Monday, June 3, 2024



Insightful Thoughts of Robert Dean Steel

Proverbs of Steel


1.  As the caterpillar struggles to free `itself from the cocoon to become a butterfly.  Prayer through struggle frees the soul, mind and spirit to the beauty of divine presence and love. **

2.   Love like rope becomes stronger when more strands are added it. **

3.  Learn from the ant.  Hard work and diligence keep a person in the winters of life.  **

4.  There will always be famine after a time of prosperity.  It is here you learn to trust God and yourself.  * *

5.  The Bible teaches that a merry heart does God like a medicine so laugh yourself back to health.  * *

6.  True fruitfulness in life happens when you stay connected to God.  **

7.  It takes more faith to believe in evolution than God.  **

8.  Where there is forgiveness, friendship flourishes. **

9.  To stop an argument you have to stop talking. **

10.. Wisdom flourishes when men seek after God.  It dies when they seek after themselves. **

11.  Hope is putting faith to work when doubting is easier. **

12.  Hope is confidence in God`s ability and not man`s inability. * *

13.  Patience is the hardest fruit of the Spirit to exhibit in a time of waiting. * *

14.  The Bible teaches that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  The problem is most Christian have become vegetarians. **

15.  Jesus stated, "Ì am the way in John 14:6,"  The problem today is most are not asking for directions. **

16.  A lie is like a tree without roots at the first wind of accountability it will fall.`**

17.  Avoid quarreling with a fool, he will use your words against you. **

18.  Only a fool thinks the good times will never end. **

19.  A wise man stores up his resources in the times of plenty because he knows there will always be times of famine. **

20.  When the man thinks he possesses everything that is the time he possesses nothing.**

21.  In the desert times of life one sees things clearly. **

22.  Only when you sow, do you reap.  **

23.  Technology was supposed to free us but it has only enslaved us more.  **

24.  True friendship is found in the crucible of affliction.  **

25.  A true friend does not care about the size of your wallet.  **

26.  Vision is seeing something that no one else sees. **

27.  Someone who settles for the ordinary does not have the imagination of God. * *

28.  The wise and learned man knows in any matter, more information is coming.  **

29.  Never make a hasty decision it only leads to ruin.  **

30.  The folly of a gambler is thinking they can get much for little.  **

31.  Beware of the person who refuses to make themselves, accountable.  **

32.  Take the things of God seriously but not yourself.  **

33.  Attitude is everything in the things of God.  **

34.  The wise man knows that listening is the key to knowledge and understanding.  **

35.  The bible says that Wisdom is calling in the streets the problem is everyone is listening to their IPOD's  *

36.  The problem with a fool is that they are seeking answers to the wrong questions.  **

37.  Love is only as strong and powerful as the heart who, possesses it and is willing to give it away.  * *

38.  When one is given everything, the art of appreciation and thankfulness disappears.  **

39.  Pilate's failure was not asking about what was truth but failing to see he was standing in the presence of it.  **

40.  The wise man runs to God, the fool runs away from Him. **

41.  A day in quiet reflection is more profitable than a month of furious activity.  **

42.  It has been said that we should take time and smell the flowers, the problem is too many today have serious cases of Hay Fever.  **

43.  Knowledge and education is the key to man's success, wisdom and fear of the Lord is God's key to success.  **

44.  The key to a dream coming to pass is the refusal to let circumstances dictate the direction of that dream.  **

45.  The person who succeeds in their dreams is the person who has the imagination of

God.  **

46.  Never let another tell, you how you should believe or serve the Lord.  This is strictly a work of the Holy Spirit.  **

47.  Real change happens when we have the courage and discipline to make it.  **

48.  The priceless love of God was shown in the value of the gift of His son.  * *

50.  Resources well spent are those given in the aid of others.    **

51.  The wise man knows that confrontation without a solution is folly.  **

52.  The fool will argue long after the quarrel has ended.  **

53.  The marriage partner who wants to prove their point will end up sleeping alone. **

54.  Funny thing about mud when it is on our children it is a nuisance, when it is on us it is a beauty treatment.  **

55.  Onions are a curious vegetable.  It can make you cry or season your life.  **

56.  Onions raw in life can make you cry.  When heated up or cooked it makes everything taste better.  **

57.  Agitation of a good friend is like holding a snake by its tongue.  It will sting for a long time.  **

58.  Honor is given to those who earn it.  **

59.  Trusting in riches is like trying to catch the wind.   **

60.  Storing treasures in heaven means no bank fees.   **

61.  Government is a curious thing on one hand we give them permission to tax us and on the other hand we complain about it.   **

62.  Alcohol and driving is like playing with electric eels in a swimming pool.  **

63.  The fool is surprised when there are consequences to their actions.  **

64.  The best thing you can do for a friend is to believe in them when everyone else does not. **

65.  Each day is to be embraced and enjoyed because it could be our last day on this planet.  **

66.  When a person has friends they have everything they need.  **

67.  True friendship is always shown in actions not words.  **

68.  Love is an incredible gift that has to be shared with others to have its full impact.  **

69.  Words well spoken bring healing and encouragement.  **

70.  Before you speak it is best to measure your words because once spoken they can be retracted.  **

71.  You are known by the company you keep so make sure you know what you want to say to those around you about yourself.  **

72.  Fruitfulness is always an outgrowth of getting the soil of one’s life in order.  **

73.  Speaking before you have thought things through is like being a guest on Jerry Springer.  Not very wise.  **

74.  There is no joy in birth or in death except to enjoy what goes on in between.   **

75.  To really live you must stop being a spectator to it.  **

76.  I know it is going to be a good day when all the wheels on my shopping cart actually move the same way. **

77.  Laughter is a great way to relieve stress, so start laughing and before you know it all your stress will be gone.  **

78.  It takes a real art to be able to apologize in such a manner that makes the offended party feel guilty.  **

79.  Live you life so well everyday that at the end of it you will have no regrets.  **

80.  Learn to be content in all circumstances because in most cases because there is nothing you can do about them anyways.  **

81.  When you are willing to admit that you are wrong you have already made half the trip toward forgiveness.  *  *

82.  Speak when you are angry and you will deliver the best speech you will ever regret.  **

83.  Shouting at your children to make them obey is like trying to steer your car with the horn, they both have the same results.  *  *

84.  Live your life so well that everyone knows what you believe.  **

85.  Never use your personal freedom as an excuse for bad behavior.  **

86.  The secret of a long term abundant life is remembering that the journey is just as important as the goal.  **

86.  Animals are curious creatures.  You have terriers acting like St. Bernards and St. Bernards acting like terriers.  **

87. Never be swayed by the convictions and opinions of others but by the convictions and opinions of your own heart.  **

88.  One of the mysteries of life is why women who are intelligent, successful and sophisticated marry such dummies.  **

89.  Forgiveness is an incredible gift you can give to yourself and others.  **

90.  Wisdom is knowing when to stop before you start.  **

91.  A miser is never any fun to live with but he makes a great ancestor.  **

92.  The difference between inlaws and outlaws is that the outlaws do not promise to pay you back.  **

93.  True beauty is not measured by clothing, style and outward appearance but by the condition of that which is in the heart.  **

94.  A fool in his folly is like a chattering squirrel in the gun sight of a hunter.  **

95.  Sin is like gravity, it keeps you grounded when you want to fly.  **

96.  Any fool can appear wise until they open their mouth.  **

97.  The wise know that education and knowledge is no substitute for character and discretion.   **

98.  Truth is only as strong and powerful as those that carry it out.  **

99.  Truth like faith begins in the heart of those who receive it.   **

100.  Truth in the heart to a fool is as scarce as water in the desert.  **

101.  The old Hymn said, "truth is marching on," the problem is that too many are marching in the wrong band.  **

102.  The problem with so many today is that they want to come out of the closet instead of cleaning it.   **

103.  Relying on the word of a liar is like giving a thief the keys to your home.  **

104.  Solomon said that foolishness is found in the heart of a child, he just forgot to mention that it lives in their parents as well.     *

104.  Trusting in a fool is like shaving with duct tape.  Both will be painful.   **

105.  You do not know real pain until you have sliden down a fifty foot razor and landed in a pail of iodine.  **

106.  Your greatest enemy is the one you look at everyday in the mirror.   **

107.  Water is a curious element.  To little and you thirst, to much and you drown.  In gas form, i can drive the biggest engines and float in the wind.  In solid form it can be cool and driven on.  Without it nothing lives.  Water like life has many elements.  It is the wise man who knows to harness its potential and uses.   **

108.  Peace is a reality when two people choose to set aside their differences and work for the common good.   **

109.  Friendship is precious and should never be taken for granted or exploited.   **

110.  True courage is standing up for your convictions when everyone else is abandoning theirs.    **

111.  True knowledge is not measured by what we know but how we apply what we know.    **

112.  The world is more surprised by a person that practices their faith than they are by one who preaches it.     **

113.  Never forget that the same measure and way you judge others is the way others judge you.     **

114.  Life is like a maze, just when you think you have a way out of it, there is another turn.   **

115.  Forbidden fruits creates many jams.    **

116.  The secret of communication is learning when to hear and when to speak,    **

117.  Life is a great teacher unfortunately we will run out of time to learn all the lessons it has to offer.  So learn the ones you can and don't worry about the rest.  *

118.  The truth will set you free but most of the times at first it makes you miserable until you do something about it.  *

119.  It has been said that tribulation works patience but so does line ups at your local government offices.  I wonder if this what the writer had in mind?  *

120.  The first priority of life is loving God and then others.   *

121.  The school of hard knocks is created when we choose to leave the school of wisdom.   ^

122.  Remember when you are facing adversity, your attitude at the beginning helps determine the outcome at the end.    *

123.  Waiting is providential discipline for those that have been given a great task.    *

124.  Courage is not measured in the size of the bicep or chest size.  It is measured on our willingness to stand up for others and do what is right.  *

125.  Worry takes you away from the joy of life.  So stop worrying and enjoy life.  *

126.  Believe for the best in people but never be surprised by the worst.  It comes with the territory.  *

127.  A great attitude will keep you when all the circumstances are against you.   *

128.  The greatest fool in life is the one that refuses to take responsibility for their own actions.  *

129.  Age is a funny thing.  When you are old enough to understand life.  Much of it has already passed you by.   *

130.  It has been said that wisdom is crowned with gray hair.  So why are so many people using hair dye?   *

131.  Words can be your greatest asset or adversary.   *

132.  Choosing to speak with wisdom is like cool water to a thirsty man.   *

133.  The greatest form of humor is when you can laugh at yourself.  *

134.  When I am at peace with the man in the mirror I can have peace with all men.   *

135.  Love is the greatest gift that you can give yourself and others.   *

136.  Comedy and God have one thing in common that makes a person successful.  Timing.   *

137.  Putting love into practice is the greatest action movie we will ever see.   *

138.  Living in the last days helps us to focus on making the maximum impact in the minimum amount of time.   *

140.  Sportmanship is the ability to lose gracefully and not make excuses for yourself.   *

141.  A true winner is one that never gloats over the loss of his opponent.   *

142.     *

143.  The fastest way to destroy a friendship is to live together.    *

144.  Live your life so well that the preacher does not have to lie at your funeral.   *

145.  Prayer three times a day is the best food your soul can have.    *

146.  True power is when you control what is in your heart.   *

147.  You never have to go on a diet when you feast on love.   *

148.  The early riser will always get the freshest coffee at Tim Horton's.   *

149.  It is not how well you live that is important as did you live.   *

150.  Wealth is a funny thing its real worth depends on a person`s perspective.   *

151.  A man is only as strong as the strength of his heart.   *

152.  Never makes a promise unless you plan to keep it.   *

153.  Never offer a friendship until you have learned to be a friend to yourself.   *

154.  True security is not found in what you have in the bank but what you have in your heart.  *

155.  When a person chooses a clean lifestyle it will influence all those around them.   *

156.  To be a person of influence, the first person you must influence is yourself.   *

157.  Good intentions without proper planning end up in failure.   *

158.  Never be hasty in a major decision.  Seek the Lord, gather knowledge, advice and counsel and then listen to your heart.  *

160.  It is amazing that when we are young the first word we learn is no and yet when we get older we so easily say yes, to temptation.   *

161.  God is everywhere but today most people are looking somewhere else.   *

162.  It is the wise man that hear God calling.  Is is the fool that shuts his ears.   *

163.  Age is a matter of mind not body.  You have young people that are old in their outlook and Seniors who are young in their heart.   *

164.  Here is a paradox of life.  You have a rich man acting poor and a poor man acting rich.   *

165.  There is one place that we can all act like children.  In our relationship with God.  *

166.  Fitness to the body does have some value.  But being fit in your soul is priceless.  *

167.  Guard every friendship as a precious treasure or you will find yourself much poorer.  *

168.  Value your wife, she is the strongest link in the family chain.   *

169.  Never seek love outside of the Lord and refuse the offers of those who claim to know about love.  God is love and it originates with Him.   *

170.  The Bible is meat for the soul the problem today is many want to eat salad.   *

171.  Tears without true sorrow is a waste of bodily fluids.   *

172.  To mock a friend is like sticking you head in the mouth of a lion.  A dangerous proposition.  *

173.  True repentance and sorrow is followed by action.  *

174.  Helping someone without being asked is like giving a cup on cold water on a hot day.  Most refreshing.  *

175.  A word of encouragement at the right me is like a cool breeze on a hot summer`s day.  *

176.  Noah had good incentive to build the ark.  First they did not have life jackets in his day and secondly treading water for 40 days is never fun.  *

177.  A wise man builds his home and life on the principles of love, acceptance and forgiveness.  *

178.  Cain is an example of a man who tried to get God`s approval through man made methods.  *

179.  There are no short cuts to wisdom.  The path to wisdom is knowledge, understanding, discretion and the fear of the Lord.  It takes time to master these.  *

180.  Avoid the way of the drunkard.  It leads to poverty, loneliness and destruction.   *

181.  A man who loves his wife will have a home where grace and love flourishes.   *

182.  Honor the marriage bed.  It is wider and more comfortable than the sofa.  *

183.  Children are a blessing from the Lord.  In laws are still up for debate.  *

184.  Never be satisfied with a happy meal in life when you can have salmon or steak.  Unless you are a vegetarian.  *

185.   A child who is spoiled is like a dripping tap, annoying and a waster of valuable resources  *

186.  Athiest`s are a funny group.  They spend so much time trying to disprove something they do not believe in.  *

187.  Atheism is like going on a trip where you do not know where you are going and when you will arrive.

188.  The person who does not believe in God has failed to see the evidence of His existence all around them.

189.  A man once told me that if he ever doubted the existence of God all he did was look around and that doubt disappeared.

190.  When a person denies the existence of God they are denying the one who gives them breath.  Gen 2:7, God made man and then breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.

191.  Listen to the nudging within your heart, it is the voice that will save you from a multitude of problems.

192.  Battles are won or lost before we get into them when we walk defeated or believe we will lose.

193.  Actions speak louder than words, so make sure your actions are saying the right things.

194.  Communication is the key to strong friendships and marriages.  So keep your messages clear and simple.

195.  Words have the power to heal or destroy so choose your words well.

196.  Be careful to watch your words that have a habit of returning to haunt you.

196.  Lies will always die in the face of truth.

197.  Never believe a rumor about anyone until you have talk to the person and verfied it or not.

198.  Beauty is wonderful the first time view but not always when the makeup has not been applied.

199.  Those that are wisest in love are those that speak with deeds and not words.

200.  Never waste a moment for God has given you each day to use for His glory.  *

201.  Vision dies when we fail to implement what God shows us in our lives. *

202.  True vision is seeing what God sees and implementing that sight into our lives.  *

203.  Vision is where people see and do the impossible.  *

204.  Love as if this could be your last moment on this earth because it could.  `*

205.  Children measure success not in you give them but in what way you give yourself to them.  *

206.  A person may be a great success in the work world but a dismal failure at home.  *

208.  Never measure your success in what you have but in what you give away.  *

209.  Man measures success in what they see.  God measures success in what people do not see.  *

210.  Your can be successful in all areas of life and still lose in end.  *

211.  Success is never a barometer for character, it is what you do in your private times that is.  *

212.  When the zeal of God is motivating someone.  I have one piece of advice, get out of the way or move with them.  *

213.  When you fear God, there is nothing left to fear.   *

214.  It is amusing to see someone saying they are fighting the good fight of faith and they leave their armor and weapons in the closet.   *

215.  Experience is a wonderful thing unless it blocks faith.  *

216.  When God moves, try to catch up.   *

217.  Faith sees the impossible but obedience makes it happen.  *

218.  Never let discouragement keep you from doing  what faith has made known.  *

219.  Obedience is the decision to that which is right when everything and everyone around says you do not have too.   *

220.  Knowledge is only truly helpful when applied to life and used for the good of others.  *

221.  Some of the greatest minds of the age have proposed some of the most foolish ideas ever thought.   *

222.  Education and knowledge are often wasted on the fool.  Only a fool does not believe in God.  *

223.  Faith without action is like an automobile without a motor.  Looks good but does not go anywhere.  *

224.  The reason most of us do not like the Bible is because it exposes the real condition of our hearts.  *

225.  The Bible is a book reformation but it starts with the individual who becomes God`s instrument to reform society.  *

226.  The Bible can be burned, outlawed from society and spoken against but it cannot be burned from the heart, outlawed from the mind and silenced from the conscience.   *

227.  Wisdom knows that idols are not made only of stone and wood but in the heart and mind.   *

228.  A heart can be as wide as a canyon or as narrow as a crack it just depends on it the love in it.   *

229.  The word says you are beautiful because your hair, skin and clothes.  God says you are beautiful because of your soul, heart and conscience.   *

230.  Always temper your discipline with love or you will raise a child of fear.  *

231.  Being a good father is always who you are than what you give.   *

232.  Training a child to love and serve the Lord begins with you showing the way.  *

233.  Before you can build a house of love, you begin with a foundation of faith.   *

234.  The child of the world cries, "Give me passion, popularity and possessions."  The child of God cries out, "Give me faith, hope and love."  *

235.  At a funeral, the man in the casket rarely resembles the man described in the eulogy.   *

237.  The man who boasts of himself to lift himself up must tear down others to do it.   *

238.  It is harder to distinguish which goes faster, a hummingbird's wings or a boaster speaking of themselves.  *

240.  Sometimes it is harder to decide who is more dangerous a crocodile after its prey or an evil man planning the destruction of another.   *

242.  God will not remove any mountain in your path that you have been call to move.  So get out your shovel and get to work.  *

243.  Never blame God or someone else for the trouble you cause yourself.   *

244.  Treasures, time and talent are of no use when we if we spend it on ourselves.  their only real value is when we spend them on others to help and benefit their lives.  *

245.  Many today call for justice, but justice without being tempered with love and mercy is nothing but revenge and hatred in disguise.  *

246.  No one would ever admit to being a fool but the person who leaves God out of their life, the term fits.  *

247.  Never prejudge another person because often you are the person who looks the most foolish over time.   *

248.  Most of the concerns we bring to others are nothing but our own prejudices and bias wrapped up in false love and friendship.   *

249.  Motives are always suspects because they are filtered through our experiences, background, upbringing and sinful nature.  God knows the real story so before you do anything filter your motives through prayer, the word, the Holy Spirit and mature counsel.  They will help you from false motives.  *

250.  Wisdom knows that any purchase that is too good to be true is a trap for the foolish.   *

251.  Any harlot looks beautiful at a distance but their real ugliness is only truly revealed at close inspection.  *

252.  Young man, never be hasty to marry for beauty.  The real beauty which is in the heart can be only revealed over time.  *

253.  Young man enjoy your muscles and fitness while you are young.  Your washboard stomach over time if you are not diligent turns into a laundry hamper.  *

254.  The church is not a building, pews and a pulpit. It is the people who love, worship and serve the Lord within its confines.  *

255.  If it an offense to God to criticize, attack, slander and malign the church that He loves.   *

256.  The one thing the devil has not learned in 2000 years.  He cannot defeat the church that the Father created, that Jesus heads and the Holy Spirit empowers.

257.  When the Lord builds hedge of protection around His people the only thing that can weakens it is that which comes from within.

258.  The church is the only thing God has left on earth to showcase His love, mercy and grace.  Don’t the trophy inside that case become `tarnished by hate, fear, un-forgiveness and bitterness.

258.  Hatred, revenge and prejudice fill a heart that has forgotten about love, mercy and unity.

259.  There is one reality for the person who does not Christ.  His future is very bleak.

260.  The man who possesses everything and yet does not have Christ has in truth has nothing.

261.  Worship has been said, to be an attitude of the heart express.  Problem is today is that many a Christian seems to struggling with heart failure.

262.  The ostrich is strong, fast, arrogant and proud.  Yet they forget their young, are unable to fly above their circumstances and earthbound.  The eagle is majestic, caring, faithful and tenancious.  They care for their young, fly above all their circumstances and touch the sky.  Which do you want to be?

263.  Never be in a hurry and learn to slow down because usually around the corner is a man with a photo radar machine.

264.  Never take your days for granted each day is a gift to be enjoyed and used for the glory of God.

265.  When you are the temple of God you wll never have a housing crisis.

266.  Many leave their traveling arrangements for trips and vacations to the last minute but the one thing you should leave to the last minute is your travelling arrangements for eternity.

267.  Why is it that when we have so much to choose in life we choose the foolish and inane instead of the fruitful and productive.  Wise men choose life and know why, the foolish man chooses death and have no idea why they did it.

267.  Humour is found in the most childish things.  A baby will laugh when their loved one makes a funny face.  Keep your humor simple and your life.

268.  Fun is when you are having a good time with family and friends without putting someone else down.

269.  Prayer is an interesting thing.  When you are about to give up the answer comes.  Just shows you who is in the way.

270.  Prayer is like a photograph.  Things become real clear as the picture develops.

271.  Asking a fool to bridle their tongue is like trying to stop a flood with a screen door.

272.  True communication is first learning to listen, then learning to think and last learning to talk at the right time.

273.  A fool loves to hear the sound of their own voice when every one else does not.

275.  Saying the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons is like giving a starving child a piece of warm bread or a thirsty woman a cold drink. 

276.  When love and encouragement is shared, it returns in peace and prosperity.

277.  Temptation is often clothed in beauty and sin is draped in success.  The reality is both are ugly and deadly.

278.  Some of the great ugliness in history hides in the guise of beauty.

279.  Jesus said, He was the way, the problem is most have not even started the trip.

280.  Peace comes to the heart who is ready to turn from war and pain and embrace love and forgiveness.

281.  When you fight for what is right that which is wrong will be defeated.

282.  Love will only grow when watered by kindness.

283.  The wise man is aware of the fact that you will always sow what you reap.  The fool believes that facts and rules do not apply to them.

 284,  The violent man sows violence and dies in violence.  The peaceful man sows peace and dies in a peaceful way.

285.  Fear of the Lord builds the foundation.  Love for God frames the house.  Faith in His promises sheet the outside and shingle the roof of the house.  Hope in his provision finish the interior and obedience to His will make the home complete.

286.  Religion (Man reaching out to God), Philosophy (Man trying to figure out truth), Psychology (Man trying to understand himself), and certain forms of theology (Man trying to understand God), will keep a person from finding a God who really is easy to find.

286.  The funny thing about New Age Philosophy and teachings is that it is old age demon worship repackaged.

287.  Man is a funny creature, wise, thoughtful, kind, generous and understanding one moment.  The next, hateful, prejudice, cruel, rude and foolish.  Only creature capable of such mood changes.

288.  The man who trusts in the Lord will always stand in the midst of storms.  The man who trusts in himself will see all he relies on destroyed.

290.  Seek God first brings divine intervention.  Seeking man first leads to natural disaster.

291.  Fame is fleeting as darkness flees the light.  Fortune disappears like a candle in a windstorm.  Pride is overcome as a dry leaf in a forest fire.  But he who trusts in the Lord shall not be overcome, destroyed or be moved.

291.  The fool is the one who thinks liquor will cure their ills.  It only compounds the problem and delays the solution.

292.  Wine and beer causes a world of trouble.  The wise person avoids them and saves their life.

293.  The folly of gambling is to wish for something that rarely happens and if it does you gamble your future away.

294.  Only a fool believes you get something for nothing.  True wisdom is sowing over time to reap a harvest.

295.  Love as if today was your last day and you will  have a deposit of love for the future.

295.  Personality image, talent, and skill is what is seen first.  Character is morality, honesty and conscience can only be seen over time.

296.  Man measures success on talent, image, personality and skill.  God measures success on faithfulness, obedience, character, motives and love.

297.  Man reads books to find success.  God wrote the book to be a success.

298.  To many today talk about who they are in Christ instead of talking about who Christ is in them.

299. Patience is like a youngman waiting for his date.  It takes a while but the finished product is well worth the wait.

300.  Remember beauty is fleeting and even plastic surgery cannot fx an ugly heart.

301.  True beauty is rarely found in the mirror but in the heart.

302.  The folly of today is that we look to the beautiful people to show us what life is like when truthfully they have no idea what they are doing.

303.  Through the example of Solomon we learn that early wisdom does not prevent later folly.

304.  The folly of anger is that it is to often directed outwardly instead of inwardly to deal with the issues of the heart. 

305.  Live so well that even the town gossip would vouch for you.

306.  Alcohol is an interesting substance.  It can heal a hurt when applied externally or it can destroyed when applied internally.  It just depends on the application.

307.  Forgiveness is always free.  Trust must be earned.

308.  Love so well that you will never lack friends.

310.  Forgiving another always releases a soul from bondage.

311.  A generous person will never lack resources or friends.

312.  Seek God first always leads to His blessing second.

313.  Never follow the crowd it rarely know where it is going and to get there.

314.  Men rarely ask the five W`s because they associate the first W with either woman or wife.

315.  Man`s best effort does not even come close to God`s worst mistake if He ever made one.

316.  Success is strickley a matter of perspective.  You may have riches and still be a failure as a person.  You can have nothing and be a success as a person.

317.  God has never hidden himself from man`s view.  Creation declares His glory and power.  Man has chosen to look in the wrong places and ways.

318.  The person who encourages brings life to the bones, the one who criticizes brings deaht to the soul.

319.  Children are the best and worst of their parents which always comes out in a parent teacher interview.

320.  Gossip is tasty to the tongue and ears until it is about you.

321.  The issues of the heart can only be hid for a time before they surface in actions, speech or attitudes.

322.  Wisdom is the rarest and most precious of commodities today and only those who risk all can truly possess it.

323.  The person who chooses their words wisely rarely makes a fool`s mistake.

324.  When you guard your heart, you will rarely have to guard your mouth.

325.  True wisdom is found in things that are not seen, not in things that are seen.

326.  Encouraging others is a mark of someone who has learn the path of love.

327.  Possession of material gain and the pursuit of things is like trying to drain the ocean with a thimble.

328.  You can be aware of time and places and not be aware of where you are in life.

329.  Be aware of the time you live, be aware of of who you serve, be aware of those you are called to minister to.  Are you ready for eternity?

330.  You are ware that we are called not to judge but it is alright to be a fruit inspector.

331.  Today many people think being holy is something you find in cheese.

332.  Love is the one quality we want given to us but we struggle to give to others.

333.  Music is one of the most loved and fought over forms of expression in the church context.

334.  God does not concern Himself about how you worship Him but that you worship Him.

335.  What is amazing is you will defend your music preference with such zeal and yet not your faith.

336.  It has been said that Jesus spoke more about resources than He did about heaven and yet most of His children know nothing about the proper use of them.

337.  A life is like a building with proper maintenance it will be kept sound and strong.

338.  Only a life in tune with the master will play the right song for His glory.

339.  When I thought I could not be HIs hand extended I met a man without arms and legs who taught me that appendages are not needed to be God's hands and feet.

340.  Many people travel through life looking for the perfect place to live and the last place they look is the first place they should.  In their own heart.

341.  Vanity is more than concentrating on looks, fame, prestige and success.  It is an outlook on self.  Everything revolves around it.  The folly of self is that when all the resources and abilities is gone, you have nothing to fall back on.  A wretched place to be.

342.  Normal is what is considered by society as conforming to the usual state of affairs and values around you.  Disciples of Jesus Christ are not called to be ordinary but extra-ordinary,  We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Normal is what the world wants.  Extra-ordinary is what God wants.  What do you want?

343.  Never get into a rut, it is a grave with both ends kicked out.

344.  Believers are people who believe God can do it.  Disciples are people who see God do it.

345.  Believers are people, who mentally ascent that Jesus is Savior and Lord.  Disciples are people that make Jesus Lord and Savior.

346.  Believers are like the devil, but they are different from the devil.  He believes and trembles, they believe and do not.

347.  Believers are people who say they follow God and do not.  Disciples say they will follow God and do.


348.  An activist is someone whose doctrine and practice is vigoriously promoting change through political, social and environmental means.  A disciple is someone whose doctrine and practice to vigoriously promote change through redemptive, theological and truthful change through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.  See the difference.

349.  Activision brings change that changes society but not hearts.  Discipleship changes the heart and then changes society.

350. A change is environment effects only the area is happens.  A change in the heart changes all who come into contact with that world.

351.  Success is measure many time not but what we possess but by what we give away.

352.  Health, love, peace and joy are the essentials of true prosperity.  These are found in the heart of the person who puts God first to prosper.

353.  The future is often determined by how we deal with the past.

354.  Most idols are not made of material one can see but by things we can see which are in the heart. 

355.  Bitterness is one thing that rots from the inside out.

356.  Bitterness in the heart will cause blindness in all areas of life.

357.  It is o.k. to be hurt in life but not to stay hurt.

358.  Hurt in body will soon heal but hurt in the heart could take a life time to heal or may never heal.

359.  True healing happens when the great physician comes and applies His medicine and touch.

360.  It is amazing that God will hit us with a spiritual two by four and we will say He touched us.

361.  Prayer is as powerful as God and since God is all powerful, nothing can stop prayer.

362.  Nothing stands in the way of prayer.  It overcomes any obstacle, situation, force or person.  So stand behind prayer and move into victory.

363.  You have a choice to be a victor or victim.  To be a conqueror or be conquered.  Be an overcomer or be overcomed.

364.  Death stalks all men.  Sin stands at the door of the heart.  Hell waits to permanently hold the soul.  Jesus destroys deat, exposes and changes the heart and robs hell.  So who`s camp do you want to pitch you tent?

365.  Love is the window of the heart.  It gives a new perspective on life.

366.  Jesus stands at the door of the heart and knocks, the problem is most people are listening for a door bell.

367.  Never be in a hurry to judge a person or a situation until you have the whole story.  You could look very foolish.

368.  Forgive quickly, you will need someone to forgive you quickly one day.

369.  Foolish people share their opinion whenever they can, to whoever they can.  The wise person looks for an opportunity, at the right time, for the right reason.

