Monday, June 17, 2024

June 17 – The Meeting - Isaiah 36:1-3

 June 17 – The Meeting - Isaiah 36:1-3


     Isaiah records a major event in his time and history.  It was in the fourth year of the reign o Hezekiah

who was a godly and righteous king.  Sennacherib the ruler of Assyria attacked the fortified cities of

Judah and captured them.  He had made the city of Lachish his based of operation for the invasion of the Transjordan. 

     He sent a large army to Jerusalem with his field commander.  Just outside Jerusalem there was a

Aqueduct in a field used for laundry and clothes manufacturing.  It was open so an army could encamp

There.  Eliakim, the place administrator, Shebna the secretary and the Joash the recorder went to

Meet Him.  It was rare in the ancient world that kings would meet or negotiate. This was left

To important officials skilled in the art of diplomacy. 

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