Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26 – The Angelic Response - Isaiah 37:36-38

 June 26 – The Angelic Response - Isaiah 37:36-38


     God’s answer is swift and severe.  An angel goes out and kills 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.  When the

people look out from Jerusalem all they see is dead bodies everywhere.  This displays the power of

the angelic realm.  This is an example of what happens when the divine pronounces judgment on the

natural realm. 

     Sennacherib breaks camps and returns to Nineveh.  The Assyrian version of this event is that rats from Jerusalem came and ate their leather and so they escaped the plague.  The irony of Sennacherib is that he is killed by his own sons by the sword in the temple of his god Nisrok.  Never mock God He always has His day, and it goes badly for the mocker or scorner.

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