370.  A wise word spoken, at the right time, for the right reason will heal, inspire, encourage and enlighten the soul and spirit.

371.  When the inner man is well cared for, this caring will be shown to those who are part of the outer man's world.

372.  The wisdom of the ages, the conduct of the present and the hope for the future is summed up in one word.  Love.

373.  Love can never be measured, it cannot be analyzed.  You cannot put it on a graph or time its effect.  All you can do is experience its affect and allow it to flow through you to others.

374.  Love is the deepest, most powerful and honest attribute God has given to us.  Let it heal, restore, regenerate you so you can do the same to others.

375.  No other phrase is greater you can say to God and to others is, "Use me God."

376.  The challenge we face everyday is to forget our past, don't worry about today and realize we have a future.

377.  For many to much time is wasted on worrying about the present and forgetting God knows and will handle the future.

378,  The paradox of life for most is that we know God has has everything under control but we keep trying to help Him.

379.  True wisdom is knowing God take care of things and not trying to help Him.

380.  The word dilemma means you are face with two outcomes both unpleasant.  God has fortunately states that when you are in a dilemma He will make a way where there is no way.

381.  Life with God has often been described as a roller coaster.  So strap yourself in, hold on and enjoy every second of the ride.

382.  The love of God will take you where you never thought you would go.  Help you to do things you never thought you would and touch people you never thought you could.

383.  To realize that you have a weakness is the first step to real strength.

384.  Prayer is the most useful tool we have in our spiritual tool belt to fix any problem area of life.

385.  No spiritual tool belt is complete without prayer, the word, the power of the Holy Spirit, evangelism and fellowship.

386.  Only a fool does not see that creation is God's silent witness.

387.  Mountains have several applications.  To be viewed with beauty.  To hide what is on the other side.  Something to be climbed and conquered.  An obstacle in the way or something to go around.  It just depends on what you want to do with it.

388.  Vision is being able to see the impossible before you realize it is possible with God.

389.  Praise is thanking God for what He has done.  So thank and praise Him with all your heart.  Remember if you do not the rocks will cry out and who wants to be out praised by a stone.

390.  Worship is an attitude of the heart express.  As you express your heart, your worship and love God will use to bring health, wholeness and strength.

391.  Seeking God is not just to get all the things to be added to you but to get the kingdom and the righteousness it offers.

392.  It has been said there is a time for everything under heaven.  So the problem is not time but its use.  So use your time well.

393.  Do the things that matter most to God and others, not yourself and the devil.

394.  The fruitfulness of your love will not be measure by what you did for yourself but what you have done for others.

395.  Foolish people try to escape the problems of life.  The wise ones face them and grow from them.

396.  You will never out run your problems.  They have faster legs than you and have better endurance.

397.  The wise person who loves well, lives well.  The foolish person loves poorly and lives poorly.

398.  The past, present and future have one common thread.  They determine the passage of life.

399.  No one has power over you that you have not given them.

400.  True honor does not come from what we do, but who we are.

401. What we do tells the story of who we are.

402.  God created man for fellowship and a social relationship with God.  A person will be unfulfilled until they find God.  Who into hard to find.

403.  The will of God will never be obeyed by a person who has the will of man in their heart.

404.  When someone claims to be broad minded it usually means they are open to whatever evil has presented itself as good.

405.  A society that embraces evil as good and good as evil is on the brink of disaster.

406.  Never put up surety or co sign a loan unless you do not mind loosing the money.

407.  Never leave your time with God for the last minute.  Your moral life will reflect this.

408.  Peace is what God gives you in your heart when you show love for Him, yourself and others.

409.  Live you life so well that at the end of it, even you enemies will miss you.

410.  Morals are not pictures on walls and trust in not something you find in the bank.

411.  Successful people measure their success in that they do not see instead of what they do see.

412.  Submission to the will of God will destroy the will of man in the heart.

413.  Children want their parents to love them as unconditionally as they love their parents.

414,  There are three things to remember about time.  It waits for no one, it goes to quickly and only God can help you redeem it.

415.  Never let your present circumstances interfere in your future plans.

416.  When the Lord governs the a nation the people prosper.  When man governs a nation people perish.

417.  Righteous is the cornerstone and foundation for a nation to be strong.  Unrighteousness is its undoing and the nation will crumble under the storms of change.

418.  When change is needed embrace it.  Foolishness is to think that change is bad for you.

419.  Problems are the elements that force us change our wrong approaches and ideas to life.

420.  Trouble is only that, when we lose hope and choose to be defeated.

421.  The sovereignty of God only comes into conflict with man`s free will when we choose to go our own way.

422.  Materialism is a trap for the foolish, a snare for miser, a jail for the fearful and something to be avoided by the wise.

423.  When God governs a nation the people's values prosper.  When man governs a nation the people's values perish.

424.  No nation will truly prosper until they include God in their constitution and foundation philosophy.

425.  A pearl of great price is a saying that expresses our heart and what God is saying to it at the time.

426.  Trials are either opportunities for change or obstacles to growth.  You must embrace them to really reach your potential in Christ.

427.  God lives in the future reality.  He does not see you as you are right now but as you shall be. 

428.  Ignorance is not an excuse to miss the obvious.

429. When a person does not know what to do next.  Going back to the beginning is not a bad plan.

430.  Sometimes before you can go ahead you need to start again.

431.  Faith knows something exists when no evidence has proven it yet.

432.  Stupidity and ignorance refuses to believe in God when there is ample evidence to prove He exists.

433.  Even if you do not believe in God and what He can do, He still believes in you and what you can do.

434.  The beautiful thing about faith is that when all else fails, you know God will not.

435.  Right thinking about God brings about right patterns in, speaking, doing and being.

436.  Before you can truly help set others free you have to free yourself.

437.  Lying to or about a friend is like trying to juggle 8 whirling chain saws.  Very difficult and dangerous. 

438.  When anger has control of you, it will use you to control others.

439.  When fear has roots in your heart it will spread into the hearts of others through you.

440.  Live your life well because you have God the audience of one watching you.

441.  Dear is always overcome by faith, love and forgiveness.

442.  Hope is only lost when faith, love and the courage about the future are gone.

443.  When Solomon said there was time for everything he obvious did not know about email spam and telemarketers.

444.  Anger is a harsh taskmaster, it will eventually destroy whoever you hoped or thought you would be.

445.  Faith believes with God all things are possible.  Faithfulness knows it is done one deed at a time.

446.  Belief is measured in the head.  Faith is beyond measure in the heart.

447.  One person`s success is another one`s failure,  It matters on your perspective.

448.  The reason flea markets an pawn shops are so popular is because one person waste is another persons treasure.

449. Your true treasure is where your heart goes when all has been taken from you.

450.  Discouragement comes when you allow circumstances, people and situations overwhelm you to the point where you see no solution and forget God`s promises.

451.  Creation is called God`s silent witness.  So let it speak to your heart and be aware its glory is really God`s.

451.  Faith believes with God all things are possible.  Faithfulness and obedience see that it comes to pass through the power of God.

452.  Every chair has four legs.  The four legs of Christianity are prayer, the word, fellowship and evangelism.  Sit down on your foundation.

453.  Faith allows the heart to see what God already knows. *

454.  Vision is where things are clarified in the heart and where it is established in the will and done through the actions of life.

455.  God never promised a rose garden, but He did promise to help pull out the thorns.

456.  Perseverance is key to success in faith and life. 

457.  Revival is man reaching out to God in desperation and God reaching back to man in celebration of recognition of the desperation.

458.Foolishness is thinking God does not see all and expecting to not give an account of one`s life.  Wisdom is knowing God does and living in such a manner to reflect this.

459.  True morality is not man`s attempt to regulate or soothe the conscience.  It is God flowing through the conscience to change our world and influence the world at large.

460.  Live each day in the shadow of eternity because the reality is you ae.

461.  Children are the reflection of who we once were before the ugliness of life changed us.

462.  Children are a reflection of us and as parents we must help our children to become the reflection of God.

463.  Child like faith says, "I do not have to have proof of God's existence to believe.  I believe because God exists and the proof will come later.

464.  Friendship is lost when a person chooses to impose their will on another.

465.  When we feel weary and wornout, we have the promise of God that He will strengthen and renew us.  This will help us to do five things for Him.  Keep doing good, Keep impacting and nurturing others, keep serving God and others.

465.  There are four components for victory and success in God.  Witness, Opportunity, Risk and Knowledge.  WORK.

466.  When a person gives into peer pressure they will get of course and lose their way.

467.  Never net passion and hormones of the moment win out over wisdom and common sense.  It could cost a life time of misery.

468.  Marriage can become a ball and chain scenerio.  You are not having a ball and you are chained to a scene.

469.  Marriage has been described as a phone call at 3 a.m.  You get the ring and then you wake up.

470.  Many a young woman has been looking for a knight in shining armour and they end up with a clown in baggy pants.

471.  Freedom dwells in the heart of every person but only God can truly release it.

471.  Freedom is a precious gift never to be taken for granted or used as an excuse to lead onself back into bondage.

472.  Only the foolish believe they can have success without effort or cost.

473.  True worth does not come from what we get but from what we give.

474.  Freedom starts when forgiveness flows.

475.  Parents have the ability to either destroy potential and ability or release it properly.  Our attitude and understanding in this essential so use this responsibility wisely.

476.  A fool is one that wags his tongue like an over active Jack Russell Terrier.  They say the wrong thing at the wrong time for the wrong reason.

477.  An encourager is one who takes care to say things in a concise, clear and thoughtful manner.  They season their conversation with love and consideration.

478.  Take great care to speak positively about people, what you say about others can and will be said about you. 

480.  Speak words of encouragement, love and restoration and this elevate the level of human language around you.

481.  How you talk and interact with other people will mold much of their opinion of you.

482.  The wise person wants those around them to understand what is being said so they will  never use vague or confusing terms.  They will keep their conversation simple, concise and direct. 

483.  The fool thinks if you ignore a problem it will go away.  The wise knows a problem does not go away, it must challenge quickly and effectively.  A small challenge now will be a big problem later if left alone.

484.  A marriage built on the foundation of communication, loving respect, mutual admiration, trust and the Lord will always stand in the storms of life.  A marriage built on other factors and without the Lord will not stand.

485  The one who trusts in natural resources will fall and fail.  They who trust in divine resources will stand and prosper.

486.  What a person thinks about most is what they make as a priority.

487.  The fool thinks about nothing and tries to do it.  The wise think about everthing and know they cannot do it all.

488.  If you change your thinking patterns from self to others.  You will understand what is of true value and will change your lifestyle accordingly.

490.  The wise value the important things of life such as God, family, friends and the community at large.  They see they have a sense of destiny and know they can make a difference and do.

491.  The fool thinks about change and never does.  The wise know change and action must follow the thought to change.

492.  Children need our help not hurt, so chose your words with care.  They will have a lifetime effect good or bad.

493.  The wise person knows the mental image of we have of ourselves and the real image we present to others can be quite different.

494.  A fool thinks they can do the job of the Holy Spirit and change others.  The wise know they are not and leave it to the Holy Spirit to change others.

495.  It only takes a day to do a wedding.  It takes a lifetime to make a marriage.

496.  The threefold cord of marriage is you, your spouse and God.  When all three of you work together  nothing can destroy your home.

497.  Your view of your home is based on how happy you make it or how you can break it.

498.  The four words that speak the loudest to a family and cement it into a powerful home is, "I will be there." 

499.  The fool is known for being a great starter.  The wise are known for being a great finisher.  The question of the hour is which are you?

500.  Commitment is the cement in any relationship.  It allows restoration and healing when trust has been shattered or broken.  

501.  A real winner is someone who can lose gracefully and is a good sport about it.

502.  Children do not want your money they want you.  So close up your wallet and open up your datebook.

503.  The parent who finds time for their children when they are young.  WIll have their children's time when they are older.

504.  If you take time to be with others, they will take time to be with you.

505.  Through Jesus' resurrection we learn that death could not hold Him, corruption could not touch Him and hell clould not defeat Him.

506.  Never has so many owed so much to only one.

507.  Before a man can be free of greed he must get a new creed.  Only Jesus can free him indeed.

508.  God has a plan but to understand His plan you have to say, "Here, Lord, I am."

509.  When people work together much is accomplished, when they do not very little is done.

510.  You have unity when two persons are pushing the same direction for the same purpose.  You have union when you have two people harness together but not necessarily heading the same direction or the same purpose.

511.  Where selfishness flourishes.  Love and unity die.

512.  Where love and unity flourishes.  Selfishness and fear perish.

513,  Understanding is knowing what you can do about your life and what is beyond your control.  Wisdom is trusting God to take care of the things that are beyond our control.

514.  Life is a dress rehearsal for eternity so learn your part well. 

515.  Being wise is preparing for the future, real wisdom is preparing for eternity.

516.  True folly is allocating, time, talents and resources for an uncertain future and not preparing for the future.

517.  The natural man prepares for his natural future.  The spiritual man prepares for his eternal future.

518.  Did you know that when you are reading your bible you are studying for your final exams.

519.  The Bible is mighty in its influence and those who practice it will be mighty in their influence.

520.  True bible transformation of society happens when we are personally transformed.

521.  The greatest statement that can be made about you is the same statement made about the apostles.  "They had been with Jesus."

522.  The psalmist says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."  The problem is many people prefer night vision goggles.

523.  The Bible teaches we are to redeem the time.  The problem today is not that we don't have the time but our use of it.  We spend to much time on us and not enough on God or others.

524.  There are five indicators your are backsliding.  First, you do not read your bible everyday.  Secondly, you do not pray everyday.  Thirdly, you did not go to church this past Sunday.  Fourthly, you have not shared your faith in the past month.  Fifthly, you try to defend why you have not done the first four.

525.  When you find yourself in the valley or the desert.  Just remember that the one who made the valley and the desert is with you.

526.  When you are in the time of struggle the question is not, "Why Lord, but what do you want me to learn here?"

527.  Those who believe in luck, chance, destiny, fate and good fortune have not comprehended that it could be God working in the shadows.

528.  The starts have three known functions.  The give light and warmth to the planetary bodies around them.  They have for centuries guided the traveller .  They are witnesses of the creative power and majesty of God. 

529.  Gossip and slander are juicy morsels until they are about you.

530.  Gossip is a posionous cup, once drunk it will destroy the whole person.

531.  Never tell something about yourself unless you are willing to have it published every where.

532.  Lies are like water, they will seek the path of least resistance.

533.  To stop a lie.  Tell the truth.

534.  A lie is like a barren fruit tree.  They have no purpose.

535,  The paradox and folly of age is this.  You have children wanting to be a grown up and grown ups who wants to be children.

536.  Think before you drink, or be guaranteed your life will stink.

537.  Only a fool thinks when they drink there will be no consequences.

538.  Death and destruction follows the fool who drinks to much.

539.  Never gossip or slander a friend unless you are pepared to lose them.

540.  Never be surprised by the folly of a child.  Weep when it is found in an adult.

541.  The birds and animals are wiser than men.  Many mate for life.

542.  Think it through before you do.

543.  One phrase always precedes destruction.  "No one is going to tell me what to do."

544.  When you lie be prepared for the truth to expose you. 

545,  Never take anything in life for granted except God`s love and goodness.

546.  For some telling the truth is like juggling electric eels in a bathtub, dangerous, painful and shocking.

547.  When God is left out of the equation nothing ever adds up.

548.  Motivational speakers present ideas on how a person can reach their inner potential without changing the inner man.  Christ changes the inner man and then a person is motivated to reach their potential.

549.  The husband who puts a deposit in another woman`s account other than his spouses will soon find his account close.

550.  A person who eats forbidden fruit will very soon have a sore stomach ache and pain where you cannot put a window.

551.  There are people who consider the word STOP to mean, "Spin tires on pavement."

552.  If you find yourself in a rut stop digging and climb out.

553.  If you ask God what He thinks about sin.  The phrase, "Stop it," comes to mind.

554.  Peace means, "Please encourage all Christians everywhere."

555.  Wisdom is not just  about knowing right and wrong, it is knowing he consequences of right and wrong.

556.  The wise known that short term gain is never a substitute for long term aim.

557.  Listen to your heart,  the head often suffers from memory loss.

558.  The problem with a drop out is they thought school only applied to fish.

559.  Never value success in business above success in the home.  Never lose your children at the expense of business.  A profit margin will never comfort you in your old age.

560.  The poorest businessman is the one who fails at home.

561.  Peace of mind will always follow peace in the heart.

562.  One thing about aiming at nothing, you will never miss.

563.  Real ugliness is not outward but inward.

564.  Many opportunities to help others are missed because of poor "I" sight.

565.  Poor "I" sight will keep us from heaven.

566.  "I" disease leads to being blind to the needs of others.

567.  Making excuses for sinful escuses will nothing to help your case on the day of judgment.  Only the blood of Jesus can erase your sin.

568.  The fool chooses to survive.  The wise choose to thrive.

569.  Every battle is won or lost before you leave your prayer closet.

570.  When the word has changed you in your inner world, it will change your outer world.

571.  It is better to be walking in faith and victory than stumbling in fear and defeat.

572.  Prayer does it greatest work we when see what God sees and then we begin to do it.

573.  True success in life comes when you have prayed the price.

574.  The greatest ministry a person can have is that of prayer.  It is what Jesus is doing right now.

575.  When you win the battles in your inner world you will win the in your outer world.

576.  Prayer is the one area we have complete control over.  If we choose to do it or not that is up to us..  The results will be quite self evident.

577.  Never let one day of prayer pass.  Remember seven days without prayer makes one weak.

578.  Pray as if your life depends on it because many times it does.

580.  The devil has no power in a life covered with prayer.

581.  Prayer is the blanket for the soul.  It covers and warms the heart.

582.  The person who prays like there is no tomorrow knows that He who holds tomorrow will help us  through today.

583.  You will not convince anyone of salvation until you are fully convinced. 

584.  If the man in the pulpit is not converted, the person in the pew can stay perverted.

585.  When the man in the pulpit is converted those in the pew will soon follow.

586.  You will know what kind of leader you are by those who are following.

587.  Conversion helps prevents perversion.

588.  No saying, proverb, insightful thought or wise word will have any value until it has been applied in the life of the one who announces, writes or promotes it.

589.  Powerful prayer produces powerful men as weak prayer produces weak men.

590.  You will never soar like an eagle, if you live like a turkey.

591.  Obedience is the main key to open doors for yourself in the Kingdom of God.

591.  The wise know godly character develops when we obey God.  The fool believes character develops when we obey ourselves.

592.  Pray and obey are the secrets to a successful Christian life.

593.  Fruitfulness in the Christian life is being connected to the root.  Barreness comes when you disconnect and become a sap.

594.  The four pillars of character are honesty, integrity, faithfulness and transparency.

595.  To succeed you need an unswerving belief in God`s ability and a determined refusal to give up.

596.  Success should be be measure not by what we have accumulated, but on who we have influenced for good.

597.  True success happens when you make a goal, develop a plan, put into practice and see it through to completion.

598.  Faithfulness is shown not in the giant strides but in the small steps we make.

599.  The size of the crowd should never determine effectiveness and success but in how  God changes us and how we in turn influence the most vunerable person we know.

600.  Peace comes when there is absence of war in the heart. 

601.  You have a choice when you get older.  You can retire, get tired or re-fire, the choice is yours.

602.  Worldly love says, love is never having to say you are sorry.  Godly love says, you are always willing to say you are sorry because you mean it.

603.  The wise always know that those closest to them are capable of the greatest betrayal.

604.  Never give your heart to others unless you are willing to have it broken.

605.  Only God can mend a broken heart with His healing love.

606.  Remember after a great spiritual moment comes a sneak attack from a friend.

607.  The first phrase that comes before betrayal is the words, "I love you, but."

608.  Love that betrays the trust of a friend is not love but selfishness wrapped in so called good intentions.

610.  Worldly rewards will mean nothing when you stand before God.  So seek God`s rewards and not man`s.

610.  The wealth of time, talents and resources we pour into our children will always reap great rewards. 

611.  Think well of others no matter what they think about you.  You have to live with yourself and not  with them.

612.  Life is the most precious gift, guard it like an army guards a city.

613.  Those who justify taking a life for the sake of convenience never say that when their life in on the line.

614.  Children are a heritage from the Lord.  Never consider them an inconvenience or problem or you just lost your heritage.

615.  Life is too precious to be measured by the circumstances and situations of life but in memories and the people we touch and in turn touch us.

616.  Friendship means you do not have to wear a mask to protect yourself from being hurt.  A friend will accept you for who you are.

617.  The wise know death is a doorway to hope the foolish see death as a hole to despair.

618.  The reality for the righteous is that right now we are limited to time, space, mater and motion but one day we will have none of those limitations but will but will be eternally with God.

619.  The wise know that the treasures of eternity determined the choices of the present.

620.  The fool thinks they have all time in the world, the wise know that there are two days, today and that day we stand before the Lord and give an account of our lives.

621.  The wise know that eternal rewards wait for them who are willing to sacrifice the temporal and the pershishable now.

622.   The foolish sin short term and gain long term separation from God.  The wise know that short term costs result in long term gains in eternity.

623.  The man who only relates to what he sees, tastes, touchs, smells and hears misses the fact that what he cannot see is more real in the long view of things.

624.  The wise man knows that this life is a dress rehearsal for the play of eternity.

625.  Never allow your  real love for God  to be lost in the pursuit of cheap substitutes.

626.  The real paradox of conflict for the Christian is knowing you are destined for the next world and still have to live in this one.

627.  Jesus was the only person who ever lived who could love the world and yet never lose any aspect of His holiness.

628.  The wise know the deeper issues of life are motives, attitudes and values.  Not riches, popularity, power or status.

629.  The wise knows that the world only offers fools gold and the Kingdom of God offers gold that lasts for eternity.

629.  Who is the Lord and master of our lives is eventually who we will look and act like.

630.  Only through the power and life in the Spirit can you live a holy life in an unholy world.

631.  Sin marred the image of God in man.  Salvation restores that image of God with righteousness.

632.  When God restore us we are able to restore others.  When we are healed, we can show people to the healer.

633.  When we know what Christ has done in us, we can then begin to believe He can do that for others.  Which changes our whole view of mankind.  We do not see them as fallen depraved men but as possible trophies of grace and redemption.

634.  The greatness of the gospel is its power to change sinner into a saint and to restore God`s eternal purposes and identity to mankind.

635.  What is amazing is when God chooses to use us as mentors and role models.  That God would cloak Himself in our flesh.  That we can be His ambassadors and examples.

636.  Do not fight the will of God.  He has eternity in mind for you and others.    

637.  Trials, tribulations problems and difficulties help build our character and then God uses us to influence the character of those around us.

638.  The wise know that  understand the greatest influence we can have is seeing God use us to see His will done in others.

640.  the wise man knows that all the end of life it  is not the material we leave  behind that is important but the people who we invested in for eternity.

641.  The fool runs after the things of this world like a hamster runs on a wheel in a cage, but get no where and expend a lot of energy.

642.  The men and women of faith were ordinary people with ordinary weaknesses but under the anointing of the Holy Spirit they became extra-ordinary.  The secret ingredient in being extra-ordinary is the Holy Spirit.

643.  The heroes of the faith were people who beleived God even if they did not see the fulfillment of everything promised in their life time.  True faith transcends the generations.

644.  The mystery of faith is that God would use fallen humanity to accomplish His eternal purposes.

645.  The wise know that God can accomplish His will with or without us but through His grace He invites us to do His will for His glory.

646.  The fool loses himself in pleasure, possessions and pride and leaves a legacy of self centredness and their influence dies with them.  The wise invest themselves in God`s eternal purposes and their legacy transcends generations.

647.  Often selfish ambition  cloaks itself in righteous endeavor.  The only way to know is by the fruit over the a long period of time.

648.  When natural abilities, talents and resources are given over to the Holy Spirit`s anointing they become powerful spiritual gifts that transform our world`s.

649.  The primary drive in a Christian should be to please God and live a life worthy of the tremendous sacrifice which was given to purchase our salvation.

650.  God has place you where you are because He intends to bless the place where you are with you.

651. Worldly success, power, position and fame are of little consequence to those who have eternity on their mind. 

652.  God wants to take our inner desires and reform them to be used for eternal purposes.

653.  What we do more than what we say shows others that God is real.

654.  How we serve others shows the level of commitment we have for God.

655.  A God centered life is a goal centered life. 

656.  A purposeful life is one that begins and ends in prayer.     

657.  Nothing will a man to action than coming to the defense of his pocket book.

658.  If you think that money is not an idol or god in our society just go to a local casino or shopping mall.

659.  True use of wealth is hen we invest in building the Kingdom of God.  You are building for eternity.

660.  True vision in finances is seeing how to use resources well and investing in the things that have eternal value.

661.  The paradox of giving is that we give to stop the power and influence of greed.

662.   Greed is all about meeting my needs.  Giving is all about meeting the needs of others.

663.  Giving is submitting to the Lord our resources and declaring that we are not subject to greed, idolatry any longer.

664.  What you give is a mirror of what is in your heart.

665.  Giving has a two fold function it tames our desires and lust.  Secondly it shrinks our propensity towards self.

666.  Along life`s journey you will find yourself in many pleasant places but do not mistake them for home.  *

667.  Never plan to stay in one place to long in life.  God has many wonderful sights and scenes He wants you to enjoy on this journey of life.

668.  The foolish man limits his life in the pursuit of material reality.  The wise man knows that material possessions hinder spiritual realities.  Real value is found in focusing on the eternal.

669.  Esau was the ultimate fool.  He had the birthright, spiritual destiny and legacy and he sold it for a bowl of soup.

670.  The foolish man cries repentance and remorse after the deed and damage have been done.  The wise think through all the consequences before they talk or act.

671.  Mankind knows there is a truth out there.  It cries from deep within.  God placed it there.  The reality is most look for in things and people instead of listening to the inner voice of the Spirit who says, "God has already provided a way."

673,  The wise man knows there is meaning and purpose to life and it begins with the fear of the Lord.

674.  Without Jesus Christ as the solid foundation for life a person has no real base to build a life of purpose and meaning.  They are the foolish man who built their house on the sand.

675.  Such is the dilemma of the fool they know the world has all the form and substance to bring life but they are in despair because they do not know how to apprehend it.

676.  The beauty of being a Christian, forgiven, redeemed and sanctified is that you are free from despair and folly of the sinner and unredeemed. 

677.  The true value of marriage is not seen in the early years where infatuation crumbles at the first sign of bad weather, but in the later years where deep long lasting love has blossomed and the storms of life cannot shake or shipwreck its participants.

678.  There are three things that make a marriage last love, decent cooking and being being totally insane.  Remember together you do not suffer mental illness you enjoy it.

 680.  The natural man sees the natural world.  The Christian sees both the natural and supernatural world's.  Each defines truth by what they see.

681.  The natural man wages warfare with bombs, bullets and flesh and blood.  The Christian wages warfare, in the place of prayer, with the Word, claiming eternal promises, patience, endurance and knowing that our enemies are not carnel but spiritual.

682.  Materialism is nothing but idolatry in a new package. 

683.  Garbage is still garbage no matter what kind of container you put it in.

684.  The Bible is a compass for anyone who wants to stay on course or find their way in a desert environment.

685.  The paradox of spiritual maturity is being willing to give up childish things but still having childlike faith.

686.  In Christian ministry we often measure success by the size of the budget, attendance, and number of ministries instead of how those under us are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

687.  The one who touches their world for Christ is the one who multiplies their life through others.

688.  Living by faith requires, claiming your promise, standing in obedience to that promise, waiting for that promise to come to pass and living the promise out whenit hapens.

689.  The difference between optimism and faith is this:  Optimism hopes things will work out, Faith knows things will work out.

690.  The wise  know that long range vision is able to level out the hills and valleys of life to finish well.

691.  To see God's future requires persistent now.

692.  Here is irony, God wants to make His people agents of change and many instead want to be secret agents.

693.  Marriage will be successful when the altar of ego has been replaced by the monument of character.

694.  The folly of fame, materialism, pleasure and ego is that they turn to ashes when places in the fire of God.  True wisdom knows  that love, purity, grace, mercy, obedience and faithflness are purified in the fire.

695.  Before God makes His home in our hearts we need to be aware that self will have to move.

696.  Character is like a beautiful canyon is only happens through the constant erosion of self.

697.  Character is created when we respond positively to God`s internal workings on our heart.

698.  The problem with the fruit of Spirit today is that most Christians have decided to become vegetarians.

699.  The fool clings on to the worthless and lets true wealth slip through their fingers.

700.  The fool believes they are invincible the wise know they are not.

701.  The fool never faces issues head on they either try to deflect, divert, desert or hopes they will go away.  The wise knows the only way to deal with an issue is head on because they only get bigger and do not go away.

702.  The Christian family should always be aware that through them countless lives can be impacted.

703.  Sunday School teachers are on the from line in the war of influencing the next generation.  Make sure they have all the supplies they need.

704.  A praying parent will have more influence on the future than any politician, celebrity, scientist or social reformer.

705.  Fathers have incredible influence on the next generation.  How we love, discipline, raise and praise our children will determine if out our house comes a Billy Graham or a Karl Marx.

706.  To have godly children a parent must be godly themselves.  Talk must be followed by a walk.

707.  The problem with beauty is that it is skin deep while ugly can go right through.

708.  The biggest problem with marrying for beauty or looks is that in many cases an ugly personality goes with it.

709.  One of the rarest of all things is a beautiful woman whose is both beautiful inside and out.

710.  Young man run, don't walk, away from an unrighteous woman.

711.  The most foolish woman is one that thinks she can change a man before or after they are married. 

713.  One of the greatest lies than causes deception and failure in a man is the one that says,  "This could never happen to me."

714.  If you want your family to serve the Lord than pray the price and show by example.

715.  The real us are those things that we do in private.  So do in private what you do in public or are the biggest hypocrites of all.

716.  If you are always losing your cool, you will never be hot for Jesus.

717.  Here is a scary thought.  What we really believe is important is the most likely messsage our children will receive.

718.  Outer beauty is fleeting.  The inner beauty of attitude and outlook on life is lifelong.

718.  Man values, talent, skill, beauty and social position.  God values inner beauty and Christ like character.

719.  If we want our children to treat other people right, it begins with us and our attitudes towards others.  They learn from our example what is your life saying to them?

720.  Parents prepare their children for a lifetime walk with God ministry to others.  We argiven this task for only a few years so invest early and well to see God's best for them and future generations.

721.  Today we equate material success to the blessing of God but in reality material success is actually today's greatestt hindrance to true abundant life.  You prosper when your soul prospers.

722.  Chasing after material prosperit is like a dog chasing their tail.  You never get anywhere are all you do is get dizzy.

