Friday, June 28, 2024



June 28 – Shadow Miracle - Isaiah 38:7-8

 June 28 – Shadow Miracle - Isaiah 38:7-8


     The Lord promised that he would give a sign to Hezekiah and that was he would make the shadow

Cast by the sun on the stairway of Ahaz to go backwards.  This was in response gain to the prayer of

Hezekiah.  We cannot emphasize enough the power of prayer.  You have not because you asked not.

Hezekiah had prayed and God answers by making the sunlight go back ten steps backward.  This is a

Miracle because the definition of a miracle is a supernatural intervention of God.  Isaiah was the

Messenger but Hezekiah was the person who made the miracle happen through his prayers.  The

Effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Psalm 35:2

quotes for June 27, 2024


June 27 – Hezekiah’s Illness - Isaiah 38:1-6

 June 27 – Hezekiah’s Illness - Isaiah 38:1-6


     Hezekiah had become ill not long after the Assyrian invasion.  It was almost to the point of death. 

Isaiah told Hezekiah to get his house in order and because he was going to die.  Hezekiah did what he

Always did, he prayed.  He reminds the Lord about his wholehearted devotion, faithfulness and

Obedience.  He also wept bitterly. 

     Isaiah is told and tell the king that God has heard his prayer and seen his tears.  Prayer can change

Things when done with sincerity and whole heartedness.  The Lord promise to give him 15 years of

Life.  He also added a second blessing.  The Lord would defend him and Jerusalem from the Assyrians.

Prayer can and will change things so when in trouble or even when you are not in trouble go to the


Wednesday, June 26, 2024



June 26 – The Angelic Response - Isaiah 37:36-38

 June 26 – The Angelic Response - Isaiah 37:36-38


     God’s answer is swift and severe.  An angel goes out and kills 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.  When the

people look out from Jerusalem all they see is dead bodies everywhere.  This displays the power of

the angelic realm.  This is an example of what happens when the divine pronounces judgment on the

natural realm. 

     Sennacherib breaks camps and returns to Nineveh.  The Assyrian version of this event is that rats from Jerusalem came and ate their leather and so they escaped the plague.  The irony of Sennacherib is that he is killed by his own sons by the sword in the temple of his god Nisrok.  Never mock God He always has His day, and it goes badly for the mocker or scorner.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



June 25 – God’s Promise – Isaiah 37:30-35

 June 25 – God’s Promise – Isaiah 37:30-35


The then promises Hezekiah a sign that they will see fruitfulness and abundance.  In the same way the kingdom of Judah will take root and bear fruit.  There will be a remnant and survivors because God’s zeal and will has ordained to accomplish this.  God promises fruitfulness and abundance. 

     As for the Assyrians they will not enter the city, shoot an arrow, come against with shield or build a

siege ramp.  Not one implement of war will assail Jerusalem.  The Lord is defending the city for the sake

of David His servant.  God remembers David and Hezekiah as his lineage.  Assyria will go back the way

they came and will not enter the city.  The Lord is the defender of His people.

Monday, June 24, 2024



June 24 – God’s Answer - Isaiah 37:21-29

 June 24 – God’s Answer - Isaiah 37:21-29


     Isaiah then sends a letter back to Hezekiah with a word from the Lord.  First it commends him for

his prayer.  The virgin daughter of Zion despises and mocks you as you flee.  Sennacherib had mocked,

blasphemed, in pride and ridiculed the Holy one of Israel.  The accomplishments they had done had

been ordained by God himself.  They were ordained to do this, but the Lord knows who they are.  They

Had mocked and raged against God Himself.  This letter shows the sovereignty, authority and dominion

of the Lord.

     The illustration used is that the Lord will put a hook in their nose, and they will be made to go back

The way that they came.  Their plans would fail, and they would be humiliated.

Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21 – The Reaction - Isaiah 37:1-7

 June 21 – The Reaction - Isaiah 37:1-7


     Hezekiah as a godly king tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and went to the house of the Lord.  This

should be the reaction of any child of God.  He then sent the officials that had met with he field

commander to Isaiah.  The message given to the prophet was that this was a distress, rebuke, and

disgrace.  Like when a child is born and then is no longer any strength to deliver them.  They were in


     Isaiah then tells them the Lord has a message for Hezekiah.  The words given by the underlings from

Assyria have blasphemed the Lord.  The King will hear a report and then return to his own country and

Be cut down by the sword.  A lesson here s that when people either mock God or the people of God

They are condemning themselves and will have to face the consequences that is why we should leave

Things in God’s hands and let Him defend us.

Thursday, June 20, 2024



June 20 – The Offer - Isaiah 36:16-22

 June 20 – The Offer - Isaiah 36:16-22


     The field commander continues his speech.  He tells them not to believe Hezekiah.  He says make peace and then he outlines the Assyrians plan.  As a people and nation, they will be displaced and exiled to a land like theirs but not theirs.  This was a tactic used to subdue and break national unity, clan loyalty and family identity. 

     The commander then lists all the gods who were supposed to protect all the lands Assyria and Sennacherib had defeated.  He then states do you think your God can deliver you.  This was a direct challenge to God. 

      The people remain silent because Hezekiah knew what the tactic was, and he told them to no answer the field commander.  The three officials came back to Hezekiah with their clothes torn a sign or an expression of deep grief or mental tribulation.  They told him what had been said.  We must remember that the enemy will always use intimidation as a tactic.  He has an agenda of robbing, killing, and destroying but we have the Lord and so his threat or hollow. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



June 19 – The Setup - Isaiah 36:11-15

 June 19 – The Setup - Isaiah 36:11-15


     The three representatives ask the field commander to speak to them in Aramaic the language of the

Area not in Hebrew the language of the defenders.  He replies that he was not just sent to speak to them or Hezekiah but to all the people who would suffer and be starved out. 

     Then the field commander in his arrogance sets the stage for his destruction and Sennacherib’s.  He

Tells them to not trust Hezekiah a common attack of the enemy to sow distrust.  Hezakiah cannot deliver you.  Don’t trust Hezekiah when he says the Lord will deliver the city from the hand of the Assyrians.  This sets up a direct confrontation between a petty ruler or kingdom and God.  God has proven time and time again He sets up rulers and kingdom and then destroys them because of their pride and arrogance. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18 – The Letter - Isaiah 36:4-10

 June 18 – The Letter - Isaiah 36:4-10


     The field commander then hands them a letter which he reads.  The King through his spies had

learned much about the current situation.  This letter was a combination of intimidation, mocking and

psychological warfare.  He first speaks to Hezekiah ability to carry out warfare.  It says these are empty

threats.  He then speaks to the alliance Judah has with Egypt which he says is like getting bitten in the

hand.  You can’t depend on Egypt.  Then he speaks about their dependence on the Lord.  Hezekiah had

remove all the high places and altars throughout the land and told the people they were to only worship

at the temple.  This is where Sennacherib makes his mistake.  He mocked the God of creation and

protector of Judah.

     The field commander then makes a bargain that if they can find 2000 riders, he will supply them with

Horses.  He then states that they will not be able to repulse one of his riders and that Egypt with their

Supply of horses can not defeat him.  Then the commander blatantly lies when he states that the King

Of Assyria has been commanded by the Lord to march against Judah and destroy it.  It is so like the

Enemy to lie, test, and accuse to try to keep us off balance and shake our confidence in the Lord. 

Monday, June 17, 2024



June 17 – The Meeting - Isaiah 36:1-3

 June 17 – The Meeting - Isaiah 36:1-3


     Isaiah records a major event in his time and history.  It was in the fourth year of the reign o Hezekiah

who was a godly and righteous king.  Sennacherib the ruler of Assyria attacked the fortified cities of

Judah and captured them.  He had made the city of Lachish his based of operation for the invasion of the Transjordan. 

     He sent a large army to Jerusalem with his field commander.  Just outside Jerusalem there was a

Aqueduct in a field used for laundry and clothes manufacturing.  It was open so an army could encamp

There.  Eliakim, the place administrator, Shebna the secretary and the Joash the recorder went to

Meet Him.  It was rare in the ancient world that kings would meet or negotiate. This was left

To important officials skilled in the art of diplomacy. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Psalm 34:15



June 13 – For All Time - Isaiah 34:16-17

 June 13 – For All Time - Isaiah 34:16-17


     Isaiah then presents a scroll, and the audience sees what is written on it.  Not one person will be lacking, and neither will their mates.  Families will be together.  The mouth of the Lord has decreed

It.  The Holy Spirit will be the agent that will gather them together.  The Lord will supply each one

According to their measure.  They will possess what is promised and not just for a short time but from generation to generation.  This means the Lord is going to return Israel to their homeland.  This has

Happened and is God’s promise for all time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



June 12 – No Trace - Isaiah 34:8-15

 June 12 – No Trace - Isaiah 34:8-15


     The prophet continues his graphic snapshot of the future fate of the Edomites.  He also gives the

Reason for their destruction and judgment.  It is a day od retribution because of the treatment of

Judah at the hands of the Edomites.  Even thought they are descendants of Jacob’s brother Esau they

Did not act like family. 

     The nation of Edom will be judged to the point where nothing but rock, dust, and complete

Destruction is their faith.  Their cities are turned into smoldering ruins.  Weeds, brambles, and nettles

Will eventually taken over the ruins.  Animals will inhabit the homes and ruined palaces.  The nobles

Will have no kingdom to rule.  It will be from generation.  Today Isarel inhabits the land but there is

No trace of the Edomites and there has been none since the sixth century B.C.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11 – Edom Judged - Isaiah 34:5-7


June 11 – Edom Judged - Isaiah 34:5-7


     The Lord has one nation that he is angry with.  It is the Edomites.  The Edomites were a Semitic people who lived in the region of Edom, south of the Dead Sea1. They were descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob. They had a long history of conflict and rivalry with the Israelites1. They were conquered by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC.  Isiah sees their destruction. The sword of the
Lord is covered with fat and blood from animals. 

      The capital city of Edom was Bozrah and there will be such a great slaughter even the animals will die with the people.  The land will be soaked with blood and the dust of the earth will be drenched with it.  The question is why?  The answer is because they will be part of the nations who will plunder Judah, but they will suffer the same fate.

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7 – Near and Far - Isaiah 33:13-16

 June 7 – Near and Far - Isaiah 33:13-16


     The Lord calls to those far away and near.  Hear what the Lord has done and acknowledge His power.  HE then states that the sinners in Zion are terrified and trembling grips the sinners.  Then he asks the question, who can dwell with the consuming fire or everlasting burning?

      Isaiah lists the lifestyle that brings blessing and favor.  Walk righteously, speak what is right, reject gain from extortion, and don’t accept bribes.  Don’t listen to plots of murder and shut your eyes to evil.  The promise is that they will dwell on the heights and above the things of man.  They will find refuge.  Their needs will be met, and the blessing of the Lord will be upon them. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

am 9:30 the light prayer time

Psalm 34:12



June 6 – No sickness - Isaiah 33:20-24

 June 6 – No sickness -

Isaiah 33:20-24


     Isaiah equates that day with a festival and a tent that will be pitched but it will not be removed

It will be established in that place there for a long period of time.  He states that the Lord is the

Mighty One.  In that day it will be a place of brad rivers and streams but no boasts or galleys

Will be sailing it. 

     Thre Lord will have four qualities.  He will be judge, lawgiver, king and the one who saves.  Isaiah

Then uses another well-known picture.  He tells them like a ship whose rigging hangs loose, the mast

Is not secure and the sail is not secure.  The abundance of the spoils will be divided and even the

Lame will carry off plunder.  The security that people rely on will be gone.  There will be no sickness

And those who do sin will be forgiven.  What a future.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5 – Contrast - Isaiah 33:7-12


June 5 – Contrast - Isaiah 33:7-12


     Isaiah then gets back to his prophecy.  Brave men cry and the envoys of peace weep bitterly because there will be no peace.  The highways are deserted, and no one travels them.  The treaty is broken and

The witnesses are hated all respect for truth and righteousness are gone.  The land dries up and withers.

Away.  The fertile places become a desert. 

     The contrast between the righteous and wicked are define here.  The wicked become chaff and give birth to straw.  The Lord’s breath is a fire that consumes all.  Continuing with the theme that you reap what you sow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4 – Fear of the Lord - Isaiah 33:2-6

 June 4 – Fear of the Lord - Isaiah 33:2-6


     The prophet then prays.  Lord be gracious to us for we long for you.  He was calling for the grace of

the Lord.  Be our strength every morning.  You need it through out the day.  Be the one who saves us

in our times of trouble and distress.  When the army of the Lord rises people flee and when he rises

up nations will flee. 

     When the Lord judges it is complete like locust eating a crop.  The Lord is exalted, and He dwells

above All.  He is a God of justice and righteousness.  You will get both from the Lord for this is nature,

essence and character.  He is our sure foundation for what times we live in.  He has a rich store

of salvation in fact, you cannot exhaust it.  He has wisdom and knowledge.  The key to this treasure is the fear of the Lord.

Monday, June 3, 2024



June 3 – Decisions - Isaiah 33:1

 June 3 – Decisions - Isaiah 33:1


     Isaiah brings a simple but powerful truth and lesson to his audience.  He tells them there are

Consequences and realities to lifestyle choices and decisions.  When you destroy or betray that is

What is going to happen to you.  Paul said in Gal 6:8, that whatever you sow that is what you will

Reap.  With the same measure you give it will be given back to you.  He implores them to stop

Destroying and betraying.  Come back to the Lord and see the end of a terrible life of bad decisions

And serve the Lord.



Isaiah the Man who saw tomorrow.


     Theme: The anticipated gospel and Israel in the last days. The book gives a clear picture of the future gospel and of Jesus Christ. It gives theology and doctrine of God. There is a special emphasis on God’s power and redemptive love. It shows that history is according to God’s plan. God is not afraid to

bring down the most powerful and wealthiest nations.  God is concerned about his people.  So as we start a brand new year.  Let us begin with a clear, precise, and direct picture.  We want the Lord to be a part of our lives this year.  Let the word be our compass, instruction manual and guidebook this year.


Jan 2 – Chosen People


     Isaiah shows that God’s chosen people continue to live and glorify His name. God wants sacrificial worship. Isaiah brings powerful messages to the consciences of the people with prophetic warning and

appeals. Isaiah is very committed to his people. God can deliver and give promises to His people. He can rescue and bring back His people to the promise. All God wants is His people to repent.  When we repent, we receive three important things.  We get the benefits, promises and the blessings.  Let us open every part of our lives to the Lord and let the full impact of redemption be released on us.


Jan 3 – Divine Redeemer


     This book shows how people are not able to help themselves. That divine deliverance can only come from a saviour, the divine Messiah. Virgin born, the mighty God will establish His throne here on earth and enforce God’s law. It shows that this Messiah will come for all men, and He will establish the rule of God forever.  Isaiah is regarded as the greatest of the Old Testament prophets. He is primarily a

prophet of redemption. This book is considered one of the finest among ancient literature.  Isaiah had the privilege of seeing into the future some 700 hundreds before Jesus Christ appeared.  Isaiah saw over 100 snapshots, vignettes, and pictures of Christ.  More than any Old Testament writer.  He produces a remarkable and powerful book. 


Jan 4 – Two Truths


     Isaiah Emphasizes:  There is one true God and creator of the universe.  He is the sovereign of all.  God brought all things into being with a word from His mouth.  God spoke and it happened.  Our very breath is a gift from God.  Everyday is a gift and never to be taken for granted.

     He is the upholder of the moral law who brings judgment on the heathen.  God expects his people to be ethical and moral people.  We have the Bible as our compass in this matter.  Isaiah would promote being not a subscriber to the Lord but also a doer.  James says that faith is best expressed by what we do.  Let us make it our aim to do that today and every day this year.


Jan 5 – Universal Peace


     He will establish universal peace, goodness, and truth all over the world.  This is the goal of the Messiah in the future.  After the Tribulation period Jesus will come up and set up a thousand-year reign of peace, safety and security.  It will be a time of love, peace, goodness, and truth.  All evil will be removed during that time and the earth will have the longest period of peace and harmony in its history.

     This Messiah will be rejected by His own people and will be put to death for the sins of the world.  Isaiah in graphic detail outline the suffering and the death of the Messiah.  He would also reveal the motive and reason for His agonizing death.  People will be saved, healed and delivered. 

Jan 6 – Who is Isaiah


     Isaiah is the author, who had friends in all levels of government. He lived jus before the captivity, and he preached against the idolatry in the land. He was called to bring repentance and reformation in the land. He was hated by King Ahaz and favoured. by King Hezekiah. He was killed by the wicked under Manasseh. He ministered during the reign of five kings.  Isaiah was a statesman prophet.  He was at home with the elite and with the common person.  He was a man who understood the times in which he lived.  He was a man who saw with clarity the future and earn the people of the day of the coming of the messiah.  Later he would be applauded and celebrated as one of the most powerful voices of reform and prophecy.


Jan7 – Key Words


Key Word of Isaiah is Salvation. (The name Isaiah means, “Salvation of Jehovah.”

1. Wells of salvation. 12:3 – It is important that we put our spiritual pipe in the wells of salvation to satisfy the thirsting of our soul.

2. Joy of salvation. 25:9 – Joy is the deep-seated content that comes from knowing God has everything has under control.    It is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.  This is a benefit of salvation.

3. Everlasting salvation. 45:17 – Salvation and redemption has eternal consequences and blessings.  It comes thought Jesus Christ and Him alone.

 4. Day of salvation. 49:8 – That day is when Jesus comes back with his church to right all wrongs and to establish a time of peace.

5. Feet of the Heralds of salvation. 52:7 – Our feet are beautiful when we bring the good news of salvation.  We are the hands and feet of God and his ambassadors.


Jan 8 – Key Words – Part two


6. Spread of salvation. 52:10 – Salvation has a universal application.  Paul would bring that to the forefront in the Book of Ephesians and call it a mystery.  Isaiah saw it 700 years before it happened.

7. Arm of salvation. 59:16 – The strong arm of the Lord would bring to an end the tyranny of sin and death.

8. Helmet of salvation. 59:17 – Isaiah used this illustration and Paul would use it in the boof Ephesians as part of the armour of God.

9. Garments of salvation. 61:10 – These garments would have specific purposes and applications for the benefit of the wearer.

10. Lights of salvation. 62:1 – Jesus said a light on the hill cannot be hid.  We are the light in our world.  We are the bearers of light, truth, and love.


Jan 9 – Everlasting – Part One


Seven things that are Everlasting.


1. Strength. 26:4 - The Lord promised strength to his people and Paul would state that he could do all things through Christ who strengthen Him.  We can as well.

2. Judgments. 33:14 – The Lord will in time judge His people for what they have done both good and bad.  For the believer it is on our thoughts, word and actions.

3. Joy. 35:10 – Isaiah saw joy as an attribute and quality of a godly life.  David said a merry heart does good like a medicine. 

4. Salvation.  This is the continuous theme of this book.  God is our salvation and the avenue, means and method it will come is through the Messiah.


Jan 10 – Everlasting – Part Two


5. Kindness. 54:8 – Kindness is a communicated attribute of God.  It is love in its compassionate form.  Both the Father and the Son are exhibited these qualities in their time as the Holy Spirit does in ours.

6. Covenant. 55:3 – God has made an agreement with His people.  He will not break it or go back on it.  It would be against His character, nature and essence.

7. Light. – Light is salvation darkness is sin.  The Light has come to shine in the darkness and His name is Jesus Christ.


Jan 11 – Statistics of the Book


     Statistics: 23 rd book of the bible, 66 chapters, 1292 verses, 37044 words, 634 verses of

unfulfilled prophecy, 395 verses of fulfilled prophecy, 1313 predictions, 449 fulfilled predictions, 864 unfulfilled predictions, 273 verses of history, 190 questions, 308 commands, 71 messages from God and 275 promises.  This book is a treasure trove of beautiful pictures, snapshots, and vignettes of who Jesus Christ is.  It is a book that is celebrated and revered by the modern Israel.


