanity. Given Jesus’ divine origin that the virgin
birth underscores, we can now understand why Jesus could be like us in every
way “yet without sin” (Heb 4:15). While the human flesh may be weak, the power
of the incorruptible God is not. Christ as one person with two natures could
withstand relentless temptation (without ever caving to temptation to relieve
the suffering of temptation) because of his divine nature. why God came to visit us. He came to redeem
us from our sins, to overcome death, and to defeat the devil. Yet the question
here concerns why God chose the virgin birth of Jesus. In answer, he did so to
fulfill prophecy, to establish Jesus’ divine origin, and to confirm Christ’s
sinless humanity.
Sin was a manmade problem and an eternal
problem. Only an eternal man could solve
it. So Jesus the God man did this.
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a
son. In my previous point I gave you the
reasons why virgin born. God became like
us through Jesus Christ. He was 100% and
100% God, the perfect union of the divine and natural. His broken body and shed blood, his death,
burial and resurrection would accomplish it.
Mary was the vessel. I love the
phrase, Mary did you know you are kissing the face of God. Christmas is the story of this incredible
scene. God visited us in our frailty
and weakness in order to save us from our sins. Had God not become what we are,
then we would remain what we were—dead in sin, children of wrath. Instead, we
have become by adoption (children of God) what Christ is by nature (the Son of
God). By following his Spiritual birth, we too are all born of the Spirit. And
we follow the firstborn of the new creation into heaven where we will have joy
He is called Immanuel. Luke makes it clear that Jesus is God with
us. God dwells among us. Jesus lived among us. He got hungry, tired, had all the
difficulties of mankind yet without sin.
He relied on the power of the Holy Spirit and only wanted to do the will
of the Father. What proved His claims
was the resurrection. He rose from the
dead. Christmas is the beginning but
Easter is the end, yet also the new beginning.
This message I have spoken has changed the lives of billions of people
over the centuries. As we begin our Christmas
celebrations. Remember Jesus is the
reason for the season. Talk about my
first Christmas being saved.
Friday, December 4, 2020
To the Church and Nation of Tajikistan
To the Church and Nation of Tajikistan
You are known as the land of the Tajiks. You were part of the great Persian Empire and Alexander the Great. You have been important as a crossroads for the silk road of ancient times. You have been ruled over for generations by different empires because of your location. You are the Jewel of the Mountains. You were once part of the Russian empire and have been subjected to tyranny, religious oppression, war, and disease. Now you are oppressing anyone who does not agree with you. In the last days, you will join with the bear in trying to destroy my people and for that, you will be judged. There is still an opportunity to receive my blessing by turning from your sin to me but do not take to long because time is running out.
To my church, I know that you are small in number but you are strong in faith and wisdom. You know that everyone has to register with the government to operate and this brings you under control. You have chosen to meet in homes and out of the way places. You are strong in prayer, evangelism and know the times in which you live. You know that you must work one soul at a time. Your strategy should be this. Pray for an individual until you have the assurance of their salvation. Then visit them and minister my love to them. They will respond and you will have the opportunity to disciple them. I will lay upon your heart those who have been prepared. I will also tell you when the time is right. As each one does this your numbers will increase. I am also pouring out my Spirit with signs, wonders, and miracles. I will visit people through visions and dreams and they will come to you for interpretation. I will add to the church those who will be saved. Stay, focused, determined and resourceful. Your creativity and wisdom will help you during these next moments. Remember I am coming back soon so work while there is still day.