 723.  Real abundant life does not come through indulging the flesh but in the testing soul.  Jesus grew through the trails He suffered.

724.  The challenge for the eternal pilgrim is to remember that the beautiful spots they see on their journey is not home.

725.  Remember every thought, action, attitude and word will face eternal fire so make sure they are of the highest quality and the purest substance.

726.  Because our lives mirror God`s character and glory both now and for eternity keep it clean and polished.

726,  Our choices in life right now mirror what we believe for the future.

727.  Living a half hearted and compromising life now will never bring fruitful rewards in the future.

728.  The wise man knows there will be a tomorrow and plans for it today. 

729.  Jesus is a man of contrasts.  Humble and yet totally God.  Willing to heal a broken body and yet He exposed the sickness of the heart.  Redeemer and judge all in one. 

730.  The Kingdom of man is based on success and selfishness.  Kingdom of God is based on selflessness and servant hood. 

730.  The Kingdom of man is based on bias, self and personal gain.  The Kingdom of God is based on love acceptance and forgiveness.

731.  The contrast between the Kingdoms of man and God are apparent.  Man`s kingdom is about self and God`s Kingdom is about others.

732.  Prayer will only fail when faith and hope are gone in the person who tries to pray.  *

733,  You wonder why the church is in trouble when its members spend more time watching videos, T.V. or the news than they do praying or reading the bible.

734.  The scary thought is that the so called smart phone is smarter than the person using it.

735.  Character will always be in accidents when it spends its time on Compromise Corner and Apathy Avenue.

736.  Pure hypocrisy is saying you want to change but never doing anything about it.  *

737.  You may want to change your world but wanting does not lead to change unless it is *followed by action.

738.  Prayer, leads to action and action leads to change.*

739.  Whenever we face a test that shows the true condition of our heart.

740.  What we do in the middle of a trial shows the true condition of our soul.  More than any words we speak.

741.  Obedience to the will of God shows our true reverence for Him.

742.  The fruit of our love for God is shown in our obedience to the Word of God.

743.  Your love for God is shown in deliberate, concrete and expressions of obedience.

744.  One of the most wonderful things you can discover about love is that you can become consistent at it.

745.  There is one investment that is always guaranteed.  The love of God.

746.  The greatest child training technique is when the parents were trained by the parents.

747.  You will never teach a child self control if you are not self controlled.

748.  The best way to described parenting is that It is on the job training.

748.  Church membership does not insure loyalty but love for Christ does.

749.  There is one thing that will insure longevity in a marriage and that is friendship.

750.  When you say you love your wife it is reality when she sees you follow through with action.

751.  True friendship is found when you refuse to abandon them when every one else does.

752.  The once was a man who said he was self controlled the problem was at the time of this statement he was eating his sixth donut.

753.  Gluttony is not a condition of the body but of the heart and mind.

754.  There are many rends and fads today but there is one absolute, God loves you.

755.  One of the greatest wastes and tragedies in life is when someone has the capacity and ability to do something for others and they do not.

756. Having the ability to do something is no guarantee you will but having the right heart attitude is.

757.  True fitness is never about physical prowess but what is in the mind and heart.

758.  All of man’s resources are not one fraction of God’s ability.

759.  True acceptance is to see beyond what is apparent and to see a person’s true worth.

760.  God sees the true worth of a person and turns that into something that brings Him glory and honor.

761.  Age is a marvelous thing you are able to see things coming.  It may not help you avoid them but at least you can see them coming.  Unless of course unless you need glasses.

761.  You know you getting old when you still think you can still do anything and you body has to remind you that you cannot.

762.  With one hand reach out to God and with the other bestow His love to others.

763.  God tells us to seek His kingdom first the problem with most today is that they seek everything else first before they will finally seek Him.

764.  What is amazing is that with all the technology we have at our disposal to communicate with each other we still will not take the time to talk to others.

765.  Irony is when you see a couple in a booth at a restaurant texting each other instead of talking.

766.  It has been said that actions speak louder than words so when you kiss your spouse when you leave for work.  You are saying, “I love you, I miss you and  I can hardly wait to be with you again soon.”

767.  The grace of God is amazing, it takes the vilest of sinners and makes them a trophy of God’s love.

768.  Two of God greatest gifts are, eternal and abundant life.  The irony of life is that they are being offered freely everyday and so few are accepting them.

769.  What is amazing is that we say we believe in Christian unity as long as it agrees with my perspective.      

770. Live your life like it is the last five minutes you have on the planet because the reality is, it could be.

771.They say there are two things that are certain life, that is death and taxes.  The reality these days is that after you die the government will tax your family concerning you.

772.  When you go to funeral's these days.  People talk about how the death of the deceased affected them even if they didn't know them.

773.  Minister God's love into someone's life today because they may not be around tomorrow.

774.  If you have an opportunity to tell some one about Jesus today do it because there is no guarantee that they or you will be around tomorrow.

775.  Jesus has the power to deliver any one the problem is most people do not want to be a piece of mail.

776.  Jesus has the power to heal anyone the problem is that most today do not want to connected to His power.

777.  Only a fool allows themselves to remain bound when the Lord promises freedom and deliverance.

778.  Depression comes when you allow pressure to overcome God's defense.  

779.  Contrary to popular cliche, the devil did not make you do it.  You did it yourself.  Live

780.  The problem with shifting responsibility id more times than not the shift ends up collapsing on you.

781.  The problem with drugs, alcohol or escapism is that they only delay or cause the problem, they never change the situation.

782.  Most times divorce is cause by selfishness, or the lack of courage to walked through the hard times or see the long term consequences of our actions.  It takes real courage to be committed to a relationship to see the long term victories.

783.  The real essence of Christianity is knowing God.  For us it is never mindless or automatic.  We grow in it when we understanding is comes through the grace and knowledge of God.  We become personal acquainted with Him and then develop a wonderful relationship with Him.


784.  The fool says, "I don't need God"   The wise say, "I cannot live with Him."

785.  True ignorance is choosing not seeing the things in front of you.

786.  Manufacturers put many things into food to preserve it.  God puts in us the Holy Spirit to preserve us from sin.

787.  Never substitute righteousness, holiness and integrity with tradition, orthodoxy or theology. 788.   The first three bring spiritual life.  The last three bring spiritual death.

789.  The truest folly of this age is the failing to see, appreciate or having a genuine view of the hour in which we live.  Jesus is coming back and most are not ready.

790.  The root causes of spiritual decline are neglect, lack of understanding, refusal to heed the truth or laziness.

791.  True stupidity is thinking that you can get results by doing nothing.

792.  True poverty is not lack of resources but failing to use the ones we have at our disposal.

793.  Most poverty is caused not by a lack of accesses of resources by a mindset of the heart.

794.  Holiness is not a set of rules, lifestyle choices or orthodoxy but the application of God's communicated nature and attributes.

795.  The greatest form of hypocrisy is to convince yourself you are godly when your actions speak otherwise.

796.  The most common mistake for most Christians is that we compose our own ground rules for our Christian walk instead of listening to the Lord and hearing what He says about the matter.

797.  Truth will always penetrate through all the superficial realities of life and get to the heart of the matter man's lost condition and our need of a Saviour.

798.  Learn from the example of King Saul, he had everything a man could want and he lost it all when he allow jealousy and envy fill his heart.

799.  A wise man was asked once, "what is the greatest treasure?"  He answered, "Knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ."  Man's treasures are temporary, God's treasures are eternal.

800.  Actions always follow a mind and heart that has made a decison whether good or bad.

801.Being busy does not mean you are doing anything of real value.

802.  A foolish person is one who is busy doing what they want to do. A wise person is one that is busy doing what God wants them to do.

803.  Churches today seem to be more concern about dogma, denominational concern, social justice or issues, how to build successfuk organization or beeing seeker sensitive than concentrating on God himself and His will.

804.  Replacement theology is when man study's his ideas about God and not what the bible and what it says about God.

805.  Today more people read books about God than reading the book God gave about Himself.

806.  The emerging church movement is trying to address the problem of engaging the world without asking God how to do it.

807.  Here is one of the paradoxes of life. When you try to find God in your own means and methods you fail. Yet God is looking for you at the same time through His means and methods.

808.  True knowledge of God is not learn through books, seminars, conferences or media. It is received by those who in a spirit of true dependence ask the Holy Spirit to lead them into truth.

809.  We cannot ignore the Bible God's handbook and expect to know God will or plans for our lives.

810.  God is committed to transforming His people into the type of people that can have a personal and living relationship with Him because that is who He is.


811.  The plans and purposes of God are not always immediately evident that is why we must wait on Him with patience, expectation and endurance.

812.  The only true way to know yourself is to know God first.

813.  To live a life worthy and worthwhile is to correspond our lives with the nature and character of God.

814.  Here is a reality check. God will not give divine knowledge to those who have no desire to glorify or honor Him.

815.  There has never been a greater need today than for people to have a knowledge of God. It is our greatest privilege. The churches and our own personal greatest need right now.

816.  God will never debate with man. He is God and creator you are not.

817.  The greatest handiwork of God is the person you see in the mirror everyday.

818.  The Bible teaches us that life is not a series of randon events but a miracle that God brought into being.

819.  The evolutionist would be have us believe that we are products of life created ny chance for the survival of the fittest scenerio. The Bible teaches us that we are created beings made by a wise, loving, good and holy God. Which would you perfer to believe?

820.  The world was created for a purpose by a loving and good God without this knowledge the world is a dark and lonely place filled with fear, despair and unfulfilled dreams.

821.  The world is a theatre where the greatness and love of God are displayed where we are the actors displaying His glory and love.

822.  The gods, of modern man are evolution, science, nature, progress, materialism and philosophy. They are nothing but dumb idols created by man to shut out the voice of a loving and holy God who created the invisible and visible world.

823.  A non Christian sings of His hearts desire a Christian sings of God's desire.

824.  A non Christian worships themselves, a Christian worships God.

825.  Health rather than sickness was God’s original intent for human race.  It was our sin that mess His plan up.

826.       God is not the author of sickness but He can use it to bring about a lesson in a person’s life. 

827.       The problem is many people today want the healing without the healer and the signs and wonders without the one who creates the signs and wonders.


828.       It is the presence of Jesus that instills faith and confidence.  You believe and then the miracle comes.


829.       The purpose for healing for the Christian should center in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the advancement of His Kingdom. 


830.       Love is an absolute pre-requisite to Christian living is the oil that lubricate the machinery of the Christian life.


831.       Humble love is love in hiding, there are no parades, no boasts of its ability, it works behind the scenes for the benefit of others.


832.       Unselfish love is love in essence.  It is never sour, bitter, does not retaliate or seek revenge.  It seeks only the good of others.


833.       Those who love God and truly know Him know how to love.  You will never really know how to love until you really know and love God because He is the source of love.


834.       To many people today base their Christianity on feelings and experience than on faith and the word of God.  Feelings and experience are the shifting sounds on which doubt relies on.  Faith and the word of God are the foundation in which trust is built.


835.       Faith is an act of the will, we consciously chose to put our trust in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  We trust Him with our past, present and future.  Anything is a recipe for shipwrecked faith. 


836.       The power of the gospel is to change lives and reform society.  To accomplish this task our responsibility is to rely on the word and the Holy Spirit’s power.  This is the only way we can truly bring the message of truth to a lost and dying world.


838.  There is an inescapable fact that true faith will always be tested in the fires of persecution and affliction.

839.  True inner peace has only one source and that is Jesus Christ.  This is delivered through the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit.

840.  If you will cultivate the Spirit of Christ in your life you will have His vast strength, great principles and everlasting faith to live by.

841.  Don’t play in the devils back yard.  He is not a play friend.  His wrath is fierce and he has only one agenda.  To rob, kill and destroy you.

842.  Thank God that He is able.  Let the heathen rage and curse, God is able.  Let the hosts of hell attempt to attack you.  God is able.  Let the devil roar and shout in your face.  God is able.  Let slanderers and gossips try to destroy your reputation.  God is able.  Remember God is able.

843.  Those who compromise eventually pay an awful price.  They lose everything precious including their soul.

844.  Many believe today that being holy means you love certain forms of cheese.

845.  There are six things we must never compromise on, Bible Holiness, the Word of God, Prayer, Healing, Attendance to God’s House, Evangelism and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

846.  The fool never things they will be tested.  The wise know they will and it will test their character and integrity.

847.  When you have the strength, faith and courage of God, you will not bend, break or burn when the times of testing come.        

848.  When you walked with God.  It will not matter what the devil throws at you.  It will not matter what the world says about you.  It will not matter how much our flesh plaques us.  You will have victory in the midst of any trial.

849.  When you do not compromise in time those around you will be impressed by your faith and the keeping power of God.

850.  If we put our faith and trust in God and rely on Him.  He will deliver is time and time again.  God is ever faithful.

851.  God will never ask you to do something that He is not willing to back you up and supply the strength, resources and wisdom to overcome.

852.  Today many Christians instead of being the light of the world, they have chosen to either be night lights or dim bulbs.

853.  There are five things that will avert judgment in life.  Repent of your sin. Seek God. Hate evil.  Love the good.  Take care of the poor.

854.  Jesus reminded us that doing good must be done for the right motive and reason or they lose their value and reward.

855.  The Christian can be described this way.  We are soldiers of Christ and the cross, commission and commanded to bring a message of hope and comfort to the world.

856.  The Lord is dwelling in us and if He controls our lives we will do what He wants us to do.  We will be His instruments and the symphony of our lives will play a song that will bring music and harmony to our world.

857.  Giving comes in many forms but the greatest expression of giving for forgiving.

858.  The greatest giving you can give is yourself.  Children do not want the stuff you give them they want you.

859.  When God is moving in our lives a sure sign of His presence is our concern for others and meeting their needs. 

860.  Selfishness and love do not grow on the same tree.

861.  There are three motives for giving.  A command of the Lord.  A sense of duty to the cause of Christ.  The satisfaction of knowing that you help someone in the name of the Lord.

862.  You have two choices in life.  You can be a tool for the Lord or just a plain tool.

863.  Here is a paradox of life.  A turtle dove has a brain about the size of a peanut and a human has one that weighs about 3 pounds.  The turtle dove is faithful to its mate for life.  Most humans today think that monogamy is a hard piece of wood.  Seems the bird has the brains and the humans are the bird brains.

864.  Intelligence is never a safe guard or guarantee that a person will not be a fool.

865.  He is a reality.  You will never have true peace in your heart and life until you let the Prince of Peace rule in your heart and life.

866.  Envy is a strange thing.  It can be brought about by the good things of life.  A holy life, a successful business or ministry, a good family and well behaved kids.  This can lead others to envy others who may be more successful than they are. 

867.  Be careful of the green eyed monster of envy and jealousy staring at you in the mirror.

868.  A disciplined tongue will spare us much grief and harm and it will bring harmony and unity to those we come into contact with.

869.  Kindness is the mark of a learned, godly and mature believer.

870.  You can bring peace to troubled water by refusing to throw to throw in your rock of slander or pebble of opinion.

871.  If we walk in love, acceptance, forgiveness and in the Spirit there will be unity in the church.

872.  God wants us to healers and physicians to those in our world by what we say and do.  Be the cure to the cancer of hatred and the healer to injustice.

873.  There are three things you must do when faced with temptation.  Resist, flee or refused to allow yourself to be trapped by it.  Temptation can cause us to become mutations for sin.

874.  The fool thinks they can play with sin like a puppy in reality sin is a rabid dog that once it bites you its poison can kill you.  The wise man knows this and kicks the dog out of the house.

875.  Samson found out the hard way that one night of pleasure can lead to lifetime of blindness and misery.

876.  Most people think they are like Rocky Balboa and can take punch after punch of temptation when in reality their opponent the devil can knock you out with one blow of temptation.

877.  Divorce is the splitting of an ass from the one who was going to help them be set for life.

878.  Divorce is the culmination of two people who allowed the devil to bring division to their union.

879.  Selfishness and neglect are the two additions in a marriage that will lead to a subtraction of one in it.

880.  When you want peace in your home make sure your give every piece of yourself to your spouse.

881.  You want a long and happy home.  Never treat your spouse like a louse.  Treat her sweet and things will stay neat.

882.  God’s plan for marriage is that a man and woman would be best friends.  Knowing each other to the capacity God intended.

883.  Remember guys God intended your wife to be your best friend not Fido.

884.  There are four benefits in worshipping God.  Refreshment, strength, encouragement and rest.

885.  Man was made to worship God.  We find our rest and fulfillment in Him.

886.  The greatest legacy that you can leave those in your world is a legacy of love.

887.  A good parent and a dug dealer do not pull on the same rope.

888.  If you do your godly maintenance now, you will not break down later.

889.  If you drive on the highway of love you will find yourself in the ditch of divorce.

890.  When you walk with God you will not run into the accidents of the devil.

891.  Walking with God warms the heart and leaves an impression on life.  Fellowship with him afford rest when we are weary and gives courage in the battles of life.

892.  Walking with God will help to run through the trials of life and strength in your nettle of faith.

893.  If you do not stand in the finished work of Jesus Christ you will fall into trap of the incomplete life of satan.

894.  If you want to please God, let Him take care of any situation. 

895.  A characteristic of a spirit led life is that you want to please and glorify God.  Any thing less shows that you and not the Holy Spirit is leading your life.

896.  Faith in God says, “I believe that God exists, His word is true and whatever His word says He will do, He will do.” 

897.  When the world is falling apart you can keep yours together with the glue of love and building block of God.

898.  Faith is always followed by action anything less mocks the word faith.

899.  If you let doubt, the mockery of men or taunts of the doubters you will not finish al all.  Hear the voice of God only and keep your eyes on Him and you will finish well.

900.  The world wants to influence you and not you influence it.  Which do you want?

901.  Doubt is listening to the world and asking questions.  Faith is taking God at His word and asking no questions.

902.  Sometimes there is fine line between faith and insanity. 

903.  Mary, Joseph, the Magi and the shepherds all had one thing in common.  They knew that all the promises of God were wrapped in a little boy.

904.  Faith is beyond reason, it trusts when there is no reason to trust.  It believes when all circumstances are lined up against it.  Face does not face the facts, it believes God and His promises.

905.  Faith is believing in God’s word and promises no matter who we face, what circumstances we find ourselves in.  Where we are, why we are here, when it will happen or how will God come through.

906.  When you run with the promises of God you will win the race of life.

907.  Real faith says, “God is working His perfect will in my life and I can wait, suffer and endure.”

908.  Here are three eternal realities.  We must lay up our treasures in heaven.  We are to live a strangers in this world.  We are in this world but not off it.    

909.  Christian faith is not a creed, dogma, doctrine or belief statement.  It is the principle of our lives.  The righteous live their whole life by faith and faith alone.

910.  We worship by faith like Abel, we walk by faith like Enoch, we work by faith like Noah, the live by faith like Abraham, we govern by faith like Moses, we follow by faith like Israel, we fight by faith like Joshua, we conquer by faith like Gideon, we subdue our enemies like David, we close the mouths of lions like Daniel, we walk through the fire of life like the Hebrew children, we suffer for our faith like Paul and we die by faith if necessary like Stephen.

911.  By faith we are patient in suffering, courageous in battle, strong in weakness, victorious in defeat and more than conquerors.  We are the church the over comers.

912.  To see the riches of heaven you must forsake the riches of this world.

913.  Praising the Lord is a great deterent for not praising men. 

914.  Giving a person praise for a job well done is an act of encouragement.  Praising the Lord for what He has done is an act of worship.

915.  Jesus almost conducted the first rock concert in history.  This was prevented by the children in the temple praising Him instead. 

916.  Boredom is created by two factors.  Being a boar and being dumb.

917.  When peace comes to a heart it will also come to the home. 

918.  Prayer is an amazing thing.  It can move the hand of God and the heart of a person.

919.  Before you can move for God you have to wait in His presence.

920.  Never try to move ahead of God you will find yourself all alone.  Never wait to long or you will find yourself trying to catch God.

921.  Make God the center of your institution of marriage or you may find yourself our in left field with the department of divorce.

922.  For life to be abundant the resources to that life mist be abundant.  In Christ they are.  He came to give you life and with it abundance.

923.  To posses a fuller life s Christian must abide in Christ.  Dynamic Christianity is not for a few but for all.  It should be the norm not the exception.  But like anything it is a choice.  Choose wisely and live.

924. Here is a riddle of life.  Man seems to know everything about life.  Why cannot they live it abundantly? 

925.  An abundant life is like a traffic light.  You go after God. You stop the sin and yield to the Holy Spirit. 

926.  The Abundant life is a life of service.  You must be ready to give all to Christ in all things in all circumstances.

927.  The abundant life has five components with it.  It is a separated, yielded, spirit led, mature life of service.

929.  Learn from the story of Jesus cleansing the temple.  Keep your temple as a place of worship and prayer not a place of religious service, idol worship, or den of iniquity.  Or else will Jesus will come and cleanse it for you and it will be very painful and humiliating.

930.  Jesus did not come to reform society He came to recreate it.  He did not come to reform you but to recreate you in the image of God.

931.  The Christian life like fire has two have two elements to keep it burning.  Fire needs fuel and air, the Christian life need prayer and the word.

932.  We reject the Lord Jesus Christ in two ways, by our selfishness and loveless type of Christianity. 

933.  Persecution is a abnormal thing.  The enemies of Christ use it to destroy the church and yet it is the very thing that helps the church.

934.  You will never win any race trying to carry things.  Drop the clutter of these life, world and things.  Stripped down to the bare essentials and run the race to win and you will.

935.  Remember sin often comes like a Christmas present of snakes.  It has great wrapping and nice package but the contents will kill you.

936.  Garbage in life is often not what we see on the outside but what it on the inside.

937.  Temptation will always come in a form that is pleasing to our five senses but it is our sixth sense that we must listen too. 

938.  The sure way of stopping gossip is silence.

939.  The fastest way to start on argument is open your mouth.

940.  Never be confident of a solution until you understand the whole problem.

941.  Beauty often disguises an inward beast.

942.  Never take anything at face value.  In most cases that face has two sides to it.

943.  The fool will trust when everything says they should not.  The wise considers all things before they trust.

944.  The foolish boast of themselves, the wise boast of God.

946.  God and the devil do not offer the same type of spiritual food.

947.  The Christian life can be summed in three ways, living the great commandment.  doing the Great Commission and following the example of Christ.

948.  Obedience is the price of success in God’s kingdom.  The problem today is many want to shop lift instead.

949.  Obedience to the will of God is the rock of character.  The problem with most people is that they would rather have the sand of compromise.

950.  As instruments of the Lord we use our hands to make beautiful music in someone else life.  We use our mouths to speak harmony into another.  We use our feet to bring God melodious love into their lives.

951.  Determination is the ability to keep going when everything and everyone around you is telling you to quit.

952.  Patience is the ability to stay silent when everything in you is telling at your to open your mouth.

953.  Being late is not a bad thing when you are being hurried along by others to sin.

954.  A fool is one who is eager to enter into a business arrangement with a deceiver.  Wisdom is seeing that person coming.

955.  A fool is one who answers the phone and listens to a telemarketer give their presentation.  Wisdom is hanging up when they introduce themselves.

956.  Never feel ashamed when you are rude to sin.  It will be rude to you as it destroys you.

957.  If you decide to please people you will not please God.

958.  Diplomacy is the art of being nice to people that you want to hit with a stick.

960.  There are three things that characterize a citizen of heaven, honor, integrity and character.

961.  There are two types of ministers in the church.  Those who minister for God and those who minister for self. 

962.  Burying an atheist is a comical thing.  We dress them up and they have no place to go.

963.  Use your experiences as an example when talking about yourself because if you do not others will happy too. 

964.   The wise man knows that God has given us victory over sin.  Foolishness is giving up in the fight too soon.   

965.  Love must be genuinely rooted in God.  It cannot be superficial or it will never have the impact God intended. 

966.  A heart that has been truly changed by God will exhibit four types of love, pleasant, kind, gracious and helpful.

967.  Never judge another person until you have life their life for a day.

969.  Truth and honesty are the only antidotes to the poison of lies.

970.  It is important to walk in truth but even more important is walk with love in your truth.

971.  Parents never be slack of lacking in the disciplining of your child when they are young or that will show in their character later on in life.

972.  Spare the discipline when your children are young and you wish you had not later in life.

973.  If you fail to discipline a children because of the excuse that it will stunt their creativity while they are young.  Their creativity will certainly be stifled as adults.

974.  If you failed to train your children early in life there is a guarantee that later in life that train will run them over.

975.  There is nothing wrong with being a fruit when it a fruit of the Spirit.

976.  Being gay long ago meant being happy.  Today this term has nothing to do with happiness.

977.  The foolish want to happy which is based upon the moment.  The wise want to be content which is based on eternity.

978.  True love does not get irritated over small things.  It looks for opportunities to grow in the small things.

979.  True love will never keep an account of wrongs and then tell other about it. 

980.  Gossip is like a well cooked steak with arsenic.  It tastes good but it will kill you.

981.  Sin always looks good at a distance.  Its real ugliness is not revealed until close inspection.

982.  A great definition of a fundamentalist is this.  They have no fun and they are a little mental.

983.  The folly of the gambler is that they have lost everything they still think they can get something for nothing.

984.  The greatest fool is someone is has follow a path in life and lost everything and still refuses to deviate or leave that path.

985.  Gamblers are a foolish group.  They believe in luck, chance or fate when all evidence around tells them that there is a God who has a plan, purpose and destiny in life.

986.  Real folly is attaining riches and believing that they will keep you from the tragedies of life.

987.  Ask a rich man dying of cancer if his riches have helped him buy health. 

989.  Tithing is only problem when you think the money you give is yours and not God’s.

990.  Funny if everyone tells the truth how come there are so many lies floating around.

991.  Never let a blizzard in life freeze the sunshine in your heart.

992.  Greed, selfishness and covetousness will destroy even the generous of intentions.

993.  There are two ways to deal with sacred cows, shoot them or barbeque them and serve them up to others.

994.  No amount of makeup can cover up the ugliness of a selfish heart.

995.  Prayer will take us from the valley of pain and defeat to the mountain of healing and victory.

996.  A wise man said once, "As Christian we are all going to heaven we are just traveling in different colored buses."

997.To do the impossible you have to know the one who does the impossible.

998.  As a mark man shoots straight at his target so does the word hit the mark of the conscience.

999.  A hard heart is a by product of a seared conscience.

1000.  No matter how you market a lie, it is still a lie.

1001.  Only the world would try to pass off a scoundrel as a saint.

1002.  A true statesman care more about the people than his politics.

1003.  A righteous leader is priceless because they value God's ways and not man's

1004.  True friendship is not mark by what we say we will do but what we actually do.

1005.  A well dressed man is one who clothes themselves with integrity, character and transparency.

New ones


1.A person will be only as strong as their prayer life when trials come.

 It is time we stop giving satan that rogue authority dominion in our world and take it back.

2. A person in prayer is more powerful than any president, prime minister or king.

3. Prayer is establishing the will of God in our world.

4. Instead of being angry at the situation.  Take that anger out in prayer and solve it through divine help.


5. Atheists are a funny group they spend so much time trying to disprove something they don`t believe in.

6. Atheism is like going on a trip not knowing where you are going and not knowing when you will arrive.

7. The person who does not believe in God has failed to see the evidence of His existence all around him.

8.  A man told me once, that if I ever doubted the existence of God, all I have to do is look around.

9.  When a person denies the existence of God, they deny the very one that gave them breath.  Gen 2:7, God made man and then breathed into the breath of life and man became a living soul.

10. The marvelous thing about being a Christ is that Christ has left you in His will and inheritance and no lawyer or court can break it.

11. Jesus has left us gold which no thief can steel and joy that no person can take.  Live in these reality and have his peace in your heart.

12.Men will believe a thousand of the devil's lies.  before they will believe one word of God's truth.

13. God has kept every promise He has made and the devil has broken every one he made.

14. The hypocrite will announce his works the wisdom men shows his by what He does.

15. The hypocrite will wear a badge to tell others his piety the wise men lets his actions be his badge. 

16. It is natural for the wise man to look to an eternal city who maker and builder is God, the fool looks to settle here for a natural city is maker and builder is man.

17. The wise man looks to the eternal and the fool looks to the natural. 

18. The fool trusts in a dogma, a creed or a myth.  The wise man trusts in God.

19. Though mankind has for 20 centuries to shut up the Bible it still speaks.  Heed its words today and live.

20. The fool thinks heaven is a long ways away.  To the wise man it is right next door.

21. A fool thinks that his deeds will not be remember the wise man know the record keeper is ourselves.

22. The fool believes they will not have to answer for what they have done, the wise man knows we will see our deeds come back to accuse us.

23. The wise man will always ask the Lord to search his heart.  The fool wants his heart to be closed to God.

24. A foolish person will ask God for many things and not receive because of unbelief.  The wise receive because of faith.

25. To many people rely on experience instead of faith. 

26. When the heat is on it is not the time to rely on the fire department but the fourth man in the fire.

27. The foolis condemning the wise man relies in the one who brings no condemnation.

28. The fool laughs at the holiness of God, the wise man fears and stands in awe of the holiness of God.

29. The fool laughs and make light of God's holiness the wise man embraces and thinks and speaks about it.

30. The fool refuses to repent the wise allows his heart to be broken to the point of repentance.

31. The fool hunts for the gems of this world.  The wise look for the gems of the Word of God.

32. Wise men always know that nothing can separate them from the love of God and others. 

33. The fool things that they cannot fail and the wise man knows you can learns from it.

34. The fool does not realize how short lived are the glories and pride of this world.  The wise know you must live for God and eternity.

35. The fool lives for himself and the wise live for others ad for God.

36. The fool will go through life losing his soul and the wise will win his soul and others.

37. Anyone who lives for God and wins one soul to Christ is not a failure but winner.

38. The wise man lives for God and outshines any mighty man of his day. 

39. The fool things the selfish stream flows for a long time.  The wise knows the eternity streams flows forever. 

40. The fool loves the dark because it hides who they are, the wise embrace the light for it shows who Christ is.

41. The foolish have one goal in life to please themselves and the wise have the opposite to please God.

42.The fool walks with themselves and the wise walk with God.

43. The wise never want to walk short of the blessing and joy of the Lord which is their strength.

44. You will never find a happy backslider.  The Bible says there is no peace for the wicked. 

45. Sorrow and sighing are the language of pain.  Joy and smiles are the language of love.

46. True blindness is found in the one who says they can see but do not heed the truth.

47. Every true children of God must not only speak of their savior but live for Him as well.

48. The foolish never see God working the wise see Him every where working.

49. To be instant in season means to be always watching for divine opportunities and taking them when they


50. To receive a blessing is to be a blessing others.

51. The church will never see true revival until we get past our divisions, pet doctrines and traditions.  Only true

revival happens when we come together in unity and one accord.