Jan 12 – The Messiah


Isaiah Messianic Prophecies: This prophet looked across the centuries and saw the coming Messiah. Of all the great Hebrew prophets, Isaiah has given us the most complete picture of history, mission, titles, and characteristics of Christ.  Jesus Christ is the central focus and person in this book.  His whole life is outline in this book.  His role as redeemer, savior and sovereign is revealed in this book.  Jesus Christ graces every chapter of this book in one form or another.  He is the author and finisher of our faith and life story.


Jan 13 – History of Christ


History of Christ


Birth 7:14 – Jesus would be born to a virgin and she would give birth to a song and His name would be called Immanuel which means God with us.  Jesus was God with a face.

Family 11:1 - Jesus would have brother and sisters in fact two book of the New Testament are written by His brothers.

Anointing 11:2 – Jesus would be anointed to set the captive free.  He would do it with love, compassion, and care.  We can have that today so let us claim it as our own.


Jan 14 – Mission of Christ – Part One


Illuminator 9:2 – Jesus Christ is the word who was with God and was God.  He is the bearer and Illuminator of truth.

Judge 11:3 – One day all mankind will have to stand and give an account.  God is the judge, and he judges on what he knows and sees which is all.  Nothing is hidden from the gaze od God and the only things that can remove our sin is the blood of Jesus Christ.

Reprover 11:4 – God is the one who reprimands or censures.  He has absolute, power, night and dominion.

Lawgiver 42:2 – Isaiah lived under the time of the law.  It was the boundaries for moral, ethical, and daily life.  To break it meant separation.  That is why as then, and today substitutionary death is essential.

Liberator 42:7 – Isaiah saw the Messiah as the as the one who can set the captive free.  Freedom is only found in the Messiah.


Jan 15 – Mission of Christ – Part Two


 Burden Bearer 53:4 – Jesus would call people to come to him who are burdened down and laboring, He said he would give them rest.  Isaiah saw this 700 years before Jesus came on the scene.

Suffering Saviour 53:5 – Through Jesus broken body we have healing and through His shed blood we have salvation.

Sin bearer 53:6 – Jesus Christ would feel the feel agony of the separation mankind felt on the cross.  Jesus bore our sins on the cross.

Intercessor 53:12 – Jesus now stands at the right hand of the Father making intercession and advocating for us.


Jan 16 – Titles of Christ – Part One


Immanuel 7:14 – Isaiah saw the incarnation and the Messiah becoming flesh.  Jesus was the perfect combination of God and man.  This word means God with us.

Mighty God 9:6 – He would see the role of the Messiah as revealed as part of the trinity.  This was a direct reference to the deity of the Messiah.

Everlasting Father 9:6 – Jesus said if you see the Father, you see me and vice versa.  Jesus would be the physical representation of the essence, nature, and character of God.

Prince of Peace 9:6 – Isaiah saw the Messiah as the bearer and giver of peace.  The kind the world can’t give or take away.

Righteous King 32:1 – One day every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  He is the King od Kings and Lord of Lord.


Jan 17 – Titles of Christ – Part Two


Divine Servant 42: - Jesus would come in the form of a servant.  Jesus said He came to serve and not to be served.  He also said if you want to be great in God’s kingdom you must learn to be the servant of all.

Arm of the Lord 53:1 – Jesus would be the righteous and compassion arm of healing, restoration, and forgiveness. 

Anointed Preacher 61: - Jesus would proclaim repentance and the good news of the Kingdom of God which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Mighty Saviour 63:1 – Jesus has the power over death, hell, and the grace.  He also came to defeat the works of the devil. 


Jan 18 – Characteristic of Christ – Part One


Radiance 9:2 & 42:6 – The Messiah is one who shines forth the essence, character, and nature of God.  He is bright and Morning Star.  Jesus Christ is the light on the hill and the light to our path.

Wisdom 11:2 – Jesus is the discerner of truth.  He is the application of knowledge and information to perfection.

Spiritual – Jesus Christ was led by the Holy Spirit through his ministry and life.  We have the same choice and opportunity.

Discernment 11:3 - Discernment in the Bible is the spiritual characteristic of sound judgment for perceiving the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, truth and error, and identifying God’s will and direction for his people. Discernment is necessary to understand spiritual truth, live holy as God intends, avoid life’s pitfalls and dangers, and properly govern society.  This is a quality which Jesus executed to perfection.

Justice 11:4 – The Messiah will display pure religion which is taking care of the oppressed, the fatherless and the widows and keeping oneself unpolluted by the world.


Jan 19 – Characteristics of Christ – Part Two


Righteous 11:5 – Jesus is righteousness and bestows righteousness.  He is the perfect example, role model and mentor.

Silence 42:2 & 53:7 – Jesus would stay quiet during his passion.  He only uttered seven sayings.  Each was clear and concise.  You don’t have to say much to get your point across.

Gentleness 42:3 – Jesus in his invitation in Matt 11:28-30, he says learn of me for I am gentle and humble.

Perseverance 42:4 – Jesus went all the way to the cross.  He knew what he had to do and he did it.  We must do the same.

Vicarious Suffering 52:14 & 53:10 – His wounds and stripes bring healing.  His blood brings redemption and salvation.


Jan 20 – Characteristics of Christ – Part Three


Compassion 53:4 – Thid love in action.  Jesus throughout His ministry was moved with this quality and expression of love.

Meekness 53:7 – It is the quality to not retaliate when wronged.  It means humility with strength.

Sinlessness 53:9 - He who knew no sin became sin for us.  Isaiah saw the sinless Savior.

Saving Power 53:11 – Only through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, his broken body and shed blood can we be saved.  You believed and you are saved.

Greatness 53:12 – There is no other name given under heaven that people can be saved.  He is the great God.


Jan 21 – Intro – Is 1:1-6


Intro of Isaiah – Vs 1-6


     Isaiah was a prophet through four kings from Uzziah to Hezekiah.  Scholars tell us he was martyred during the time of Manasseh.  This book is his vision and what God showed him.  Isaiah starts by calling the earth to witness what God has against the nation.  He brought them up, but they rebelled.  Loved them like a father. The animal knows its master, but the people do not and choose not to understand.   

     The people are sinful as a nation.  They are guilty, evil, and corrupt.  As a people they have forsaken, spurned and turned the backs on the Lord.  They have beaten up, injured, wounded, and have open sores.  This is a direct result of their rebellion, half heartedness and lack of wisdom.  He does not want them hurt anymore.  This is sad because it could all have been avoided.  Isaiah is calling them back, but they are not listening.  A very powerful lesson for this present generation to learn.


Jan 22 – Follow Through - !:7-12


Isaiah 1:7-12


     Isaiah lists the consequences of their rebellion, sin, and corruption.  The country is desolate, cities are burned with fire, and the fields are wasted or taken by strangers.  They are like abandoned wreck of a house in a field.  The Lord was merciful he left a remnant or else the entire area would have destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. 

     Isaiah calls them Sodom and Gomorrah.  He calls to hear and listen to the instruction of the Lord.  All the sacrifices they make have no effect on the Lord.  The has no pleasure in a people who trample justice and truth in their judicial system and society.  This is a warning to them and us.  Religion has little effect on society when it is talk and not action.  Lets follow through with what we say.


Jan 23 – Stop Sinning – 1:13-16


     The Lord is fed up with meaningless offering, incense, special days, and worthless assemblies.  Their religious service the Lord hates.  They have become a burden and wearisome to the Lord.  Thy pray but God does not hear or listen.  The reason is clear their hands are full of blood. The innocent has suffered because of them.  The tell them to clean up, stop doing evil, and wrong.  It is a sad situation when a person or nation get to the point where a loving compassionate God rejects and judges them.  This is a powerful warning to all societies about consequences.  Solomon says righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any land.  Whatever we sow we reap.  A good lesson to learn and quickly.


Jan 24 The Invite – Isaiah 1:17-19


     Isaiah exhorts the people to have fruit to their religion.  They are to show it by doing right and seeking justice.  The practical expression of religion is to defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the orphan, and plead the cause of the widow.  James later would call this true religion.

     God then invites them to reason together and settle the matter.  Sin which is red as scarlet, and crimson is in the way.  If they repent it can become like snow and wool.  They must be willing and decide.  It is a decision of obedience to the invitation.  The benefit, promise, and blessing are that they will eat the good of the land.  Seems pretty clear choice to resolve a separation issue with God. 


Jan 25 – Sober Thought – Isaiah 1:20-26


     The Lord says if the nation does not repent and chooses to rebel, they will be destroyed, and He will not change His mind.  The city of Jerusalem was once a city of faithful, just, and righteous people.  Now it is full of prostitutes and murderers.  One time they had the best now the silver is dross and their wine diluted. 

     The rulers are rebels.  They can be bribed.  They work in partnership with crime and so there is no justice for the oppressed and poor.  The Lord Almighty will send his wrath and avenge on behalf of the oppressed.

     The Lord will restore proper leaders and the city will be called the righteous and faithful but not before the Lord has judged, purged, avenged, and remove all the leaders who called the wickedness and impurity.  A sober thought considering the times in which we lived.  God is not mocked whatever we sow we reap.


Jan 26:- A Moment - Isaiah 1:27-31


     Isaiah contrasts between the different types here.  The righteous and penitent will be delivered.  The rebels and sinners who forsake the Lord will perish.  They had made gardens, altars and sacred places for their idol worship and these places will be destroyed.  The warning to the so called mighty and proud is that they shall become like tinder and fuel.  They will be burned up and no one will saved them or help them.  

    Jonathon Edwards scripted a sermon called, “Sinners in an angry God.”  This is Judah at the time of Isaiah.  It was a time of ebb and flow.  Good kings made the land prosperous.  Bad kings blighted the land.  Seems clear that if we want prosperity and health, it begins and ends with righteousness.


Jan 27 – The Future – Isaiah 2:1-4


     Isaiah sees in the future what is going to happen in Jerusalem and Judah.  It is an exciting future.  The temple of the Lord is going to be on the highest place.  A high place is a place of safety, observation and closest to heaven.  It is a place of exaltation, and all the nations will come in streams and droves of people to see and worship at it.  People from all over will say, “Let us go to the mountain of the Lord.”  It will be established that this not just a place for Israel but also for all people.  The message has a Jewish connection but also a universal application. 

     There are four things the people will get from this experience.  They will be taught the ways of the Lord.  They will walk in the paths of the Lord.  They will receive the law and the word of God from Zion which is the heavenly city and the Kingdom of God.  They will hear and receive the Word of God directly. 

     The blessing of all this is universal peace.  The Lord will judge nations, settle disputes and arguments among the nations.  There instruments of destruction will turn into implements of peace and practical use.  Nations instead of training for war will be working together for peace. 


Jan 28 – True Condition – 2:5-9


    The Lord gives an invitation to walk in the light.  Jesus did this as well.  Now the Lord than reveals what has happened to Israel.  They were following and full of the superstitions from the east.  They were doing witchcraft and divination of the Philistines.  Ther were also embracing pagan practices.  They were falling into idolatry and worshipping demons.

     They have the abundance and appearance of material wealth and prosperity.  The problem is that the land is also full of idols which is the work of their own hands.  The people because of their idolatry have all the appearance of being blessed but, they are as Jesus describe the Laodicean church.  Nake, lame, blind and pitiful.  Two things have happened because of this.  The Lord has abandoned them, and Isaiah does not them to be forgiven.


Jan 29 – Humbled – Isaiah 2:10-18


     Isaiah reveals what is going to happen to Isarel during this time.  He counsels them to hide in the rocks and caves.  The Lord is coming in fearful majesty and glorious majesty.  The arrogant will be humbled, and human pride will be brought low.  The very cornerstone of human thought and philosophy will be humbled.

     The Lord has something in store for the proud and lofty.  They will be humbled and judged.  Jesus said whoever exalts themselves will be humbled and those who are humble will be exalted.  He uses practical illustrations.  The cedars of Lebanon, the oaks of Bashan and the towering mountains and hills.  Isaiah then uses manmade things such as towers, walls, ships, and stately vessels.  

     Human pride and arrogance will be brought low and humbled.  Pride began with satan but continues through man.  The Lord will be exalted in that day and every idol will disappear.  This is a day of reckoning but also of restoration in the Lord.


Jan 30 – Man Will Fail – Isaiah 2:19-22


     Isaiah continues with the vision of the future.  People are going to flee from the Lord by running and hiding in caves and shelter underground.  The Lord will rise on that day with fearful presence.  He will show his splendor and majesty.  The whole earth will be shaking.  Remember all that can be shaken will be shaken.  John saw this as well in the book of Revelation. 

     On that day the people will throw away the idols that they personally made to the moles and bats.  They will see the futile of what they have made.  Isaiah uses parallelism which is a Jewish emphasis on what is going to happen for certain.  They will hide in crags and caverns.  The Lord will shake all by his fearful presence, splendor, and majesty.  Isaiah counsels them to stop trusting in human beings who are mere creatures who die and pass away.  Don’t hold them high esteem or value them because they will fail and fall.


Jan 31 – Bedlam – Isaiah 3:1-5


     Isaiah in this chapter again must talk about the present condition of the nation of Judah.  This was during the time Ahaz who was a vassal or puppet king.  He has allowed the nation to fall into idolatry.  The Lord has decided that all support from Jerusalem and Judah was about to be cut off.  Their water and food.  God had said this would happen if the people forgot Him or went after idols. 

     People who they relied on the hero, warrior, judge, prophet, diviner or elder would all be taken away.  The army captain, counselor, skilled craftsman, and clever enchanter.  They would be humiliated to the point where youth and children would rule over them or have better understand, wisdom and insight than they had.  The result of this abandonment is oppression, fighting, looting, division, and all would be dishonored.  It would be bedlam, anarchy, and chaos.  A total breakdown in society.  When that is wrong becomes right and that which is right becomes wrong society soon is destroyed.


Feb 1 – Self Made Problems – Isaiah 3:6-9


     During that time people were looking for leadership but were not willing to take it on themselves.  Jerusalem would be reduced to ruins, and no one would want to live or be there.  In the day of ruin there is no remedy, food, clothing, and no one will want to step up and take responsibility or leadership to solve the problems.  The task will be overwhelming.

     The reason why they are in this state is because their words and deeds defy the Lord and his glorious majesty, presence, and authority.  They are blatant about their sin.  They permit it, promote it, applaud it, and persecute anyone who speaks against it.  It is not hidden but in plain sight.  Isaiah laments and says woe to them because they brought it upon themselves.  Sin will always take us someplace we never thought we would go and make us into someone we never thought we would be.  This is self-made judgment. 


Feb 2 – The Lord’s Court – 3:10-15


     The Lord tells the righteous it will be well with them.  The moral, ethical, and truthful ones.  They will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.  They who sow righteousness will reap righteous.  The wicked however will face disaster and ruin.  They will be paid back for what their hands have done.  You reap what you sow because God is not mocked.

     Youth because of their vigor, strength, and pride will oppress people.  Women will rule over society and emasculate men.  The problem is those who were given the responsibility of guiding them forgot the Lord and His word and they along with those who follow them have left the path of righteousness. 

     The Lord is about to set up a court of judgment.  He is going to judge his people, the leaders, and elders are responsible.  The plundered, oppressed, rush and grinded the poor.  This is the Lord’s charge.  Isaiah was a social reformer, justice, advocate for the poor, and oppressed.  This is very clear in his writings and message.  To a certain point It is ours as well.


Feb 3 -– No Modesty – Isaiah 3:16-22


     The Lord says that the women of Zion or Jerusalem are haughty or immoral.  The walk around proud, being flirty, swaying with hips, with ornaments and jewellery and drawing attention to themselves.  It was a sexually charged society much like today.  Nothing is new under the sun.  When morality and modesty is set aside then immorality becomes the fashion of the day.

     The ladies will lose everything, their hair, jewels, and everything they hold dear.  Isaiah goes though a long list of all the things that were used in that day for beauty and personal care.  It sounds like what you would find in any woman’s closet or vanity today.  Fashion apparel has not changed over the centuries.  Solomon said, vanity is vanity.  From then to today not much has changed.


Feb 4 – The Results – Isaiah 3:24-26


     Isaiah closes the chapter with a stark and powerful prophecy.  It does a simple comparison.  Instead of fragrance there will be stench.  A sash becomes a rope.  Beautiful hair will become baldness.  Fine clothing will turn into sackcloth.  Instead of beauty instead branding.  The young men will fall by the words and all the heroes and warriors they relied on will fall in battle. 

     The gates of the city will lament and mourn.  The city will be stricken and destitute.  This is not a flattering position to be in.  The whole reason is because they forgot the Lord.  It is worst when it is a covenant people who should know better.  This is why the punishment and consequences are more severe.  This is not something Isaiah would want to see happen, but it did.


Feb 5 – The Shortage – Isaiah 4:1


     Isaiah continues with his prophecy of the coming days.  He states that seven women will take a hold of one man and make a deal with him.  They will provide their own food and clothing.   They will sustain themselves.  They just want the surname of the man, so it takes away societal disgrace.  In the ancient world and many middle eastern societies there is still a strong patriarchal emphasis.  In these types of situations men provide protection and financial stability.  Obviously in this prophecy this will be a must to take away any disgrace.  It also points to the fact that there is a shortage of men in this time.


Feb 6 – Restored Times - Isaiah 4:2-6


     Isaiah reveals in the future the Lord is going to restore the land.  It will be beautiful and glory.  The survivor will have pride and feel positive about the land.  They have been part of the restoration.  On that day those who still live in Jerusalem will be part of a census.  They shall also be sanctified, set apart, and holy to the Lord.  

     The filth and bloodstains caused by the sinful acts of the people will be cleanse by judgment and fire.  It will be a time of purification.  The Lord will again guide the nation the same way he did in the wilderness by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  Guidance, glory, and safety. 

     The Lord will be a canopy to protect by day and a refuge and hiding place in the storm and the rain.  Protection, help and safety will come back to a land that was once chaotic, dangerous, and wicked.  This is a prophecy of when the Lord will rule in the millennium. And the new heaven and new earth.


Feb 7 – The Vineyard – Isaiah 5:1-6


     Isaiah is known not just as prophet and a statesman but as a poet or writer.  He presents the thought of the Vineyard a very familiar illustration to the people of Judah.  The Song of the Vineyard reveals the Lord’s love.  It was a fertile place but need care.  The stones removed the vines, planted a vines, built a watchtower, and a winepress. With great care the Lord watched over it. 

     Instead of good grapes it bore bad.  So, the Lord is going to take away his protection.  He will slow it to be destroyed and trampled.  It will become a wasteland, neither pruned or cultivated, and thorns and briers will grow there.  No rain or clouds will help nourish it.  This is a picture of a people who have abandon their God.  Israel and Judah is this vineyard.  The Lord delight in them.  Instead of justice and righteousness He saw the opposite.    The Lord has heard the cries of distress and he will avenge and make things right.  Much like today.  We must take careful stock of what Isaiah is saying or we could find ourselves in the same condition.


Feb 8 =- Lacking –  Isaiah 5:8-10


     Isaiah begins a series of woes which is sorrow and distress.  The Lord brought these to Isaiah’s attention.  He spoke and Isaiah heard and wrote them down.  The first is to those who add to their house and expand their fields.  The reality is that the land is unproductive and there is few people left.  Secondly al the great mansion and homes in the land are not occupied.  No matter what the field or vineyard is supposed to produce that will not happen.  It will desolation, lack and famine in the land.  That is because of the judgment of God.  If we forget God will be out of the line of blessing and instead be in the line of poverty and lack.


Feb 9 – Justice –  Isaiah 5:11-17


     Isaiah is in sorrow and distress because of the people.  He tells them whether they get up early in the morning or stay up late they are drunkards and alcoholics.  They have music but have no regard for the deeds of the Lord or respect for the work of His hands.  The results is that the people will go into exile because they lack understanding.  Hunger and thirst will affect all people no matter than rank or status. 

