Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7 – Near and Far - Isaiah 33:13-16

 June 7 – Near and Far - Isaiah 33:13-16


     The Lord calls to those far away and near.  Hear what the Lord has done and acknowledge His power.  HE then states that the sinners in Zion are terrified and trembling grips the sinners.  Then he asks the question, who can dwell with the consuming fire or everlasting burning?

      Isaiah lists the lifestyle that brings blessing and favor.  Walk righteously, speak what is right, reject gain from extortion, and don’t accept bribes.  Don’t listen to plots of murder and shut your eyes to evil.  The promise is that they will dwell on the heights and above the things of man.  They will find refuge.  Their needs will be met, and the blessing of the Lord will be upon them. 

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