52. The wise will always stir up trouble to please themselves.  The wise will bring unity to please others.

53. The fool will never ask God to search them out to find out in their been any sin in them.  The wise will ask the

Lord to turn on his searchlight.

54. The wise knows there is a difference between God searching them and them searching themselves

55. Light exposes the fool and confirms the wise.

56. In any conversation it will not take long to know where a person’s treasure and heart is.

57. If heaven or hell is your final destination your life will tell others very quickly which it is.

58. The wise put godliness first and know that no human gain with satisfy the human heart.

59. The fool thinks that the earth is the only home they have.  The wise knows the true destination is heaven.

60. A fool gave up paradise and a wise man gave it back to us.

61.  The fool seeks the power of man the wise the power of God.

62.  The strength of man last for a moment the strength of God for eternity.

63.  Darkness hinders movement and light releases it.

64.  Fear and bondage bring death.  Love and freedom bring life.

65.  Fear, sadness, war, pride and arrogance bring death.  Love, joy, peace, humility and meekness bring life.

66. Sin  has darkness in their heart and wise have light.

68. Age does not always make a person wise.  Wisdom begins with respect for God.

69. Pride, personal love and persona praise lead to death.  Humility, self sacrifice and love bring life.

70.  The wise know that their lives are on display for all to see and read.

71.  The fool does not believe in God and does not have anyone or anything to be thankful for.

72.  The religion of the fool is one that has a god shape vacuum unfilled in their heart.

73.  The fool fashions a god in his heart that serve his interests, wants and desires.

74.  Anyone who does believe in God is a fool, without a mind and a threat towards others.

75.  A fool is a legend in his own mind but no one else’s.

76.  Philosophy will either make a man a fool or wise.  It just depends on who is in charge of the heart.

77.  Fools are often cured in hospitals started by wise.  Never knowing who they owe their treatment and cure too.

78.  The unbelieving fool is a cradle and birthplace of new and sill superstitions.

80.  God does not die the day we stop believing in Him we start dying the day we stop believing in him.

81.  God is always active working silently even we do not see it or know it.

82.  God has two dwelling places in heaven and in the meek, humble and believing heart.

83.  A fool will never understand God and the wise will never comprehend Him but they trust Him.

84.  God has planted his love, grace, mercy, peace and forgiveness in the heart and soul.  It just need to be released by belief and trust in Him. 

85.  God has made us to be a symphony of his love in the concert of his joy and freedom.

86.  If God seems a million miles away.  He did not move we did.

87.  If we think that we can comprehend the almighty God then he is no longer God and we have become fools.

88.  To think that God is cruel, spiteful and harsh makes us the same way because we reflect what we think He is.

89.  The fool thinks God is not a sugar daddy, cosmic bellboy, microwave who gives us what we want or desire.  He is the all powerful, all knowing, every here God that the wise knows to fear and respect.

90.  The wise run to the word of God and the fool runs away from the word of God.

91.  The fool will argue until he convinces himself that he is right.

92.  The fool only thinks of the presence, the wise focuses on eternity.

93.  The fool sets his eyes on the present as the expense of eternity.

94.  The fool will focus on riches, status, power, and fame.  The wise will embrace love, peace, joy, love and truth.

95.  The fool believes that fruit comes from the branches.  The wise knows it cmes from the roots.

96.  Anchor your life on truth and when the storms of life come you will be stable and strong.

97.  You will know what you believe in the last moment of your life.

98.  To have an open mind usually means a flat head.

99.  You can believe anything you want but that does not always mean you are right.

100. The Bible is truth because God says it is. 

101. The Bible is the true foundation for a righteous country.  Without it no country will be righteous.

102. You will never be able to trick, fool or lie to people who read the Bible.

103. The goal of man should be to glorify, worship and live for God.

104. To find the Lord should not be our end but the beginning as well.

105. The wise know that when walk with God one mile.  He will walk two with you.

106. The wise knows that prayer is the closet of true fellowship and communion with eternity.

107.  Your life is a tablet of God’s grace to be seen and read by all in your world.

108. Creation in its finest moment is a glimpse and vignette of God.

109. The greatest accomplishment of man should be to reflect the Lord.

110. The fool should fear God and tremble.  The wise will fear God but not be afraid of Him.

111.  The fool fears God and runs away from Him.  The wise fear God and run to Him.

112. When you fear God you become His temple and sanctuary.

113. To respect and fear God is the highest and wisest thing a person can do.

114. Wisdom begins and ends with honoring the Lord.

115.  The love of man will always comes with conditions but the love of God is unconditional and free.

116.  God has set his order in the universe.  The fool does not see it but the wise do and embrace it.

117.  You may not see God work but He is at work and His love work shows through all that is seen.

118.  The fool boasts about the goodness of men and the wise boast about the goodness of God.

119.  The fool lives in his misery and sin and this breaks God’s heart.  The wise live in abundance and God’s salvation and this makes God’s heart rejoice.

120.  When God calls us it is because of his goodness and love not because we are handsome, beautiful or gifted. 

121.  The infinite goodness, mercy and grace of God has such wide and loving arms that He embraces all who come to Him.  In Him they find true love.

122.  The fool has no fear of the judgment and wrath of God for he thinks it a fairytale.  The wise fear God because they know it is the truth.

123.  A person who chases their own lust and affections will be judged and punished by them.

124.  The fool thinks that God will not judge them and the wise knows God will.

125.  The fool it traps by his our devices and the wise see and run from all evil.

126.  The fool will see their wisdom, power, and resources fail but the wise will trust the Lord because of His divine resources never fail.

126.  The infinite God is your only source and hope.  The wise put their trust in Him.

127.  The fool trust in his feeble faith.  The wise trust in the Lord and the faith that He gives.

128.  God has proven over the generation his power, authority and grace by how he has provided for the whole earth.

129.  What is amazing that no matter how many people are born on this earth there is still more than enough resources to meet the needs.  God has truly created a beautiful planet.

130.  Trusting in the Lord is the wisest decision a person can make to not is the most foolish thing a person can do.

131.  Life is an unsettled storm at times but those who trust the Lord are like a ship being handed by a great captain who calm demeanor will keep all safe.

132.  A man may claim to captain his ship until a storm comes and he knows he is at the mercy of unknown and mysterious forces he cannot control.

133.  Recent events have shown that all of man’s world cannot be destroyed by something they cannot see or fight.

134.  The wise know that faith in God’s will is better than their interpretation of His will.

135.  The fool trusts in himself and will fall into darkness, despair and fear.  The wise will trust in the Lord and walk in light, freedom and love.

136.  In the will of God the wise find peace for the soul and love for the heart.

137.  Jesus said not my will but yours father.  To do the will of the father Is the child of God’s greatest goal.

138.  A man will have his heart right and straight if he wants to do the will of God.

139.  The will of God must be our highest goal and aim in life.

140. Aa person does the will of God they have no time for doing sinful and hurtful things.

141.  A person who does the will of God will have no time for gossip and saying slanderous things about others.

142.  It is not the will of God for a person to hurt another for selfish gain or purposes.

143.  God is more than enough in wisdom, love, goodness, power and mercy when it comes to answering those who call on Him.

144.  God’s will is not always clear about the mundane but it absolutely clear when revealed in the pages of the Bible.

145.  The Bible is the will of God in word form.

146.  If salvation was not important Jesus would not have come to die for our sins.

146.  No Easter no salvation.

147.  Love can forgive and it can be patient but true love will never condone sin.

148.  A God who is not just and fair is not a God of love.

149.  Love that does not correct wrong behavior is not love.

150.  God is longsuffering but not stupid.

151.  True love does not tolerate selfish and vain actions against it.

152.  A God who does not judge vain, arrogant and selfish men is a weak.  Fortunately that is not who God is.

153.  All creation is a reflection of the immortal and invisible God.

154.  God not does the same thing twice He is to creative for that.

155.  Life on the subatomic level demonstrates the hand of God.

156.  To see creation through the eye of God is to really see the world in its fullness.

157.  All creation both beautiful and ugly still show the vastness of the mind of God.

158.  Every moment God is changes something ugly to something beautiful is is called salvation.

159. Creation as beautiful and vast as it may be can never replace the creator. 

160.  Without the creator there is no creation.

170.  Why did God create the world, its beauty, majesty and glory?  Simple it was to prepare a place for the Kingdom of his Son and his heir to live.

171.  The world and its creation owes its very existence to the choice, plan and purpose of God. 

172.  How the world is directed, managed, sustained and maintained is beyond my comprehension?  I just glad it is in God’s hands.

173.  You were in the mind of God before the creation of the world. 

174.  God can live without man but man cannot live without God.

175.  No matter how bad we sin we cannot dampen, frustrate or diminish the love, mercy and faith of God.

176.  The fool will fail because he relies on himself.  The wise succeed because he relies on God.

177.  No man who has God will ever be overcome and will always be in the majority.

178.  The fool will fail because his success depends on himself.  The wise succeed because their success depends on God.

180.  Man was made for the glory and praise of God.  It is about time we start acting like it.

181.  The fool sings songs to himself for his own praise.  The wise sing song to God for His praise.

182.  God does not need us but we sure need God. 

183.  The paradox of life is that we need God to help us to do and God does not need us but chooses to use us to do His will.

184.  The kindness and compassion of God are found in how we treat others.

185.  The fool will spend time praising himself the wise we take time to praise the Lord.

186.  The wise man knows that his life speaks of who he is and what he believes.

187.  Knowledge, intellect, science and surveys make a person smart but only respect for God, love, mercy, grace and peace from God makes them wise.

190.  As long as we focus on ourselves we will not have peace.  True peace comes from within and from God.

191.  It is not what I have done, or think or feel that produces peace.  It is peace that comes from God that brings true contentment.

193.  Faith is a paradox, it causes us to look within and also outward.  It helps us to see what we can become and what we will become.

194. When we know the Lord we carry peace with us.  Where we enter comes peace and when we leave so does the peace.

195.  Secret things belong to the Lord but those who seek Him will find them.

196. Remember we cannot live on temporal things alone but true life comes from feeding on the things of God.

197.  Grumble street or gratitude lane they are the choice we can make to live on.

198.  One converted person is worth more than a thousand so called conversion.

199.  Grace is like paying a bank loan.  It frees you from the loan and the interest.

200.  Salvation that leads you to works is not salvation.

201.  Those who expound universal brotherhood and fatherhood are children of the devil.  Jesus is the only way to the one Father. 

202.  You will never find a Christ funeral sermon because every funeral he went to the person rose from the dead.

202.  The fool will always think is good and the wise knows he is not.

202.  You can have two men with the same name and yet have different destinations.  It just depends on who is got the compass of life.  God or themselves.

203.  Remember one act of disobedience can give you heaven or hell. 

204.  Remember one moment can change everything.

205.  The fool thinks unconfessed sin God will blink at the wise knows unconfessed sin is unforgiven sin anotd the Lord will not.

206.  God hears the prayer of the righteous man not the unrighteous.

207.  Living water does need us to pump it, it will flow naturally.

208.  Those who walk in doubt are unhappy because they never know what to believe and those who walk in faith are happy because they know in whom they believed in and are persuaded that he  is able to keep that which they have committed to Him until that day.

210.  The fool will have no peace, no hope or comfort in uncertainty and the wise have all three because they put their trust in God who is certain.

211.  Don’t be like Lot and move into Sodom be like Abraham and move to Bethel.

212.  The fool thinks he is not lost in sin and the wise knows they are but trusts God for the way out.

213.  Many are like the Dead Sea receiving but never giving out.  Be like the Sea of Galilee, give and receive.

214.  We do not need new ministers but old ministers with new power.

215.  The fool says God can’t and the wise say God can.

216.  The Son of man never paid tribute to death and never will the Child of God. 

217.  Dead faith leads to inactivity and living faith breeds action.

218.  Faith without works is like building a house without a foundation.  Works without faith is like building a house without a roof.

219.  A person without God is like a light without batteries.  Great to look at but of no value.

220.  The fool only wants prosperity the wise knows that to resourcefulness comes in famine times.

221. Earthly things will always pull someone’s affection away from eternal things.

222.  A  backslider is a bitter person because they know better but do nothing about it.

223.  The wise hear the roll being called up yonder and answer it.  “Here I am.”

224.  You cannot rescue the perishing and care for the dying when you are one of them.

225.  The fool things hell is a great place and the wise know it is not.

226.  You cannot go to a prepared place like heaven if you are not prepared yourself.

227.  When you do not know how to save yourself then how can you go and save others.

228.  Before you can pull someone out of the water you should have a firm foundation on shore.

229.  If something does not feel right then do not proceed.   God’s inner voice is the best protection against wrong choices.

230.  The Bible says we are the Son of God not that we are going to be.  Believe the Bible.

231.  Death, hell and judgment are the fear of the fool.  The wise know they have passed from death to life.

232.  Nothing will satisfy the heart that is empty of God.

233.  Too many people today believe the promises of God are for others but not them.  God is no respecter of persons His promises are once and for all.

234.  The word whosoever includes everyone and wherever they live.  This is God’s promise.

235.  Men may want to be something they are not but God can makes us what we should.

236.  Faith is the link to every promise in the Bible and every blessing stored up in heaven.

237.  A man may tell you that you have a thousand dollars in the bank but until you go and claim it has no real value.

238.  The wise man know that unbelief bars the door of the Lord and keeps back the blessings of abundance.

239.  There are three elements of trust or faith.  Knowledge, belief and application.

240.  Knowledge is only good when one applies it to one’s life.

241.  Belief will only save you if you believe the one who gave you the promise.

242.  No promise will be fulfilled until you act upon it.

243.  It is one thing for us to talk to God but so much better if God talks to us.

244.  Remember prayer is a two way street.

245.  Remember when you pray you are talking to God but when you are reading the Bible God is talking you.

246.  The fool thinks the laws of man and God are not the same.  The wise knows they are.

247.  When you sow discord, pain and bitterness you will reap them.

249.  A drunkard will be a drunkard unless he or God makes the change.

250.  You cannot change your destiny unless you want to change it.

251.  You have no moment like this moment so use it wisely and quickly because it will be gone.

252.  There is only one unmistakeable truth and that is the one God brings.

253.  You will never be able to soften the heart of a hard hearted person on the Lord can.  So quit and pray He will.

254.  The promise of God is that He will always hear the cry of the lost soul.  To bad many people today are talking

on their phones.

255.  God always accepts a willing heart and mind.  To bad so many people today have unwilling hearts and closed


256.  Some people say God’s does not call them and that is because they are not on the line.

257.  People today want God’s mercy and grace but not the things that are required to get it.

258.  If a mother can recognize a lie and sham don’t think for a moment God won’t.

259.  There are lots of people on the surface want God but when you dig a little deeper you find it is only surface.

260.  If you want God on your terms He will never come.

261.  The only way to get out of the storm is to rise above it and God can help you do that. 

261.  When you climb the mountains of life in time you will see the beauty of of the view you climb to see.

262.   The true law and prophets were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.  Moses and Elijah saw that on the Mount of


264.  We are good at confessing our sin but not good at getting rid of the them. 

265.  When a person looks in the looking glass of God’s love the only reflect they see is Him. 

266.  The world can get along fine without us but they can never get alone with Christ.  We need to tell them so

they will know.

267.  The wise respond to the love of God in peace and joy.

268.  When a person is truly converted you will not have a bitter feeling towards any person because your

bitterness has been cured.

269.  When a person is truly converted God has shed his love abroad in their heart and in turn you share this love

with others.

270.  No person who has God with them will fail in the work that God has given them.

271.  No nation has ever or will ever prosper as long as they ignore God’s law.  Righteousness is the ingredient for

the success of any nation.

272.  The one thing that Adam brought out of the garden with him was marriage and the Sabbath to dishonor both

is to dishonor God.

273.  The world has been rocked to sleep by satan and he does not tell great bedtime stories.

274.  The fool does not believe in hell and the wise do and tremble.

275.  Jesus allowed His body to be mangled so we would not have to go to hell.  Let us not forget that.

276.  Here is irony. A person loses their wealth and people are sympathetic but say nothing when they lose their


277.  If you do not win one soul to Christ then you Christian life has been wasted.

278.  There is only one true mission in life and that is to win souls all the rest is window dressing.

279.  He who wins souls is wise so be the wisest person around and win someone.

280.  Christ came to earth with a mission and we are called to finish that mission. 

281.  If we do not have a goal to win souls and reach the lost we have something wrong with our religion.

282.  The fool goes after the riches of this world and the wise go after the riches of heaven.

283.  The wise co-operate with God and the rebel does not.

284.  If you are not willing to give up your sin and rebellion do not expect a blessing from God.

285.  People who have been powerful with God always start with confession of sin.  It is the gateway to blessing

and the barrier to sin.

286.  The fool will always choose the form over the substance of God.

287.  Pictures and icons of Christ will not save you only by giving your life to Christ is salvation assured.

288.  Kissing a picture of Christ and believing it will save you is as foolish as believing `water comes from sand.

290.  It is faith in Christ that saves us not a picture of Him.

291.  Character and integrity are worth more than any earthly riches.

292.  You can gain the whole world and will indeed lose your integrity.

293.  If you gain the whole world you will lose your soul.

294.  A man with character will always have a better epitaph than a man with a mountain of gold.

295.  The fool relies on their strength and the wise rely on the strength of God.

296.  When a person relies on the strength of the Lord they have more strength than all the world.

297.  Too many people try to make peace with God when it has already been done through Jesus Christ.

298.  Instead of trying to make peace or work for it the wise will simply enter into the peace that has already been

purchased through Jesus Christ.

299.  The real mystery in life is how people can go through it without God.

300.  The wise go to God will trials in life come and the fool does not.

301.  Insanity is thinking you can do something that only God can.

302.  People lose all hope when they put their trust in themselves.  Wisdom is putting trust in God and in turn He

gives hope.

303.  When was the last time you thank the Lord for the Bible and its promises?  Do it today.

304.  The promises of God are fresh, vital, powerful and sweet. 

305.  The cry of the human heart has always been one of finding a better place than we currently have.  Praise God

that there is place like that waiting for us in eternity.

306.  The best homes mankind can build is but a shack in comparison to the home Christ has prepared for His


307.  An irony of life is that people are seeking everywhere and He has already provided the way through Jesus

Christ and they don’t see it.

308.  The fight for the prodigal is this.  The holy and heavenly are calling him home and the unholy and hell are

keeping them from it.

309.  Angels and demon fight over the same soul and only that soul can make the right decision.

310.  The fool keeps their pride and sin intact the wise get rid of theirs.

311.  When Christ comes back He will not be greeted by shepherds and wise men.  He will be greeted by an

Anxious and waiting church.  Come Lord Jesus come.

312.  The fool will seek God with half his heart and the wise will seek Him with all his heart.

313.  A halfhearted effort gets you part way while a whole hearted effort will get you all the way to your


314.  A man may want to do the right thing but rarely does it.

315.  We are great at wanting to do the right thing but rarely do we do it.

316.  The problem with many people is that they are willing but the cost of doing the right thing is often to high.

317.  God will help us like He has others if we put our faith and trust in Him like they did.

318.  The gospel is only good news to those who receive it.

319.  You can pray for people to receive the good news but only they can receive it.

320.  If Christ be for us no matter what the world, the flesh and the devil do we will always be the winner.

321.  There are many things we cannot hear or see that happen all around us so never think we know all we can


322.  The problem with most people is that their sort sightedness keeps them from seeing eternity right in front of


323.  The problem with many today they cannot see the beauty of heaven before them because they are looking at

their phones.

324.  The irony of today for many is that they cannot hear the jou bells of heaven because they have their earbuds

on listening the music of the world.

325.  We cannot do anything to save ourselves but receive what Christ has already done for us,

326.  Sin, gloom, despair and fear flee away and light, peace, joy and love burst in to the heart that receives Christ.

327.  When Jesus said, “Father forgive, them they know not what they do.”  He was talking about me.

328.  In Bible days it took one to chase a thousand and today it seems to take a thousand to chase one.

329.  No matter how powerful you are you will always be weak in comparison to someone who trusts God.

330.  A lazy man will always choose the easiest path, the wise always the best.

331.  The person who feeds on the promise of God will always have an abundant supply.

332.  Insanity is not willing to give up the sin that is killing you.

333.  There is only one key to life and that is being born of the Spirit.

334.  The darkness of sin can only be dispelled by the light of salvation.

335.  The great men who tried to conquer by force failed.  Jesus came with love and his kingdom is still going. 

336.  People who hate die.  People who love live on.

337.  Those who hate will fall.  Those who love will stand.

338.  When we walk in love, hate, bitterness, unforgiveness and strife have no power over us.

339.  Only those who truly love have a legacy after they pass from this earth.

340.  Satan calls idle men into his service God calls active men.  Who do you want to follow?

341.  What is needed today is not people playing video games but people who live real lives in the real world.

342.  Laziness will kill you long before work ever will.

343.  They is no power on earth that can stop a person who has God’s power.

344.  You can strike the iron when it is hot or you can be the one who makes the iron hot.

345.  When we keep our eyes on Jesus all other things around us do not distract us.                                                                                                                                                          Till tomorrow to get saved.

346.  News tells us what has taken place the Bible tells us what will take place.

347.  Some people only hear when they take time to close their mouths.

348.  Men can learn something when they stops talking.

349.  The one way to shut f the devils of this world is to say, “It is written in the Bible.”

350.  The devil does not care one bit about our feelings he only cares if you know the word of God.  He fears it.

351.  The higher we go in God the closer we are to heaven.

352.  No man is on his way to heaven he either lives there or not. 

353.  Heaven is not a destination it is where we live now of we know Christ.

354.  The fool tries to make heaven his destination, the wise already live there.

355.  Being on a church roll does make you a Christian only receiving Christ will get you on the roll of heaven.

356.  I would rather have my name written in the Lamb’s book of life than any ledger here on earth.

357.  The fool seeks the fame of the world and the wise seek the fame of heaven.

358.  The fool has the courage to stand up for himself, and the wise have the courage to stand up for what is right.

359.  Satan never fears someone asleep but He fears the one who wakes up.

360.  The short word of God is stronger than any long speech of man.

361.  There is more assurance in one word from God that a thousand speeches of man.

362.  There is more sure footing in one step with God than a thousand steps with man.

363.  When darkness of persecution comes that is when the child of God shines.

364.  Here is a truth, when a sinner dies the demons rejoice.  When a saint dies the angels rejoice.  Who do you

want to rejoice at your death?

365.  The most foolish person on the planet is the person who says, “I will wait till tomorrow to get saved.”

366.  The fool waits for tomorrow what should be done today.  The wise do it right away.

367.  The foolish will listen to anything and the wise will only listen to the truth.

368.  When the temple is built that is when the glory of God comes not before.  Only when you become the temple

of the Holy Spirit will you be filled with the glory of God.

369.  Don’t wait to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Let Him fill you now.

370.  Live each moment as if it is your last because in reality it could be.

371.  No ungodly man will ever produce a book that will lift the world to the level the Bible does.

372.  You will never be able to stop the influence and power of a good man even after he dies.

373.  No ruler, realm or authority can banish you from following Christ.  He is with you always,

374.  Authorities in this world can take away all your possessions but not your wealth because your treasures are in


375.  A ruler, reign or authority may kill you for being a follower of Christ but they have just promoted you into the

Portal of heaven.

376.  Remember you can never be a citizen of this world and heaven at the same time.

377.  The fool puts his joy in this world and the wise in heaven.

378.  The fool lifts up his light to shine for the world.  The wise lift up their light to shine for the Lord to light up the


379.  The fool takes a leap in the dark and the wise walk by faith in the light.

380.  Faith is taking a leap into the dark but walking in the sure light of God.

381.  If you are willing then God is able.  The two of your work together.

382.  The only thing can do when it comes to the gift of eternal life is to accept it because he sure can’t earn it.

383.  Satan may try to hold us back or down but with God we will soar higher and greater than we ever dreamed


384.  There are many things we will never see or distant lands we will never go but one things is for sure if we

know Christ we will one day know all things and see a place no those who know God will go.

385.  Never let the shortness of human sight keep you from the long view of heaven.

386.   The problem with being spiritually deaf is you cannot hear the joy bells of heaven.

387.  When the storm of hell burned around Jesus Christ the cross extinguished it.

388.  God has an abundant supply for all but today many are going on a diet.

389.  Before Christ the Bible is the driest and darkest book but after it is moist and light.

390.  The great kings of the earth tried to conquer the world with force and authority.  Jesus did it through through

humility and love.

391.  You cannot do the work of God and satan at the same time.

392.  When we ride the plane of love.  Selfishness, self reliance and unworthy parachute as quickly as possible.

393.  True works will stand the fire of God and dishonest works will be burned up.

394.  When a person says they want zeal to be tempered by moderation they are actually want to put it out.

395.  When a person says they they want moderation to be tempered by zeal they actually hope to get rid of


396.  There is no power in hell or earth that can stop God’s people when they are zealous, earnest and motivated.

397.  The devil wants you lukewarm the Lord wants you red hot.  Most people end up cold.

398.  Only those who are red hot for the Lord will be able to heap on coals on people’s heads.

399.  The newspaper tells you about earthly new and the Bible tells  you about heavenly news.

400.  The is no comparison between media and the Bible.  Media tells you all the bad news and the Bible tells you

all about Good news

401.  When you say is it written you shoot down any argument, feeling or emotion.  God’s word is true and every

man a liar.

402.  Satan was shot down by the gospel gun the problem today is many Christian are shooting blanks.

403.  The fool will be led by feeling and emotions and the wise are led by logic and truth,

404.  Feelings and emotion are based on assumptions and perceptions, where are logic and reason are facts and


405.  The fool trusts his gut and the wise trust God.

406.  The devil appeals to the emotions and feeling and the Lord presents truth and reason.

407.  If you believe only what you see.  You will never see eternity.

408.  The higher we go in spiritual matters the closer and higher we get to God.

409.  Courage is not just standing up for what you believe but also be willing to endure all for it.

410.  The fool will start well and the wise will end well.

411.  If you destination is heaven don’t settle for any side trips this world offers.

412.  Many say they are looking for a city whose maker and builder is God but too often they settle for the shacks

and shanties of this earth.

413.  Prosperity and success never come from outside but from the inside.

414.  Real success is not trusting yourself but God.

415.  I would rather stand on the short word of God than any long word of man.

416.  No doubt, fear and unbelief will cause a child of God to slip when their footing is on the solid word of God.

417.  You can never get to heaven on the coat tails of your parents.  You have to put on your own coat of salvation.

418.  Too many a fool has said, “I will wait till tomorrow to get saved,” and then die that night.

419.  Evil is known by its fruit and is good.  Whose fruit do you want to exhibit?

420.  A mouth will speak many things but a life will show it.

421.  A man who tries to serve two masters is a miserable soul.

423.  You may bury a good person in the grave but their influence lives on. 

424.  No person can take your joy from you.  You give it up yourself.

425.  When you are dead in Christ and to the world.  There is nothing the world can do to you or for you.

426.  The slippery slopes of death, hell and the grave are destroyed in your life when you are standing on the solid

ground of the resurrection.

427.  Even the smallest light of salvation can save a person dying in the darkness of sin.

428.  The problem with today is that we are trying to wake them up and they are wearing sleep masks and ear


429.  There waits for the child of God a land of living where there is perpetual life and unceasing joy.

430.  The paradox for the child of God is that we have to die to self in order to live for God.

431.  Another paradox in life is that you must give up the natural to see the supernatural.

432.  When a person says he is standing on his doctrine that usually means he has given up on the Word of God.

433.  Remember the traditions of men killed and the Word of God brings life.

434.  Eastern religions search the deep things of man and Christianity reveals the deep things of God.

435.  You honor God when you make a large withdrawal from the bank of heaven.

436.  It has been said, that there are three simple steps to heave,  Out of self, into Christ and into heaven.

437.  A word given at the right time is cheer to the lonely heart and broken spirit.

438.  Never miss an opportunity to encourage someone it may be the only good thing that happens to them that


440.  The nature of God is to love as the nature of the sun is to shine and give heat.

441.  A word well spoken is a word will used.

442.  God has only one mouth in your world so use yours wisely for Him.

443.  In this world of changing values do not lose yours.

444.  No person if they cannot keep their temper will be of any use for the Kingdom.  The kingdom is built on love

not anger.

445.  True humility is found at home or family will help you get it.

446.  You can lie to the world about your character but never to your wife.

447.  A city will never be great unless it has righteousness, truth and honest tempering its policies.

448.  No city will ever be great until the people of that community let the Lord rule in it.

449.  A country will corrupt from the inside when the Lord is left out of its fabric.

450.  Societies will only be as strong as the values they possess.

451.  No matter how deep, dark and high your sins may be one thing can eliminate them all in a moment.  The

Blood of Jesus Christ.

452.  On the cross the crowning act of sin brought the crowing act of love.

453.  On the cross, the crowning act of wickedness brought the crowing act of grace and mercy.

454.  Remember anything that comes between you and God is an idol.

455.  Here is a truth, if God is not first place, in your life and something else is.  It is an idol.

456.  The power to serve God does not come from ourselves but by the Holy Spirit living in us and through us.

457.  Today God is seeking men, the problem today many are playing hide and seek.

458.  Men will never seek after God until they realize He has been looking for them all the time.

459.  The incredible truth of life is that God was seeking after us even before we knew He was looking.

460.  Here is a truth if you want to be unhappy look within at yourself, if you want to be distracted just look around

at the world and If you want to have peace, look up to Christ.

461.  Learn the lesson of Peter when walking on the water he sank when he look around.  In the storms of life

don’t look around keep your eyes on Christ.

462.  Keep your eyes on Christ and the waters and storms of life will not sink you.

463.  The moment a person takes their eyes off Christ they are going to sink in the waters of death.

464.  Did you know that the more candle power a light has the brighter it shines?  The more people shine for Christ

the brighter the world will become.

465.  Even the smallest light for Christ can shine brightly the darkness of sin.

466.  A lot of people sing, “this little light of mine I am going to let it shine when they have forgotten to put

batteries in.