     Death will ravage the land and have no respect for anyone.  People will be humbled, brought low and everyone will be humbled especially those that are arrogant. 

     Yet in spite of this judgment the Lord is still going to be merciful.  He will be exalted by his justice.  God will execute the right type of control.  Isaiah points out he is a holy God.  His acts prove that he is holy.  God always follows through with what he says.  There is a constancy and consistency with God.  The Lord will provide, and the sheep and lambs will feed among the ruins and with good pasture.


Feb 10 – Good Called Evil - Isaiah 5:18-20


     Isaiah shares some more lament and sorrow over what is happening in his land.  He saw it is terrible that people are doing three things.  They are drawing sin as a good thing.  They are sinning by lying and deceiving.  They are being wicked and drawing others into it.  They are trying to make God like a genie or sugar daddy let God hurry and hasten his work so we can see it.  They are expecting God to jump through hoops on their behalf.  They act as if they are sovereign and not God.  The have reduce God to their view and not come up to his view. 

     They say that evil is good and good is evil.  Much like what is happing today.  First you ignore evil, then you tolerate it, you then permit it, promote it, applaud it, and then persecute those who say it is evil.  This is where society is right now.  Darkness is promoted as light and bitter as sweet.  This surely brings the judgment of God. 


Feb 11 – Arrogance Dealt With – Isaiah 5:21-24


     Isaiah is lamenting over the proud, arrogant, and haughty.  They are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.  They are full of selfishness, and they are in for a rude awakening and terrible fall.  This often leads to the next point is those who get involved with drinking and become proponents and champions in this vice.  Alcohol has destroyed more lives and families in recent history than any other vice.  Seems to be a historical problem. 

     Woe to those who acquit the guilt for a bribe and deny justice to the innocent.  As a social reformer this is one of the themes that occurs through out the book of Isaiah.  These who do this will feel fire, decay, and will fade away.  Imagine going through life thinking you have done something and finding out your life has amounted to nothing.

     They have rejected the Lord who is mighty and holy.  Even though they are his people he will strike them down.  Creation will shake and their corpses will litter the street.  Not a complimentary end. 


Feb 12 – Lessons Not Learned – Isaiah 5:25-31


     The people have turned away and Isaiah sees about what is going to happen.  He sees the banners of distance nations. They have been summoned and they come swift and speedily.  They have a mission. And a goal.  They will not stumble, slip, slumber, or sleep.  On the journey not a belt is loosed from the waist and or strap on the sandal is broke.  They have sharp arrow and bows that are already strung and ready to be loosed.  Their horses’ hoofs are like flint that means no terrain is going to stop them.  They have chariots that are fast and powerful.

     They are like lions that no one can resist.  There will no one to rescue the people. They shall over run the land like a roaring sea.  They will take the people into captivity.  It will seem that even the land will be darkened.  The sun will be darkened y the clouds.  Isaiah sees for Judah the Babylonian conquest of the land and the exile of the people.  The reason for all this is the people have rejected God and gone after idols.  It seems tragic that history seems to repeat itself over and over because mankind does not seem to learn it.


Feb 13 – I saw the Lord – Isaiah 6:1-4


     Isaiah is commissioned in this chapter.  The time and place of this event is the same year that King Uzziah died.  Uzziah was King for 52.  He ruled as co regent with his father Amaziah.  He was a prosperous and good king, but his pride led to a bad situation.  He burned incense in the temple and the results was leprosy. 

     It was at this time Isaiah saw the Lord in four manifestations or characteristic.  He was high denoting his authority.  Exalted showing his majesty.  Seated on a throne saying he is sovereign, and the train of his robe filled the temple manifesting his glory.  Above him were angels called seraphim each had six wings, two covering their face, two their feet and two they were flying.  This is how we know angel’s fly.  They were calling to each other:” Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty”.  Three Holies for each of the Trinity.  The whole earth is full and manifesting his glory.  The earth shows its divine designer.  The sounds of their voices had a resonating effect on the temple.  It shook and was filled with smoke.


Feb 14 – Whom Shall I Send – Isaiah 6:5-10


     Isaiah then reacts he has seen the Lord and he realizes that his one fault and failure is that he is a man of unclean lips, and he lives among people with the same problem.  He has seen the Lord and the holiness and truth of the Lord has exposed his sin, fault, and failure.

     The Lord immediately remedies the situation by providing an answer.  Redemption is always the answer.  In this case an angel takes a live coal from off the altar and applies it to his lips and mouth.  Three things happen.  The point of contact has beautifully taken care of the problem.  His guilt has been taken away and his sin has been forgiven.  The Lord is Jehovah Jireh.  He always meets us at our point of need.

     The Lord asks the question, “whom shall l send and who will go for us.  Isaiah immediately offers himself.  Isaiah is sent with an understanding that his audience will hear but not understand.  Seeing but not perceive.  There hearts have become calloused, their ears dull and their eyes closed.  This is because of two reasons.  They have exchanged the creation for the creator, so the Lord gave them over and their sin has blinded them.  This has given the inability to see, hear, and understand.  If they did they could turn and be healed.   


Feb 16 – How Long – Isaiah 6:11-13


      Isaiah then asks how long will he have to preach and how long will the assignment be?  The Lord tells him that until the cities lie ruined and no longer habitable.  The fields will be ruined.  The Lord will send the people into exile.  This is a prophecy of the exile for 70 years. 

    He also reveals there will be a remnant.  About a tenth of the people will remain.  This of course was Jeremiah and those that he was with until they chose to go to Egypt.  Prophetically, the terebinth and oak trees are known for their strength and endurance when cut down they can grow back.  This means like a stump still can grow so Israel will return one day.  That has happened.


Feb 17 – Isaiah and Ahaz – Isaiah 7:1-6


     Ahaz who was son of Jotham and Uzziah was king of Judah.  He was facing the combined army of the Syrians and Israel.  They came right to the gates of Jurusalem but were not able to capture the city.  Isaiah gives historical details to his accounts and prophecies. 

     Isaiah and his son Shear Jashub both prophets went to meet Ahaz at a prescribed place.  Now notice the Lord has designed a time and place for the meeting.  This is the sovereignty and knowledge of God in action.  They tell Ahaz not to be careful, stay calm, don’t be afraid, and lose heart.  In the sight of God these two enemies are nothing but smoldering ticks.  Smoke but no fire.  Even though they have plotted together plunder Judah, to unseat Ahaz, and put in his place a puppet king called Tabeel.  It will fail.  Remember the Lord is in control.  He is going to fight the battle for us. 


Feb 18 – Stand or Fall – Isaiah 7:7-9


     The Lord has a word for Ahaz.  His event that they plan is not going to happen.  Syria whose capital

Damascus and the King who is Rezin.  Ephraim or Israel which is Ramaliah within 65 years in going to be

destroyed and taken into captivity. So Ahaz is told to stand in his faith or he will stand at all.  This is a

powerful lesson for us today.  When God gives a promise, benefit or blessing you need to stand in faith

because if you do not you will end up falling.


Feb 19 – A Sign – Isaiah 7:10-13


     Isaiah gives a word for Ahaz.  “Ask the Lord for a sign, it can come from the deepest depths or from the highest height.”  You can ask anything no matter where it must come the Lor will fulfill it.  That is a pretty good promise.  He was given a promise, blessing and benefit. 

     Notice Ahaz reaction.  He stated that he would not put the Lord to a test.  This sounds noble but it is a sign of doubt, fear and unbelief.  Even though God through Isaiah told him all the things he was going to do for Judah Ahaz was still not receiving what God was saying. 

     Isaiah rebukes him and calls him the house of David.  Ahaz was of the house and lineage of David, but he was not acting like David.  David received and obeyed God’s message.  Isaiah points out a character flaw in Ahaz by saying that it was bad enough that he was testing the patience of other humans.  It seems that Ahaz had brought some of this upon himself.  First by not trusting God and secondly by not using proper channels to defuse the attack on Judah before it happened.  It is obvious that Ahaz is not a diplomat.  He now was also testing the patient of God.  God always meets us at our point of need, but his patience can be tested by unbelief, fear, doubt and disobedience which Ahaz seem to be showing.


Feb 20 – Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14-16


     This is a direct prophecy about the Messiah.  It is given to a rebellious and disobedient king.  Ahaz is of the family of David and so the promise is given.  The Lord himself will give a sign.  This is a direct sign from the Lord.  It will not be altered. Left unfulfilled or not completed.  This is from the heart, mind, and voice of God. 

     The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son.  This is the seed of the woman from Gen 3:15.    How the child will be born, and the gender of the child is being revealed.  He will be called Immanuel which means God with us.   He will be the Messiah.  God with a face.  The perfect union of God and man.  This is predicted 700 years before Jesus shows up on the scene. 

     He will curd and honey.  Something he will like in his diet.  He will know how to reject the wrong and choose the right.  This is a glimpse into the temptation in the wilderness.  Before this boy knows how to reject the wrong and choose the right.  Syria and Isarel will be laid waste which happens. 

     This is an amazing word.  A rebellious descendent of David gets a word that the Messiah is coming.  Yet in the meantime his enemies and their kingdoms will fall.  The grace and mercy of God is amazing.


Feb 21 – Coming Days – Isaiah 7:17-25


     Isaiah prophesizes about what will happen to first Israel.  They will be attacked on two fronts.  The Egyptians will come like insects and devour the land first.  Then the Assyrians will come and destroy the remaining people and carry them into exile to never return.  There will not be a place where people can hide to get away from them. 

     In that day they will be desecrated and treated badly.  Isaiah is quite graphic in his description of this event.  This is designed to help the people to know the depth and extent of their sin.  It will be a time of devastation but also in certain elements of society it will be in abundance.  Most likely to those who cooperate.  Jeremiah would tell the people of his time the same thing.  The reality is that the land will be lain to waste and the people taken away because of their sin, rebellion, and disobedience.  Over and over Isaiah tells his audience the consequences of sin and rebellion.


Feb   22 – Living Example - Isaiah 8:1-4


     Isaiah was to become like Hosea a living example.  He was to take a large scroll make or either sheep skin or leather.  He was to take an ordinary pen most likely a quill or flint pen.  Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.”  Means to quicken the plunder.  The witnesses to be called to this event were Uriah who was a priest and Jeberekiah who were considered as reliable witnesses who would verify what was happening. 

     He was then to have a child with a fellow prophetess so in ancient Judah the office of a prophet could be male or female.  Huldah was such a woman.  They were to have a child named this.  This would be a sign that this event was going to happen.  Hosea had a similar experience with Gomer.  This was a common practice in prophetic families.  Before the child would be able to speak this event would happen where both the wealth of Syria and Isarel would be carried off by Assyria.  This meant that the judgment of God was about to happen.


Feb 23 – Hammer of Judgment – Isaiah 8:5-10


     The spoke to Isaiah again and told him that the people had rejected the gentle hand of the Lord and rejoiced in their alliance with Syria.  This Alliance will bring about the wrath and anger of the Assyrians.   They will come with great pomp and ceremony.  Isaiah uses the picture of a drowning person where they are swirling in the water.  They are being drowned and overwhelmed by the might of this invader.  They will invade all the land. 

     Now it is interesting that amid this prophecy he uses the word Immanuel.  This is a direct reference to the Messiah in human form. This infers that the Messiah will be part of the consequences of what happens.  He is the judge, jury, and executioner in this matter.

     They can raise up armies for war, get prepared and devise strategy but their plans and strategies will fail because the Lord is not with them but is using the Assyrians as a hammer of judgment.  Isaiah and Jeremiah propose an interesting thought.  Does God use the heathen as his judgment?  In this case.  Yes. 


Feb 24 – Living Examples – Isaiah 8:11-18


     The strong hand of the Lord is upon the prophet and warning him not to follow the ways of the people.  This is a warning to all the righteous.  Do not conform to the images or standards of the world but be transformed with the renewing of your mind in the word and channeled by prayer.

     He warned the prophet not to fall into conspiracy theories and not to fear or dread what they fear.  The Lord is the rock on which they will fall.  They people will be crushed by this and fall into snares and be capture most likely by their own wickedness and sin.  He is then told to bind up this testimony and prophecy and then seal it and give to his disciples and people.  This would be a lasting document outlining why the people were being judged. 

     The prophet then decided to wait for the Lord.  Who at the time of the testimony was hiding his face from the people.  Isaiah was going to put his faith and trust in the Lord.  He then publicly states that himself, his children are signs and symbols in Israel that the Lord Almighty who dwells in Mount Zion.  They were examples and testimony from the Lord to the people.

It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.


Feb 25 – Light to Darkness  - Isaiah 8:19-22


     The prophet then points out the folly of the occult.  When someone tells you to consult and talk to mediums and spiritists who mutter and whisper about not consulting or talking to God.  Do not listen to them.  They are aligned with the enemy.  There are speaking deception and lies.  Why speak to the dead about the living.  The dead are dead.  The occultist is getting their information from demons who agenda is rob, kill, and destroy. 

     Isaiah tells his audience to consult God’s word for instruction, information, and guidance.  This is a testimony and warning.  He also makes it clear that anyone who does speak according to the word does not have light or dawn in them.  They have darkness and evil. 

     The prophet then outlines these individuals will be distressed, hungry, vagabonds, enraged, angry, cursing both the government and rulers.  The result of their deception is that they will look for other answers in climate change, social activities, and environmentalism.  They will only see the negative as darkness and gloom which will only make them more negative.


Feb 26 – Light to Darkness –


Isaiah 8:19-22


     The prophet then points out the folly of the occult.  When someone tells you to consult and talk to mediums and spiritists who mutter and whisper about not consulting or talking to God.  Do not listen to them.  They are aligned with the enemy.  There are speaking deception and lies.  Why speak to the dead about the living.  The dead are dead.  The occultist is getting their information from demons who agenda is rob, kill, and destroy. 

     Isaiah tells his audience to consult God’s word for instruction, information, and guidance.  This is a testimony and warning.  He also makes it clear that anyone who does speak according to the word does not have light or dawn in them.  They have darkness and evil. 

     The prophet then outlines these individuals will be distressed, hungry, vagabonds, enraged, angry, cursing both the government and rulers.  The result of their deception is that they will look for other answers in climate change, social activities, and environmentalism.  They will only see the negative as darkness and gloom which will only make them more negative.


Feb 27 – Honor Galilee - Isaiah 9:1-5


     Isaiah has a positive message here.  He tells the inhabitant of Israel that there will no more doom and gloom for those who has distressed, oppressed, or possessed.  In the past they were humbled and judged but, in the future, he will honor Galilee.  It was the way to the coast.  Jesus would live, work and minister in that part of the work.  In fact, most of the work he did was in this location. 

     People who have been walking and living in darkness have seen a great light and this light is a new dawn.  Jesus is that light and new dawn.  The Lord has enlarged the nation and it is a great time of rejoicing.  Isaiah uses to illustrations.  Like people after a harvest has been collected or warrior dividing up the spoil.  It will like the day that Gideon defeated the Midianites and broke their oppression.  The garments of the enemy became fuel for the fire that warmed the victors.  This is a direct prophecy about Jesus.


Feb 28 – The Messiah - Isaiah 9:6-7


     This is a powerful portrait of the Messiah and of Jesus Christ.


1.            Unto us a child is born and unto a son is given.  He is the universal Messiah and Christ.

2.            The reign, rule and authority will be given unto him.  His government will be one of justice, truth, love, mercy, and compassion.

3.            He shall be called wonderful.  This is who he is and what he is. 

4.            Counselor.  He is the one who advises, guides, directs on all areas of life.


6.            Mighty God.  This is essence, nature, and characteristics.  He is God with face.

7.            Everlasting Father.  Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, and forever.  There is a consistency and constancy with God.

8.            The Prince of Peace.  He is giver, sustainer, and essence of peace.

9.            The greatness, splendor, and majesty of his government with it main emphasis of peace will have no end.

10.         He will reign and fulfill the promise of David to rule on his throne.

11.         The two characteristics of this reign will be justice and righteousness.  These will not end.

12.         The zeal, energy and power of God will accomplish and sustain it.


Match 1 – Consequences -  Isaiah 9:8-12


     The rejection of this message follows and so does the consequences.  The core reasons for the judgment that is about to come to Israel is pride and arrogance.  The bricks and trees were broken and fallen but were replaced with dressed stone and cedars.  The Lord in his goodness allowed a time of rebuilding and prosperity but this only brought future decay. 

     The Lord will now bring the Arameans and the Philistines against them as hands of judgment.  They will be relentless and like locust devouring the land.  The hand of protection they have relied on has been removed.  Anger and upraised hand will not be removed.  The up raised hand is an ancient signal of the continuous attack until the task has been accomplish.  Lessons not learned are often repeated.  Pride always precedes a fall.


March 2 – Head and Tails - Isaiah 9:13-17


     Isaiah makes it clear what has happened despite the consequences.  They have not returned to sought out the Lord God almighty.  Instead, their hearts have been hearted.  A perfect illustration of what happened to material when fire applied.  The potato softens and the egg gets harder.  It depends on the substance and make of material that is refined. 

     The Lord in one moment will cut off the head and tail.  The elders and dignitaries are the head and the prophets who teach lies are the tail.  Both those who lead and those who followed have been deceived and lied to.  The Lord will take no pleasure in the young men, nor will he show any pity to the widows which he normally would. 

     Everyone in this prophecy is ungodly and wicked.  Every mouth speaks lies, folly, and deception.  The Lord has judged them and found them wanting.  His anger and wrath will not be turned away and his hand will stay upraised until the judgment has run its course and accomplished its task.


March 3 – Examples - Isaiah 9:18-21


     Isaiah uses many examples from creation to illustrate his point.  Wickedness is described as a fire that cannot be quenched.  It scorches the earth, consumes its fuel, and leaves pollutants in the air.  He uses the wrath of God in the same way saying that it will devour the people.  The difference is the people will turn on each other and not spare each other. 

     They will eat and devour each other but their hunger will not be satisfied.  Another graphic vignette is used.  They will end up eating their own offspring.  There will be no sympathy for the young.  Sounds like today.  You can justify any action when you change the terminology or meaning and make evil sound good.  Isarel will turn against Judah.  In all this God’s anger will not turn away and for the third time Isaiah uses the upraised hand analogy saying God will not relent or give up on his judgment.

March 3 – Examples - Isaiah 9:18-21


     Isaiah uses many examples from creation to illustrate his point.  Wickedness is described as a fire that cannot be quenched.  It scorches the earth, consumes its fuel, and leaves pollutants in the air.  He uses the wrath of God in the same way saying that it will devour the people.  The difference is the people will turn on each other and not spare each other. 

     They will eat and devour each other but their hunger will not be satisfied.  Another graphic vignette is used.  They will end up eating their own offspring.  There will be no sympathy for the young.  Sounds like today.  You can justify any action when you change the terminology or meaning and make evil sound good.  Isarel will turn against Judah.  In all this God’s anger will not turn away and for the third time Isaiah uses the upraised hand analogy saying God will not relent or give up on his judgment.


March 4 – Sow Justice –  Isaiah 10:1-4.


     Isaiah is a social reformer as well as a prophet.  He spoke against oppression and lack of justice continuously.  He begins this chapter.  He points out four things that governments must not do.  They must not make unjust laws, male oppressive decrees, deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice or oppress the people of God. 

     They are not to prey upon the widows or the orphans because God is their defender.  He reminds them that is a day of reckoning.  In that day no riches or supposed power or authority is going to save them.  They will become the captive or the fearful.  The Lord will execute his justice because his hand is upraised and he will not relent, show mercy, or stop.  A sobering thought.  We must remember God is not mock whatever a person sows they shall reap.


March 5 - Assyria Humiliated –  Isaiah 10:5-11


     God is going to judge Assyria.    God has used them as a rod of anger and a club of his wrath against Israel.  They will be used to bring down godless nations and be dispatched to bring judgment.  They will seize lot and plunder.  This was not their intention at first, but it becomes a way of lifestyle for them.  They call themselves Kings and many major cities and empires fell to the Assyrians. 

