Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25 – God’s Promise – Isaiah 37:30-35

 June 25 – God’s Promise – Isaiah 37:30-35


The then promises Hezekiah a sign that they will see fruitfulness and abundance.  In the same way the kingdom of Judah will take root and bear fruit.  There will be a remnant and survivors because God’s zeal and will has ordained to accomplish this.  God promises fruitfulness and abundance. 

     As for the Assyrians they will not enter the city, shoot an arrow, come against with shield or build a

siege ramp.  Not one implement of war will assail Jerusalem.  The Lord is defending the city for the sake

of David His servant.  God remembers David and Hezekiah as his lineage.  Assyria will go back the way

they came and will not enter the city.  The Lord is the defender of His people.

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