467.  As soon as you look for the applause of men you become disqualified for the work of God.

468.  Too many good men of God have believe their own press.

469.  Too many good preachers are ruined when they care more for the applause of men than the applause of


480.  To many good preachers has lost the respect of the world when they sought the riches of this world.

481.  You will never be truly effective if you seek the riches of this world instead of the riches of heaven.

482.  Too many preachers have lost their influence and anointing when they let others guide them instead of God.

483.  You will lose the anointing of God as soon as you accept the praise of men.

484.  Too many good preachers have been shipwreck by the storm called the praise of men.

485.  As soon as you listen more to your elder board than God you are ruined.

486.  Remember in the counsel of many is wisdom as long as those who counsel you know God.

487.  No preacher will be more powerful than in the moment He stand and says, “Thus sayeth the Word of the


488.  The world will never be able to silence the voice who speaks for God.

489.  A true shepherd will always love his sheep enough to correct them.

490.  A big building does not mean success to a preacher but changed lives.

491.   If you do not master sin.  Sin will master you.

492.  If you do not crucify sin it will crucify you.

492.  The number one killer in the world is not heart attack but sin.

493.  You play around with the world it will play around with you.

495.  Play in the devil\s playground and you will be guaranteed to have an accident that will kill you.

496.  Ig you can convince someone that you love them you have won their heart and loyalty.

497.  The way you convince people God loves them is that you are his ambassador of love.

498.  People will not believe in love until someone loves them.

499.  The reason many people think God hates them is because they have seen the church and how we hate each


500.  Remember a person will only be powerful in God when they have tap into His power.

501.  Man shall live by doctrine alone but by the meat of the word of God.

502.  God will always have a place for the true seeker.  He loves for us to seek and wants us to seek. 

503.  Very few people are satisfied with earthly riches because they have learned they are only temporary.

504.  Here is a truth.  Often the richer the person is the greater the poverty.

505.  It has been said, getting riches bring worry and care, keeping them often brings trouble, abusing and trusting

in them bring guilt and losing them brings regret and sorrow.

506.  One of the greatest and biggest mistake a person can do is trust in riches for they choke life out of freedom

we may want.

507.  The folly of riches is that we think they will free us and in reality they enslave us.

508.  When we lay treasures up on earth we are enslaved.  When we lay up treasures in heaven when become


509.  Here is a truth.  Real true trusting faith is mean’s weakness leaning on God’s strength.

510.  A true follower of Christ knows that he will tremble in life but his rock will never.

511.   The more that people see the world the less they think of heaven. 

512.  The church is not just a hospital for the sick but a place of healing for the fracture soul.

513.  The world is a stormy sea that every wave will wreck someone’s soul.  Christ is the stable island where the

weary can rest their lives from the stormy sea.

514.  Every breath we breathe someone breathes their last.  Make sure you are ready for your last.

515.  Are you an OO?  What is an OO?   it is a person who is out and out for Christ.   So are you?

516.  Paul says we look through a glass darkly.  This means mirror.  So do you reflect Jesus Christ?

517.  Did you know that creation is the perfect reflection of God’s love, genius and creative ability?

518.  The is a vast difference between law and grace.  The law says kill him and grace says forgive him.  I like grace.

519.  When the law was given on Mt Sinai 3000 men were killed and when grace came on Pentecost 3000 people

were saved.  Grace is so much better than law.

520.  Happiness is created by without and joy is created by what happens without.

521.  Happiness is affect by what happens to us and joy is affected by what happens in us.

522.  Happiness comes from the head and joy comes from the heart.

523.  Happiness happens in the moment and joy happens in eternity.

524.  The world wants happiness and the child of God joy.

525.  The world says do whatever makes you happy.  The Lord says do whatever I say and it will give you joy. 

526.  The world says live in disobedience and find happiness.  The Lord says live in obedience and you will find joy.

527.  You cannot hoard love, it is active and must be given.

528.  Love cannot feed on itself or it will die.  Love must have an object and flow or it will die.

529.  We may not all do great things but we can all do something.  Even the smallest thing can change a life.

530.  With God even the smallest deed can change the world.

531.  One act of kindness a day can amount to a lifetime of kindness to others.

532.  When mankind wants things done he send an army.  When God wants things done He sends a solitary

person.  ****

533.  One person anointed by God can do more than a thousand anointed by the world.  **

534.  The greatest journey’s in life start with the first step.

535.  People never worry about the destination when they are enjoying the journey.

536.  A great deal can be accomplished for God when you do it in His strength.

537.  Never let a day pass without making eternity known to at least one person.

538.  A person is never follow accomplished until they win at least one soul to Christ.

539.  The Bible says he who wins souls is wise.  There is a lot of foolish Christians out there.

540.  If you tell someone about Christ everyday by the end of your lifetime you have become quite a storyteller.

541.  The best story you could every tell someone is the story of Christ.

542.  Jesus Christ is not looking for a skilled or educated person.  He is just looking for a willing person.

543.  Faith is the hand that takes the blessing when offered.

544.  Some people think that they have some work, to others to everyone a work but in God’s sight everyman has

a work.  Our work is one for eternity.

545. Everyone has a work that they only can do and a work for eternity.  True fulfillment is found in this truth


546.  Before eternity began God had a plan and work that only we can do.  Our part is to do that work.

547.  There is no one else who can do the work that we are called to do.

548.  There is no one who can do what you do.  Never forget that.  So if you do not do it, it will never get done.

549.  If a person does not do what God has called them to do they will have to stand before God and give an

account of why they did not do it.

550.  Grace and glory are seen in nature.  Grace is the bud and glory is the blossom.

551.  It has been said that grace is glory begun and glory is grace perfected.  They work together in perfect

harmony and unity.

552.  When Esau sold his inheritance to Joseph he was thinking about the moment and not about the future.

553.  The fool thinks about the moment and the wise think about the future.

554.  The fool thinks about the passing pleasure and the wise think about the title to eternal glory.

555.   Profession is Christ is like floating downstream.  Confession in Christ is swimming upstream.

556.  Alexander the great made the world tremble with his armies.  Jesus Christ made it tremble on the cross.

557.  The moon gets it light from the sun and we get our light from Christ.

558.  Here is one powerful truth.  Jesus Christ became poor so we could become rich.  Let us not waste that wealth

on poverty living.

559.  The only thing that can keep us peace is sin.  The only thing that can destroy is the Prince of Peace.

560.  The Peace of God is like a rock that waters dash against, climb over and swell around but it will not be moved.

561.  Before you can do anything powerful for the Lord we have to remove any dead thing in our lives that keeps

us doing miracles.

562.  The child of God is far from perfect but we are perfectly His children.

563.  Faith is dependence on the ability of God and trust in His promise to do it.

564.  Faith is the amen, to everything God says in His word.

565.  Faith takes God at His word without a single If or maybe.

566.  When God says He is going to do something, faith says, “I believe it”, and yes with a big exclamation point.

567.  If you do not trust God you  will find yourself like the nation of Israel wandering around in a desert place for


568.  Get out of your wilderness and desert by following Crist to the promised land.

569.  Leave the dark by placing your life in the Light of the world.

570.  If you want your promised land you will have to fight for it like Joshua did.

571.  The greatest joy in your salvation is to lead another to it.

572.  The highest honor in salvation is seeing others walk in salvation and truth. 

573.  If you want to disperse your doubts and fear look to Jesus the author and finishers of your faith.

574.  If you want to increase your fear and doubts look to yourself and trust your own resources.

575.  Many talk about heaven as if it is a matter of speculation but the Bible says it is true and an established fact.

576.  Love is the first and most powerful fruit of God.  Paul says the greatest of all is love.

577.  Joy is love in excitement and laughter.  *****

578.  Peace is love in harmony and unity.

579.  Longsuffering and patience is love in endurance and trial.

580.  Patience is love in action and society.

581.  Goodness is love working on behalf of others in sympathy.

582.  Faith is love on the battlefield of life and service.

583.  Meekness is love in the school of obedience.

584.  A preacher may preach with the eloquence of an angel but if he does not live what he says he is devil who

knows how to talk.

585.  One simple truth about hypocrisy it is a all a sham and lie.

586.  Words are empty and untrue if one does not follow them up with action.

587.  The wise will always follow up what they say with consistency, truthfulness and honesty.

588.  The fool will give a great speech but will not have the record of proof of what they say.

590.  You will never live in the atmosphere of God  if you are dragging the things of this world.

592.  You will never shine for the glory of God if you are playing with the darkness of this world.

593.  The fool puts his faith in the testimony of man and the wise put their faith in the testimony of God.

594.  There once was an old sea captain who was dying who said, “Praise the Lord, His anchor held.”  Can you and

will be able to say that?

595.  Unbelief is an enemy not just to the Christian but also the unsaved.  It destroys blessing and abundance for

them as well.

596.  All people believe they are honest it is the other guy who is not.

597.  Honest is not the best policy it Is the only policy.

599.  When you rob someone else of their living you are actually hurting yourself more.

600.  You cannot rob others and expect God to bless you.

601.  Repentance is like a plow going into the soil, it has to go deep to make a difference.

602.  You can only expect blessing from the Lord when you choose to bless others.

603.  If you wrong someone make it right.  Confession and restitution are the steps to forgiveness.

605.  Wherever you go you will find idols, whether to false gods or to the things of this world.  Whatever you put

First, in your life is your idol or god.

606.  Whatever you give to and do first is your God.

607.  There are many voices calling in this world.  The voice of sin is loud but if you choose the voice of forgiveness

can be louder.

608.  A cemetery can have two names.  A place of lost souls or God’s acre it just depends on who the people buried

listen too before they died.

609.  If you want to know what a person is really like just watch their actions.

610.  Some people have their biography written even before they died.  “All have sinned and come short of the

glory of God.”  What do you want the end of your story say?

611.  The problem with some people and the promise of Jesus saying, ”come unto me and I will give you rest ,”is

that they are suffering from spiritual ADHD.

612.  The problem with the fool is they think they have to carry their own burdens or release them..  The wise

know they do not and give it to the Lord.

613.  The folly of the self made person is their belief they have to carry their own burdens and not release it to the

Lord or others.

615.  The wise person is the one who releases their cares and burdens to the Lord.

616.  The wise knows that in the hands of many there is help and strength.

617.  The problem with many people who believe that no man is an island is they have surrounded their island

with sharks.

618.  The problem with the proud is they will never get the rest or help they need because only the meek and

lowly will find rest for their soul.

619.  The problem with some people when they hear Jesus say my burden is light.  They think it has something to

do with electricity or a lantern.

620.  Here is a truth.  No power on earth can quicken or resurrect a dead soul.  Only God can do that.

621.  Man of God, do not try to do something that only God can do.  That is the folly of believing your own press.

622.  It has been said that the Father plans, the Son executes and the Holy Spirit applies.  Perfect in purpose and


623.  Remember if a blessing or promise does come tonight, pray harder tomorrow.  Pray until the answer comes.

624.  True faith always produces patience and when patience is completed a true has been done.

625,  Here is an old truth, the reason some things take longer is because God has all eternity to work.

626.  The reasons why some things take longer in the work of the Lord is because God is not a microwave.

626.  The best way to not get lost in life is to not miss the landmarks on the way.

627.  You will never be able to direct, help or bring control in the lives of others if you are not in control of yourself.

628.  The power to resist the control of others is to be in control of yourself.

629.  You will never be able to resist evil and do good without the power of God.  It is like trying to turn on a light

without the cord being connected to the power source.

630.  The problem with modern man is they can never get ancient and wise ways.

631.  Folly is taking man at his word.  Wisdom is talking God at His.

632.  The simple definition of faith is as follows,  Faith is taking God at his word unconditionally.

633.  The problem with today is when God says is he able many people have added others letters to the word.

634.  The problem with many today is when a person hears the words, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound,”

they have a tin ear.

635.  Remember the lesson of Peter, all it takes is one look from the master to make a person weep bitterly.  Make

sure you are not that person.

636.  The way you can tell a person is growing in the Lord is they are getting smaller in their own esteem.

637.  Unless we are willing to decrease the Lord will never increase in our lives.

638.  No matter how hard the stars try to shine they will always faded away when the morning light breaks.  We

will never truly shine until the full light of God is breaks through in our lives.

639.  No matter how you try to insulate yourself from trouble it always comes.  The best defense is to trust the

Lord and learn from the experience so you do not have to go through it again.

640.  Here is one simple truth.  You will go through the same thing over and over till you learn from it.

641.  Humility will always break a proud spirit.

642.  On the path of sorrow and pain it is so sweet to hears the word of the Savior, “I am with you.”

643.  The greatest statement you can ever make is, “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.”  The world shudders and

heaven rejoices.

644.  The word’s, “fear not,” are repeated in the Bible for one reason is because it is the only way to break the

Spirit of fear. 

645.  You want to break fear in your life then focus on God and fear will flee.

646.  I would rather have God as my protector than all, the armies, navies and air forces of the world combined.

647.  Recent events in the world have proven all that can be shaken will be shaken.  It is only those who trust in the

Lord will not.

648.  Those who trust in man’s goodness will fall.  Those who trust in God’s goodness will stand.

649.  God is good all the time is not an adage, cliché or bumper sticker it is a truth to stand on.

650.  You will never understand the depths of God’  love when you stay on the beach.

651.  The wise never test the waters with both feet.

652.  You will never scale the heights of God love in bare feet you need the good walking shoes of the Word.

653.  The redeemed and the unredeemed look at heaven differently.  The unredeemed thinks of it as a place of

People, sitting on clouds playing their harps.  The redeemed know it is a destination of beauty, light, love and


654.  Why would the unsaved want to go to heaven.  It will be hell to them.

655.  The problem with the unsaved is that they want heaven but they think this world is the best.

656.  Here is a reality.  Everyone wants to go to heaven when they die but they do not want to be heavenly minded

while they live.

657.  What we need today is illuminated Christian who will light up our churches.

658.  Religion without Christ is nothing but painted fire or an electric stove without heat.  Pretty to watch but of no

real value.

659.  The greatest epitaph we could have written is, “They lived for God.”

660. It God could set a table for two million people in the desert for 40 years, He can meet your need today.

661.  If God can feed the fowl of the air and clothe the flower in the feed.  He will surely meet your need today.

662.  If God will take care of the creatures of the earth not made in His image how much will he care for those

made in His image.

663.  No one can store up grace for future we must draw upon God’s abundant stores of grace moment by

moment as we need it.

664.  As the lungs need breathe moment by moment to live so we need God’s love and grace moment by moment

to truly live.

665.  The child of the world will always look for their inheritance from this earth and the child of God will always be

looking from their inheritance from heaven.

666.  A man may only do one great work but it can stand for eternity.  Stephen preached only one sermon but

through his testimony Paul got saved.  Live your life for Christ a Paul maybe standing close by.

667.  Remember if a person is sent by God there is no such thing as failure.

668.  There is a lesson we can learn from the four friends who brought their friend to Jesus.  When we lay our

friends at the foot of Jesus he will honor our faith.

669.  The worship of passion and pleasure is slavery and anyone who tells you it is freedom is a fool.

670.  Sin is the cause of unrest and so rest cannot be found in this world.  Only through coming to Christ can you

find true rest

671.  Did you notice that the covetous are named among thieves and drunkards.  So now you know where you

belong if you let, greed, envy and money rule your heart.

672.  There are three things that will surprise us when we get to heaven.  First, who we will find there.  Secondly,

too not find people not there we expected to be there and lastly to be there ourselves.

673.  I may never be able to reason out all the things in creation but I am sure glad I know the God who made it.

674.  A person may say they do not believe in God because they cannot see Him but that does stop them from

breathing even though they cannot see the oxygen they consume.

675.  Don’t ever say man superior to God we make things out of something.  God makes things out of nothing.

676.  If we are to reach our world for Christ we cannot be on the defense but on the offense.

677.  If you are worried about offending someone then you will never make an impact on the world.

678.  If you are worried about offending someone with what you say, then you will never open your mouth.

679.  Political correctness is the song of the fool.

680.  If you truly love someone then you will correct them when they are wrong.

681.  The fool does not receive the loving correction of friends.  The wise receive and thank them for it.

682.  If you are worried about not offending someone then you will never take a step in life.

683.  Being offended is the price one pays for having family and friends.

684.  Sin wants to put you to sleep and salvation wants to wake you up.

685.  To reach the masses you have to remember the first letter is M not A.

686.  Here is a truth we should give some of our bouquets to a person while they are alive then heap a bunch of

them on their coffin.

687.  Never question God on where He has placed you for a moment.  You are there for a reason and a lesson.

688.  The wise trust their own timing and the wise trust God and His.

689.  It is impossible to have a sour puss ad say you have the joy of the Lord.

690.  The reason people come into the house of the Lord on Sunday and look like they have the weight of the

world on them is because they have not release that weight to the Lord during the week.

691.  You cannot eat from the table of the Lord when you have been eating from a slop bowl of the world all week.

692.  You cannot fully enjoy the house of the Lord if you have not been the closet of prayer all week.

693.  A praying mother and a bartender do not serve the same kind of beverage.

694.  You cannot enjoy the house of the Lord if you have been living in the honkytonk’s of life.

696.  Poison is poison whether it is served in a gold cup or a wooden one.

697.  Only a fool takes a telemarketer at their word.

698.  What is amazing is some products sold in the marketplace today have been new and improved for years.

699.  What is amazing is some birds will travel thousands of miles to get to their nesting ground and people won’t

even cross the street to be kind to others.

700.  Every place the child of God is holy because we take the presence and glory of God with us.

701.  How can you expect to live in Jerusalem and spend all your time in Babylon.

702.  All it takes is a glimpse of heaven to make you want to leave the things of this world behind.

703.  The best views are often the hardest t get too but through perseverance and hard climbing they are well worth it.

704.  It would be best if all the fearful and faithless people left the churches they are in and make room for all the

sincere seekers of God.  The church would be better off.

705.  You can only gain heaven if you willing to lose hell.

706.  You will never be truly happy until you look at the joy of the word and not the joy in the world.

707.  With the world perishing and dying it better to go with the power of God than without.

708.  The world does need another powerless and prayerless Christian   It need a powerful and prayerful Christian.

710.  Do not run before you are sent into the work of the Lord.  There is no use in trying to do the work of the Lord

without the Lord’s power.  It is like beating your chest to an unknown foe.

711.  You are wasting your time and God’s if you try to work for Him without the unction

and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

712.  It has said throughout the Bible that why consult the dead to find out about the living.  The dead know

nothing they have already been judged and transported to where they belong.  

713.  The crown jewels of every head of state has no value compare to the crown of life.

714.  No song of this world is as precious as the line.  “Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that save a wretch like


715.  Parents remember the greatest gift you give your children is not a gift from a store but a gift that came from


716.  Parents don’t be a hindrance to your children from coming to Christ by your example.

717.  A parent’s biggest responsibility to their children is not one of provision but conversion.  You can have a well

cared for child and still have them go to hell.

718.  Parents are the living example of Jesus Christ in their home.

719.  Children are a living reflection of who we really are and not who we think we are.

720.  The fool thinks that there will no  penalty for what we do and wise knows that there will be.

722.  The greatest cruelty act ever preformed in the realm of man is unbelief is destroys and takes away our

brightest and sweetest hope.

723.  Did you notice that all creation obeys God except man.  The greatest of His creation refuses to obey.  That is

why the rest of creation groans.

724.  Man Is out of harmony with the Lord and will never have until we obey.  The reality is God will have it one

way or another.  You can humble yourself or you can be humiliated the choice is yours.

725.  When heaven is your home the trials, problems of this life will never shake you because this world is not your

home you are just a pilgrim passing through. 

726.  The Child of God may have times where they tremble  nut their foundation never did because their feet were

on the solid rock.

727.  A person does need to be commanded to worship but directed to worship.

728.  What makes a vile sinner into a saint.  Taking God at His word.

729.  You only get what you believe in faith.  Take God at His word and you will see great things.

730.  You can look to the past for examples but don’t stay in the past when you want to blaze a trail for the


731.  A simple truth.  If you focus on past mistakes you will repeat them.

732.  We should admire the saints of the past but remember they did what they were called to do as we are called

to do what we are called to do.  

733.  You can conquer your world when you go in the strength, power, anointing and might of the Lord.

734.  When a person is proud of their religion they will not come to Christ.

735.  So many people swap the lie of religion for a relationship with Christ.

736.  No religion will ever say a person but instead damn them because it blinds them to grace and chains them to

good works.

737.  A Religion based on good works is about as useful as a boat with a hole.

738.  To many a person has gone to hell thinking they would not go there because they based their eternity on

good works.

739.  On a fool says he is good and the wise know they are not.

740.  A person who bases their eternity on good works need a psychiatrist.

741.  A person needs healing of the soul before any healing in the body can truly take place.

742.  It is a fool that seeks the healing and not the healer.

743.  when a prominent person dies we want to know their last works and acts.  Jesus when He died He forgave

mankind and saved a thief. 

744.  The power of Pentecost is unlearned, prejudiced, full of bitterness and malice men become power houses for


745.  We should be thankful God uses us in spite of all our faults, failures and sins.

746.  A advertisement said, “You want to be successful dress for it.”  The problem you can put a suit on a pig and it

will be a pig.  Only a converted heart can truly change.

747.  You will never make a person righteous unless you change His heart.  Only Jesus Christ can do that.

748.  Today people say, “Listen to you heart.”  What a lie.  Your heart is deceitful and wicked the Bible says.  So

what do you listen too?  The bible tells you what you are and what you do to become righteous.


749.  If someone tells you to listen to your heart.   Walk away and listen to your head because they are lying.

Your heart will lead you away from God not to Him.

750.  A lazy man cannot be converted because we are called to go and a lazy man would rather sit.

751.  A sluggard cannot be converted because he does not have the willpower to leave his lazy ways.

752.  Work honors God and laziness honors the devil.

753.  There is more hope the salvation of drunkards, thieves, liars and harlots than a lazy person.  The lazy person

is too tired to see they are perishing.

754.  To a person who is corrupt, evil and sinful heaven will be hell because it a place of holiness, truth and


755.  If you want heaven then what you need to do is make heaven on earth first by getting prepared through

Jesus Christ. 

756.  This is a wonderful truth.  Heaven will be filled with people twice born.

757.  We need a faith that comforts us in death and unites us with our loved ones. 

758.  In ancient Thailand they used to sew up the moutteh of a confirmed liar.  Good thing that doesn’t happen

Today.  Parliament would be a quiet place.

759.  The best thing a parent can teach their children is complete honesty and truthfulness.  The problem today

most parents don’t even know what that is.

760.  Truth is truth even if legislators say it is not.

761.  You cannot legislate, morality, truth or honesty.  Otherwise most of our government would have to go to jail.

762.  .A generous person will always encourage others to do the same.

763.  When a person is grounded in the Bible they have great peace because they have not only read but have met

The Author of peace.

764.  The beautiful thing about the Bible is the author is also the central topic of it.

765.  The Lord does not want a thing you have, He wants you.

766.  You cannot do one thing to please God except give Him you heart.

767.  The folly of religion is it makes you can bring good works to God and He will except them.  Your righteousness

is filthy rags.  Only Christ can save you.

768.  The world is not changed by the rich and powerful it is changed by those who take the one talent they have

and use it well.

769.  Learn from the water and the wind. Only time changes the landscape of your world.

770.  What man builds over time decays and what God builds lasts forever.

771.  The church can learn a lot from the ant.  Working together much can be accomplished.

772.  A man once said, “If you hear the gospel if will do you no harm.”  That is a lie.  Once you are exposed to truth

you must do something about it.  Your heart will either be softened or hardened.

773.  The problem with religion is it is like a vaccine.  It keeps you from catching the truth that will save you.

774.  Religion and mere sentiment will never straighten out a life.  A decision for transformation must take place.

775.  Professing to be a Christian and yet not practicing it daily is like trying to ride a bicycle with square wheels.

776.  Faith without action is like a porcupine in a room full of balloons.

777.  The righteous would rather live one day in heaven then a thousand years on this earth.

778.  The Lord promises strength for each moment and for each day.  Trust Him for it. 

779.  The fool will trust in his strength that will fail and the wise trusts the Lord’s whose never will.

780.  It takes real courage to serve the Lord.  This is a faith not for cowards or the fearful. 

781.  There will be always plenty of people around to throw cold water on hot faith.  Make sure you are not one of


782.  Selfishness and generosity do not dwell in the same heart.

783.  The preacher who is sound in doctrine but has no love for others is nothing but a noisy sound.

784.   You can put a person in jail but you will never chain the gospel.

785.  You may bury a person in the grave but you will not bury their ideas.

786.  Our influence lasts much longer than we do.

787.  A person greatest goal is to leave a great legacy for those that follow us.

788.  The greatest gift a parent can give their children is their love for Christ.

789.  A parent can touch a child more in a moment of love than in a hundred moments of anger.

800.  Never, never, never strike a child in a moment of anger it will leave a scar on their life for a lifetime.

801.  Children should be viewed as a heritage from the Lord.  Not an inconvenience of man.

802.  A person has regrets when they strike out in anger but never when they comfort in love.


803.  An angry person is an uncontrolled and undisciplined person.

804.  How can you truly help others when you cannot help yourself.

805.  Even GPS cannot help find the way of salvation.

806.  Don’t ever let someone tell you the way of the devil is easy.  The Bible says the way of the transgressor is

hard.  Ask the drunk, the prisoner and the drug addict.  The devil comes to rob, kill and destroy.  That is not easy

but hard.

807.  Living in the past keeps a person from truly embracing the future.

808.  Living in the past will never make the present God’s gift for the day.

809.  When you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord every day.  You are making progress in faith to

overcome anything.

810.  The only way to stay strong and vigorous is to go to God daily for his strength and power. 

811.  The lesson we learn from manna in the wilderness is to trust God daily for his provision.

812.  Like breathing moment by moment so we must trust God moment by moment to keep us.

813.  The folly of many is that they believe they can store up for a lifetime what was meant for a moment.

814.  A person never become anything until they takes his first step good or bad.

815.  Here is a lesson of reality.  If you never take a drink you never become a drunk.  If you never smoke a

Cigarette you never become addicted to nicotine.

816.  Here is a sad truth of today.  Instead of telling people to quit their destructive behavior society just gives

them another form of it.

817.  Remember this most politicians today care more about your vote than they do you.

818.  No matter who they may be only believe what a person does not what they say.

820.  For centuries satan has been trying to tell mankind God does not love them.  Yet one act says He does.  Jesus

died to save mankind.  No greater love can you give when you lay down your life for a friend.

821.  True courage is not found in great deeds but in moment by moment decisions to be truthfulness, honest

loving and compassionate.

822.  People do not care one about what you say.  They care about how you make them feel.

823.  Parents model God’s love day by day in how we love, treat and care for them.

824.  Mom, Dad, you model God’s love moment by moment before your children.  So spend moments with God to

get the resources you need to do the task.

825.  A Godly parent and a sinner do not pull on the same rope of influence for our children.

826.  Young person remember your parent and your friend do not have the same idea about life in general.

827.  When you are eighteen you know it all and by the time you are eighty you forget it all.

828.  There is nothing more foolish than a person who never grows up.

829.  The reality of life is that you can fight old age but sooner or later it wins.

830.  We are called to trust God at all times not just when times are God.

831.  God promises to be faithful in the sunshine and in the storm.  Yet it is in the storm we need Him most.

832.  God had one son without sin but all His sons will have trials and problems.  Trust the one son without sin in

the trials.

833.  The lesson we learn from the ten lepers is that if you want to be clean obey God.

834.  Naaman was cleansed of his leprosy until he dipped in the water 10 tens.  Not nine or eleven.  You be clean

obey what God says.

835.  Obedience to God is the stepping stone to greater responsibility.

836.  If you always obey man you will find you will be in disobedience to God.

837.You will never be fit for the service of God until the world thinks you are foolish.  Remember God uses the

foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

838.  We will only see the majesty of God when we ascend to the holy mount of God and hear the voice that

states, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

839.  The darkness of sin can only be broken when we see the light of God in the personage of Jesus Christ.

840.  The folly of sin is that we think they are free and we are not.  Spiritual blindness is the worst blindness of all.

841.  You will never get out of a pit sin when you are anchored down with it.

842.  Self control is the last fruit of the Spirit mentioned because it is the hardest to attain.

843.  Never trust your feeling there is not one verse in the Bible that says you can be saved by feelings.  It is faith

not feelings that save.

844.  Feelings and emotions are dangerous because they are based on our perceptions and often perceptions are

not based on fact or truth.

845.  Remember any person who is a child of God is richer than any billionaire because they have eternal riches.

846.  The moment you lose your health you know how much you appreciated it when you had it.

847.  The first time a child disobeys their parents they are on a downward track and a short lifespan. 

848.  If you want live a long life don’t disobey your mother she gave you life and she might just end it.

849.  Don’t ever take yourself to seriously.  Life is serious enough without you making it more so.

850.  No one is beyond the reach of the tempter.  Life can be smooth for a while but the testing comes because

only then will you find out what you are really made of.

851.  The one way to stop lying and gossiping is to treat it as sin.  Bring it to the open and repent.  That way it loses

it’s power.

852.  Remember just because you are a Christian that does not mean you will not make mistakes.  It takes time for

a tree to become mature and the same with the Christian life.

853.  It takes a moment to be justified and regenerated but a lifetime to be sanctified.

854.  God will not supply all our wants but He will supply all our needs.  So our part is to discover what our needs

are instead of our wants.

855.  It is a foolish parent who supplies a child with all they want instead of all they need.

856.  The reason the Lord supplies us with what we need for this day is because tomorrow will have a different


857.  People who come to God and then look at what they have to give up are missing the fact that God will give

them multitude more things than they will ever give up.  They give up eternal hell for heaven.  They give up death f

or life.

858.  The song of salvation is the sweetest song ever the problem today is many people have their earbuds on

listening to the songs of the world.

858.  The golden chain of obedience is broken by one link of disobedience.

859.  Unless you ask great things of God you will never know the about his riches in glory. 

860.  The problem with many Christians today is they believe God for a wheel barrow when he wants them to have

a dump truck.

861.  True faith takes God at His word and acts upon it for the glory of God.

862.  Humility is not thinking humble about ourselves it is not speaking about ourselves at all.

861.  A soon as you flatter yourself your moment of humility is gone.

862.  There is a vast different in confidence and boasting.  Confidence is knowing what you can do and boasting is

what you think you can do.

863.  The biggest lie educators and motivation speakers tell people is that they can do anything.  You cannot sing if

you do not have the voice.  You cannot be tall if you are short.  You cannot be an artist if you cannot draw.  The

biggest truth is this, you can be what God intended you to be if you trust Him.

864.  Often God calls you to pray for something before He calls you do it.  Nehemiah prayed for months for

Jerusalem then God called Him to go.  Prayer is the preparation for greater works even before we know we are

going to do it.

865.  God will not give you grace for something until you need it. 

866.  The more man drinks the pleasures of sin the more thirsty he becomes.  Only those that drink from the

waters of life will never thirst again

 867.  The folly of a hoarder is that they do not know their real problem is barreness of soul.

868.  Jesus said, “Unless a man be born again, he will not inherit the kingdom of God.”  There are many things dark

and mysterious in the Bible but once a person becomes born is becomes plain and clear.

869.  When you receive Christ you do not receive a creed or doctrinal statement.  You receive a friend who will be

closer than a brother.