     God used them to bring down the idols of other lands.  There idols were greater in the minds and heart of the people than Isarel had for theirs and yet God brought them down.  One day that is going to happen to Assyria.  It would be a alliance of Medes, Persians and Babylonians that bring them down.  This is the theme of this chapter.


March 6 – Assyria Consumed – Isaiah 10:12-19


     The Lord says that after he is finished with Mount Zion and Jerusalem.  The Kings of Assyria have had pride in their hearts, they are arrogant and have a haughty look.  They boast about how they did it with their strength, wisdom and understanding.  They were able to plunder cities, subdue nations, and humiliate their kings.    The prophets use another analogy of creation.  As one reaches into a nest and reaches into it takes out the eggs and the mother bird makes noise, so the Assyrians believe they were able to take the wealth of nations and gather them into the Assyrian empire.

     Isaiah reminds them that the axe is not greater than the one who wields it.  The rod, club or the wood they are made of his not more powerful than the one who uses it.  Assyria has been a tool in the hand of God.  The Lord is now going to send them a wasting disease that will destroy their pomp and ceremony.  In one day, they will become like burning briars and thistles.  The light and fire of Israel will consume the people, the land, and the nation of Assyria.  They were become so few that even a child can count them and write their number down.  


March 7 – The Turn Around – Isaiah 10:20-25


     One of the themes of Isaiah is the remnant.  The people within a people.  The few.  In that day their will be a remnant of people who will not rely on any one but the Lord.  This remnant will see what has happened and return to the Lord.  The Holy one.  They will serve the mighty God.  Many people will be taken into exile but only a remnant will return.  This is a prophecy of what Jeremiah saw as well.  It will be carried out upon the whole land.  The land will get a rest. 

     The prophet exhorts the people of Judah to not be afraid of the Assyrians.  They oppressed the people with club, axe, and sword.  Soon his anger with them will end and his wrath will be directed towards the Assyrians.  This is a wonderful promise to the few and a warning to the nations who rise against Judah.


March 8 – The Promise – Isaiah 10:26-34


     Isaiah reminds his audience of how the Lord brought down Midian’s at the rock of Oreb and the Egyptians at the Red Sea.  In that day their yoke around your neck will be broken even though they had become fat. 

     The prophet lists a series of communities in Isarel and Judah which the enemy had entered and taken.  He then tells them that at the city of Nob they will be stopped.  This is a wonderful promise that Judah will not fall to the Assyrians.  They will not enter Jerusalem.  The Lord will lop off their boughs of power.  The arrogance they displayed will cut down like a tall tree.  As a fire rages through a forest even power Lebanon will fall before the Mighty One.  The remnant will be saved.  The enemy destroyed and God will get all the glory.   


March 9 – Root of Jesse – Isaiah 11:1-5


     Isaiah uses a tree illustration.  He states that a branch will rise from the stump or root of Jesse.  He is the Father of David.  This is a branch that bear the following fruit.  Many also say these are the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit lighted on Jesus shoulder at his baptism he exhibited these in perfection. 


1.            Spirit of wisdom:  Knowing what do with information and discernment.

2.            Understanding:  Able to process information and knowledge.

3.            Counsel:  Able to guide and direct others.

4.            Might:  Energy and power.

5.            Knowledge:  Having access to divine information.

6.            Fear of the Lord:  A respect and reverence for the supernatural.

7.            He will delight and enjoy his relationship with the Almighty.


     He will have the ability to see beyond the five senses and make decision and judgments by supernatural means.  With righteousness he will judge the needy and with righteousness he will take care of the earth.  He will strike the earth with the use of his lips and mouth.  He will also judge the wicked also.  This is a direct prophecy to the battle of Armageddon.  Around his waist and will be the belt of righteousness and faithfulness. 


March 10 – The Future - Isaiah 11:6-10


     The prophet is looking into the future.  He sees the millennial kingdom.  IN this time the animals will live in harmony.  Mortal enemies will now live as friends.  The young of these animals will be live in harmony.  The lion will no longer eat meet but will eat grass.  Even mortal enemies like the child and the poisonous snake will co-habited. 

     In that day the there will no harm or destruction on Zion and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.  It is a time of peace, harmony, and love.  The knowledge of the Lord will be like an ocean covering the earth.  Three will be characteristics of that time.  The flag flown will be Israel.  The nations will rally and support him.  It will be a time of rest; power and the glory of the Lord will shine forth.  What a wonderful hope and snapshot of the future.


March 11 – Return – Isaiah 11:11-16


     This kingdom and rule is going to have a worldwide extent.  This also can apply to modern day Israel.    From the four corners of Europe, Africa, and Asia they will be brought back.  He will raise his banner among the nations which did happen in 1948, and the Jewish people have been gather from the four corners of the earth.  It happens in the return after the 70-year exile.  The old hostilities will be gone.  They land will be return and reclaim old lands.  The land of Philistia will become theirs. 

     It will be a time of all nations being subject to the Messiah.  There will be a time where waterways that prevented travel between countries will be dried up.  That is happening during the writing of this commentary.  They will be able to return to Israel and from wherever they have been exiled there will be a return.  This prophecy was for the exile, present day, and the future.  Amazing clarity and promise in this chapter.


March 12 – Therefore with Joy – Isaiah 12:1-3


     This is a wonderful chapter the Isaiah looks into the future.  He is seeing the day of the Lord.  In that day we will praise the Lord.  Thanking Him for who He is.  His blessings, benefits, and promises.  The Lord was angry at one time with us, but that anger has been satisfied and abated.  Jesus Christ is the avenue of salvation.  Instead of anger the Lord has brought comfort and reassurance.  Surely God is our salvation and through that salvation all fear has gone.  We have been given love, power, and a sound mind. 

     The prophet than says three things.  The Lord himself is our strength, energy, and power.  The Lord is our defense.  He has equipped us with armor and weapons.  He has become our salvation, redeemer, and friend.  We have the wonderful promises contained in his word. 

    The answer to the sustainability of this salvation is that with joy we draw waters from the wells of salvation.  We put our spiritual pipe into those living waters that only the Lord can bring and like Jesus told the Samaritan woman we will never thirst again.


March 13 – Sing for Joy – Isaiah 12:4-6


     The prophet tells his audience to give praise to the Lord and to proclaim his name.  It is an exhortation that all will know the goodness of the Lord.  He tells them to make it known among the nations.  This is not just a message to Judah be to all people, languages, and people groups.  His name is to be exalted, lifted, and glorified. 

     Another expression is through songs, psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The melody of the heart.  He has done glorious things.  Creation itself is enough of a witness.  Isaiah is reminding his audience that Israel and the people of God are the showcase for the world to observe who God is.  We are his hands, feet, and mouth. 

     The prophet tells the people to shout or sabback with is the expression of the shout.  Remember the walls of Jericho came down with a shout.  Sing for joy.  People of Zion.  The reason is simple.  The Holy one of Isarel is among you.  He dwells in the praise of His people.  He is great and worthy of praise.


March 14 – Babylon Judged – Isaiah 13:1-5


     The prophet sees over one hundred years in the future.  Prophecy has both a short and long view.  He sees the Babylonian empire being destroyed.  When God is finished using a pagan people, he judges them for what they do to others.  The city is going to become a bare hilltop.  The gates where the nobles gather will be destroyed. 

     Warrior have been summoned for battle to carry out he Lord’s wrath and they will rejoice in their triumph.  The once mighty Babylon is being humbled.  The noise of the army will shake the mountains.  There will be an uproar as the nations gather.  The Lord almighty is mustering an army for war.  They come from lands far away and from the ends of heaven.  The Lord is judging Babylon and his intent is to destroy the whole country.  Babylon is paying back for the many sins they committed against Israel and Judah.   


March 15 – More Coming – Isaiah 13:6-13


     The outcry against Babylon is great because of the day of the Lord.  This destruction is from the hand of the Almighty.  Heart will be filled with fear and hands will go limp.  There will be no strength for defense.  They will be filled with pain and anguish. It will pain equal to a woman in labor.  They will look at each other and their faces will show what is going on in their heart and life.

     This is a warning the day of the Lord is coming.  It will be cruel, full of wrath and fierce anger.  The land will be desolate and all sinners within the boundaries of this kingdom will be destroyed.  The heavenlies will be affected.  The Lord is punishing the world for its evil, wickedness, and sins.  The arrogance of the haughty and the pride of the ruthless will be humbled. 

     Isaiah uses the example of how rare the gold of Ophir was and so will be the people.  There will earth shaking events.  They will face the wrath and anger of the Lord.  Isaiah is laying out the reason for judgment.  This has not happened, but it will.


March 16 – The Medes – Isaiah 13:14-18


     Babylon will be like a hunted gazelle.  Like sheep without a shepherd total vulnerable.  No protection. They will return to their own land and people.  Whoever is caught or captured will be killed by the sword and the spear.  The children, wives and homes will be treated cruelly and violently.  The Medes are the ones who will be the destroyers of the Babylonian empire. 

     They will not care about the riches of silver and gold.  They have an implement of warfare.  It is a new type of composite bow that strikes down young men.  The Medes were trained to use a bow and ride a horse from the age of five.  They were skilled at killing the enemy from a horse.  They were known for their cruelty and not taking prisoners.    Babylon has been cruel and savage with the Medes and they were not exacting revenge. 


March 17 – Nothing left - Isaiah 13:19-22


     Babylon was the jewel of the world.  It was pride and joy of the inhabitants.  They will be overthrown like Sodom and Gomorrah.  She will be destroyed and never inhabited again which has happened.  Only recently has the ruins started to be excavated.  No people will live there.  The animals of the area will inhabit the ruin and nothing human will dwell or live there. 

     Babylon’s time is at hand and her days will not be prolonged.  This prophecy is a hundred years before it happened.  An accurate portrayal of what did happen.  God is precise and correct when he allows us to see the future.  That is why the Bible is more up to date than tomorrow’s newspaper.  Remember God keeps the score and books.  We don’t have to get revenge the Lord will do that for His people. 


March 18 – Israel Restored - Isaiah 14:1-4


This is a prophecy of the resettlement of the nation of Jacob.  The Lor is going to have compassion on Jabob and Israel.  The Lord is going to settle them back in their land.  This is the exile and today in application.  Imagine 2700 years ago Isaiah sees the modern-day nation of Israel.  Foreigners will join them.  That is what has happened both then and now. 

     Isaiah saw Cyrus and modern-day nations bringing them back to this place.  Israel then, and now will make captives of the captors.  Those wo oppressed Israel will be ruled by them.  This also has future applications. 

     The harsh labor, suffering and turmoil will be relieved by the Lord.  The oppressors the Babylonians will come to an end and their fury has ended.  Isaiah reveals so much in these four verses about the future of Israel.


March 19 – All the Same - Isaiah 14:5-11


     The Lord has broken the rod and scepters of the wicked and their rulers.  He has struck down and subdued the aggression of the nations and people.  In that day the lands will be at peace and rest.  There will be singing and even creation with trees shall be at rest. 

     There will be a time where all the inhabitants of the realm of the dead will meet the people of Baylon and remind them despite their pomp and ceremony they were just like them, and their end is the same as all.  A little lesson all people end up the same place unless they have a divine intervention. 


March 20 – Lucifer - Isaiah 14:12-14


     Isaiah then sees Lucifer who became Satan.  He was once the morning star a son of heaven.  He was guardian of God’s throne, the choir master, and an arch angel.  He has now been cast down to earth.  He was once one who laid low the nations.  His sin was pride.  His heart became proud.  He had ambitions of dethroning God.  He wanted not just to be an angel but God.  He wanted worship.  He wanted dominion, power, and authority.  He didn’t want to be a creation but the creator.  He wanted to be God.


March 21 – The Realm of the Undead - Isaiah 14:15-21


     This is where the thought that satan rules in the realm of the undead.  The undead look at him and say is this the one who shook the nations and made kingdom tremble.  This individual who overthrew cities, made the world a wilderness and sent captive’s home.  The kings have a place to dwell but satan does not.  He is like Cain a vagabond.  Ob starts with satan going about to and fro through out the earth. 

     Next Isaiah sees that satan is about destruction, slaughter, and revenge.  This is also a direct prophecy again to Babylon as well because they have been instruments of the enemy.  Jesus revealed in John 10:10 the MO of the enemy and that was to rob kill and destroy.


March 22 – Babylon and Assyria -

Isaiah 14:22-27


     The Lord once again turns his attention to Babylon.  He is going to wipe it out and all its following generations.  It will become a place for owls and develop into swampland worth nothing.  The metaphor here is one of a broom being used to sweep away the trash and dirt.  The Lord has sworn and because he makes this plan it will happen. 

     Next, he will cush Assyria.  The yoke he placed on others will be repealed and be removed from those they captured and oppressed.  This is also will happen to the nations.  The Lord has purposed this and who can stop him.  When his hand is stretched out in judgment who can turn it back.  The plans and purposes of God will always be carried out.


March 23 – Philistia - Isaiah 14:28-32


     This prophecy that Isaiah was about to lay out happen the same year King Ahaz died.  Remember Ahaz did not want to tempt the lord.  This is a prophecy given towards Philistia.  The power they had was about to be broken.  He equates them as a poisonous snake.  They will be destroyed by famine, and it will slay their survivors.  The attack will come from the north, and they will be destroyed.  They will send envoys to that nation, but they will be rejected.  The Philistines will be destroyed but the people of Israel will see her afflicted people find refuge and shelter. 

     There is a stark contrast between how the Lord will deal with Philistia and Israel.  The Philistines were the sworn enemy of Israel.  That hatred continues even today.  Ancient hatred doesn’t always go away it just surfaces with new venom in modern times.


March 24 – Moab – Isaiah 15:1-4


     Isaiah begins a lament and a prophecy against Moab.  The Moabites were people who came from the lineage of Lot who were from an incestuous relationship.  Lot had a child with his eldest daughter.  They were destroyed by the Assyrians.  In this passage they were destroyed at night.  Dibon is a local deity along with Milcom as the idols of the Moabites.  They were made slaves and were humiliated by having their heads shaved and beards cut off.  The armed warriors of Moab had been defeated and so the people were wailing, weeping lying face down, fearful. And lamenting over what had a=happened to them.  Moab was one of the nations that would participate in the destruction of Jerusalem.


March 25 – Reaping - Isaiah 15:5-9


     Isaiah has great sympathy for the people of Moab.  It is often the innocent that suffer for the sins of the guilty.  The people became refugees looking for a place to live.  They traveled great distancing to escape the war.  The innocent is broke and weeping.  With the war comes agricultural disasters because no one planting crops or food supplies.  Their wealth has been carried away.  There is a great outcry of pain and sorrow.  It is even worse for those who remain in the land.  They a re oppressed and enslaved.  It is unfortunate that when we side against the people of God there are serious consequences.  The promise of Abraham is still in effect.  The blessed those who bless Israel and curses those who don’t.


March 26 – Generosity - Isaiah 16:1-5


     Isaiah continues his prophecy against Moab.  He tells them that one of the ways they can help their cause is to send tribute to Judah.  The people of Judah carry the blessing of God, and this will help their case.  He then tells them to shelter and hide the refugees in their land.  He then reminds Judah that they took have a responsibility to take care of the Moabites refugees and this will help keep Assyria from attacking them.  The Lord will establish the throne and house of David with righteousness and faithfulness. This is a prophecy of the coming of the Messiah for He will judge those seeking justice and speed the cause of righteousness.  Right in these few verses is a look into the future about how the Messiah will judge Moab for their treatment of the people of Judah and vice versa.


March 27 - Isaiah 16:5-12


     The source of the fall has been their pride, arrogance, insolence, boasts, and conceit.  This will cause the Assyrian to come and deal with them cruelly and decisively.  The whole land will be filled with sorrow, lament, weeping, sadness.  The usual joy, gladness, rejoicing and laughter that would fill the land at harvest time is quieted and still because of the war, famine, and starvation.  The prophet is deeply affected at seeing this happen to them because of their kinship to Isarel and Judah.  He also sees how their running to their shrines and temples to pray have no avail because they are praying to idols and deities that are nothing but wood, metal and stones.  They have no power, life, or reality.  They cannot speak, feel, or move.  This is the folly of idol worship. 


March 28 - Isaiah 16:13-14


     Isaiah closes this prophecy but giving the time upon which, this will happen.  He states that this is the word of the Lord already spoken concerning Moab.  This means it will not be altered or changed.  It has been a pre-determined event.  It is like a contract and agreement which the Lord will not relent from.  In three years, they will be captured, enslaved, and destroyed.  The splendor and all her people will be despised.  The survivors of this will be few and feeble.  This is a tragic end to a once proud people.  A simple rule of the Lord is you sow what you reap.  The cruelty, arrogance and idolatry of this nation and land will be destroyed.  Today of course there is no remnant of Moab about.  Yet Israel is flourishing and a world innovator.  Blessing and curses follow on how we treat God’s people.


March 29 – Alliance Falls - Isaiah 17:1-3


     At the time of the writing the cites of Syria and the Northern Kingdoms were aligned against Judah.  Isaiah says that the city and confederation of the two countries will be destroyed by the Assyrian empire.  The capital of this confederation called Damascus will be destroyed and a heap of ruins.  Fear will grip the population and they will dessert their homes and flee.  The alliance between Israel and Syria will fall and be destroyed. 

     All that will be left is a remnant and small number of people.  This is what happens to anyone who attacks Isarel.  Theya re not fighting a people but they are fighting the Lord.  Paul learned that lesson when he was persecuting the church.  Jesus told him that he was attacking Him not the people.  God is our protection.  This was a powerful lesson that Isarel and Syria would learn the heard way.


March 30 – Fade Away - Isaiah 17:4-8


     Israel will soon begin to fade away.  Their power, pomp, majesty, and glory will end.  As a body slowly starving is the example Isaiah gives.  It is like the end of a harvest where only the last bits or spoiled grain and fruit remain.  There is nothing worse than a nation in decline.  They remember what they were not what they are.  They cannot recapture because the resources and people no longer exist. 

     The nation had relied on their altars, idols, ceremonies, heritage, and culture instead of looking to God.  They were a form but not the substance of what they were.  They had relied on religion and not God.  You see when you aren’t in relationship with God you either become a liberal or legalist because you have forgotten your first love and have become lukewarm.


March 31 – Consequences - Isaiah 17:9-14


     The nation of Israel which had strong cities with high walls will become nothing but ruins.  The plants and animals will be the only inhabitants.  This will happen because they forgot the Lord God of Israel.  The results is that they will go through spring planting and even see the growth during the summer but there will no harvest.  This will cause pain and starvation for the people.  God had made it clear what would happen if they have forsaken him.  His blessing would not be on them, and they would be subject instead to the wrath and influence of empires around them. 

     The Lord however would not let the nation be destroyed.  He would then punish the nations around them because of their tyranny and cruelty to Israel.  The sad reality is that when you forsake the Lord, you leave yourself open to the enemy who agenda is to rob, kill and destroy.  Alliance with the world makes you an enemy of God. 


April 1 – Cush - Isaiah 18 – Prophecy to Cush


Isaiah showed his knowledge of international relations.  Now this of course is because of the ebb and flow of trade, ambassadors, and people.  Cush was an ancient kingdom along the middle course of the Nile1. It was located between the junction of the Blue and White Nile and the First Cataract, partly in Egypt and partly in Sudan1. Its capital was Napata, near Kuraymah in northern Sudan, from about 750 to 590 BC.

     Isaiah is telling them that the trade that they send via the rivers and seas in papyrus boats will cease.  He then describes them.  Smooth skinned, aggressive, feared, and of a strange language.  He even states about their geography.  He tells them that the people of the world will see the banner that they raise, and the trumpet will sound.  This is a sign of judgment and retribution.  Isaiah sees both in the natural and supernatural realm what is about to happen. 


April 2 – The Future – Isaiah 18:4-8


     Isaiah is making a comment about the present and in the future.  God has rejected and will cause the alliance between Cush and Assyria to fail.  God is going to deal with Assyria himself.  For the moment God is keeping silent and is viewing the situation from his dwelling place.  God orchestrates all aspects of mankind.  This is the sovereignty of God.  He is equated with sunshine and heat.  He will cut off the alignment of the two nations.  They will be prey to the predators of the day.  God’s judgment when it comes is swift and thorough a warning to both today and the future.  We reap what we sow.  Sow to the flesh and you get fleshly results.  Sow to the spirit and you get spiritual results. 

     Isaiah then sees both in the present and the future that Cush will bring presents and worship in Jerusalem and Israel.  This of course was fulfilled with Philip leading the Ethiopian official to Christ and then the church being born in that country.  In fact, until 1973, a Christian king ruled that land.  Today there is both a large group of Christians and Jews hail from that country.  They even claim to have the original ark in the country.  Isaiah was both accurate, and right about the land of cush.  This is the trustworthiness of the prophetic.


April 3 – Egypt - Isaiah 19:1-4


     Isaiah is a prophet to the nations.  His knowledge both natural and supernaturally is amazing.  He then prophesises the ruin of Egypt.  The Lord had already dealt with Egypt and its idols during the time of Moses.  Each plaque was a direct attack on the gods and idols of Egypt.  This time the Lord will come like a storm on a swift cloud.  The idols of Egypt will tremble before Him, and the hearts of the people will melt with fear.  The results us that Egyptian, neighbor, family, city, and the whole kingdom will be fighting amongst themselves.

     The Egyptians will lose heart, their plans will come to nothing and when they consult their idols and demons nothing will change.  The mediums and spiritists will not be able to help.  They will be oppressed by an evil king and the Lord will make it happen.  Idols and occult activity is a sure fire way of being judged by God.


April 4 – Famine - Isaiah 19:5-10


     One of the time-tested ways of God’s judgment is natural disasters.  Egypt will face a drought.  The results will be rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds will dry up.  Fields will yield no crops.  Fisherman and the economy will collapse.  The people and the nation will face great deprivation.  Today natural disasters instead of being heeded are now blamed on climate change and man’s influence.  God’s judgment is ignored, and man’s importance and so-called changes mean nothing.  In the author’s country the government has been taxing the population to reduce carbon emissions only to find in the time they have been doing these emissions have increased.  Man’s wisdom is always foolish and ineffective.


April 5 – Wisdom Fails - Isaiah 19:10-15


     The King will consult his wisemen, magicians, and counselors.  These people will claim generational pedigree, but their counsel will be foolish.  They will tell the king what he wants to hear but it will be foolish.  The cornerstones of Egyptian society will make the trouble worse.  They will deceive and lie for their own gain at the expense of the people.  The Lord will cause them to be exposed and they will all find together that there is nothing there can do.  Remember in time the intelligence, wisdom and resources of men fail.  The Lord is the only true source of help in times of disasters.


April 6 – In that Day - Isaiah 19:16-18


     In the future the Egyptians will become weak.  They will e fearful because of the Lord’s up raise hand.  The land of Judah will cause the Egyptians to be fearful and when it is mentioned all nations will tremble because the Lord is standing behind them. 

     In that day the main cities of Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and will swear allegiance to the Lord Almighty and one the cities will be called the city of the Sun.  Egypt will become a habitation for the Lord.  Exciting days in the future.  Isaiah is looking at the 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ.


April 7 – Personally Involved - Isaiah 19:19-22


     The prophet sees that God is going to deal with Egypt personally.  There will be and altar in the heart and a monument to the Lord at the borders of Egypt.  They will be oppressed by other nations, but they will cry out to the Lord, and he will send someone to save and defend them.  The Lord will be known among them, hey will acknowledge, worship, vows, and will keep them. The Lord will send a plague to test them, and they will cry out to Him, and he will heal them.  This is such an exciting future to Egypt.  The Lord will be personally involved in nations affairs in the future.


April 8 – Three Nations - Isaiah 19:23-25


     In the future there will be a highway from Assyria to Egypt.  Both nations will travel and interact with each other in friendship.  They will worship together.  These nations along with Israel will be a blessing to the nations.  The Lord will bless them.  He will call these nations three things.  Egypt will be His people.  Assyria will be his handiwork.  Israel will be his inheritance.  This will happen during the thousand-year reign and rule of Jesus Christ.  IN that day God will bless nations that would normally be enemies. 


April 9 – Extreme Obedience - Isaiah 20:1-2


     Isaiah was a little eccentric.  When the supreme commander sent from Sargon who was the king of Assyria came to Ashdod which was a Philistine city attacked it and captured it.  The Lord then spoke to Isaiah.  This was also the end of the Philistia.  It would never rise again as a kingdom. 

     The prophet was told to take off the sackcloth and sandals he had been wearing.  He was told to go around naked as a jaybird and go barefoot.  Isaiah was going to be an example.  He was at that time a prophet streaker.  This would be humiliating.  Would you do this?  Would I do this?  Remember in Isaiah 6, the Lord asked for someone to go to the people of Judah and Isaiah said he would.  This is an example of extreme obedience. 


April 10 – Trust in the Lord - Isaiah 20:3-6


     Isaiah would be in this condition for three years.  He walked around naked and barefoot for three years.  When asked he told the inquirers that it was a sign for Egypt and Cush.  It wasn’t for Israel or Judah but for foreign nations.  As Isaiah has gone naked so shall the people of Egypt and Cush will be captured and humiliated in the same way. 

     This was also a warning to Isarel and Judah.  Those who trusted in Egypt and Cush to help them will be put to shame.  We often rely on others for help and protection.  The people of Canaan, Israel and Judah entered pacts with Egypt or Cush for mutual protection.  If Assyria can do this to them, how can they escape.  Judah had boasted in Egypt and their power will put to shame and dismayed.  Lesson here don’t put you trust in men but in God for you help.  Remember help comes from the Lord.


April 11 – Babylon - Isaiah 21:1-5


     Isaiah again is looking into the near future.  Babylon was the rising empire.  The Assyrians were declining.  Isaiah sees Baylon called the city in the desert by the sea.  This is the lakes and marshes that dotted ancient Babylon and were called the sea.  He sees the Medo=Persian empire conquering the Babylonians.  He saw the traitors who would go over the Persian and the looters who would profit from the city being destroyed.  He also sees the end of the pain that Babylon would cause.  This is also a glimpse into what would happen to the Babylon seen in the Book of Revelation.

     Isaiah is overwhelmed by what he sees.  He is pained in his body by what sees and hears.  He is seeing horror and destruction that comes with the tragedy of war.  The irony is that the very day the city falls their ruler having a feast and instead of preparing their people for war they were unaware their city, empire and people were about to fall. 


April 12 – Results of Idolatry - Isaiah 21:6-10


     The prophet sees a watchman.  This person sees chariots, camels, horses, and donkeys with riders. 

He advises the watchman to be alert.  The lookout shouted.  Day after day he stood watch when he saw.

the chariot driver, he heard the driver reply that Babylon has fallen.  Their idols, images and gods had

fallen.  The very things they trusted had failed them.  The people had been crushed like wheat on a

threshing floor.  This was a word from the Lord Almighty.  No one is greater than He.  He is the God and

defender of Israel.  This same God will defend his people in this time as well.


April 13 – Edom - Isaiah 21:11-12


     Isaiah now turns his attention to Edom and the city of Dumah.  This was a city not far from ancient

Hebron.  He paints a picture of a watchman who is unaware of what is about to happen.  He is unaware

of the fact that he and his city are about to be taken.  He is waiting for morning not knowing that the

enemy is at the gates and about ready to enter.  This speaks of spiritual blindness and being in a stupor

of not realizing what is about to happen.  Very much like today.  Like in the day of Noah people were

carrying on with their normal activities not knowing that judgment was just a moment away.


April 14 – Arabia - Isaiah 21:13-16


     Isaiah turns his attention to another neighbor of Judah.  In the Negev or Sinai, a nomadic people

called Dedanites.  They were people who lived in tents and made their living by working in Caravans. 

He asks them to bring water and food to the people of Tema.  These refugees and fugitives fled the

sword and battle. 

     The word of the Lord was that in one year the splendor and glory of Kedar will come to an end. 

Arabia will suffer the same fate as other nations.  The archers and warriors of that defend this nation will be few.  This is the God of Israel who has spoken and so it will come to pass.   Isaiah is brining the Word of the Lord to nations around him.  His knowledge of customs, people and their spiritual condition is on full display.  He truly was a man aware of the times in which he lived.


April 15 – Jerusalem - Isaiah 22:1-4


     Isaiah now sees what is going to happen in the future.  He sees the people going to their housetops to

get a better view of what is about to happen.  The city is full of noise, tumult, and drunkenness.  Most

of those who face the Babylonians were not killed by died by starvation or became refugees.  The

leaders tried to flee like Zedekiah, but they were caught.  They were then transported to Babylon or

different places within the empire.

     Isaiah and the Lord are having a moment.  Isaiah because he saw what was going to happen and the

Lord because over and over through the prophets and the words they gave the people were warned and

Now the full wrath of God was about to be unleased.  God is not mocked whatever we sow we will reap. 

This is a powerful warning for the people of today.  Get your house in order because the wrath of God

Is release it will not stop until it has done all the Lord wants it to do. 


April 16 – Foolish Reliance - Isaiah 5:11


     The prophet sees a day where the city of Jerusalem will face, tumult, trampling and terror.  The

people who relied both on the heritage and the walls are about to see it all fail.  Jerusalem is a city

in those days built on three hills and three valleys.  Isaiah sees the walls being breached by battering

rams.  He sees the arrows, chariots, horsemen at the gates and armies breaching the walls.  He sees

the defenses being broken down and all the weapons of Judah depleted. 

     He sees the special water sources built during the times of Hezekiah being depleted all because the

King and the people did not look to the Lord.  They relied on other empires, their own cleverness, and

resources which failed them completely.  They had no regard for the sovereignty of the Lord who had

warned them numerous times over the centuries what would happen.  As Jonathon Edwards wrote, “it

is terrible to fall into the hands of an angry God.”

April 17 - Isaiah 22:12-14


     Isaiah was looking into the future.  He saw the Lord calling out to His people to weep, wail, pull out,

their hair and put on sackcloth.  This would show that they were repentant and sorrow for their sins.

Instead, the died the opposite.  They had a party.  They knew that the end was near and like so many

They chose to party.  They look at only the day and forgot that tomorrow their would-be consequences.

The attitude we face today about the party lifestyle Is not new.  Solomon talked about it in Ecclesiastes.

     Isaiah states that the Lord told him clearly, concisely, and precisely that this is sin was not going to be

forgiven.  There is no atonement for this.  It will result in their death or be held against them until their

dying day.  It is sad when one gets to the point that no forgiveness will be given and no atonement can

Bring it about.


April 18 – Shebna - Isaiah 22:15-19


     Can you imagine your name being recorded for history for the wrong reasons.  This is what happened

to Shebna the palace administrator and chief steward of Hezekiah.  He had made a tomb for himself in

a place reserved for the highest officials.  We know that not everyone agreed or embraced Hezekiah’s

reforms.  Shebna was one of those who did not.  He loved the position of power and the perks it

brought.  He would be deposed from office.  Isaiah brought this injunction against him.  The lesson to

be learned is if you want to be great you must have a servant attitude.  God’s gives grace to the humble

but the proud he brings down.  As we learned in Isaiah 14, pride leads to absolute corruption and



April 19 – Eliakim - Isaiah 22:20-25


     Shebna will be replaced by Eliakim a man who is the servant of the Lord.  He has a servant heart and

Will become a servant leader.  He will be clothed with robes of authority and power.  The power that

Shebna had will be given to Eliakim.  He will be a father figure to the city and people of Jerusalem.  He

Will be given the key to the house of David.  He will have the responsibility of being the manager of the

Affairs of state.  He will have absolutely power.  He will be established, and Isaiah uses the illustration,

Of a peg being driven in a firm place.  A sign of stability.  Eliakim will be given a place of honor.  He will

Be a generational leader and his family will be a family of influence both now and in the future.  He would be a man of legacy. 

     Isaiah then tells Shebna that his legacy will be one of a peg that had been sheared off and everything

That he has relied on to pass onto his family had been taken away.  In this passage we learn the reality

And consequences of elevating ourselves at the expense of others.  We also learn that you can be a

Person of legacy or a destroyer of legacy all by the choices we make.   


April 20 – Tyre - Isaiah 23:1-7


     Isaiah then speaks directly to the cities of Tyre and Sidon ancient mariner cities.  These cities were famous for their merchants, seamen and ships.  They were seaports that provided Isarel and Judah with many of their speciality items.  The city was built on a island with a spectacular harbour with causeways to the shore.  It was considered impregnable a fortress by the sea.  but Isaiah sees its demise.  He sees its without its harbor.  Its famous market and money places are destroyed.  He sees its people being killed and sold into slavery.  Instead of a time of revelry and dancing he sees sorrow, tragedy, lamenting and wailing.  The people would be taken into slavery and transported to faraway lands.  The city that traded with so many cities, countries and people will be destroyed, and it will affect people n different ways.


April 20 – Who Planned This - Isaiah 23:8-12


     Isaiah calls the leaders of Tyre and Sidon bestower of crowns, their merchants princes and whose traders known through out the world.  He then asks the question who is the one who planned this?

It was the Lord who planned it.  Why did he do it?  To bring down her pride in all her splendor.  To humble the city.  This was designed to be a lesson for all lands, peoples, and Kingdoms.  The party is over.  The fortresses, harbor and city has been destroyed.  Lesson is that you may enjoy sin and its products for a while, but a day of consequences will come, and the so-called sweet flavors of sin will become bitter and sour eventually destroying everything held dear.


April 21 – Babylon’s Example - Isaiah 23:13-14


     Isaiah reminds the inhabitants of these two cities of the example of Babylon.  The Assyrians made it a place for desert creatures.  They raise their siege machines against its towers.  They stripped the fortresses that the Babylonian relied on bare.  They turned the city into a ruin.  In the same way they will do that to Tyre and Sidon.  Their city will be destroyed and even trying to escape by ship will be useless.  The battlements, towers and fortresses they relied on will be breached and destroyed.  Isaiah warns ot he folly of trying to find security in manmade things.  Jesus said store your treasures in heaven where the thief cannot steal, the moth cannot eat, and the rust cannot corrupt.  These cities are a perfect example of what happens when you don’t. 


April 22 – Wealth Held in Trust - Isaiah 23:15-18


     It seems that the same decree by Cyrus which Isaiah sees in the future will apply to Tyre and Sidon.  After seventy years they will be allowed to return.  They will go back to their same ways.  Isaiah calls it the way of prostitution.  They will ply their trade with all the nations of the world.  The difference is that their profits and earning will be set apart for the Lord.  They will not be stored up or hoarded by the people.  Instead, their earning will provide for the people who live for the Lord an abundance of good, clothing, shelter, and transportation.  This is a prophecy for the near future of the audience, for present and for the future.  These cities will not enjoy the fruit of their labor, but it will give to the righteous as a reward for serving the Lord.  In other places in scripture, we see a similar promises.   The wealth of the wicked is held in trust for the righteous. 


April 23 – Earth Judged - Isaiah 24 -1:6


     The prophet now sees the earth being judged and devastated by the Lord.  He is going to lay waste to it and scatter its inhabitants.  This will happen in tribulation times.  It will not matter status, title, wealth, position, popularity, or power.  All will suffer the same fate.   Water will evaporate, the heavens and earth will languish together. 

     The people of the earth are the cause for this judgment.  They have disobeyed the laws of God.  They have broken faith with God.  The curse God spoke is going to consume the earth and the people must bear for responsibility for their guilt.   Ultraviolet rays will burn people.  The atmosphere will be affected, and many will die to the point where very few will be left.  We see in the 21 judgments of God outlined that the populated of the earth will be decimated.  Not a rosy future.


April 24 – Earth Suffers - Isaiah 24:7-14


     The prophet continues with his prophecy of the future.  The party is over.  The sound of musical instruments has ceased.  The wine and food have ceased.  Cities are desolate and homes are barred or closed.  The joy is turned to gloom.  All joyful sound has vanished from the earth.  Cities are left in ruins.  Entry point into communities have been battered to pieces.  The earth has been ruined.  Trees bear no fruit, and the harvest has ceased.  All the elements that would feed, clothe, and shelter society have ended and so all suffer along with nature itself.  Not a rosy time.


April 25 – Call to Worship - Isaiah 24:13-15


     In the middle of this chapter Isaiah then exhort his audience and readers to raise their voices and shout for joy.  From the west they will acclaim the Lord’s majesty.  Majesty in the Bible means, “Majesty is a word that describes the greatness or dignity of God and his works.  Majesty is often used to praise God's sovereignty and glory.  

     Isaiah calls on the east to give glory to God.  To exalt the name of the God of Israel.  From the islands of the seas to ends of the earth to give glory.  To exalt, praise and worship the righteous and holy one.  It is a call to worship and praise amid a prophecy of the destruction of the earth.  The reasons are clear, precise, and concise. 


April 26 – Continued Tragedy - Isaiah 24:16-20


     Isaiah then says that from the ends of the earth he and his audience will hear singing.  The subject of that singing will be the glory, honor and praise given to the righteous one.  To the one who has no fault.  The one who is pure, holy, and true. 

     To the one who betrays their fate is one of snare and terror.  It will feel like they have been caught in a pit.  Even when they try to escape, they will be drawn back in.  The floodgates of heaven and the bowels of the earth will open.  Earthquakes, wind, and climate activity unlike anything that has happened before.  The reason for all this is rebellion.  Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft.  Pride brings about not only personal failure but devastation to all and everything it touches. 


April 27 – The Lord Reigns - Isaiah 24:21-23


     In that day talks about in the future where all things are made right.  The Lord is going to punish the powers in the heavens above.  This is a direct link to the forces of darkness.  The devil, the demons, and the rulers of wickedness in high places.  The entities that dwell in the realm between heaven and earth.  This is called the spiritual or supernatural realm.  Their day of reckoning is coming.  Hell, and the lake of fire was created for them.  The Lord will punish the authorities of the earth.  They will be herded as prisoners into a dungeon for a time.  That is a time determined by the Lord.  The sun and moon will exhibit shame and dismay.  

     The Lord will then reign in a literal place.  Jerusalem will be the capital.  Mount Zion will be the dwelling place.  He will reign in great glory before the leadership and the people.  He will display his authority, power, might and dominion.  This is a snapshot of what happens at the end of Revelation with the judgment of evil and the setting up of the New Heaven and New Earth.


April 28 – Praise the Lord - Isaiah 25:1-3


     Isaiah begins thanking the Lord for His perfect faithfulness.  The Lord will never leave or forsake us.  His faithfulness should enact a response from us of exalting and praising his name.  Isaiah says the Lord has done great things.  Things that were planned long ago.  The Lord does not do short sighted or temporary things.  He has long term plans and purposes.  He knows what is going to happen centuries and even eons before it happens.  This is the omniscience of God.  You can trust the sovereignty and power of God.

     These next two verses talk about many cities that no longer exist.  Sodom, Babylon, Ninevah, and Gomorrah are just examples.  Foreign powers whose cities were built or had been built in Judah are no longer being rebuilt.  The results are that in Isaiah’s time and in the future.  Strong people will honor the Lord and cities of ruthless nations will respect and revere the Lord. 


April 29 – The Lord Helps - Isaiah 25:4-5


     The prophet then lists the deeds and exploits of the Lord.  He has been a refuge to the poor.  A place of safety for the needy in their distress.  This is the love and compassion in action.  He has been a shelter in the storms of life and a shade from the heat of the day and circumstances.  When the ruthless rise he has been a storm driving against a wall.  He deals with them severely. 

     Like the heat of the desert the Lord silences the uproar of the foreign powers and people.  Like a cloud the covers the sun so the Lord stills the song of the ruthless.  He quiets the boast of the wicked and terrorist.  The Lord is good to the humble and brings down the proud. 