870.  A word of encouragement given at the right time is worth more than a thousand words at the wrong time.

871.  To be an encourager is a noble work for God.

871.  God using us in a moment of time to encourage someone might change their lifetime forever.

872.  Look for opportunities to encourage others.  In this way you will actually encouraging yourself.

873.  An act of love in a moment of time is worth more than a thousand moments of correction.

874.  I know of one girl who made her acts of random kindness into a lifestyle of love.

875.  When you choose to string together moments of forgiveness they become a lifetime of love.

876.  Here is a sad fact.  We make Christ out to all He can be.  To some He is a small and insignificant to others

grand and glorious. 

877.  A person can speak many languages and still be misunderstood.

878.  For the child of God not what is behind is best but what is before us is best.  What have so much waiting for

us on the others side of the portal of death.  Remember death is just the beginning.

879.  Here is a paradox.  Many are staggering and falling under a load of cares right now when they have such

glorious prospects before them.

880.  If you go to work all your doubts and fear will go away because you are too busy working to let them settle

on your heart for long.

882.  It is an idle mind that dwells on fear and folly.  An active minds do not have time for them.

883.  Health is often rejuvenated through good honest toil.  Your body, mind and soul and working together and

this is always healthy.

885.  When you are active you stay healthy as soon as you think you need a rest from activity that is when most

health problems arise.

886.  It has been said, that health is wealth.  So get active and get rich.

887.  Smiling is giving joy to another at a distance.

888.  A smile is God’s way of brightening a rather gloomy day.

889.  A frown is a conservation of anger.  A smile is a release of joy.

890.  A smile can lighten the load of any burdened soul.

891.  There are two types of skeptics.  The sincere and the debater.  The sincere always deal with love and the

debater with wisdom.

892.  When you are a new Christian you fel you have to defend the whole Bible as you mature you realize the Bible

defends itself.

894.  The most powerful phrase in any language is, “Thus sayeth the Lord.”  This is because when God speaks all

other phrases are subject to him.  His word is to be feared and obeyed.

895.  The judgment all mankind face is different between the Christian and non Christian.  The Non Christian will

face it for sin and the Christian for reward.

896.  The person who knows God has a hope and thus a future because they know God will be there.

897.  For the Christian they know what their future holds because the Bible has already told them what is going to


898.  The folly of the occult is that those who practice it actually think they are going to win.

899.  The power satan promises is temporary and the power God promises is eternal.

900.  The problem with going back into time to correct mistakes is that you would make more than you started.

901.  If you want to touch other you have to be an person of honesty.  Always do what is right.

902.  If you want to lead others you have to have confidence in God and yourself.

903.  The fool gets his confidence only him himself and the wise get their confidence from the Lord and then apply

it to themselves.

905.  The child of God has confidence in God and that He will get us through whatever we face.

906.  The wise know when they put their faith and trust in the Lord.  He will do exactly what He said He would do.

906.  If you assurance is in yourself you will fail but if you assurance is the Lord you will succeed and prosper.

907.  Prosperity begins with confidence in the Lord.

908.  Health begins with the assurance and confidence that the Lord will keep his promise of health and hope.

910.  Our confidence in the Lord stands on the truth that God’s very nature is love and mercy.

911.  You will never falter, slip or fail when the Lord is holding your hand.

912  One of greatest assets you have in your life is the confidence of God’s abilities and the talents he gives you.

913.  Many a motivational leader with tell you to rely on yourself.  They are wrong if you rely only on yourself. 

However if you rely of God as well then anything is possible.

914.  If you know that God can do the impossible you are already on the way to a miracle.

915.  When your trust is in God you may stumble and fall but you will never fail.

917.  The wise invite the storms of life because their confidence is not in themselves but God.

918.  Opportunity often knocks when we are in the bathtub.

919.  Often when opportunity knocks people peep through the keyhole and miss it.

920.  When opportunity calls often people think it is a telemarketer and hang up.

921.  One of the greatest things you can give others is appreciation.

922.  When you show appreciation for another you are showing genuine love.

923.  One of the most tangible things you can do to help another is show how much you appreciate them.

924.  One act of appreciation can change a dark gloomy day in one of sunshine and light.

925.  Many a soul has been saved by one act of love and appreciation.

926.  Remember you can be God’s hand of love and appreciation in someone’s life today.

927.  Never hesitate to show love and appreciation for another.

928.  Love in action does more than a thousand words spoken.

929.  When you inspire others you are actually inspiring yourself.

930.  Inspiration is often more perspiration in action.

931.  God raises up leaders to not only inspire but to show how to trust in Him.

931.   Great leaders inspire other to be better than they ever could be.

932.  Only servant leaders truly inspire others by their example.

934.  When you urge others on by your example you have done what God has asked you to do.

835.  One thing about the leadership of Jesus is clear.  He never asked anyone to do something He was not wiling

to do.

836.  The one quality of an inspirational leader is their humility and belief in others.

837.  Any person can command but real leaders earn the ability to command.

838.  Command and inspiration are so different.  To command means you believe in direct authority to inspire you

belief in indirect authority.

939.  Direct authority means you command and you expect people to obey.  Indirect authority is people obey

because you are part of a team.

940.  Jesus taught that inspiration is love in action and example.

941.  Often well you are motivating others you motivate yourself.

942.  Urge each other on because together anything t=is possible in the Lord.

943.  When you urge others to do good works you are doing a good work yourself.

944.  When you encourage others you are loving others in a practical way.

945.  Motivation is one tool God uses through you do help others fulfill their destiny in Him.

946.  A godly leader will always motivate others to fulfill their godly dreams and destinies.

947.  When a person incline others to do something it helps destroy laziness and the urge to recline.

948.  When you passion is directed in the right way it often becomes a profession.

949.  The wise will urge, motivate and inspire others and the fool thinks that just takes to much effort.

950.  Today with most people is they did not have the commitment to see things through.

951.  Today most people have the desire but not the commitment to see things through.

952.  Don’t just make passion a fashion but turn it into a profession for good.

953.  You will never get the weeds out of the garden without commitment.

954.  The biggest failure in marriages today is people forget that it is a life time commitment and not just passing


955.  You may get out of the starting blocks but you will never finish the race of life without commitment.

956.  Health does not come because of the latest pill, herb. Medicine or diet.  It comes with a commitment to stay


957.  Any fool starts well it is the wise that finish because of their commitment.

958.  The wicked will perish because they have failed in one major thing.  The failed to commit to truth and


959.  When you fail to commit to commit to fail.

960.  Passion is desire in full bloom.

961.  A lot of people are passionate about many things but focus will turn that passion into something creative.

961.  The secret of commitment is character.

962.  Only when you truly believe and trust a truth will you have the commitment to stand on it for life.

963.  Many people are willing few full have commitment.

964.  Greatness in life is often just commitment to a goal in life.

965.  Success is more often just commitment to get something done.

966.  You cannot have success without commitment.

967.  Success is often just the refusal to give up a commitment that you made to yourself and others.

969.  Our commitment to an idea or goal often inspires others to walk with us.

970.  Nothing truly great happens in our lives with commitment.

971.  Most of our modern inventions were created by people who refuse to give up their commitment to do what

they believed in.

972.  Skill and talent does make a great person commitment does.

973.  To be the best you have to be committed to be the best.

974.  Passion for something is good but you must be committed to see it through to be successful in it.

975.  Success is taking and idea and communicating it to others.

976.  Communication will take an idea from the drawing board to the plant floor.

977.  One of the best things a parent can give to their children is an example of communication.

978.  The family whose parent communicate stays together.

979.  True communication is not just the ability to talk but listen.

980.  Those who listen are the best communicators.

981.  It is one thing to impart news but quite another knowledge.

982.  A good communicator imparts knowledge and how to apply it.

983.  A truly communicator inspired knowledge to grow.

984.  The best teachers communicate knowledge that inspires personal growth.

985.  To be informed is one thing and to be inspired is another. 

986.  Any fool can bring news but the wise know how to communicate that news.

987.  The two biggest contributors to marital breakdown is lack of shown love and communication.

988.  Your spouse does need good intentions they need active reality.

989.  Good intentions will never save a relationship.  Active love and communication will.

990.  Knowledge without application is the same as cloud without water.  Pretty to look at, but of little value.

991.  A great leader communicates his thought in such a way that those who follow will apply it to their lives.

992.  When you communicate your values to others you are becoming of value.

993.  As you listen you are communicating love.

994.  When you value the opinions of others you are on the path of becoming wise.

995.  Wisdom is valuing the wise opinions of others as highly as your own.

996.  A wise person listens to opinions of others in the light of God’s words.

997.  The opinions of others are valuable but the discerning see the intent of the opinions.

998.  The foolish offer the opinion without asking and the wise wait to be asked.

999.  Giving an opinion is easy.  Not giving it until asked is much harder.

1000. The wise will always seek the counsel of others but will reserve the right to which counsel they follow.

1001.  It is easy making decision for others but for yourself not always easy.

1002.  The problem with most today is they cannot make the tough decisions.

1003.  The fool tries to please everyone and the wise please God.

1004.  Decision making is easy, I think.

1005.  Good decision making is based on two things.  The counsel of others and divine direction.

1006.  Making the right decision in the marketplace is also knowing market trends.

1007.  The wise will do two things to make a decision.  They will get accurate information and counsel.

1008.  To make a good decision always clearly define what you want to accomplish.

1009.  In making a wise decision you must always weight to pros and cons in it and then pray.

1010.  The wise things in making a godly decision is not letting events or others opinions sway that decision.

1011.  Before you make any decision consider the values and truths you wish to communicate in this decision.

1012.  All decision we make have consequences and the wise weight each one out.

1013.  You always must know the values and their importance before you make any major decisions.

1014.  It is great to seek the opinions of others but God’s is the most before you make any major decision.

1015.  Always before you make a major decision take time in prayer and God’s word to get clarity.

1016.  The biggest result of a right decision is peace of mind and heart.

1017.  Never let any major decision be a roll of the dice chance is not a good indicator in life.

1018.  The fool relies on fate and chance and the wise relies on God, prayer and the Bible.

1019.  When you are in the valley of decision take time to rest, drink the water, collect your thoughts and pray.

1020.  Never delay a decision you can make today to tomorrow.  

1021.  The fool will embrace debt and the wise avoid it.

1022.  Only the government or a fool thinks that you can spend your way out of debt.

1023.  A wise man makes money work for Him and a fool works for money.

1025.  Wisdom is never taking on a debt of another.

1026.  Never loan money unless you are prepared to lose it.

1027.  The number one rule of becoming wealthy welcome is persevering.  Only through long term investment do

you become wealthy.

1028.  The animals of the wild are more wiser than most people.  They gather in the right season and release their

resources in the times of difficulty.

1029.  One investment and decision at a time make you wealthy and successful.

1030.  The reason people gamble is the belief you can get something for almost nothing.

1031.  The rule for success is often simply doing what you love doing with all your might and staying with it.

1032.  Any great or successful journey is a series of small steps over a great distance.

1033.  The wisest decision you can make before any great journey is ask the Lord if you should make it.

1034.  Many a life has been shipwreck in the storms of life because proper planning was not made to face it.

1035.  Remember you can make all the right decisions and end up with the wrong results because you did not ask

the Lord.

1036.  Success always happens when you use the right tools.

1037.  The problem most projects end up in failure is we fail to use the right tools.

1038.  The wise man before he starts a project relies on two things.  The right plans and the right tools.

1039.  One key to getting a project done right is having good plans and the right tools.

1040.  Success is a combination of proper planning, having the right tools and staying until the job is done.

1050.  A person will always be successful when they keep learning.

1051.  The wise will remember before you can be a teacher you have to be a student.

1052.  A good teacher never stops being a student.

1053.  If you learn one useful thing a day by the end of the year you actually will be useful.

1054.  When you learn you grow.

1055.  A life well lived is a life learning something new every day.

1056.  You will never exhaust the mine of God’s word.

1057.  One promise from God’s word can sustain a person for life.

1058.  Life has been design by God to be a learning and growing experience.

1059.  When you learning that is the moment you start to become a fool.

1060.  What man often teaches lead to selfishness and death.  What God teaches leads to love, selflessness and


1061.  Hope is the food the heart lives on to see the future.

1062.  Hope is faith acting on the promise of love.

1063.  Hope knows that you have a future in God’s love.

1064.  Hope is the vision to see the future.

1065.  Hope is confidence that God will do exactly what He says He will do.

1066.  Vision is seeing what God sees and then putting into action.

1067.  Vision is more than helping people see what you see but also making it happen.

1068.  Hope is cherishing God’s word and the anticipation of God making it happen.

1069.  God’s gives up hope and then strength to trust Him to do what we asked.

1070.  The strength of any Christian is the confidence in the character of God to do what He has promised.

1071.  True success is not in doing all things well but doing one thing well.

1072.  The parable of the talents is not about many talents but using the one you have wisely and well.

1073.  God’s kingdom is based on obedience and faithfulness.  When you do these well God wil trust you with

greater things.

1074.  Focus your talents on a few things and in time you will do them well.

1075.  The problem with many people is that they try to do many too many things before they have perfected one


1076.  The secret at personal growth is doing something until you do it well and then move to the next thing.

1077.   The problem with lazy people is they don’t even want to learn one skill well.

1078.  The secret of good leadership is utilizing the talents of others for the greater good.

1079.  A wise farmer is one who sows the right crop at the right time for the market.

1080.  You will be burned if you have too many irons in the fire.

1081.  Read the newspapers to see what God is doing.

1082.  The greatest advertisement to what God is doing is you.

1083.  Always be aware of what is happening around you so you won’t get surprised.

1084.  The devil will always trap those that are not aware he is always working.

1085.  Remember the devil is always working so you better be as well.

1086.  Idleness is not just the devil’s playground it is also his battleground.

1087.  Keep watching because there is always someone who wants what you have.

1088.  Wisdom is never endorsing someone who does not have integrity.

1089.  Make sure you really know someone before you endorse them.  Many a good name has gone down in

flames because of this.

1090.  A simple rule of life.  If someone lies about someone to you, they will lie about you.

1091.  You will always be successful when whatever you do is done in small steps.

1092.  Learn the lesson of the automobile mechanic.  They are successful when they follow the right steps.

1093.  Each step in the Lord gets to closer to your final destination of eternal life.

1094.  Being polite and kind will always bring people back for a second visit.

1095.  When you value people it shows you value yourself.

1095.  Being polite to others means you value and appreciate them as God values and appreciates you.

1096.  Being polite to others is a sign of good character.

1097.  Being kind to others shows that God has done a good work on your character.

1098.  Being kind to others even when they don’t deserve is a sign of true grace.

1099.  Those who truly love know the value of kindness and politeness.

1100.  People value customer service above any sale, deal or bargain.

1101.  Wisdom remembers that the mouth is the most dangerous part of our body.

1102.  The fool will say something even if they have nothing to say.

1103.  Many a man has dug his own grave by opening his mouth.

1104. The fool does know that worlds can hurt and the wise know that they can also heal.

1105.  Many a good person has hurt their own reputation by what they say.

1106.  The wise man remembers that their words are to heal and encourage.

1108.  Make sure your words count for good and never for bad.

1109.  Love has only one goal and that is heal and restore,

1110.  Only a great amount of effort will undue a unwise word.

1111.  The Lord’s middle name is charity.

1112.  Love doesn’t always cover a multitude of sin but sometimes stupidity.

1113.  True charity is giving when there is no reason to give.

1114.  Charity is not giving out of our abundance but out of our poverty.

1115.  Real charity is giving when you do not have anything to give.

1116.  I have notice a real paradox in life.  Those who can give don’t and those who have nothing give.

1116.  A true miser is not someone who holds back money but their love.

1117.  There is nothing more pitiful than a person who shuts up their hearts to others.

1118.  Charity is the mark of a generous heart.

1119.  A simply law of the universe.  When you are generous and loving to others, God is the same to you.

1120.  The gift of love can never really be earned but it can be reciprocated.

1121.  Love is a command of God and to not love is to not love God.

1122. A generous soul is often a happy soul.

1123.  The best kind of love given is directed to those who will pass it on.

1124.  True love does not get angry even when the love is used selfishly.

1125.  If your love comes with strings attached it is not love but an obligation to the receiver.

1126.  It is selfish and vain people who do acts of charity for either glory or fame.

1127.  If your acts of love are done to blow your own horn it is best to keep them to yourself.

1128.  True charity has one component that makes it love, secrecy.

1129.  Keeping your secrets to yourself is the best way to avoid trouble.

1130.  In a world of negative news the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut.

1131.  Never give out of duty but out of passion and pleasure.

1132.  Giving destroys pent up selfishness.

1133.  To hoard is worldly and to give divine.

1134.  Directive giving rarely misses the point.

1135.  People love to give to causes.  Make sure yours in godly.

1136.  The responsibility of every minister is to make sure those that give have their money well spent.

1137.  I believe one of the judgment God will bring on ministers will be how they spend the money they were

Stewards over.

1138.  Every preacher’s epitaph should be. “He spent others money well.”

1139.  The world has a legitimate complaint when the money entrusted to churches are not well spent.

1140.  Any preacher that does not safeguard and wisely spend the funds entrusted to him should be tarred and


1141.  Many a preacher has justified their greed by using the patriarch’s as example of wealth.  Justifying buying

big homes and fancy cars.  Yet they forget that the Patriarchs lived in tents.

1142.  Having the latest thing is not a sign of prosperity but actually internal poverty.

1144.  A true shepherd cares for the sheep not fleeces them.

1146.  Honesty is not just the foundation for life it is the cornerstone of life.

1147.  People are already cynical these days only strict honesty breaks that.

1148.  If you do not do what you say, no amount of apology will keep people from doubting your integrity.

1149.  If there is only one thing you do today or keep.  Let it be your integrity.

1150.  In all things keep your integrity.  It is the sun on which all the planets of morality spin around.

1151.  A  person who is known for their honesty will never be poor because those who lend them something know

they will get it back in the best order.

1152.  One thing is truthful.  An honest person cannot be bought.

1153.  It is better to buy for yourself than to borrow.  Then you will not have to pay another for something you


1154.  Many a man’s reputation has been spoiled when he borrowed something and did not bring it back in the

Same manner in which he received it.

1155.  Do not borrow if you have the ability to buy.  It saves a multitude of problems

1156.  If you decide to borrow something from someone be prepared for something to go wrong because usually it


1157.  If you do borrow something keep it only for as long as it needed.  This way you will not give your neighbor

grounds to speak badly about you.

1158.  No amount of money, possessions or land will give greater joy, peace and sense of fulfillment than integrity

of character.  You cannot buy integrity it is a choice.

1159.  Integrity and honesty are moment by moment decisions.

1160.  You cannot teach integrity or honest it is a decision of the heart.

1161.  The secret of keeping character in check is making sure you are accountable to the right person.

1162.  If you trust only yourself you are setting yourself up to fail.

1163.  Many a good person has slipped because they have no one to keep them accountable.

1164.  The wise always remember that in the counsel of accountability is safety.

1165.  The sandpaper of accountability will rub off the rough edges of selfishness.

1166.  Never discount the advice of a good friend.  They know you better than you know yourself.

1167.  A good friend is not afraid of you.

1168.  Never get angry at a friend you keeps you accountable.  He is saving you from destruction.

1169.  Many a person has been shipwreck because they failed to anchor their lives on accountability.

1170.  If you do not hold yourself accountable to others you are plain stupid.

1171.  Accountability is the force behind responsibility.

1172.  When you give someone responsibility to do something so not take it back.  If makes you look like a tyrant

and them a fool.

1173.  When you give someone responsibility, trust them to do it and give the resources they need to fulfill it.

1174.  Remember when you trust to do something meant for two it always ends up in disaster r a hospital bill.

1175.  Working together with others brings unity and purpose.

1176.  When you empower others you are actually empowering yourself.

1177.  When you work together you are following God’s plan.

1178.  The church will never reach its full potential if only the preacher does the work of the ministry.  All are


1179.  The problem with the church today is a few are working themselves to death while the rest have become


1180.  If you have never done anything for the Lord you have no right to complain or criticize those who do.

1181.  In today’s world thinking out of the box means thinking like God thinks.

1182.  The most creative and innovative person in the universe is God just look at his creation and you will see that


1183.  God has the ability to give you ideas and dreams that only you can do.  Live his dreams not yours.

1184.  God is so innovative.  Right now there are billions of people on this planet and each one has something only

 they can do.

1185.  Dreams become destinies when God is involved.

1186.  When you fully realize that your DNA is imprinted by God.  You Do Not Allow anything to stop you.

1187.  Innovation is creativity in action.

Only God’s innovation can keep ahead of what’s happen in the world.

1188.  Choose to be a trendsetter instead of a trendsetter.

1190.  Never put a period where God has put a comma.  He has more in store for you.

1191.  When you have empathy for others you have the heart of God.

 1192.  There is a connection in the spirit and soul when you empathize with someone.

1193.  Never view empathy as a weakness but as a real strength.

1194.  Empathy is love and compassion in action.

1195.  Jesus commands us to love one another and to empathize with one another.  Those that don’t really don’t

love God.

1196. To understand the pain of others you listen with your heart and not your mind.

1197. The fool will complain about problems the wise will find the solution.

1198.  Being able to come back the brink is the quality that separates a quitter from the successful.

1199.  When you know problems will come you are already half way to the solution.

1200.  When life knocks you down being resilient will get you back up and try again.


1.       In all things make sure you stay under control or you will others control you.

2.      When you eat only eat what is good for you because health is your wealth.

3.      What you put in your body is what you think of the temple of God.

4.      Drink has never had good results in any life.  He has only agenda escape and ruin.

5.      What you eat is how you view your body.

6.      You want to be healthy and live a long life exercise you mind, spirit and body.

7.      God has place within you all that you need to live well.  So choose to be well and live well.

8.      Our free will carries with it great responsibility to ourselves and others.

9.      Your choices carry with them life and death.

10.   Silence might b the best answer you can give someone.

11.   Never allow another to tempt you to say something you will both regret.

12.   Measure your words when you speak.  They reflect who you really.

13.   Take time for a moment before you speak.  Time often tempers the emotion of the moment.

14.   Remember a word spoken can destroy a friendship that has taken a life time to build.

15.   Taking a moment to think before you speak can save or end your life.

16.   Confession is good for your soul unless you tell the wrong person.

17.   When you speak in anger usually you get anger spoken back to you.

18.   Remember the most hurtful words you often hear are usually your own.

19.   People feel your love by how you talk to them.

20.   When you speak to someone always look them in the eyes this shows your genuine feelings.

21.   The toughest thing to avoid in conversation is toxic gossip.

22.   The real discipline in life is doing what is important not what is wanted.

23.   God has only given you a measured amount of time so we must use it wisely.

24.   There is an adage today. “Time well wasted.”  The truth should be never waste time.

25.   Boredom is a sign of an idle mind.

26.   Boredom is the result of little or no ambition.

27.   Boredom is the result of wrong priorities.

28.   There will also something to do for the person with an active heart.

29.   Rest is good if you have been about the Father’s work.

30.   One word you should never hear from a Christian is I am bored.  There is so much to do for the Kingdom.

31.   When you think sincerely that is what your life will reflect.

32.   When you think the best of others that is how you will treat them.

33.   Settle in your mind before you met someone to talk that you will speak only love, compassion and truth.

34.   Flavor every word with the sweetness of love and grace of love.

35.   Let love be reflect in every thought you think, word your speak and every action you take.

36.   Honest conversation will bring honest results.

37.   Never deceive others because you are only deceiving yourself.

38.   Always speak with the thought of being just, truthful and fair.

39.   Never waste your time always be thinking how you can use it wisely.

40.   Cut out of your life the things that will keep you from the Lord.

41.   Try not to hurt someone and if you do apologize as soon as possible.

42.   Words can hurt others but don’t try it to be yours.

43.   No person can leave in the world of men and not hurt someone but as soon as you become aware of it do not excuse yourself from making it right.

44.   When wrong forgive.  When you wrong work hard to get forgiven.

45.   A person who loves makes every effort to right a wrong when made aware of it

46.   Treat others not just as you like to be treated but the very best you would like to treated.

47.   Love chooses to love at the highest order not the lowest place.

48.   It is the godly duty of Christians to work to hurt no one. 

49.   It is a commandment to love not a suggestion.

50.   Never waste a moment of love it could change a person’s lifetime.

51.   Moderation is the  mark of a man on the level.

52.   To avoid the ups and down of life remember to stay out of elevators.

53.   Too much of anything can be harmful to all aspects of your health.

54.   The only things you do not have to do in moderation is love others.

55.   When you impulse buy you usually have long term debt.

56.   When you practice economy you usually are not a victim of it.

57.   If you are not wise in your giving usually even what you have is taken from you.

58.   When you take care of yourself it enables you to take care of others.

59.   There is a soap these days that is anything but clean.  The soap opera.

60.   Many people watch Search for Tomorrow on TV.  When they cannot even figure out today.

61.    The power of prayer is amazing because it changes the natural into the supernatural.

62.   A praying person cannot be stop because they have unlimited power.

63.   Unbelief is smash when praying people exercise faith in God’s ability.

64.   God’s love is like water it finds a way where there is no way.

65.   Prayer is the conduit in which faith blossoms and bud.

66.   The roots of prayer feed the fruit of faith.

67.   As nutrients flow from the roots to the branch so prayer is the nutrients that produce the fruit of love.

68.   It is impossible to hate, be angry with and despise someone you are praying for.

69.   Those who major on the minors usually shoot themselves in the foot.

70.   In the army of God all ranks are the same because we all serve the great captain of our soul.

71.     What people need today is a conscience that tells them something is wrong before they do it not after.

72.   Today the problem with many families is that parents cannot trust kids because they learned their parents behavior.

73.   A marriage breaks down as either spouse fears or does not rust each other.  Trust is a cement that holds a marriage together.

74.   The biggest worry many parents have is that their children will turn out like them.

75.   One thing that true love never has is doubts.

76.   The fool doesn’t believe anything except he does believe.

77.   God has called us to shone the problem is we forget the polish.

78.   To shine for the Lord you have to use a little elbow grease and be rubbed hard.

79.   The only light God uses to light up this dark world is us.  So let us allow our little light to shine.

80.   The problem with most people’s light to shine in this world is they forgot the matches.

81.   Jesus is the light of the world the problem today is mankind is constantly trying to blow this light out.

82.   Here is a truth.  Jesus found unbelief on both sides of the cross.  Let us hope He does find it in us.

83.   Unbelief is the greatest enemy of God and man.  It strips us of repentance, faith and love.  It destroys the dignity of man and breaks the heart of God.

84.   There is one name that will swing the gates of heaven and that is Jesus.  He is the open Sesame to heaven and eternal life.

85.   The person who goes to hell with eventually hangs out with satan.  The one who goes to heaven does because Jesus hung on a cross for them.

86.   The thief of the cross is an amazing story. In the morning is led out a condemned criminal by nightfall he is in paradise with the Lord.  No better redemption story has ever been written.

87.   The thief on the cross was not good enough for man but good enough for God.

88.   What is amazing is that before you are saved you are working towards the cross and after you are saved you are working from the cross.

89.   Once you were working to get saved and now you working because you are saved. 

90.   If a minister comes and tells you about Christ.  He is your best friend.  He is God’s messenger and your help.

91.    If a child can learn to feed themselves it is about time some Christian learn to do the same.

92.   The minister can bring you to the banquet table of the word but you have to feed yourself.

93.   The bible is the meat of the word but so many today would rather have fast food.

94.   Reading the book of Revelation before any other book in the Bible is like missing the main meal and going for the dessert.

95.   The one thing you do not have to do with the Bible is do a Jenny Craig.

96.   One thing you will never have to diet on is the Word of God.

97.   If you don’t want to have someone lie or ruin your reputation then don’t do it to others.

98.   Slander should be called tongue murder it kills the reputation of those that are its subject.

99.   Truth will rock the world because it is built on the faulty foundation of lies.

100.  Slander is a cancer that attacks the good cells of reputation and character.

101.The wise of today will have the mind of Christ and hold His thoughts and intentions in their heart.

102.  The fool will think vain imaginations and vile affections all the while the wise will think only on the glorious, lovely and wonderful things of God.

103.  The word of the fool will speak of things they think they know but do not while the wise will speak words that are creative, encouraging and bring life to all who hear them.

104. The child of God has three tasks today.  To love, to heal and to set the captive free. 

105.  Remember you are not a victim, been conquered or overcame.  You are a conqueror, victor and overcomer in the Lord.

106. The person of prayer today has to be fully clothed with the armor of God, full anointed and realize they have been chosen before they can have full victory in prayer.

107., The child of God is a walking, talking, living word of God in human form.

108.The love of God must be manifested in the life of every Christian   This love is brought from the heart and is unconditional.

109.Many today live well below their potential.  Resurrection power is available and many cannot even get a spark of life.

110.God today wants to pour day by day His blessing into the lives of His children and their family.  Let us name it and claim it.

111.Today we should be living in the prosperity, wisdom and discernment of Solomon, the worship of David, the integrity of Daniel and the Faith of Abraham.

112.Never live in the Hall of doubt but of faith.

113.One of the many promises of God is that the angels follow us every where we go.  So let goodness, mercy and favor be you shield every moment of this day.

114.In prayer we can undamn, break, down and destroy any blockages from receving what the Lord has promised for us. 

115.The Christian through the avenue of prayer is getting positioned for the plans, goals and purposes of God.

116.If you follow the Lord you will not only be in the right place and the right time but for the right reason.

117.Through prayer we can receive higher levels of wisdom, understanding, discernment and revelation.

118.Out of our innermost being is suppose to flow rvers of living water the problem today ss our care, riches and love of the world makes the river more like a trickle.

119.The Christian today must rise up against the ungodly tongues, words and communications spoken against us through prayer.  Through prayer they will bear no fruit in our lives.

120.  The wise in the Lord are abundantly supplied, divinely healthy, completely beautiful, wonderfully made and fully restored.

121.We are called to be a whole, healthy and thriving tree planted by the waters of life but many choose a desert view.

122.Today we need more with a Joshua and Caleb spirit and view to see that all things are possible to take our land.

123. What is needed today is the belief that we can go forward and possess our promised land nu the power, anointing and might of the Lord.

124.Part of revival is knowing that we have heavenly access to the throne of gates of heaven as we use the keys of the kingdom to enter the mansion of the Lord’s holy presence and his throne room by prayer.

125.Walking in victory means you know that God is your creator, that you were made for Him and you choose to live for Him no matter what.

126.Faith is recognizing that God will meet every need.  He did it in the past, will do in the present and future.

127.Through prayer today claim the fact that you are quickened, anointed, raised and seated in heavenly places by the Lord

128.There are five things being a Christian means.  You have been forgiven, adopted, given perfect righteousness, justified and made perfect in Christ.