April 30 – A Banquet - Isaiah 25:6-8


     Isaiah then talks about a future event that is going to happen on Mount Moriah and in the temple area.  On this location the Lord Almighty which is also the Lord all powerful.  He will prepare a rich feast or banquet.  This could also be a reference to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  It will have the best drink, meat, and best other types of food.  No chef in the world will be about to prepare this banquet. 

    On this mountain he will destroy the shroud or sheet of death that enfolds and covers all people and nations.  This is a direct reference to what Jesus did on the hill called Golgotha or Calvary.  The power of death, hell, and the grave have been broken and destroyed.  Death has been swallowed up forever.  Paul referenced this is 1 Cor 15:51-58.  Death has lost its sting and victory.

     The Lord will then weep away tears from all faces.  He will remove people’s disgrace not just from individuals but also the whole earth.  The Lord has spoken so this promise, blessing, and benefit will come to pass.  For the Lord does state something unless He plans to make it come to pass.


May 1 – Moab - Isaiah 25:9-12


     In that day which means that time where God powerfully and miraculously intervenes in the affairs of man.  In Isaiah’s case it means in the future.  Those who loved and trusted the Lord will say “This our reward for trusting in Him because He saved us.”  They will rejoice and be glad in the fact that they trusted in Him and His salvation.” 

     Moab will be trampled down in that day like straw.  They will be stretch out their hands like a swimmer.  This is a direct reference to what kind of judgment they will face.  Moab suffered under the Assyrians but also the Romans.  The principles sin was pride, and they were good at their cleverness, and deception.  Their walls will be destroyed and be ground down into dust.  This speaks to the fact that Moab will be destroyed and never be heard of again with did happen.  This shows the contrast between the righteous and unrighteous and their future.


May 2 – Peace - Isaiah 26:1-5


     This prophecy has many beautiful, promises, blessings, and benefits.  In that day and time their city will be strong with God making salvation its walls and ramparts.  This city is most likely the New Jerusalem.  The gates will be opened to the righteous and to the nation that keeps faith with the Lord.  A promise to the ones whose mind is steadfast.  They will have perfect peace, calmness, and tranquility because they have trusted in the Lord. 

     Trust and keep faith in the Lord because He are a rock eternal.  He brings down the proud and arrogant.  He levels their cities and habitations to the dust.  The prophet exposes the contrast and difference between the humble and the proud and their futures.


May 3 – Renown - Isaiah 26:6-8


     Those who trampled down the oppressed and poor shall be dealt with.  Isaiah then says that the path of the righteous is level.  The Lord is known here as the upright one.  The vertical one also righteous, honest, or just, as in moral character or behavior.  He will make the way of the righteous smooth.  

     The exhortation is to walk in the ways of the laws, statutes, and precepts of God.  That means living in the ways of the Bible.  Not just being hearers od the word but does as well.  It means waiting and trusting the Lord.  The Lord is the name, renown, and desire of the heart of the true child of God.  It is not just lip service but deeds that are shown both in the sight of the Lord and others.


May 4 – Daily Times - Isaiah 26:9-11


     Isaiah reveals a longing of his soul.  He yearns for the Lord during the watches of the night and his spirit longs for Him in the morning.  The prophet is aware of the Lord throughout the day.  His desire and wish are that the people upon the earth know His judgments and the nations learn righteousness.  Righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people. 

     The folly of the wicked is that when grace is shown to them, and they do not learn righteousness.  Their minds and hearts are directed and owned by evil.  Even in righteousness times and lands they go on doing evil and do not regard the majesty, power, authority, might, and dominion of the Lord. 

     The wicked does not see how the Lord’s uplifted him is about to execute justice and judgment.  The prophet cries out to the Lord to let the wicked see the zeal and fervency of the Lord regarding the protection and security of the people of God.  The wicked shall be put to shame for there is a fire reserve for them that will consume them.  This of course is a reference to hell or the lake of fire.


May 5 – Showcase Nation - Isaiah 26:12-18


     One of the by products of serving the Lord is peace which is the absence of internal warfare or conflict.  Isaiah says that when the Lord is part of a person’s life, they will accomplish this.  Peace is the evidence of being a son of God.  Other people may govern the child of God, but the Lord is the only one we swear complete allegiance too. 

     The reality for those in power and authority in the natural realm is that they end up dead and their spirits do not rise again.  Their memory is lost to time and ruin.  The Lord will enlarge his nation and the nation will be enlarge and will gain glory and honor by doing this. 

     Isaiah presents a dilemma.  The people came to the Lord in their distress and anguish when they were disciplined.  They could barely pray.  They felt like a woman giving birth.  They felt like they were birth to the wind.  Their charge was that they did not bring salvation to the earth and the results the people all the nations had not come to life.  Israel was a showcase nation designed to bring the message of salvation to the nations.  They had failed to do so and now they were in the state they were because of their failure.  A serious warning to the church today.


May 6 – The Dead Live - Isaiah 26:19-21


    Isaiah relays a promise.  The dead in the Lord will live.  Their bodies will rise.  The dust shall be reunited with the soul and spirit.  They will wake up and shout for joy.  This is a reference to the rapture and the coming of the Lord.  Like the dew in the morning which is constant so the earth will one day give up its dead. 

     The prophet exhorts the righteous to enter their private place and hide themselves for a while until the wrath of God passes.  This is a place of protection.  The Lord is coming out of His dwelling.  This means the Lord will manifest from the supernatural to the natural and punish the people of the earth.  The tribulation period will be that time.  The earth will disclose the blood shed and those that were slain upon it.  Jesus talks about that which is hidden will one day be shouted from the housetops.  Isaiah saw this in this chapter.


May 7 – Leviathan - Isaiah 27:1


     There are four in that day prophecies in this chapter.  The first talks about the serpent also known as Leviathan.  This has three thoughts.  Isaiah uses the old Hebrew thought of te serpent who tempted Adam and Eve into sinning.  The Lord is going to punish the serpent who is also known as satan.  The Lord will use a fierce, great, and powerful sword.  This of course can be the Word of God our offensive and defensive weapon.  Jesus defeated the serpent on the cross. 

     This serpent is named because in the ancient Canaan as part of the deities of the land the serpent was a symbol of Baal.  This serpent coils and glides.  It can entrap and squeeze the life out of its victims.  He will slay the monster of the sea which is also a link to Tyre and Sidon where Jezebel came from and beguiled Israel to sin.  This is also a reference to what will be done in the book of Revelation where the serpent is cast into the lake of fire.


May 8 – The vineyard -  Isaiah 27:2-5


     Isaiah says in that day there will be singing about a fruitful vineyard.  The Lord watches, waters and guards its day and night so no harm can come to it.  This is Israel.  The Lord is not angry.  Briars and thorns are the enemy of the vineyard, and the Lord will set these enemies on fire.  The Lord says that if they make peace with Him, they will find him a refuge and place of safety.  Notice he says it twice which is the Hebrew way of saying this is a promise that will come to pass. 


May 9 – Decimated - Isaiah 27:6-11


     Isaiah changes the direction of the prophecy and says in the days to come.  This means in the immediate future.  Israel will bud, blossom, and fill the world with its fruit.  Israel was and is a showcase nation to show God’s love, grace, and mercy.  This is a direct reference to the Messiah being the one to fills the world with fruit of love and salvation. 

     The Lord struck down Israel and those who attacked her.  It was idolatry and rebellion that brought their demise.  The land became desolate, abandoned and like a wilderness.  The animals with the land was decimated.  Later people came to the land with no understanding and the Lord had no compassion them or showed them favor.  This has a short term and long-term meaning.  That is what happened during the 70 years of captivity and after Israel was ejected from the land by the Romans.  Now today the land is once again budding, blossoming and she its fruit with the world.


May 10 – Return - Isaiah 27:12


     The prophet closes off this message. He uses the analogy of the Lord Threshing the and from the Euphrates to the border of Egypt.  This was the borders of the land at its zenith under Solomon.  He will gather all the people one by one.  God is concerned not only about the nation but the individual.  At the sound of the trumpet those who are perishing in Assyria and those in exile in Egypt will return.  They will come and worship on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.  This is a future event.  This is a prophecy to Jesus’ time and in the time of the millennium.  Exciting days ahead for the Jewish people and nation.


May 11 – Fading Glory - Isaiah 28:1-4


     The Lord addresses the pride, drunkards of Israel.  The once beautiful country has now become a shadow or fading glory of what it once was.  They are relying on the past instead of embracing the future. 

     This brings the wrath of God through natural disasters such as, hail and storms which create floods to destroy and cause hardship.  It is their pride and arrogance that have caused this.  The Bible says pride comes before a fall in this case it is true. 

     The beauty of the landscape is fading, and hasty fruit of the summer will be eaten up by the wrath of God.  So sad when someone allow the past or pride to take away the present blessings.


May 12 – The Contrast - Isaiah 28:5-9


     There is a promise to the remnant and a warning to the wicked.  In that day the remnant will have the Lord giving them a glorious crown and wreath.  This will be the prize of the effort and faithfulness that they exhibited.  The Lord will be spirit for justice and judgment.  He will be the source of strength in times of battle. 

     The prophets and priests are warned.  They have allowed beer, wine and alcohol to affect their visions, dreams and prophecies.  What they bring is like filth and vomit.  They cannot teach or explain what they are saying because they have detached themselves from the Lord and speaking their own ideas not the Lord’s.


May 13 – A Trap - Isaiah 28:10-15


     Isaiah then brings a familiar Hebrew phrase.  Do this, do that, rule for this, a rule for that and a little here a little there.  It means keep it simple.  Isaiah then says that with foreign lips and strange tongues he will speak to his people.  This has two applications.  The Lord will use people from many nations to get his message across.  This is also a promise that one days a gift of strange tongues is given to the people of God.  This is a direct reference to what happened on the day of Pentecost.

     Isaiah then restates his previous phrase instead though the people who usually follow this phrase will go backwards and be injured and captured by their own sin.  Isaiah then addresses the ruler of Jerusalem.  He addresses a covenant they had made with the occult that promises them they would not be killed or face death.  This agreement they made will be their undoing because it is a lie and falsehood.  The made it with the one who wants their death.  They thought it was a hiding place but instead a entrapment with death.


May 14 – Bed to Short - Isaiah 28:16-20


     Isaiah then brings the contrast between the remnant and the rulers.  The Lord is going to lay a stone in Zion, a tested, precious cornerstone, a sure foundation.  This is a promise and prophecy about the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  He is tested, precious and sure.  All who relies on Him will never be stricken with panic or fear.  God has not given us a spirit of fear nut love, power, and a sound mind.  Justice will be the measuring line and righteousness will be the plumb line.  Two measuring devices familiar in construction. 

     The wicked rulers will find their covenant of evil, hiding place and refuge will be swept away.  The lie and falsehood they relied on will destroy them.  Their agreement and covenant will be annulled.  They will be beaten, and it will happen day and night.  Like a bed too short or a blanket too narrow it will be a message that will bring terror to the hearer.


May 15 – Breakthrough - Isaiah 28:21-22


      The Lord is going to rise like he did on Mount Perazim.  This is a reference to how the Lord gave David the breakthrough against the Philistines when he told David to wait for the sound of chariots and horses in the tops of the trees.  That day was called Baal Perazim the day the God of the breakthrough came.  He will do the same as he did in the Valley of Gibeon where the Lord lengthened the day so Joshua could defeat the enemies of Israel.  The Lord will do his work and task.

     The prophet warns the scoffer to stop mocking or their chains will just become heavier.  The Lord has told Isaiah that he has made a degree that the land is going to be destroyed.  A sad state of affairs when only judgment is decreed.


May 16 – Right Instruction - Isaiah 28:23-29


     Isaiah is the master of illustrations.  He uses word pictures to get his point across.  He uses the picture of a farmer who plows and plants.  He does not do it all the time.  Each task has a role and time.  When he has prepared the soil, he then plants.  When the time is right the farmer harvests.  The grain is ground into flour but done carefully.  Horses are not used in the task because they are not the right animal or method. 

     Isaiah used this illustration to point his audience to the fact the Lord teaches and instructs his people in simple, concise, time-honored ways.  The Lord’s plans are wonderful.  His wisdom is magnificent.  The Lord will teach and instruct in the right way.  That is the important of reading, studying, and thinking about God’s word.  It is the final authority on faith and practice.


May 17 – The Boast - Woe to you, Ariel, Ariel,


Isaiah 29:1-4


     Isaiah then brings a message or prophecy to the city of Jerusalem or Ariel.  This is known as the city of peace but in this case, it will not experience peace.  David is mentioned so we know it is Jerusalem.  They have been having festivals both to the Lord and idols.  The Lord however is going to allow the enemies to encamp around it, encircle and put siege ramp around its towers, ramparts, and gates.  The cause is rebellion, idolatry, and pride.

     Their boasting and speech will be brought low.  Their voice will ghostlike and like a whisper.  Boasting, mockery, and other fruit of the mouth will be toned down to inaudible.  James says that the tongue is a world of trouble and can cause great pain or great encouragement.  The mouth reflects what is in the heart.  They thought being a covenant people it would secure them from judgment.  A foolish inclination.


May 18 – A Dream - Isaiah 29:5-10


     The prophet foretells of nations coming to the gates of the city.  They will appear endless and numberless like dust and chaff.  Isaiah once again uses descriptive language.  He says the Lord will come with thunder, earthquake, wind, tempest, and flames of a devouring fire.  The attacking nations will besiege and attack the fortress. 

     It will seem like a dream or vision.  Like the thirsty or hungry person who goes to sleep dreaming of water and food and wakes up to the reality that they are still hungry and thirsty.  It will seem like a dream, but reality will be terrible. 

     The Lord has sealed the eyes and covered the heads of the seers and prophets.  He does not speak to them.  This is sad.  He tells them they are blind and drunk to reality.  A sad condition for the people of God to find themselves in.


May 19 – Deny the Designer - Isaiah 29:13-16


     The Lord says that the people only give him lip service, but their hearts are far from Him.  Their worship is tradition, rituals, and rules that they have been taught.  They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.  Even sadder is the Lord has shown them wonders but they missed it.  Wisdom and intelligence perish and vanish. 

     Woe to those who plan in secret and go to great depths to hide them from the Lord.  They think know one knows but how can you hide from the one sees and knows all.  They are upside down and inside out.  It is like the potter who is thought to be the clay.  Things are backwards.  Paul said that the wicked worship the creation instead of the creator.  They deny the designer and worship the design. 


May 20 – Justice - Isaiah 29:17-21


     In a short time soon, Lebanon will become fertile, and the forested region will once again flourish.  The deaf will hear, and the blind will be able to see and hear the message written on the scroll.  This is the how the message is communicated. 

     The humble and needy will rejoice in the Lord, the holy one of Isarel.  The ruthless and mockers will vanish and disappear.  Those who have an eye and do evil will be cut down like a tree or plant.  Those who lie in court or ensnare others or deprive the innocent of justice will be destroyed.  Isaiah was a reformer and activist for justice. 


May 21 – Hope - Isaiah 29:22-24


     One cannot study this book without seeing the personality of the prophet throughout the book.  The zeal, fervency of the Lord burns in his heart.  He offered himself to be a mouthpiece for the Lord.  His desire for justice, mercy and fairness for the innocent is crystal clear in the presentation of this book.  God never divorces our unique gifts and view from the narrative.  Instead, he uses it to deliver an impactful message to exhort the hearers to a deeper and more exciting walk with the Lord. 

      The Lord has a message to the redeemed of Abraham and descendants of Jacob.  They will not be ashamed or pale.  There is going to be a new generation who will serve and do the works of God.  Household salvation is coming.  This next generation will be holy and stand in awe of the God of Israel.  They will mirror the Lord’s essence, character, and nature in the way they live.  The wayward will gain understanding and the complainer will accept instruction.   What a promise.  What a blessing and benefit.  There is hope and a future.


May 22 – No Benefit - Isaiah 30:1-5


     This is a diverse chapter.  It starts with a message to a rebellious people.  He calls them children.  They carry out plans that are not his.  They form alliance with evil not listening to the Holy Spirit and this causes them sin heap sin upon sin. 

     They went to Egypt for protection that will fail.  Even though they had conferences in Zoan and Hanes everyone will be put to shame.  The Egyptians will be no help or advantage.  The Assyrians will defeat the Israel and Egyptian alliance.  The Lord is our protection not any resource or power of man.


May 23 – Fantasy - Isaiah 30:6-11


     Isaiah then speaks to the Negev or Sinai.  He describes the landscape as one inhabited by lions and snakes.  It is a place of hardship.  The envoys brought riches and treasures to Egypt to secure their help.  Egypt cannot help and their trip was useless. 

     Isaiah is told to write on a tablet and scroll that these will become an everlasting witness.  The people of his country and day are rebellious, deceitful, and unwilling to listen.  They want their seers and prophets to not tell them what to do is right.  They want pleasant things.  They don’t want to hear what is right.  They prefer fantasy, illusion to truth and righteousness.  Delusion and deceit is so dangerous and destructive. 


May 23 – Delusion - Isaiah 30:12-14


     The Holy One of Israel says that because of their rejection of this message and instead chose,

oppression and deceit.  This sin will become a high wall entrapping and collapsing on them.  Heir world

will break into pieces like broken pottery.  They will be like a fragment or ash.  Like coals in a hearth of a

fireplace or scooping water from a cistern that the majority ends up on the ground. Sin always takes you

place you never thought you would go.  Do things you never thought you do and make you a person you

never thought you would be.


May 24 – Wait - Isaiah 30:15-18


     There are two great promises given here.  In repentance and rest is your salvation.  In quietness and

Trust is your strength.  This is found in the Lord.  Yet the audience rejected it.  They chose the path of

fear and flight.  They thought they could outrun their trouble.   The thing about trouble and problems

they are faster than you. 

     The audience will flee at the threat of one and fear will paralyze them.  Yet there is another promise

here.  The Lord longs to be gracious and compassionate.  He is a God of justice and all who wait on Him

are blessed.  This is an amazing passage.  On one hand the Lord is rejected but He stills shows love,

compassion and favor.  You just must wait.


May 25 – Blessings and Benefits - Isaiah 30:19-26


     Isaiah then lists a series of Benefits, promises, and blessings.  In times of sorrow and tears when you

pray the Lord will hear and answer.  In times of adversity and affliction the Lord will show you that these

have purposes and you will see it.  When you are walking no matter what direction the voice of the Lord

will tell and show you the way to walk.  You will turn away from your idols like you throw away trash. 

     There will be rain for your crops, food from the land, and your animals will be plentiful.  Your soil will

Be fertile and well watered.  Even in times of affliction the moon and sun will be shine and be brighter. 

The Lord will bind the wounds of the people and heal the afflictions sustained by judgment.


May 26 – Topheth - Isaiah 30:27-33


     The Lord is coming from afar as a manifestation of smoke.  His lips, tongue and breath are a consuming fire and rushing torrent.  See the images and word pictures.  Powerful and effective in the mind.  He shakes the nations and pits bits in the mouths of the people and leads them away. 

     The people of God will sing rejoice and celebrate as they go up to the mountain of the Lord.  They

Will see the Lord manifested in a audible way, a arm, a cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.  He will punish Assyria.  Those who see its destruction will rejoice with the pipe and timbrel.  Topheth is the valley of Hinnom.  This was where children sacrificed to Molech.  He describes it as a place prepared for the King.  Josiah would come here during the time of Jeremiah and destroy it.  Like Topheth the breath of the Lord is a consuming fire ready to destroy all the wicked. 


May 27 – Folly of Trusting in Man - Isaiah 31:1-3


     A common theme throughout the Bible is the Woe.  It means a message of judgment, sorrow and

pain, for what perpetrator has done.   In this case it is for those who went to Egypt for help.  In the Bible

Egypt is a form of the world.  When you go to the world for help you are at odds with the Lord.  The

People of Judah had gone to Egypt and were relying on their horsemen and chariots instead of the

Holy One of Israel. 