129.This is a tragedy, Jesus prayers for us daily and we cannot even find time to offer a few moments in prayer.

130.You must recognize that only Jesus Christ can deal with our sin and make to fully surrender  daily.

131. Victory comes when we choose to walk in the light of Christ, stay in step with Him moment by moment.

132.Daily we must make a decision to fully surrender wholly to the authority of God as revealed in scripture, to believe Him and accept his word as the final authority.

133.Until we confess our sin and its reality we will never truly be fre.

134.Today accept the full value of the word of promise to be your provider, rest, sufficiency and live your life accordingly.

135.The fool will make excuses for their sin and failures the wise will not.

136.Until you make a decision to let go of your selfishness, self reliance and self sufficiency we will never get truly converted.

137.  Never be involved with sinful praying where you pray your will instead of God’s

138.  We need to let go of all nonbiblical motives, goals, lans and activities which will serve our sinful pride or conscience.

139.  The problem with putting off the old man is that we still think of ourselves as young.

140.  The beautiful thing about serving the Lord is that moment by moment you can live a holy life if you choose too.

141.  Always be thankful for the victory that Jesus Christ won on the cross because he has seated us in heavenly places.

142.  What is amazing is that we have all the armor of God available to us and most people don’t even pull up their pants.

143.  The irony of Christianity today is that the Lord defeated all the powers of hell and we can even get to church.

144.  We have great victory in the Lord when we choose to reject the accusations, temptations, deception and insinuations of the devil.

145.  You must choose daily, to affirm that the Word of God is true and choose to live moment by moment in the light of God’s word to have a victorious life.

146.  Here is irony we have been promised a victors crown at the end of the race of life and many have not even put on their running shoes.

147.  Irony is when you can resist the devil and most have even put on their boxing gloves.

148.  every Christian should be grateful for the fact that Jesus Christ spoiled and defeated all the powers of darkness especially death, hell and the grave and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in himself.  

149.  The problem with today is many people will pray, “Lord open my eyes and show me the areas that do not please you and then proceed to put on the sunglasses of sin.

150.  Make a decision today to ask the Lord to work in your life and to give no ground to satan.  Not even a foothold.  Remember you give him a toe hold in the door of your life and he will bust open the door.

 151.  Daily put off the old man and stand in the victory of the crucifixition and resurrection.

152.  Jesus Christ has given us the victory to live above sin and live in abundant life.

153.  The problem with today the devil who is described in the Bible as a roaring lion must still think of him as a purring pussycat.

154.  Today put off the old man of fear and put on the new man of faith.

155.  Put off the old man with its selfishness and self reliance and put on the new man of love and compassion.

156.  Today put of the old man with its fear and failure and put on the new man with courage and expectation.

157.  Today put off the old nature with its weakness and put on the new man with its strength and power.

158.  Today put off the od nature with its deceit, lies and secrets and put on the new man with its righteousness, holiness and purity.

159.  Today claim your rightful place in Christ Jesus as a victorious son or daughter over all those that will attack your soul today.

160.  Today in prayer ask the Holy Spirit to come and fill, empower and anoint you so that you can break down every idol and cast out every foe.

161.  It is very hard to ask the Lord to show any area of weakness in our lives that displeases him because most time what we think is strength is actually our weakness.

162.  When you try to please the Lord you often displease the world.

163.  We are supposed to live above sin but often we live beneath it.

164.  We are suppose too claim the will of God everyday but most time we claim own.

165. Never think that everything in your will is the will of God because most times it is not.

166.  Being thankful for all that has been given to us in heavenly places means refusing to allow the earthly things to pull us down.

167.  Don’t just claim the will of God today but for tomorrow and the rest of your life.

168.  Be thankful today for the fact that you are filled with a living hope that can destroy any dead discouragement.

169.  When you stand on the word, you get the will of God and the wisdom to live it out.

170.  Being filled with the Spirit means walking in love, joy, peace, grace and mercy in your mind and heart.

171.  Thankful is an expression of the will of God in our daily life.

172.  Be thankful destroys selfish, ingratitude and personal failures.

173.  Being thankful will release all the blessings Christ gave you because you value them.

174.  Being thankful releases, love, faith and hope into an ungrateful world.

175.  Being thankful release provision into your life because you know that ingratitude holds it back.

176.  Walking in thankfulness, release joy, joy, peace, mercy and self control into our lives.

177.  When we know God has a will for our lives we will reject the endeavors and attempts by satan and demons in our lives.

179.  Refuse today to believe your feelings and walk in faith today and claim the fullness of God.

180.  Today many want the shield of faith but instead they put on the garbage can lid of unbelief. 

181.  You cannot have true peace if you are giving into fear.

182.  The child of God has to remember three things.  First, this is not our home. Next Our job is not to gain the things of this world and lastly we are to shine for the Lord while we are here.

183.  God has but one light in this world and it is us.  So take your light and shine it in your dark world.

184.  We are God’s witnesses in this world so do not be afraid of the lawyers of this world.

185.  Faith is not an infirmity as some think.  It is the cure for the unbelief of the world.

186.  Never allow others toredicule your faith.  You are alive and they are dead.

187.  Those who do not have faith are the walking dead.  Those who have faith are the walking living.

188.  Don’t be the Thomas of your world.  Look and believe.

189.  Be the Joshua of your world and go and take the land.

190.  Be like the three Hebrew children and stand up for the Lord even if you have face a little fire.

191.  The one beautiful thing about the three Hebrew boy with Nebuchadnezzer.  They could stand the heat.

192.  Simply put, unbelief murders faith.  Don’t let it do that y=to you.

 193.  The cross of Jesus Christ does one thing is divides.  You are either for Christ or against Him.  There is no middle ground.  You are either saved or condemned.  Make the right choice.

194.  When it came to the resurrection Jesus’ enemies had better memories than his friends. 

195.  If your pastor comes and tells you about Jesus Christ.  He is heaven sent.  If he does not he is hell sent.

196.  Remember no person can save a person who will not part with their sin.

197.  To be justified is a word that can shake your world.  It means you are right with God.  What a truth.

198.  When we got saved it meant that we were put back in Eden.  So why live in this world when you can Eden.

199.  To be saved means that God looks at his ledger and says, “Your debt has been paid by another,”

200.  Salvation is an iron is takes out every wrinkle of sin.

201.  Salvation is a detergent.  It takes out every spot of sin.

202.  When the prince of this world wants to make you his royalty.  Refuse.

203.  Christ conquered this world. Stop acting like a victim and act like a victor.

204.  The problem with today for many Christians is the overcomers are acting like the over came.

205.  You are a Christian your are the conqueror not the conquered.

206.  How can so many heirs of salvation are acting like servants instead of Son and daughters.

207.  When you want law you will never understand grace.

208.  The irony of today is everyone wants honesty when it comes to us but we never give to others.

209.  Everyone wants a sign contract but then will go to court to get out of it.

210.  The problem with the church today is its lack of Christianity.

211.  Secret sin is like rot that is eating out the heart of a tree.

212.  The problem with secret sin is eventually it will be published from the housetop.

213.  The person with secret sin is always afraid of being exposed.

214.  You will lose your testimony as soon as you lose your temper.

215.  You must absolutely be deaf to the voice of the world and the tempter.

216.  The voice of God is shouting in the streets the problem today is people have headphone on listening to the voice of the devil.

217.  The Christian may say come and see and then find everyone today is wearing sun


218.  Remember God will do His part when we do ours.

219.  It seems the hands and feet of God who we are seem these days to have spiritual arthritis.

220.  You cannot be the feet of God when your foot is always in your mouth.

221.  May the Word of God flavor every part of your life today.

222.  We are the perfume of our world the problem with today is everyone around us has a plugged up nose.

223.  Let the word of God perfume your heart and lives,.

224.  Aloeswood becomes fragrant in the fire.  In the same way our lives become fragrant in the fire of affliction.

226.  An amulet is carried by people to keep evil from them.  The Savior carried in the heart keeps us from evil.

227.  As fire purified metal so the Word of God purifies our hearts.

228.  When you come to the spring of spiritual life never carry a thimble when you should carry a bucket.

229.  Don’t allow you extension cord get disconnected from the wall socket of spiritual power.

230.  The problem with some people is when they need spiritual nourishment they go on a diet.

231.  You will never get fat on spiritual nourishment.

232.  Don’t be a grouch when it comes to spiritual enjoyment.

233.  Put on your party hat and enjoy being spiritual

234.  Never be weak when Christ has given you a strong mind.

235.  Funny thing when people called you crazy for being a Christian.  The Bible says you have a sound mind.

236.  You cannot have a new mind with an old heart.

237.  You cannot have a heavenly view with a worldly heart.

238.  You cannot have a loving mind with a heart full of hatred.

239.  You cannot have a fruitful mind with a barren heart.

240.  You cannot have a pure mind with a muddy heart.

241.  Redemption is a great work secured in the heart of those who believe.

242.  There is one necessity of life we better not go without and that is redemption.

243.  Jesus is the light on the true character of God.

244.  Jesus brought the light on the world’s own character and need.

245.  Jesus brought the light on the dark problems of human history and He did something about it.

246.  Jesus brought the light on man’s future and eternal destiny.

247.  The wisest thing we can do today s consider the purpose of our destiny and then do it.

248.  The wisest thing we can do today is consider the responsibility of our position in Christ.

249.  The glory of this world is like dung in the light of the glory of our destiny in Christ.

250.  Peace with God comes through faith not just facts.

251.  Here is a simple thought.  Get blessed and it will help you not get stressed.

252.  There are three things to remember about the peace of God.  It comes through faith, the world cannot give it and it passes all understanding.

253.  When the sun shines open the window and let the light in.

254.  God has given us a threefold provision today, bread to strengthen, oil to light and wine to bring joy.

255.  Men seek for the Lord because they are tired of theories.

256.  Funny thing about men.  They think that evolution is a fact when it is a theory and they think the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a theory when it is a fact.

257.  People will seek God when they are tired of their sin and not before.

258.  People will seek God when they have a desire to have peace.

259.  A great tragedy happens when people neglect such a great salvation.

260.  When men says that something is impossible.  That is when God begins.

261.  The peace of God is a great possession when you value it.

262.  Salvation has three great parts to it.  It is a great certainty, possibility and impossibility.

263.  Bright days will always be dulled by darks days of remorse.

264.  Misspent Sundays will always bring black Mondays.

265.  You cannot redeem time when you are wasting it.

266.  There is a plant in nature call the adders wort which is suppose too cure a bite wrong a snake.  Jesus is the adders wort who will cure the bit of the old snake satan.

267.  Prejudice is a barrier to friendship and love is the door.

268.  When a person has a callous view he is called marble hearted.  The problem with today is too many people polish their marble hearts.

269.  You cannot shine for the Lord will you are dull on the inside.

270.  You cannot have spiritual life and power when you are carrying around a dead skeleton.

271.  There is a wasting disease with no apparent seen cause called marasmus.  The marasmus of the Christian is secret sin.  Only repentance is the cure.

272.  A preacher who does preach repentance blindfolds those who want to see truth.

273.  The Word of God is the ambrosia that brings eternal life.

274.  Jesus is called the bread of life the problem today is most people are going gluten free.

275.  Amorphous means without shape or form.  That describes the character of many people today.

276.  Malingery means to fake sickness to avoid fighting.  That is what many Christian are suffering from today.

277.  Amaranth is suppose too be a flower that never withers.  The Word of God 

are the amaranth’s for the Christian.  Read it today and never wither.

278.  Many Christians need Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas to get their joy back.

279. A breve is a short note in writing and a long note in music.  Your life can be a breve in a moment or a long note for the day.  

280.  People love to masquerade.  They love to hide who they are behind some mask.  God however knows our hearts and all things are laid bare by Him.

281.  The problem with today when people here that Jesus is the lily of the Valley they think he owns a flower shop.

282.  Jesus has been described as the rose of Sharon the problem with today people have allergies.

283.  Jesus is called the bright and morning star the problem today s most people are sleeping in.

284.  No person can love the world and God.  It is unnatural and dangerous.  Serve God or the world.  You cannot do both.

285.  A person with both feet in the world is going to finf they will do a gymnastic move.  Sooner or later they will do the splits.

286.  Those who are popular with this world will never be popular with God.

287.  To many talented singers who started off in the church have sold their souls to the devil of music for passing fame and popularity.

288.  So many young singers who sang in church choirs now solo in the devil camp.

289.  Whoever leaves God to serve in the world will destroy themselves.

290.  Parents never allow your child to sing in the church choir on Sunday and then sing for the devil throughout the week.

291.  Too often we court celebrities we court celebrities who claim to be Christian but are plastic Christians. 

292.  Too many celebrities of today are convenient Christians.  They serve God when it is convenient to further their career.

293.  Woe to the church whose rolls are full of celebrities but not workers.

294.  The problem with the church today is we have lots of CEO.s but not enough employees.

295.  The sad fact today is 95% of the church will never win one soul to Christ in their lives.  That means we have lots of foolish people going to church.  He who wins souls is wise.

296.  Socrates, Plato and many of Greek philosophers lived during the time of Nehemiah but his words are still read today.  Just shows you that if you follow God you will have a great legacy.

297.  The Bible tells of to avoid two deceits, sin and riches.  Both lead to a barren life and never satisfy.

298.  Riches are like a mirage they have all the appearance of something beautiful but disappear when tru lght comes.

299.  We should learn the example of Howard Hughes.  He was the richest man of his day and died friendless, sick and alone.  This is what riches does to a person.

300.  How many celebrities have died of drug overdoses and suicide in rent years, too many to count.  Their lives are examples of what fame, popularity and riches do,

301.  The riches of this world are like pablum when you need to eat steak.

302.  Riches are like mountains that appear on the horizon but you never make it to them.

303.  The folly of riches is they promise to get nourishment but end up being a snare or trap.

304.  There is too much a celebrity mentality in the church and not enough servant mentality.

305.  We all want the glory of success but not the hard work.

306.  The joy of the Lord will never be supplanted by the sadness of the world.

307.  A treasure in the Lord can never be stolen by the thieves of this world.

308.  You must make a decision to never be taken from you by a devil, person or circumstance.  It they can take it you never had it.

309.  If anyone thinks that was really destroyed all they have to do is look around at our present age.

310.  You will never have the promised land if you travel back to Sodom.

311.  If God does not destroy our society for what is happening right now.  He will have to apologize the Sodom.

312.  There are too many Lots today trying to live in Sodom and in the church at the same time.

313.  Learn the lesson of Lot.  Don’t have God use an angel to get you out of your Sodom.

314.  There are three hopes for the Christian.  Hope of forgiven sins, of an eternal life and an sternal home.

 315  The hope of martyrs past, present and future is the entrance they wil have when they enter heavens gate and be met by Jesus.

316.  Leprosy of the body is bad but leprosy of the soul is worst.  The leprosy of the body can be cure through medication but there is no medication or treatment for leprosy of the soul.  It destroys from within.

317.  The invitation to come to the Lord is given today the problem is many today are out of town.

318.  When an invitation to come to Christ is given take it because it may never be given again.

319.  The folly of many today is thinking they have all the time in the world.  The wise of today seize every moment and live life to the fullest.

320.  Eternal life is like a diamond the problem today is people prefer zirconium.

321.  What is sad about Christian of today is that we have power all around us except in our lives.

322.  The Holy Spirit wants to be a divine resident in your life not a casual renter.

323.  The Holy Spirit wants to reside in you and not be a vacation property.

323.  The Holy Spirit wants to makes us a temple but so many prefer Him to make us vacation resorts.

324.  Not using your talents for the Lord will not garner anybody’s interest.

325.  Lots of people have talent but those with persistent talent will succeed.

326.  The best talent you should have is persistence.

327.  Hope talks about the future and assurance speaks of the present.

328.  Assurance settles things and doubt stirs things up.

329.  Assurance and doubt do not travel on the same horse.

330.  Assurance and doubt cannot travel on the same path.

 331.  Assurance and doubt do not come from the same water source.

332.  Assurance and doubt do not grow on the same branch.

333.  Assurance and doubt do not grow in the same soil.

334.  Assurance is a flower that blooms and doubt is the weed that robs life around it.

335.  Assurance need to be cultivated and doubt needs to be destroyed..

336.  People want to know the truth so here it is, “Jesus is the truth.

337.  The irony of today is that Jesus is the truth and people prefer a lie.

338.  God promises truth and light so don’t trade this for a lie and darkness.

339.  The paradox of the cross is this.  It is a place of pain and healing. 

340.  The cross is a paradox because It is a place of sorrow and joy. 

341.  The cross is a paradox because It is a place of death and life

342.  The cross is a paradox because it is a place of hate and love.

343.  The cross is a paradox because it is a place of defeat and victory.

344.  The cross to the Christian is life and to the pagan is death.

345.  The one thing the devil did was under estimate the significance of the cross.  Don’t make his mistake.

346.  When Christ laid down his life for his enemies he was actually turning them into friends.

347.  The full significance of the cross and Calvary is this.  Love in complete and total form.

348.  True love is knowing that people who do not know the Lord do not know what they are doing and forgiving them.

349.  A practical reality is this.  You want to know the truth then get to know Christ.  He is the truth.

350.  Christ is the author of life and today many people prefer to do the cliff notes.

351.  Going to a revival is great if your intent is to get stirred up permanently.  Spasmodic revival just makes you a spasmodic believer not a Christian.

352.  No Christian is ever afraid of death because it is our portal to life.  There is no fear of death in eternal life.

353.  Those who fear death have not yet gained eternal life.

354.  Everyone has a thorn in the flesh.  Just make sure you are not one of them.

355.  Remember as a Christian this world is not our homes we are just on vacation here.

356.  As a Christian this world is our battleground and heaven is our rest and relaxation.

357.  The Bible is called the gospel guns so when you do not read it or apply it you are just shooting blanks.

358.  We are wrestling against spiritual foes so make sure you wrestle for real not just be WWE.

359.  Any difficult situation can to a stepping stone to victory or a downward step to destruction it just depends on your attitude.

360.  The Bible says our redemption draws near the problem today is that many are out of range.

361.  You will never scale the heights of faith if you continue to dwell in the valley of doubts.

362.  You will never cheer up to the message that Christ is coming when you mope over your problems of today.

363.  You cannot enjoy the beauty of the sky when you are fixated on the ground of ugliness.

364.  What is always amazing is we never see ourselves as other see us.

365.  It has been said that beauty is skin deep and ugliness goes right to the soul of the matter.

356.  You will not learn the value of prosperity until you lose everything you have.

357.  Most today we not learn about health, wealth and prosperity until they lose it all.

358.  Recent times have taught us one thing.  Nothing lasts forever and all can change in a moment.

359.  Many explorers have discovered lands but never got to see the full content of what they discovered.  When we discover Christ let us not put a claim to Him but also spend our life finding out what we have discovered.

360.  The secret of swimming for the Lord Is taking the plunge not dipping your toe in the water.

361.  God’s love is never depended on our performance but obedience.  No amount of sacrifice will brings God’s favor just obedience.

362.  Jesus showed love by his works not his words.  We must do the same.

363.  You convince others you love them by you actions not by your words.

364.  The honor of this world lasts a moment the honor of God lasts an eternity.

365.  Put worldly honor and fame are like last year’s Christmas tinsel in the trash heap.

366.  Worldly honor is like bad fruit it rots to soon.

367.  No person s fir for God’s service if they keep looking back at the world with its honor and fame.

368.  Learn a lesson from Moses he gave up the riches of Egypt for the things of God’s. His name is remembered Pharaoh’s is not.

369.  There is a great lesson between Pharaoh and Moses.  Pharaoh made monuments to himself and is forgotten.  Moses made a tent for God and is remembered by billions.

370.  Salvation is instantaneous but its effort last for eternity.

371.  What is so amazing about salvation is a vile sinner in one moment can become a sanctified saint.  Salvation is awesome.

372.  There will be no tears in heaven because all of them we cried on the cross.

373.  Salvation is immediate but you spend a lifetime releasing and realizing its full benefits.

374.  You can have the fits of this world or the benefits of heaven.

375.  Here is a profound thought.  The inn in Bethlehem is like the natural heart.  In has no room for Christ.

376.  Jesus Christ was no secret agent the world knew exactly why he came.  Let’s not be the James bond in our world.  Let those in your world know why you are here and what you are doing.  

377.   Peace is not just a gift of God it is ‘t the whole party.

378.  As I get older I realize that all the things I thought were important when I when young are really not.

379.  Age allows you to see things clearly because you almost always need glasses.

380.  One thing about being half deaf is you now miss half the stupid things people say.

381.  Being half deaf as I am I don’t have to listen to my bull dog snore anymore.

382.  Age gives you the wisdom to not be as foolish as you was when you were young.

384.  One thing about age your mind thinks you are twenty but your body screams, “No you are not.”

385.  Now that I am older I know one thing. I am not as intelligent as I thought I could be.

386.  Now that I am older I know the grad speaker was a liar.  You cannot be what you want to be.

387.  Being older you find out your body and mind are out of sync. 

388.  Getting old is not so bad when you fall you can take your time getting up if you can.

389.  It is great being 39 until your 40th wedding anniversary.

390.  It is wonderful being 39 until you oldest child turns 40.

391.  You will never find peace in yourself it has already been by God through Jesus Christ.

392.  Worldly peace is as fake as silk flowers or diamonds.  All show but no fragrance.

393.  True peace will never be found at any table but in the hearts of those who receive it from the Lord.

394.  Peace is being one with your integrity.

395.  Peace is walking in gratitude and thankfulness.

396.  Peace is choosing to live in harmony with other people.

397.  Peace is choosing moment by moment to walk in forgiveness.

398.  Peace is choosing to call people friend instead of enemy.

399.  Peace is walking with God by faith and accepting his abundant life.

400.  Peace is an attribute of the abundant life.

401. Love is the foundation of God’s abundant life.

402.  Age brings sweetness to wine of life.

403.  Age brings stability in the storms of life.

404.  Being older allow you the dignity of knowing you will never do all the things you want too.

405.  Age brings wisdom to know that each moment is precious in the Lord.

406.  Age helps you to realize that each moment is a gift to be enjoyed.

407.  Age helps you realize that the past can only harm you if you let it.

408.  Age helps you understand how years are wasted when you walk in unforgiveness.

409.  Let go of hurt, bitterness and pain they trea away at the fabric of life and cannot be repaired by wishful thinking.

410.  You cannot change anything through wishing or hoping.  Only strong godly action does.

411.  The peace of God is no peace when you do not accept it or give it away in the wars of life.

412.  Peace is quiet joy in action.

413.  Peace is simple love personified.

414.  Peace is a mark of a soul who has humble themselves before God.

415.  You will never have peace when you at war with God.

416.  You will never have peace with God when you refuse to stop warring with others.

417.  The peace of God only really comes when a person chooses to be in the will of God.

418.  True peace will come when we are obedient to the will of God.

419.  The certificate of peace only comes when you have graduated from the school of obedience.

420.  Peace in God always comes through trouble.

421.  Real contentment comes when you adjust your sails to the winds of God.

422.  Don’t try to force the flow of God just adjust the sails of your life.

423.  These days everyone wants to predict the next wave of God instead of polishing their boards to surf it.

424.  It is no fun to sitting on the shore admiring a wave of God.  Riding it is.

425.  Many people today want to be God chaser but few want to be God pleasers.

426.  we should be thankful that not all our prayers are answered.  Some are pretty silly when we have time to think about them.

427.  Prayer is the way we release our burden to the great burden bearer.

428.  Prayer is the boat in the storms of life.

429.  Prayer is the heart of God expressed in words.

430.  God will come when you ask.  He waits and longs for that.  So ask and receive.

431.  Selfish prayers are a product of a selfish mind and heart.

432.  Prayer is confidence in God’s ability and not in our ability.

433.  Why does God want us to persevere in prayer because a long time in prayer brings clarity to what we are asking.

434.  The power of prayer often changes us long before it changes God’s mind.

435.  Prayer is unwritten correspondence with God.

436.  When we enter the school of prayer our desire should be to be the best student in the class.

437.  In the school of prayer your education changes lives.

438.  Prayer is the physician of the soul.

439.  Prayer is a universal concept but true prayer is communication with God.

440.  When you pray it is the most valuable thing you will do that day.

441.  Nothing is better than growing old with the one you fell in love with when you were young.

442.  A man who grows old with the wife of his youth is truly blessed.

443.  Young women are not the cure for men in their old they are the reason men age.

444.  The problem with people looking for the right life partner is that they are not right themselves.

445.  When you look others with a critical view.  Your view of yourself has not been critical.

446.  Many times we are praying lies we believe to be truth.

447.  Prayer is like breathing spiritual life into a soul.

448.  Prayer is wonderful because in it you find God is closer than you think and greater than you imagined.

449.  Nothing in this world can stop your prayers because God Himself hastens to answer it.

450.  An old pastor told me one time that if you want to give over a hurt pray for the one who hurt you.  Love and hurt cannot dwell in the same heart for long.

451.  I have lived long enough to see age is the great equalizer.

452.  You never have to worry about a  stutter when you are talking to God.

453.  Prayer is asking God for the strength to achieve his will.

454.  God sometimes makes us weak so we will obey and use his strength.

455.  Prayer is the avenue in which prosperity and health flow to the soul.

456.  God gives us His grace so we can bigger and things than we could possibly imagine.

457.  What we do in our power may last a lifetime but what we do in God’s power lasts for eternity.

458.  The fool asks for riches to be happy and the wise ask for riches to help others to be happy.

459.  The fool wants power for the praise of men and the wise want power to better men.

460.  The praise of man will eventually destroy and the praise of God will give life.

461.  Often we are given weakness so we can find the strength of God.

462.  Many people ask for things to enjoy life when in reality things often destroy true life.

463.  Prayer us the avenue in which true abundant life flows.

464.  Too many times we pray from our selfishness not from our love for others.

465.  All we hope for is found in prayer because hope is the source of prayer.

466.  Faith, hope and love are the foundations of prayer.

467.  Prayer is faith’s confidence.

468.  Christian brings life and religion brings death.

469.  Religion is the vehicle in which men justify their evil.

470.  Good men use religion to enjoy God and his abundance.  Evil men use religion to justify their abundance.

471.  You cannot love God and religion at the same time.  Religion is man reaching up to God.  Christianity is God reaching to man.

472.  Religion causes loyalty to man and the world and not to God.

473.  Religion stems from man being loyal to his own behavioral values.

474.  Faith brings holiness and religion brings fake piety.

475.  Religion tries to make right what often is wrong.

476.  There is nothing sadder than a man being religious for the wrong thing.

477.  Religion is often politics sanitized.

478.  Politics are religion in social form.

479.  You will never separate religion from politics they come from the same source the devil.

480.  I have no use for religion or politics they make evil appear seem helpful.

481.  Only fools and governments believe they can spend themselves out of recession.

482.  Today the most foolish economist is the politician.

483.  The biggest fool today is the one who believes the government.

484.  Today we get the government we deserve because most today are fools, liars and dreamers.

485.  One word describes the young people of today blind because they don’t want to see what is really happening.

486.  A revelation is a truth revealed by God to an illuminated person.

487.  Fear God and you will go where men fear to go.

488.  Reverence means to respect God for who He is, what He has done and what He will do.

489.  The church would be a more powerful entity if we had greater reference for God.

490.  Theologians know everything about God but do not know him in many cases.

491.  Knowing God is so much better than studying him.

492.  I would rather hear a teacher who knows God than one who studied about Him.

493.  Theology should be the studying the Bible but often is nothing more than the studying about what men say about God.

494.  Seminaries today are often cemeteries for dead theology.

495.  The Lord reigning in a heart that makes a good theologian.

496.  Too often today churches are ruled by theology and not God.

497.  Love is the foundation of all true theology.

498.  Theology these days seems to  be man’s view of truth about God reclassified and presented.

499.  As we get older we care less about theology and more about Christ.

500.  Theology tries to explain God but only the heart can experience God.

501.  Theology is the mine trying to explain God whereas the heart experiences God.

502.  Worship opens our eyes to the magnificence of God.

503.  Worship is the Spirit releases the soul.

504.  Worship is the release of true character unto God.

505.  You cannot worry and worship at the same time.

506.  Worship is looking at God and Him looking at us.

507.  Ceremony gives man a structure and worship gives a man freedom.

508.  I would rather have one moment of true worship than a thousand days of ritual.

509.  True worship will always get suffocated by tradition, ritual and religion.

511.  God is the best artist in the universe,  One sunset or sunrise is more beautiful than any of man.

512.  Love you dog with all your heart.  They love you with all theirs.

513.  Animals make wonderful friends.  They never criticize or judge.  They are loyal to the end unlike many friends.

514.  When an animal is satisfied they go to sleep that is probably why many suffer from insomnia today.

515.  We should pray to the Lord that our beauty is not external but internal.

516.  The beauty that lasts comes from inside.

517.  True beauty is being graceful in every action.

518.  Being good only amplified the beauty of a person.

519.  True beauty is found in loving others.

520.  When God’s touches something only then does it truly become beautiful.

521.  Too often the so called beautiful people are nothing but ugliness in human form.

522.  You cannot be beautiful when you are ugly to people.

523.  Divine beauty will never be destroyed by the ugliness of sin.

524.  No amount of beauty treatments will make sin beautiful.

525.  True beauty is often found in a moment of love.

526.  True beauty is found when a man loves the wife of his youth.

527.  Blessings are found in the value of time.

528.   Blessing comes when you see the success of you not giving up and walking in perseverance.

529.  Blessing comes when you work for something and find pleasure in seeing it completed.

530.  In the simplicity of dignity you found a blessing.

531.  Being blessed is having worth in character.

532.  Being blessed is seeing God improve a talent you have.

533.  When you are a person of influence you are truly blessed.

534.  We should always use our skills and talents for the benefit of others.

535.  A talent not used for God is a wasted talent.

536.  Those who use their talent for themselves have wasted the talent God gave them.

537.  You can use your skills and talents for a lifetime and waste them when they are not use for God.

538.  When you have fulfilled an obligation of duty you are blessed.

539.  You are blessed when you use Godly wisdom in the service of others.

540.  When you see the virtue of patience you are truly blessed.            

541.  When you find the joy of kindness you are blessed. 

542.  The power of kindness comes from the heart that is blessed.

543.  The body only puts into action what is in the heart.

544.  He who hates his body actually hates themselves.

545.  Man is body, soul and spirit like God three in one.

546.  The soul is the seat of the intellect, will and emotions.  Unfortunately they don’t always work together.


547.  A soul with is will, intellect and emotions work only well together under the tutelage of God.

548.  The inner man will only live on what you feed them.

549.  If you want a healthy soul feed it the word of God.

550.  Today the inner man is dying because many don’t feed it at all.

551.  Disease doesn’t always run in old age sometimes it gallops.

552.  There is enough problems in old age don’t ad vice as one of them.

553.  When a man leaves his wife for a younger women often he is just trading a good for bad.

554.  The problem is when a single women chases after a married man.  She gets the same infidelity after she catches him.

555.  Our hearts are like a seed what we plant in it will bloom.

557.  Joy should be our shipmate on the boat of life.

558.  As a flower turns to the sun so should our soul turn to God in his full brightness.

559.  When a person is kind and considerate to others he is well on his way to be a citizen of heaven.

560.  When a person becomes a Son of God then they truly can be a brother to the world.

561.  No one will perfectly free, moral or happy until they come to God.  For that is who He is.

562.  Mankind will cease in a lifetime if we do not aid, help and be kind to each other.

563.  Hatred for others die when we choose to love God and each others.

564.  We will have universal brotherhood when we all get connected to the creator of the universe.

565.  John Lennon wrote the song, “All we are saying is give peace a chance.”  The problem was he dd not have peace himself.

566.  Every person who has ever lived has the stamp and letter of the human condition.

567.  You cannot escape each other.  The best you can do is love God and then each other.

568.  When we choose to love others we always take the best and worst of love.  The best makes us free the worst enslaves us.

569.  True brotherhood will never violate the will of another or choose to be selfish to another.

570.  He ain’t heavy he’s my brother because I have a wheelbarrow.

571.  The problem change is that often it feels like the same old thing all over again.

572.  Just because you do not like change that does not mean it will not come.

573.  Often change is a new door to new opportunities and great victories.

574.  Change often feels like a game of hide and go seek.  Here it comes ready or not.

575.  To not embrace change or go forward means you will never learn from your mistakes.

576.  To have things stay the same is an illusion or mirage in the sands of change.

577.  Progress always brings change sometimes for the good sometimes for the bad.  Yet in each matter what we do with progress ultimately changes us.

578. All things changes, nothing remains the same.  The secret is to know which way the flow is going.

579.  As the rivers flows so does change.  The best thing we can do is get in the boat and enjoy the ride.

580.  When change comes let you soul stand firm in the Lord.

581.  I am so glad in the changes we face in culture the Word of God does not change.

582.  The seasons show us one thing change comes and the best we can do is live in the season we find ourselves.

583.  There will always be some relief in change.  At least you know the pain of the past can become the pillow for today.

584.  God uses our conscience to prick us to be better.  Satan uses our conscience to make us worse.

585.  I place my conscience in the hand of God to hit me when I am bad and to heal me when I am good.

586.  A good conscience is God’s presence working in our lives. 

587.  A seared conscience leads men to do unspeakable things to each other.

588.  Wisdom is knowing that God gave us a conscience to lead us to righteousness.

589.  The conscience often comes into conflict with the body.

590.  A clear conscience comes when one is right with God.          

591.  When you live the truth the lies of the devil will have no effect on you.

592.  For someone most people don’t believe in a lot of people are acting like him.

593.  When you are angry with God you have more in common with the devil than you think.

594.  When you live like hell you are just joining the devil in where he is going.

595.  Problem today is many Christians treat the devil as if he has a much power as God.

596.  The devil has no more power in your life than life than what you give him.

597.  The devil is no gentlemen he will try any means and method to destroy your life.

598.  The devil is not the Borg.  Resistance is not futile.

599.  The problem with the devil is that when you entertain him he moves in.

600.  When I am angry with others it shows others I am actually angry at myself. 

601.  Ability will get you to the top but character will keep you there.

602.   Letting the Lord lead you he will use your ability for his glory.

603.  Talent is great but the real talent is using for God’s glory.

604.  The fool will use their talent for themselves, the wise man for others.

605.   Talent and ability will only reach its maximum when given over to God.

606.   Ability has real significance when it is used for eternal purposes.

607.   Charisma makes a person noticed but ability keeps them noticed.

608.   Never criticized people who are doing a greater work than you are.

609.  Petty people have petty and small minds.

610.  True value is found what we do and not what we say.

611.  A smile is a kiss without touch.

612.  Smiling is God's way of kissing.

613.  When you are smiling you are lighting up someone else’s world.

614.  When you smile even with a broken heart you are walking by faith.

615.  A smile is your way of telling God I trust you.

616.  A smile is a declaration of faith in a world of sorrow.

617.  A smile brings light to the soul in a time of darkness.

618.  A smile can change a whole moment in history.

619.  Joy is God's way of facing down a storm of sorrow.

620.  What is amazing is that man in his search missing the obvious in creation.

621.  God shows himself throughout creation.  Yet man looks somewhere else.

622.  What is obvious is not always obvious.  God shows his creative ability everywhere and many miss it looking for some other obvious.

623.  God launched creation and even now is creating.  Let us not miss this.

624.  Let us never take our life for granted.  God does not.

625.  So many people are not amazed y the earth and its beauty and capacity.  Yet the greatest beauty is found in the mirror.  You are marvelously and wonderfully created.

626.  The amazing complexities of life cry there is a God.  Let us hear that cry.

627.  The realities of creation are pitching the thought there ir a God.  Problem many are not catching


628.  It seems logic, and reason, cause and effect go out the window when it comes to the evidence of God.

629.  The problem with the question of life is that many miss the real evidence of life that there is a God.

630.  The Bible says the fools in his heart there is no God.  Seem we have a lot of fools.  They believe in evolution.







637.  Atheists are a funny group they spend so much time trying to disprove something they don`t believe in.

638.   Atheism is like going on a trip not knowing where you are going and not knowing when you will arrive.

639.  The person who does not believe in God has failed to see the evidence of His existence all around him.

640.  A man told me once, that if I ever doubted the existence of God, all I have to do is look around.

641. When a person denies the existence of God, they deny the very one that gave them breath.  Gen 2:7, God made man and then breathed into the breath of life and man became a living soul

642.  Never complain about your family they put up with you.

643.  How a Father treats his children is not just for a day it is for a lifetime.

644.  A family based on the Word of God with two loving parents is the strongest foundation in society.

645.  The reason Satan works so hard against the family is because it is the one part of society he cannot defeat when united.

646.  When a family breaks apart nothing but true love will part it back together.

647.  The number one reasons family break apart is because of selfishness 

648.  Without God a family is just a group of people who live together for a while.

649.  God intended a home to be a family not a house with a bunch of room mates.

650.  A family is a place can be yourself and nobody really cares.

651.  You can marry your wife but your siblings you are stuck with.

652.  Moment by moment we have a choice between good and evil.  God and satan.

653.  We are all just a moment and decision away from hero or villain and who we listen too.

654.  Every criminal, murderer and villain was once an innocent child.

655.  Sin is crouching at the door of every heart.  Don’t be like Cain and let it in.

656.  Good and love will always try to bring unity.  Sin, fear and evil will always work against unity.

657.  Virtue and vice do not come from the same root.

658.  Wickedness is looking for a heart to corrupt and goodness is looking for a heart to renew.   

659.  Evil has one goal to destroy and pervert the mind.  It wants to sear the conscience and shackle free will.

660.  You cannot declare a truce with evil.  You must ruthlessly defeat it.

661.  Remember the devil will never quit.  He will never stop and he will never declare a true. 

662.  Here is a sad fact.  Evil will wrestle with you till the day you die.  So put on your gear and get read to rumble.

663.  Our attitude toward evil is this, first struggle against it and secondly never give up or give in to it.

664.  True faith consist of believing and applying the power of good instead of evil and following God rather than satan.

665.  History is God’s masterpiece.

666.  The problem with history is that if you do not learn from it.  It will be repeated until you do.

667.  Each history is a story told.

668.  History is great or bad.  The people of them are good or bad depending on who is telling their story.

669.  History tells a story of mankind with all our imperfections, flaws, faults, failures and mistakes.

670.  History is a great lesson often not learned by the present generation.

671.  It is easy to love those you do not know.  It is a real challenge to love your family or a neighbor.

672.  Politician pass all kinds of law too bad they can’t pass one to change their hearts.

673.  Men and women are different because woman was created from Adam’s rib and man has been unbalanced ever since.

674.  The war of the sexes can be a skirmish if each one would take a time out.

675.  The problem with most men with women is men never listen when a woman starts talking.

677.  Women’s liberation began because women refused to live in the boundaries men tried to established.

678.  A man who treats a women with violence actually hates himself.

679.  A living hell is a man who does not love his wife.

680.  Men treat your spouse with the same respect you want for yourself.

681.  It is a fool that leaves a loving wife to chase a beautiful and vain women.

682.  Too many men have been ruined too late discovering that beauty is found in the heart not in skin.

683.  If you decide to deposit yourself with another women.  Your wife will close your account.

684.  There is nothing more dangerous than a wife who has been cheated on. 

685.  What is a miracle it is a man who comes to Christ.

686.  Jesus did miracles because He was doing the will of His Father.

687.  Miracles happen because God decides to suspend his natural laws for a high purpose.

688.  Miracles happen when we believe in the omnipotent God.

689.  God can do anything because He is everything.

690.  Miracles happen when we believe God and then follow through with what He says in His word.

691.  A mother is the first face you see with unconditional live.

692.  God gave us a conscience with his unwritten rules in our hearts.

693.  Whenever someone breaks one of the ten commandments he breaks the heart of God.

694.  You can teach someone the commandments of God but only the Holy Spirit can help them keep it.

695.  If you can explain the mystery of God than He is no longer a mystery.

696.  Men will spend their entire life and never fathom the mystery of God.

697.  Theology is the study of trying to explain the unexplainable God.

698.  Christ is the mystery of salvation walking in human form.

699.  A mystery is something we think we know but cannot explain.

700.  The stars and constellations cry out silently there is a God.

701.  Creation is God in full display.

702.  God created the heaven and earth in seven days but it will take a man of lifetime to just comprehend a small portion of it.

703.  Creation has a simple definition.  In the beginning God created.

704.  Every molecule and every atom has one truth.  God holds all things together by His will.

705.  You can never command creation to do anything but God intended it to do.

706.  Men can create only create from what raw material God has provided.

707.  What is amazing is that even though has been here for thousands of years.  Billions have lived and died.  We have yet not exhausted the raw material God has provided for on the planet.

708.  The miracle of God’s creation is its ability to replenish itself even after all the damage we have done.

709.  The latest pandemic taught us is that creation will do quite well without us.

710.  The earth still has much to teach us if we are willing to learn.

711.  Here we are living in the most technological age ever and we are still discovering creatures in God’s creation.

712.  Those who want order in their lives usually do not have the will to apply it.

713.  To have discipline is to control oneself moment by moment and decision by decision.

714.  Remember if you do not want something publish in the neighborhood do not say it at home.

715.  Many a good person reputation id destroyed because they spoke ill of someone at home.

716.  Children will say in the public square what we have spoken at home.

717.  Children have no filters so be careful what you saw and do around them.

718.  The faith of our children completely depends on who we are not by what we say.

719.  We will never know the depths of our parents love.  How it will sacrifice anything and go to any lengths to protect until we become parents ourselves.

720.  Many people take better care of their pets than they children.

721.  The most important thing a Father can do for his children is too model love for His spouse.   *

722.  Here is a truth.  If we model Christ before your children they will have a greater chance of serving Him as adults.  *

723.  There is nothing deeper outside the love of God than a mothers love.  *

725.  No parent can order a child to respect them it has to earned day by day by being a consistent example.   *

726.  Time is a merchant that will not haggle, it stays constant and has a price.  *                                    

727.  One thing about time it will move whether you want it too or not.  *

727.  Never say you do not have the time.  You do just have to shift your priorities.   *

728.  If a man has time for a sports event.  He has time for his family.  *

729.  Too many people waste their time on silly mundane and frivolous things and not enough time on the important.   *

730.  You can always tell a person priorities but what they spend most of their time on.  *

731.  Make sure you never let the past effect your present or destroy your future.  *

732.  God will help you deal with your past.  Make this His present and give you a hope and future.  *

733.  The past always looks better than the present because we have bad memories.  *

734.  The past seems more pleasant than the present because we have colored it with sentimentality.  *

735.  Some people turn the past into a sentimental journey.  The problem is they have set their mentality aside.   *

736.  The problem with those who get power is once they have it they do not want to give it up.    *

737.  Present day governments are ruthless in how they get power and sneaky on how they keep it.  *

738.  Governments of today will use any crisis to gain and maintain their power.  *

739. Any citizen who does not challenge politicians on accountability will eventually lose their rights to those same politicians.  *

740.  Any citizen who does not stand up for freedom will eventually lose it.   *

741.  Remember if you have rights and freedom it is because someone fought for it.   *

742.  Power and force never accomplish as much as love and persuasion.   *

743.  When anyone uses force on another s because they do not have control of themselves.   *

744.  Insecurity always manifests itself in power and corruption.  *

745.  Power in the hand of an insecure person always leads to tyranny.   *

746.  Many who seek public office start out for the public good but over time the only good many look to is their own.  *

747.  It is a sad day when the public look at distain and distrust to those they elected.   *

748.  A politician is only good as their word and many of them are up to no good.  *

749.  We are to pray for those in authority over us but keep one eye open as you pray and your hand on your wallet.  *

750.   Many equate power with corruption.  This is often a sad but true reality.   *

751.  The only real power that does good is the power of God.  *

752.  I would rather a moment of God’s power then ten thousand years of man’s.  *

753.  God’s power will heal and restore whereas the devil’s power will corrupt and destroy.  *

754.  The devil gives his power so that those who yield will think they are powerful.  God gives his to show He is powerful.  *

755.  A sleeping child looks so innocent but you know once they wake up they are not.  *

756.  One thing about a good sleep it will erase the problems of the day and give you the strength for the new one of tomorrow.  *

757.  It is always a great idea to pray before you go to sleep because there is no guarantee you will wake up in the morning.   *

758.  Sleep is the antidote to a restless and noisy day.   *

759.  The Lord promises a restful sleep to His children when they turn the night to Him.  *

760.  The best way to sleep through the night is to use the day well for the benefit of others.  *

761.  Time is well done when you do in the service of others.  *

761.  The wonderful thing about a new day is that you have an opportunity to not make the same mistakes all over.    *

762.  Each new day is an opportunity to give God glory that day.   *

763.  Each moment is a moment to worship and honor God.  *

764.  Don’t waste a moment of your time God only gives a certain measure of it.  *

765.  The fool believes they have control of their time and the wise know they do not.  +

766.  Wisdom knows that prayer is the antidote to the poison any day brings.  *

767.  When you spend time in God’s word you have spent time well and you have feed your soul.  *

768.  One moment in prayer can undone hours of strife and worry.   *

769.  One hour in prayer can undue the damage of 23 hours of the devil’s attack.  *

770.  One hour in prayer can control 23 hours of chaos.  *

771.  People who pray rip back the veil of eternity and glimpse into the sanctity of God.  *

772.  The folly of many is they think they have time to do everything they want when in reality they don’t.   *

773.  Use your life well because you are always one moment from eternity.  *

774.  What has amazed me is how fast time has added wrinkles to my face.   *

775.  A life goes faster than you think.  One moment you are young the next you are old and you wonder how you got there so fast.   *

776.  Time goes faster as you get older because you are getting to slow to catch it.   *

777.  When you live for the Lord you know that in time you will meet those who have gone on before.   *

778.  A Christian never fears death because beyond its veil is Jesus waiting to greet us.  *

789.  Tell the truth and be prepared for the reaction.  *

790.  Truth is like a lamp burning, it gives light but is hot to those who touch it.   *

791.  The truth will set you free the sad part is many still want to be shackled.   *

792.  Truth has boundaries whereas lies are wide and immense.  *

793.  It takes more to convince a person of one truth than a thousand lies.  *

794.  Insanity is hearing the truth and ignoring it.  *

795.  People would rather these day lives in blissful lies than in truthful reality.  *

796.  Fantasy always begins when truth is ignored.   *

797.  When you thirst for truth you will always have it met.  *

798.  There is one unmistakable truth, “God loves you.”   *

799.  Truth is like cool water on a hot day.   *

 800.  Truth is like ointment on a cut.  It stings at first but in time it heals.   *

801.  Truth is like lancing a boil.  The first cut hurts but in time all the poison of falsehood pours out.   *

802.  Truth is like a doctor setting a broken arm.  The first movement hurts but once set it heals.  *

803.  The greatest moments in life are when we wonder and stand amazed.   *

804.  When we worship we come face to face with the wonder of God.  *

805.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of worship.   *

806.  When you stare through a microscope it opens you to a world of wonder for how can something so small be so complex.   *

807.  When you stare into the heavens in that moment you see the creative genius of God.  *

808.  The reason the heavens never end is because the God who created them has no end.   *

809.  When we see the world as our place to minister we have no limits to our ministry.   *

810.  We live in a time where no one, cannot be reached.  Our responsibility is to reach our world.  *

811.  When you get up today remember there is someone waiting for you to minister God’s love too.  *

813,  Work well today.  God is watching.   *

814.  This is your best moment because it is the only moment you have.   *

815.  Today you bring to your world heaven or hell.  It just depends who your alliance is with.   *

816.  Your world’s story is written by your words and deeds.   *

817.  Let your story be one of wonder and excitement.   *

818.  Many believe they are writing their own story when in reality God is.   *

820.  One will always have a great life story when it is written by God.   *

821.  When you have an imagination anything is possible.   *

822.  Imagination is given to use by God because he can do beyond it.  *

824.  A dream becomes reality when you work hard while you are awake.  *

825.  Today man is making possible what a century ago men could dreamed impossible.  *

826.  Man pushes technology to the brink because they have great imaginations.   *

827.  In my life time a computer that once filled a room now sits in my hands.   *

828.  They say technology advances twofold every six months the problem the wisdom to use does not.   *

829.  Too many people believe the world owes them a living and forget that it was here first.   *

830.  Train a child in the way he should go because you don’t want them to make all the mistakes you did.   *

831.  The problem with teenagers is they think they know everything and you know they do not.  *

832.  Just smile when your teenager tries to school you on life.  Remember they are just in the kindergarden of life.   *

833.  Just smile when your child tells you that you don’t understand.  Ten years from now they will be thanking you that you did.   *

834.  Children are wonderful because they have a simple point of view.  They have not grown up and complicated it.   *

835.  Always be child like it makes adulthood so much more fun.   *

836.  Jesus said come like a child because adults are too stupid to get it.   *

837.  The problem is when you finally get it all together you forget where you put it and you are too old to pick it  up.    *

838.  Age is the get equalizer sooner or later we sag in the same places unless you have surgery.  *

839.  It has been said, the sweeter the fiddle the problem is most of us have forgotten the tune or music.   *

840.  Some grow old gracefully but I intend to fight it all the way.  *

841.  You will not get to your destination of life if you keep taking side trips.  *

842.  You are wasting your ambition if you only spend it on yourself.  *

843.  You ambition can be a flower or a weed it just depends on the soil you put it in.   *

844.  Godly ambition release victory and freedom.  Worldly ambition creates slavery and defeat.  *

845.  A person who has ambition for the Lord will never waste their lives in vanity.   *

846.  Vanity is ambition directed towards oneself.   *

848.  Everyone want to be somebody without the persistence, patient and humility to grow.   *

849.  You can be ambitious and still be a fool.    *

850.  You can be the greatest artist and yet paint the wrong things in life.  *

851.  Artists see things not as they are but as they hope it will be.  *

852.  An artist dedicated to God is not just an artist but someone who creates beauty from the Spirit and soul.  *

853.  The tragedy of many artists is the beauty they present is not found in their soul.   *

854.  Never allow your art to be propaganda for yourself or the devil.   *

855.  What we create is a reflection of who we are.   *

856.  Insanity is trying to have your foot in two worlds.    *

857.  You will never serve God effectively if you try to live in this world and try to be part of it.   *

858.  God is looking for day by day Christians, not vacationing believers.    *

859.  The anger we display to others is actually suppressed anger that we have at ourselves.   *

860.  Unless we make peace with ourselves we will never make peace with anyone else.    *

861.  All great and truth art comes from a soul who is directed by God and expresses His creativity in our world.  *

861.  Prejudice is an expression of a heart that is shackled by hatred of oneself and others.   *

861.  Prejudice is the lowest form of evil and hatred.    *

862.  Only a fool is a bigot.    *

863.  A bigot will attack the character, color, social standing or economics of another person and when confronted will always play the victim.     *

864.  The thing that I have discovered about people is that their favorite subject is themselves.   *

865.  A bore is someone who will put you to sleep with the story of themselves.  *

866.  A proud person is one who has all the answers to all the wrong questions.     *

867.  Pride doesn’t only go before a fall.  It breaks and smashes every part of that life.  *

868.  A proud person is like a balloon.  Looks good at a distance but up close is full of hot air.     *

869.  People of character will always shine in the dark.     *

870.  People of character are the cream that rises to the top.       *

871.  Talent without character is like electricity without wire.  Wild and unpredictable.     *

872.  A person of character is not the shine on the light but is the light.     *

873.  A moment of character is worth more than a thousand years of pleasure.*

874.  One you do in a moment of anger will determine what happens throughout your lifetime      *

875.  When you put others before yourself you are demonstrating the character of God.   *

876.  When you walk in truth and honesty you have adopted the character of God.  *

877.  When a person has common sense they know all life is anything but common.  *

878.  Common sense is a gift from God to be used in the affairs of daily life.  *

879.  I have always viewed common sense as a gift from God the problem today is most people do not accept this gift.   *

880.  Common sense is a gift that keeps giving.     *

881.  Common sense is viewing ordinary things with a flare of wisdom.     *

882.  I think common sense is wisdom in work boots.    *

883.  A conceited man will never be successful because he cannot share the glory.

884.  A man of little character is a conceited man.     *

885.  Wisdom often seeks a compromise but not an appeasement.  *

886.  When you enable someone you are not making them better but worse.  *

887.  Enablement is a platform for self destruction.  *

888.  We all like to talk about ourselves the problem is finding an audience.   *

889.  A conceited person will never let you forget what they have done for you.  *

890.  What a man says during a time of anger is a reflection of what truly is in his heart.    *

891.  Anyone can be a critic it takes real character to be an encourager. *

892.  A critic is one who has a shallow character.   *

893.  You will never avoid criticism when you choose to stand out when everyone wants you to conform.   *

894.  A person of God will always have criticism when they choose to do God’s will.   *

895.  A sad truth is most of the criticism we have comes from those closest to us.   *

896.  The critic is the one who thinks they know best when they do not.    *

897.  When you go through life remember to be wear the armor of God to deflect the critics of the devil.  *

898.  Those who throw stones better be ready for someone throwing them back.    *

899.  If you have done you best than let all the critics of the world rage.  You have peace with God and yourself.   *

900.  The reason most people have become cynics is because they watch their parents in action.  *

901.  Democracy is a great form of government where people often elect what they deserve.   *

902.  Ordinary people are the backbone of democracy.  Politicians ignore their wishes to their peril.    *

903.  Democracy with all its flaws is a thousand times better than a dictator with all theirs.  *

904.  Democracy dies when the people believe everything they are told.  *

905.  The people are not always right but together they have the possibility of doing right.  *

906.  The problem with democracy is people really believe that everyone is like them with some common good.   *

907.  The problem with politicians is they loved democracy when campaigning.  They hated it when the people hold them accountable.       *

908.  The most common mistake with politicians is they over promise and under deliver. *

910.  The fallacy of democracy is that people actually believe they are equal.      8

911.  A person goes in despair when they lose the faith and hope.  *

912.  The darkness of despair flees in the light of God’s love.   *

913.  Hope and despair cannot exist in the same place.  *

914.  There is nothing more dangerous that an educated fool.  They believe they are doing good when they are not.  *

915.  Our school have adequately demonstrated that the education of today is run by fools.          *

916.  True education begins with the word of God.     *

917.  Experience is not always the best teacher.  I  know plenty of people with experience and are still fools.  *

918.  A godly teacher will have influence even into eternity.    *

919.  Teach a person to love God and they will change their world.        *

920.  Parents teach their children more by what they do than anything they ever say.  *

921.  A godly man reflects the character of God and the evil man reflect the character of the devil.  *

922.  A person will always reflect the character of their spiritual father.  *

923.  I would love to give the devil his due.  I can hardly wait to see him bow before Jesus and say.  “Jesus is Lord.  *

924.  If a person refuse to say, Jesus is Lord in them life.”  They will say it in the next.  *

925.  There Is nothing worse than a religious fanatic.  They blame God for what they are doing in their hate.  *

926.  More murder and hate have been in the name of God than anything else.  God never sanction it or participated in it.                          *

927.  Fanaticism is hatred in the name of God done by people who possess the character of the devil.               *

928.  Fear is the absence of the love of God. *

929.  Fear is caused when someone choose to not look at the whole scene.         *

930.  Our worst fears often are realized when we forget about God.

931.  Flattery will always make the fool proud.  *

932.  There is often a fine line between encouragement and flattery.    *

933.  Flattery when given in moderation is encouragement and when given without moderation is dishonesty.  *

934.  A friend is one who makes you accountable but in love.  *

935.  I would rather be warned by a friend than kissed by an enemy.     *

936.  A few friends around the table is better than a room full of admirers.         *

937.  You speak the language of love when you are a friend.    *

938.  A true friend will never take advantage of you.     *

939.  You never have to ask a friend to help they will be looking for opportunities. *

940.  You will always know a friend because when you need help they will not hesitate.  *

941.  A selfish person will never be a good friend.  *

942.  In our society gluttony has been classified now as a disease.  Funny though this is a disease that is entirely preventable.  *

943.  You can always tell a good cook by the size of the people around them.  *

944.  The best way today to not getting fat is duct tape your mouth.   *

945.  Today we see the old saying in full bloom.  The fat of the land.  *

946.  Obesity is not just a problem of weight but of the heart and mind.  *

947.  Today there seems to be a race to the grave between the glutton and the drunkard.   *

948.  A government will always slide to tyranny when its members lose their moral compass.    *

949.  Good government heals a land and bad government becomes its disease.    *

950.  Whatever grief you face remember it is only for the moment.  God has a lifetime and eternity of joy ahead.   *

951.  Weep today but tomorrow smile.                                                                                    *

952.  Sorrow always disappears when the love of God appears.

953.  Guilt is a gift of God when it turns us to repentance.                                                     *

954.  Guilt is the medicine to the disease of sin.    *

955.  Guilt is amoral that means it Is good or bad it just depends on what you do with it.  *

956.  Never fear guilt if it causes you to do better.  *

957.  Guilt in the short term is a blessing in the long term a curse.  *

958.  Too many people are defined by their habits.  *

959.  Get rid of bad habits and adopt good ones.  *

960.  A good habit is a gold chain a bad habit a shackle of iron.  *

961.  One good habit we should have is prayer and the Bible.  *

961.  A moment of virtue will never undue a lifetime habit of sin.  *

962.  It is easy to hate this comes from the heart of man.  It is harder to love because this is the heart of God.  *

963.  When you hate you hate two people, yourself and God.  *

964.  One moment of hatred can undue a lifetime of love.  *

965.  The paradox of man is that hatred and love can flow from the same heart and come from the same man.  *

966.  When you hate you are on the road to loneliness.  *

967.  Those who hate together are the foundation for anarchy.  *

968.  Home would be so much better if the people in them acted more like guests or friends than family.  *

969.  Home is a place where all who dwell in it have a common goal.  *

970.  Honor comes with you do something for others.  *

971.  When you seek the honor of man you immediately lose the honor of God.  *

972.  You will never truly have a home when a mother and father are fight to be head.  *

973.  A home is a place where you have people but they are willing to put up with each other.  *

974.  A man loves coming home to a woman who loves him in spite knowing all his flaws.  *

975.  It is not just a woman that makes a home it is two people working together under the guidance of the Lord.  *

976.  There is nothing more pitiful than a man pretending to be godly when he is not.  *

977.  There is nothing more damning than a minister who preaches like God on Sunday and lives like the devil the rest of the week.  *

978.  There is nothing more pitiful than a man who says they have the power of God but secretly lives under the power of sin.  *

979.  Often anger is a smokescreen for self hatred and secret sin.  *

980.  A person cannot live a double life forever.  They will sooner or later self destruct.  *

981.  Madness is trying to serve two masters.  *

982.  Live for God or live for the devil in between is a self made hell.  **

983.  When God leaves the church all is left is hypocrisy. *

984.  Even the educated and college trained can still be ignorant.  *

985.  No one is so ignorant is the one who hears about God and chooses to ignore Him. *

986.  No person will be able to say they were ignorant of God’s claims because of creation and conscience the two silent witnesses of God’s existence.  *

987.  Nothing is more tragic to the cause of ignorance is those who refuse to believe what they see. *

988.  Everyone has a measure of ignorance because there are so many subjects in life. *

989.  When God forgives our ignorance now that is real redemption. *

990.  When we judge others we are really judging our own imperfections but choose to not acknowledge them. *

991.  Knowledge works best with wisdom and not with education. *

992.  Knowledge is good when used together with understanding which leads to wisdom.  *

993.  Never laugh at others because in that moment you are showing your ignorance.  *

994.  Men become legalistic because the love of God has left them.  *

995.  People who fight over translations of the Bible do so because they are not practicing the spirit and aim of the bible. *

996.  It doesn’t matter the translation of the Bible you read but the fact that you read the Bible.  *

997.  There is nothing more pitiful that a person who has a narrow minded view of God.  They forget that God is greater than all the knowledge of God put together throughout the centuries. *

998.  The consistency of the Bible gives me great comfort in the chaos of this world. *

999.  You cannot be a true leader until you have mastered yourself.  *

1000.  The best leaders are those who do not seek it but embrace with dignity, honesty and integrity when it comes. *

1001.  There is nothing worse than becoming a prisoner of your own making.  *

1002.  There is a great sadness in life when you allow yourself to be bound by something that you did yourself.   *

1003.  It is tragic when you wake up one day and find out your imprisoned yourself by how you thought.   *

1004.  There is nothing more hurtful when you bind yourself with own thoughts and attitude.   *

1005.  Don’t become a prisoner through your attitudes.  *

1006.  These days many people put themselves into their own prisons with unforgiveness.   *

1007.  Jesus Christ can set your free but you must be willing to open the door.   *

1008.  Too many people today have the key to their own deliverance but are afraid to undue the lock.  *

1009.  Don’t let your fear of the unknown keep you from living the life God intended for you.   *

1010.  Self made prisons are the hardest to escape from.   *

1011.  Your freedom is only a prayer away.   *

1012.  Decide today to walk out of the devil’s prison by allowing Jesus to open the door of your heart.   *

1013.  You have the power to be set free by making a declaration today that you will be free in Christ.  *

1014.  Who the Son sets free in free indeed if we make the choice.  *

1015.  Your freedom is yours when you accept the key of God’s forgiveness.   *

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