     The Lord is going to rise against the nations.  He is wise and does not take back his word.  The Lord

always fulfills His words.  Isaiah reminds his audience that the Egyptians are not gods but mere mortals.

Their horses and chariot have a manmade origin. 

     The Lord stretches out his hand and helps those who stumble.  He lifts the one who fall.  When

they trust in man’s devices and implements they will fall and fail.


May 28 – Passover -Isaiah 30:4-5


     Isaiah uses the picture of when a lion roars and stalks their prey the shepherds gather together to

Repel and stand against it.  The lion however it so confident in itself it ignores their shouts and is not

At least worry about their noise.  The Lord is the same way.  He is confident in himself because of who

He is.  The Lord is going to come down and protect Jerusalem and Judah.  The Lord will shield them

From any attack.  He will pass over and rescue them.  This is a direct reference of how when Israel put

Blood n the doorpost and lintels the angel of death passes over.  No harm is coming to Israel.


May 29 – The Fire - Isaiah 31:6-9


     There are future events portrayed here.  First, an exhortation to return to the Lord which they

have revolted against.  This is an individual and collective sin.  In that day they will turn and reject the

idols made of silver and gold of which they have made.  This was their idea and sin. 

     Assyria will fall but not by a human hand.  This is a prophecy about the angel of the Lord destroying

The Assyrian army.  In one night, 185,000 soldiers were killed by this angel.  The army of the Assyrians

Will flee in terror.  They will panic later at the sight of Babylon.  Their stronghold will fall.  It will be like

A fiery furnace.  The furnace is Jerusalem, and the Lord is the one who light the match.

May 30 – Kingly Rule - Isaiah 32:1-8


     Isaiah talks about the future King.  The Messiah, who is Jesus Christ, will rule and reign in

righteousness.  He will reign with moral, ethical, and behavioural truth.  Those who rule with Him will

rule with justice.  This means that people will be treated fairly and with respect.  They will be like

a shelter from the wind and like stream in the desert in a dry and thirsty land. 

     Eyes will be opened.  Ears will be able to hear.  Fearful hearts will be able to understand and know.

Stammering tongues will be able to speak fluently.  There is going to be a time of healing.  The fool

And scoundrel will be shown for what they are.  

     Isaiah then reveals with fools and scoundrels are like.  They speak fool, are bent towards evil, practice. Ungodliness, and spread lies concerning the Lord.  They leave the hungry empty, the thirsty parched.  They are wicked, schemers, liars even when the need is just.  The rob, kill, and destroy.  The noble Isaiah says makes noble plans and they do noble deeds.  Quite the contrast.


June 1 – Not the Same - Isaiah 32:9-13


     Isaiah then speaks to the women of Jerusalem.  These ladies are complacent and secure.  Their world

is about to change.  In a year their security will turn to fear.  The harvest is going to fail.  The land will  be

overgrown and useless.  Isaiah encourages them to hear what He is saying.  He tells them to take off

their finery and put on rags.  They need to show repentance.  The merriment, fun times are over.  It is

a time of mourning because of the sin, complacently, apathy, and apostacy.  Everything is about to

change.  There is a shift in both the supernatural and natural areas.  Jerusalem will not be the same for

them.  This has implications for us today.  In many ways the days we live are similar.


June 2 – Peace and Contentment - Isaiah 32:14-20


     This again is a contrast passage.  In one aspect the walls, gates, fortress and city will become a waste

Land.  It will be only inhabited by wild animals.  This speaks of the seventy years of exile.  Everything

Changes when the Spirit of the Lord is poured out from on high.  The desert will become a fertile field.

The fertile field will become a forest.  This talks about the abundance f the Lord.  In this time

The Lord’s justice will dwell in the desert and his righteousness will live in the fertile field.  This is our

Hearts, minds, and souls. 

     A powerful statement and promise.  The fruit of righteousness is peace or absence of personal

Conflict or warfare.  The effect will be quietness and peace.  The Lord promises that His people will

Live in peaceful, secure, and undisturbed places of rest.  They will be blessed in the field, stream, and

Their animals will be content and secure.  This is during the reign of the Lord in His 1000-year rule.


June 3 – Decisions - Isaiah 33:1


     Isaiah brings a simple but powerful truth and lesson to his audience.  He tells them there are

Consequences and realities to lifestyle choices and decisions.  When you destroy or betray that is

What is going to happen to you.  Paul said in Gal 6:8, that whatever you sow that is what you will

Reap.  With the same measure you give it will be given back to you.  He implores them to stop

Destroying and betraying.  Come back to the Lord and see the end of a terrible life of bad decisions

And serve the Lord.


June 4 – Fear of the Lord - Isaiah 33:2-6


     The prophet then prays.  Lord be gracious to us for we long for you.  He was calling for the grace of

the Lord.  Be our strength every morning.  You need it through out the day.  Be the one who saves us

in our times of trouble and distress.  When the army of the Lord rises people flee and when he rises

up nations will flee. 

     When the Lord judges it is complete like locust eating a crop.  The Lord is exalted, and He dwells

above All.  He is a God of justice and righteousness.  You will get both from the Lord for this is nature,

essence and character.  He is our sure foundation for what times we live in.  He has a rich store

of salvation in fact, you cannot exhaust it.  He has wisdom and knowledge.  The key to this treasure is the fear of the Lord.


June 5 – Contrast - Isaiah 33:7-12


     Isaiah then gets back to his prophecy.  Brave men cry and the envoys of peace weep bitterly because there will be no peace.  The highways are deserted, and no one travels them.  The treaty is broken and

The witnesses are hated all respect for truth and righteousness are gone.  The land dries up and withers.

Away.  The fertile places become a desert. 

     The contrast between the righteous and wicked are define here.  The wicked become chaff and give birth to straw.  The Lord’s breath is a fire that consumes all.  Continuing with the theme that you reap what you sow.


June 7 – Near and Far - Isaiah 33:13-16


     The Lord calls to those far away and near.  Hear what the Lord has done and acknowledge His power.  HE then states that the sinners in Zion are terrified and trembling grips the sinners.  Then he asks the question, who can dwell with the consuming fire or everlasting burning?

      Isaiah lists the lifestyle that brings blessing and favor.  Walk righteously, speak what is right, reject gain from extortion, and don’t accept bribes.  Don’t listen to plots of murder and shut your eyes to evil.  The promise is that they will dwell on the heights and above the things of man.  They will find refuge.  Their needs will be met, and the blessing of the Lord will be upon them. 


June 8 – No more Arrogance -

Isaiah 33:17-19


     In the future the people will see a king in his beauty and view a land that stretches far.  Now they will

be plagued by a thought of a someone who had collected taxes from them.  Someone who was cruel and unkind.  They promise is that they will not see these arrogant people or their so-called king.  These

people spoke a language that was obscure, strange, and hard to understand.  There is coming a day when evil people will not rule the day, but righteousness, peace, and joy will be the statutes of this Kingdom. The beautiful thing for the Christian that day has arrived, and we are part of that Kingdom.  We are. Pilgrims passing through and we are looking for a city whose maker and builder is God.


June 9 – No sickness -

Isaiah 33:20-24


     Isaiah equates that day with a festival and a tent that will be pitched but it will not be removed

It will be established in that place there for a long period of time.  He states that the Lord is the

Mighty One.  In that day it will be a place of brad rivers and streams but no boasts or galleys

Will be sailing it. 

     Thre Lord will have four qualities.  He will be judge, lawgiver, king and the one who saves.  Isaiah

Then uses another well-known picture.  He tells them like a ship whose rigging hangs loose, the mast

Is not secure and the sail is not secure.  The abundance of the spoils will be divided and even the

Lame will carry off plunder.  The security that people rely on will be gone.  There will be no sickness

And those who do sin will be forgiven.  What a future.


June 10 – Heavens Dissolve - Isaiah 34:1-4


     Isaiah is looking into the future and sees a horrific scene.  He sees the Lord judging the nations.  The

Reality about mankind unlike a star trek view man is not evolving for the better instead we are actually

Getting worse.  The prophet invites the nations to listen and pay attention.  Let the world and earth

Hear and know the message the Lord brings.

     The Lord is angry with the nations.  His wrath shall be upon their armies.  He will totally destroy

Them and they will be given to slaughter.  This speaks of the battle of Armageddon.  Isaiah paints a

Graphic picture of bodies slain, left unburied and the landscape covered with blood.  The heavens

Will be dissolved, rolled up like a scroll and the starry hosts will fall.  Jesus gave the same picture in

Matthew and John in Revelation.  It will be like withered leaves on the vine fig trees.  This snapshot

Was design to wake up the audience either then or now. 


June 11 – Edom Judged - Isaiah 34:5-7


     The Lord has one nation that he is angry with.  It is the Edomites.  The Edomites were a Semitic people who lived in the region of Edom, south of the Dead Sea1. They were descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob. They had a long history of conflict and rivalry with the Israelites1. They were conquered by the Babylonians in the 6th century BC.  Isiah sees their destruction. The sword of the
Lord is covered with fat and blood from animals. 

      The capital city of Edom was Bozrah and there will be such a great slaughter even the animals will die with the people.  The land will be soaked with blood and the dust of the earth will be drenched with it.  The question is why?  The answer is because they will be part of the nations who will plunder Judah, but they will suffer the same fate.


June 12 – No Trace - Isaiah 34:8-15


     The prophet continues his graphic snapshot of the future fate of the Edomites.  He also gives the

Reason for their destruction and judgment.  It is a day od retribution because of the treatment of

Judah at the hands of the Edomites.  Even thought they are descendants of Jacob’s brother Esau they

Did not act like family. 

     The nation of Edom will be judged to the point where nothing but rock, dust, and complete

Destruction is their faith.  Their cities are turned into smoldering ruins.  Weeds, brambles, and nettles

Will eventually taken over the ruins.  Animals will inhabit the homes and ruined palaces.  The nobles

Will have no kingdom to rule.  It will be from generation.  Today Isarel inhabits the land but there is

No trace of the Edomites and there has been none since the sixth century B.C.


June 13 – For All Time - Isaiah 34:16-17


     Isaiah then presents a scroll, and the audience sees what is written on it.  Not one person will be lacking, and neither will their mates.  Families will be together.  The mouth of the Lord has decreed

It.  The Holy Spirit will be the agent that will gather them together.  The Lord will supply each one

According to their measure.  They will possess what is promised and not just for a short time but from generation to generation.  This means the Lord is going to return Israel to their homeland.  This has

Happened and is God’s promise for all time.


June 14 – The Redeemed - Isaiah 35:1-4


     The this an ebbs and flow in this book.  The last chapter was about judgement this chapter is about

Joy.  Isaiah states that the desert and patched land will be glad.  It will be a time of blossoming, blooming where the desert will become alive with abundance and fruitfulness.  He names familiar places such As Lebanon, Carmel, and Sharon.  Places know for their natural beauty.  The key of course is water and rain.  On display will be the glory and splendor of the Lord.  Any place can flourish if the right conditions are provided. 

     The Lord is going to strengthen feeble hands and steady knees that are weak.  Hearts that are fearful will be encouraged to be strong and not be afraid.  The God who they trust, and worship is going to come against their enemies with vengeance and with divine retribution he is going to save His people.  That is why in different places of the Bible we are encouraged to leave vengeance and our right to revenge up to the Lord.


June 15 – Land is Healed - Isaiah 35:5-7


     It is going to be a glorious day.  Eyes of the blind are opened.  The ears if the deaf will be unstopped.  The lame will jump like a deer and the mute will be able to speak again.  No sickness, pain, sorrow, or death.  The water will gush forth in desert and wilderness bringing life and sustenance. 

     The burning sand will become a pool.  The ground barren and parched will become a bubbling spring.  The places where wild animals have made their home will be inhabited by people.  Grass, reed, and papyrus will grow once gain.  The prophet is painting a picture of beauty and abundance.  It will be a time of healing, health, and wholeness. 


June 16 – Therefore the Redeemed - Isaiah 35:9-10


     Isaiah then reveals the highway of holiness.  It will be a road where only the redeem can walk.  No unclean, pagan or heathen can walk on it.  The wicked and the fool are excluded from it.  No predator of any form will be form on it.  It will be a place of safety.  It is a road for the saved, redeemed and family of God. 

      The Lord has rescued them.  They are the heirs of salvation and the trophies of grace.  They will enter

Zion with singing.  Hey will be crowned with everlasting joy.  Gladness and joy will overtake and

overwhelm them.  The sorrow and mourning that will flee away and they will be forever with the Lord

and his beauty, glory, and majesty will be their inheritance.


June 17 – The Meeting - Isaiah 36:1-3


     Isaiah records a major event in his time and history.  It was in the fourth year of the reign o Hezekiah

who was a godly and righteous king.  Sennacherib the ruler of Assyria attacked the fortified cities of

Judah and captured them.  He had made the city of Lachish his based of operation for the invasion of the Transjordan. 

     He sent a large army to Jerusalem with his field commander.  Just outside Jerusalem there was a

Aqueduct in a field used for laundry and clothes manufacturing.  It was open so an army could encamp

There.  Eliakim, the place administrator, Shebna the secretary and the Joash the recorder went to

Meet Him.  It was rare in the ancient world that kings would meet or negotiate. This was left

To important officials skilled in the art of diplomacy. 


June 18 – The Letter - Isaiah 36:4-10


     The field commander then hands them a letter which he reads.  The King through his spies had

learned much about the current situation.  This letter was a combination of intimidation, mocking and

psychological warfare.  He first speaks to Hezekiah ability to carry out warfare.  It says these are empty

threats.  He then speaks to the alliance Judah has with Egypt which he says is like getting bitten in the

hand.  You can’t depend on Egypt.  Then he speaks about their dependence on the Lord.  Hezekiah had

remove all the high places and altars throughout the land and told the people they were to only worship

at the temple.  This is where Sennacherib makes his mistake.  He mocked the God of creation and

protector of Judah.

     The field commander then makes a bargain that if they can find 2000 riders, he will supply them with

Horses.  He then states that they will not be able to repulse one of his riders and that Egypt with their

Supply of horses can not defeat him.  Then the commander blatantly lies when he states that the King

Of Assyria has been commanded by the Lord to march against Judah and destroy it.  It is so like the

Enemy to lie, test, and accuse to try to keep us off balance and shake our confidence in the Lord. 


June 19 – The Setup - Isaiah 36:11-15


     The three representatives ask the field commander to speak to them in Aramaic the language of the

Area not in Hebrew the language of the defenders.  He replies that he was not just sent to speak to them or Hezekiah but to all the people who would suffer and be starved out. 

     Then the field commander in his arrogance sets the stage for his destruction and Sennacherib’s.  He

Tells them to not trust Hezekiah a common attack of the enemy to sow distrust.  Hezakiah cannot deliver you.  Don’t trust Hezekiah when he says the Lord will deliver the city from the hand of the Assyrians.  This sets up a direct confrontation between a petty ruler or kingdom and God.  God has proven time and time again He sets up rulers and kingdom and then destroys them because of their pride and arrogance. 


16 “Do not listen to Hezekiah. This is what the king of Assyria says: Make peace with me and come out to me. Then each of you will eat fruit from your own vine and fig tree and drink water from your own cistern, 17 until I come and take you to a land like your own—a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards.


18 “Do not let Hezekiah mislead you when he says, ‘The Lord will deliver us.’ Have the gods of any nations ever delivered their lands from the hand of the king of Assyria? 19 Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Have they rescued Samaria from my hand? 20 Who of all the gods of these countries have been able to save their lands from me? How then can the Lord deliver Jerusalem from my hand?”


21 But the people remained silent and said nothing in reply, because the king had commanded, “Do not answer him.”


22 Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary and Joah son of Asaph the recorder went to Hezekiah, with their clothes torn, and told him what the field commander had said.




June 20 – The Offer - Isaiah 36:16-22


     The field commander continues his speech.  He tells them not to believe Hezekiah.  He says make peace and then he outlines the Assyrians plan.  As a people and nation, they will be displaced and exiled to a land like theirs but not theirs.  This was a tactic used to subdue and break national unity, clan loyalty and family identity. 

     The commander then lists all the gods who were supposed to protect all the lands Assyria and Sennacherib had defeated.  He then states do you think your God can deliver you.  This was a direct challenge to God. 

      The people remain silent because Hezekiah knew what the tactic was, and he told them to no answer the field commander.  The three officials came back to Hezekiah with their clothes torn a sign or an expression of deep grief or mental tribulation.  They told him what had been said.  We must remember that the enemy will always use intimidation as a tactic.  He has an agenda of robbing, killing, and destroying but we have the Lord and so his threat or hollow. 


June 21 – The Reaction - Isaiah 37:1-7


     Hezekiah as a godly king tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and went to the house of the Lord.  This

should be the reaction of any child of God.  He then sent the officials that had met with he field

commander to Isaiah.  The message given to the prophet was that this was a distress, rebuke, and

disgrace.  Like when a child is born and then is no longer any strength to deliver them.  They were in


     Isaiah then tells them the Lord has a message for Hezekiah.  The words given by the underlings from

Assyria have blasphemed the Lord.  The King will hear a report and then return to his own country and

Be cut down by the sword.  A lesson here s that when people either mock God or the people of God

They are condemning themselves and will have to face the consequences that is why we should leave

Things in Gid’s hands and let Him defend us.


June 22 – The Challenge - Isaiah 37:8-13


     The field commander then heard that the King had left Lachish and was in a battle at Libnah.  He was

Fighting Tirhakah of Cush.  Sennacherib sent a letter to Hezekiah keeping the pressure on.  He told how

Assyria had defeated all these kingdoms and none of their gods had delivered them.  Don’t think that

Your God will deliver you.  This was a letter that would seal his fate.  This was a direct challenge to the

Lord.  Arrogance and pride drove Sennacherib to issue this challenge.  God is not mocked a person sows

What they reap and this king was about to reap a whirlwind.


June 23 – Hezekiah’s Prayer - Isaiah 37:14-20


     When Hezekiah receives the letter, and his reaction is classic.  He takes the letter to the temple and

Spreads it out before the Lord.  He then prays which we all need to do when faced with difficult

Times or circumstances.  He acknowledges that the Lord is the God of Israel.  He is the King of the

Angels and God over all the Kingdoms of the earth.  The Lord is creator of all. 

     He asks the Lord to open his ears and eyes.  He tells God about the letter and that this is sent to

Not ridicule Judah but the Lord.  Hezekiah knows what Assyria has done but he also knows that the

Nations they conquered were rule by idol worshippers were wood, stone and fashioned by human

Hands.  He then asks the Lord to deliver Judah so that all the Kingdoms of the earth will know that

The Lord is Lord of all.  Hezekiah has been precise, concise, and to the point.  Prayer should be that.


June 24 – God’s Answer - Isaiah 37:21-29


     Isaiah then sends a letter back to Hezekiah with a word from the Lord.  First it commends him for

his prayer.  The virgin daughter of Zion despises and mocks you as you flee.  Sennacherib had mocked,

blasphemed, in pride and ridiculed the Holy one of Israel.  The accomplishments they had done had

been ordained by God himself.  They were ordained to do this, but the Lord knows who they are.  They

Had mocked and raged against God Himself.  This letter shows the sovereignty, authority and dominion

of the Lord.

     The illustration used is that the Lord will put a hook in their nose, and they will be made to go back

The way that they came.  Their plans would fail, and they would be humiliated.


June 25 – God’s Promise – Isaiah 37:30-35


The then promises Hezekiah a sign that they will see fruitfulness and abundance.  In the same way the kingdom of Judah will take root and bear fruit.  There will be a remnant and survivors because God’s zeal and will has ordained to accomplish this.  God promises fruitfulness and abundance. 

     As for the Assyrians they will not enter the city, shoot an arrow, come against with shield or build a

siege ramp.  Not one implement of war will assail Jerusalem.  The Lord is defending the city for the sake

of David His servant.  God remembers David and Hezekiah as his lineage.  Assyria will go back the way

they came and will not enter the city.  The Lord is the defender of His people.


June 26 – The Angelic Response - Isaiah 37:36-38


     God’s answer is swift and severe.  An angel goes out and kills 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.  When the

people look out from Jerusalem all they see is dead bodies everywhere.  This displays the power of

the angelic realm.  This is an example of what happens when the divine pronounces judgment on the

natural realm. 

     Sennacherib breaks camps and returns to Nineveh.  The Assyrian version of this event is that rats from Jerusalem came and ate their leather and so they escaped the plague.  The irony of Sennacherib is that he is killed by his own sons by the sword in the temple of his god Nisrok.  Never mock God He always has His day, and it goes badly for the mocker or scorner.


June 27 – Hezekiah’s Illness - Isaiah 38:1-6


     Hezekiah had become ill not long after the Assyrian invasion.  It was almost to the point of death. 

Isaiah told Hezekiah to get his house in order and because he was going to die.  Hezekiah did what he

Always did, he prayed.  He reminds the Lord about his wholehearted devotion, faithfulness and

Obedience.  He also wept bitterly. 

     Isaiah is told and tell the king that God has heard his prayer and seen his tears.  Prayer can change

Things when done with sincerity and whole heartedness.  The Lord promise to give him 15 years of

Life.  He also added a second blessing.  The Lord would defend him and Jerusalem from the Assyrians.

Prayer can and will change things so when in trouble or even when you are not in trouble go to the



June 28 – Shadow Miracle - Isaiah 38:7-8


     The Lord promised that he would give a sign to Hezekiah and that was he would make the shadow

Cast by the sun on the stairway of Ahaz to go backwards.  This was in response gain to the prayer of

Hezekiah.  We cannot emphasize enough the power of prayer.  You have not because you asked not.

Hezekiah had prayed and God answers by making the sunlight go back ten steps backward.  This is a

Miracle because the definition of a miracle is a supernatural intervention of God.  Isaiah was the

Messenger but Hezekiah was the person who made the miracle happen through his prayers.  The

Effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much.


June 29 – Heart Condition -Isaiah 38:9-14


     Hezekiah gives a testimony which was written in the chronicles of Jewish history.  Hezekiah was in the

Prime of his life when the news of his illness came and threaten to rob him of the rest of his years.  He

Told the Lord that he was about to leave the land of the living or look at his fellow man.  Like a shepherd

Or weaver in their professions something was left undone.  He patiently waited for the Lord.  He felt the

Lord had broken him and made an end of him.  He then states he dried out to the Lord with mourning. 

He felt weak and threatened.  He cries out to the Lord for aid and help.  In these verses we get the mind

And heart of a true petitioner before the Lord.  Hezekiah’s world was rocked but he was going to the

Lord about the matter.


June 30 – Song of Praise - Isaiah 38:15-20


     Hezekiah continues saying he had nothing to say.  The Lord has done this and even thought he walked

humbly before God this news has brought anguish to his soul.  He then heard the news and was restored

to health.  He learned a valuable lesson that even though you do good sometimes bad things happen to

create trust in the Lord.  He confessed his sins and God put them behind his back.  This was the same

phrase used in the psalms.  He then reminded the Lord that the dead cannot praise him or those who go

down into the pit cannot hope in His faithfulness.  Jesus revealed that Shaol or hell had two

compartments one for the righteous and the other for the unrighteousness. 

     Hezekiah is testifying of the goodness of the Lord as only the living can.  This message will be

generational.  He then states that he will have this message made into a song and play and sang in the

Temple of the Lord.


July 1 – Testimony - Isaiah 38:21-22


     Isaiah then told Hezekiah that all that was needed was a poultice of figs was to be applied to the boil

And he would recover.  A simplistic answer to answer to what was a severe problem.  Scholars believe

That the condition was a ulcer, leprosy or a condition found in the middle east called bony tuberculous

A deadly malady.  In response Hezekiah was given the answer and the sign to bring to the house of the

Lord and it would be recorded for the benefit of all generations.  We overcome by the blood the Lamb,

Our testimony and by staying true to the Lord even in the face of death.


July 2 – Fact Finding - Isaiah 39:1-2


     The ruler of Babylon who was Marduk Baladan.  In Babylonian society the king often took as part of

Their name Marduk which as the patron deity of Babylon.  The king was the human incarnate of Marduk.

In ancient societies often the ruler took on the personage of a living god. 

     Baladan sent gifts and letters to Hezekiah because he had heard about Hezekiah’s illness and recovery.  Babylon at the time was an empire on the rise.  Assyria was in decline and Babylon would replace them as the world power.  Hezekiah receive the envoys gladly showed them all he possessed.  He shows them his treasures, palace, and kingdom.   Little did he know this was a fact-finding mission to find out what kind of riches and treasures Judah had.  Often good will is a disguise for other motives.  Wisdom is expecting the best but always being aware of the worst.


July 3 – Proper View - Isaiah 39:3-4


     Isaiah hears abut the envoys and asks Hezekiah about them.  He learns that they are from Babylon. 

He asks the king about what they saw.  Hezekiah tells Isaiah they saw everything.  There was not a

Treasure in the palace they did not see.  Isaiah was both a prophet but also very political savvy.  He saw

both in the spiritual and natural realm.  This a quality Jesus emulated.  He told His followers that we need to be wise as serpent yet harmless as doves.  Always remember in the natural realm there is a

Spiritual component to all that happens.  The secret is seeing it and walking in the Spirit to know how

To react and be pro-active. 


July 4 – The Message - Isaiah 39:5-8


     Isaiah then delivers a word to Hezekiah.  First, everything in his palace including all the things his

Predecessors stored and passed on to this day will be carried off by the Babylonians.  This would happen

In two generation.  Nothing would be left.  Also, some of the nobility will become eunuchs working for

The Babylonian government. 

     This came true.  Nebuchadnezzar would be the instrument to accomplish this.  Daniel, Hananiah, Meshal and Azariah would become high officials in both the Babylonian and Person empires. 

     When Hezekiah heard this, he said the message was good because it meant that there would be peace and security during his lifetime.  This shows the short sightedness in this king.  He was more

Concerned about the immediate than legacy.  Hezekiah was given fifteen more years and in that time

He would father a son named Manasseh.   This son would become the worst king Judah had in

Generations and lead Judah down the path towards exile. 


July 5 – The Herald - Isaiah 40:1:5


     Isaiah brings a powerful message of hope.  He starts with a message of comfort.  It is one of

Tenderness and proclamation.  Jerusalem has had hard service, but it is now complete.  Her sin has been

Paid for.  She had paid in full double for her sins. 

     Here is a look in the future as the ministry of John the Baptist.  A voice of one calling in the wilderness.  This person is called to prepare the way of the Lord.  He will make a straight path and a

Highway for God.  Valleys will be elevated, and hills and mountains shall be leveled.  It will be a ministry

To smooth the path for the Messiah. 

     Three things will be demonstrated.  The glory of the Lord will be revealed.  Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the essence, nature, and character of God.  The people will see it together.  Jesus was

God with a face.  The mouth of the Lord has spoken.  This promise will not be changed or with held.


July 5 – The Message - Isaiah 40:6-9


     The voice in the wilderness than asks, “What shall I talk about?  People are like grass and their faithfulness is fleeting.  People may be temporary in their promises, but the Word of the Lord endures and is trustworthy forever. 

     The messenger will bring good news.   They will bring it to the mountains, Jerusalem and the towns

Of Judah.  He is to lift up his voice, to not be afraid. And to tell them, “Here is your God.  The message

Will be concise, precise, and pointed. 


July 6 – Who is the Lord - Isaiah 40:10:14


     Isaiah lays out the attributes, nature, and character of God here.  The Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm.  Reward and recompense come with Him.  The Lord is a

Shepherd that carries, feeds and loved His people.  His hand measured and marked off the oceans and the heavens.  The dust of the earth and the mountains are, measured and weighed by Him. 

     Who can instruct, counsel, and fathom the Lord.  Who has the Lord consulted or taught Him. 

Who has enlightened, taught, showed Him knowledge, understanding, and insight.  He is God.


July 7 – Who is God? - Isaiah 40:15-20


     The nations are like dust.  Not all the forest in Lebanon is enough for the Lord.  The nations are.

Nothing, worthless and in fact less than nothing.  No idol, image made of any material can compare

To the Lord.  The skilled craftsman can make an image or idol, but they have no life and are the works

Of men.  No one or nothing is like the Lord.  He is the eternal, all powerful, all knowing, pure and holy one. 


July 8 – Who Can Compare - Isaiah 40:21-26


     The audience and readers get a lesson on the creator and his attributes.  The earth was founded and

created at the sound of his word and voice.  God spoke and the world was created.  This passage reveals

the earth is a sphere centuries before Galileo proved it.    Pythagoras a Greek astronomer also put the

thought forward around 500 B.C.  Isaiah however spoke about these 200 years before the Greeks. 

     This scripture also speaks of a middle heaven which is called the spiritual realm between heaven and

Earth.  This is where angels and demons interact with humanity. 

     In the sight of God people are like grasshopper.  Rulers are nothing.  They man have their time but in

the end they are swept away like chaff.  Who can compare or be His equal.  The heavens were created

and He calls them by name.  The stars existed because of God’s power and strength. 


July 9 – Mighty God - Isaiah 40:27-28


    Isaiah charges the nation with the following charges.  They have allowed His ways and caused to be

disregarded.  He then reminds them the Lord is the everlasting God.   He is the creator of the ends of

the earth.  He will never grow weary.  His strength is eternal and all powerful.  His knowledge and

understanding is beyond human comprehension.  They need to remember who He is.  The beauty of all

of this is that this mighty God still desires and wants a relationship with His people.  


July 10 – They That Wait - Isaiah 40:29-31


     Isaiah then outlines benefits, promises and blessings from the Lord.  He gives strength to the weary,

tired and wore out.  He increases the power and might to the weak.  The reality is that even youths get 

tired, weak, and weary.  Young men will stumble and fall when depleted of strength.

     Those who hope in the Lord and wait on Him.  They shall be revived, renewed, and transformed by

The power, anointing, enablement, and regeneration of the Lord.  They will have supernatural strength.

They shall soar above the situation like eagles.  They will have the mindset and view of things like the

Lord.  They will run and have the pace of a winner.  They will not grow weary in well doing because

In due season they will have a harvest.  They will walk through life with the enabling hand of the Lord

And they will not faint, be weak or lack strength. 


July 11 – I am He - Isaiah 40:1-5


     Isaiah sends a message to the people who live on the coasts.  People like Tyre and Sidon but Israel as

well.  He invites them to come for new strength, to speak, listen and to hear sound judgment.  He tells

them someone is coming from the east.  This individual will have righteous as his feet.  Nations and

kings will be subdued by him.  He will deal with them like dust and driven chaff.  He will pursue and

trample his enemies under his feet. 

     Who is the one who will raise this person up.  It is the Lord who has called forth the generations.  He

Is the Lord.  The first and the last.  He is the great I am, and I am He.  This alludes to his power, might,

Dominion and sovereignty. 


July 12 – The Coastlands - Isaiah 41:5-10


     The coastlands because of this message are afraid and tremble.  They try to encourage each other to

be strong.  The craftsman begins to create a idol or god to protect them but it will fail and fall.  Idols are

nothing but deaf and dumb things set up to worship demons.  

     Israel however has been chosen by the Lord.  Abraham and Jacob are God’s friend.  The Lord has

Placed them in the remotest parts of the earth and call them back.  They are His servants and have not

Been rejected by the Lord.  A great promise for all God’s people for all generations.


July 13 – Do not Fear - Isaiah 41:10


     This is such a powerful verse.  God tells us not to be afraid.  Fear is a spirit and must be overcome by

A spiritual means.  Paul tells us in 2 Tim 1:7, it is overcome by love, power, and a sound mind.  Perfect

love casts out all fear.  Fear is also dealt with by knowing the Lord is with you and you are not alone.

     You don’t have to be anxious or look around for help.  The Lord your God is there, and He will never

Leave or forsake you.  He promises to strengthen, empower, and enable you.  The Lord is going to help

You.  You have divine assistance.  The Lord is going to uphold you and keep you upright.  He will do it

With His righteous right hand.  In the Hebrew mindset the right hand of God is His power and strength.   


July 14 – A sharp Instrument - Isaiah 41:11-16


     Isaiah reminds his audience that all who have hurt them through anger will be shamed and

dishonored.  Those that contend with them will be nothing and perish.  They could look for

people to fight with but there are none or nonexistent. 

     The reason for this is because The Lord is upholding them with his right hand.  That is why He can

Say, “Do not fear and that He will help them.”  They may at times be lowly but the Lord in His grace and

mercy will help them.  He is the Holy redeemer of Israel.  He has bought them back from their sin.

     The Lord is going to make them like a sharp instrument, and they will be able to cut through any

Nation.  They will be able to pulverize their enemies.  They will be like a storm and scatter them. 

The people will rejoice in the Lord and give glory to the Holy One of Israel.  What a promise.


July 15 – Benefits - Isaiah 41:17-19


     There will be needy and afflicted people seeking water to quench their thirst, but they will not find it.

The Lord will answer them and will not forsake them.  He gives comfort to the needy, vulnerable, and

Afflicted.  He will open rivers on bare heights, springs in the valley, and make the wilderness a pool of

Water.  He will create lands that have been dry into fountains of water.  He will put forest of acacia,

Juniper, box tree, myrtle, olive, and cypress.

     People will see and recognize that the hand of the Lord has done this and that the Holy One of Israel

Has done exactly what He has promised.  You can trust the Lord for His promises, blessings, and benefits.


July 16 – Warning to Idols - Isaiah 41:20-24


     The Lord invites the people to present their case.  Tell us, this is a reference to the trinity.  What

Is going on and what is going to take place.  Present your case and your strong arguments.  The Lord

Is not afraid of our concerns.  The Lord will hear, determine the outcome, and announce what is coming.

     This is a warning and announcement to the idols and gods.  Declare what you know or if good, or

Evil will come.  Should the people fear or look about?  Idols are of not account, their works are nothing

And those who choose them are an abomination.  Serious things to consider.


July 17 – One who Comes - Isaiah 41:25-29


     The Lord is going to rouse and bring someone from the north.  This person will call on the name of

The Lord early in the morning.  He will destroy mortar and clay.  The Lord has declared this from the

Beginning and in former times.  They will say the Lord is right.  No one has declared, proclaimed, or

Said these words before.  The Lord has said in Zion and has said a messenger will come with good news.

The Lord has looked and saw there is no counselor among the recipients.  Anyone who rises among them will give a false answer and lie.  Their works are worthless.  Their molten images and idols are wind and emptiness.  This is the folly of idolatry.


July 18 – The Messiah - Isaiah 42:1-4


     Isaiah gives a portrait and snapshot of the Messiah.  He is the servant of the Lord and is upheld

By the Lord.  He is the chosen one in whom the Lord delights.  He will have the Holy Spirit on Him.

This was what happened in the Old Testament.  He will bring justice to the nations.  This means

Right now, that is not what is happening. 

     He will not cry out, shout, or raise His voice in the street.  He will not be an activist.  He will be gentle

In his approach and manner.  He will be faithful in the practice of justice and fairness.  He will not falter,

Backdown, backout or become discouraged.  He will establish and bring justice and righteousness to the

earth.  In his teachings even the nations located on Islands will put their hope in Him.  A perfect portrait

of Jesus Christ.


July 19 – All Things New - Isaiah 42:5-9


     The describes himself as the creator of the heavens and the one who stretches them to infinity.

He created the earth and mankind whose very breath is a gift from Him.  Lord calls His people to

Righteousness.  He will uphold, be a covenant, and a light to the gentiles. 

     The Lord will open blind eyes, free captives, and release the dungeons of darkness.  The Lord is

Mighty in his name.  He will not yield his glory, essence, nature, and character to another.  Former

Things have taken place, but the Lord is declaring new things.  Before they happen, He will announce it

To His people.  So beautiful how prophecy and promise work together.


July 20 – A New Song - Isaiah 42:10-17


     The master lyrist Isaiah then pens a song of praise.  This is new song of praise.  This is a song

Given to the ends of the earth, those under the sea and people who live on the islands of the

Sea.  Let the people of Sela, wilderness, settlements, and mountaintops raise their voices and shout.

Let them give praise and glory to the Lord. 

     The Lord is a champion, warrior with great zeal.  With a shout He will raise the battle cry and will

Win over His enemies.  For a long time, the Lord was silent, quiet and held Himself back.  Like a women

In childbirth He will cry out, pant, and gasp. 

     The Lord will lay waste to mountains, hills, vegetation, and islands.  He will lead the blind and help

Them navigate places unknown.  He will turn light from darkness and make rough places a plain.  He

Will not forsake them and He will do great things. For those who trust in idols and worship them shall

Be turned back in utter shame. 


July 21 – Folly of Sin -

Isaiah 42:18-25


     Israel is described as blind and deaf.  He equates the messenger and servants of His as blind and deaf

To the agreements that have been made.  God keeps his side, but His people don’t.  They are blind to

What is seen and deaf to what has been presented.  The law is a delight to the Lord.  His righteousness,

Glory and greatness make the law what it is. 

     The problem is that people are trapped in prisons, dungeons, and hidden places. They are plunder,

Booty, and loot.  No one can rescue them, free them, and send them back.  The reason they are in this

Condition is because of their sin, and it was the Lord who sent there because of that.  Sin is a trap

And prison.  They have sinned, not follow His ways, or obeyed them.  When the Lord punished them

They still did not understand, and they did not take heart.  The folly of sin is that it blinds you to truth

And freedom.


July 22 – Do not Fear - Isaiah 43:1-4


     Isaiah then exhorts the people about who the Lord is and what He does.  He is the Lord who created

Jacob and then changed his name to Israel.  The supplanter became a prince with God.  The Lord has

Redeemed them and bought them back from sin.  He has called them by name and so there is no fear.

     When they pass through trouble waters they will not drown or be swept away.  Israel went through

The Red Sea and Jordan river. When they pass the fire you will not be burned or set ablaze.  The three

Hebrew boys saw that.

     The Lord is the Holy one and the savior.  He will give the nations for a ransom and stability.  We are

Honored in his sight.  The Lord loves us.  People and nations have been given in exchanged for us.  What

An honor, inheritance, and promise.


July 23 – I am God - Isaiah 43:5-10


     Larry Lea back in the eighties used this scripture as a launching pad to call people to his church.

This is the second exhortation to not be afraid.  Fear of course is a spirit and must be dealt with in a

Spiritual way.  The Lord is with us so from the four directions the Lord will call people to help and be

With you.  They will not be held back and in the spiritual realm you can call them to help you in prayer.

     Those who call upon the Lord will realize that they have been called by His name and they have been

Created for a purpose.  Life takes on meaning.  Part of that is being to help those who are spiritual blind

And deaf to be free to hear and see the gospel. 

     The Lord reminds them no gods made of human hands could foretold this.  They can say things are

true or right.  The people of God are His witnesses.  We know and believe in Him.  We understand that

He is who says He is.  There is no God who has been formed Him and there is none after Him.  He is the

Eternal God.  He alone is God.


July 24 – Redeemer - Isaiah 43:11-15


     The Lord reminds them through Isaiah that apart from Hin there is no savior and that is not some

foreign God.  They are His witnesses that He is the Lord.  From ancient times no one can take them out

of His hand and no one can reverse when he acts.  Even though Israel has been unfaithful God is

merciful.   He is the redeemer of Israel. 

     Isaiah then looks into the future and tells Judah that they shall be taken to Baylon as fugitives for

Their pride and sin.  He then reveals four things about God.  He is their Lord, Sovereign, and Master.

He is their Holy One.  This is character nature and essence.  He is Israel’s creator for he called Abraham

Out of the Babylon.  He is their king and ruler.


July 25 – a New Thing - Isaiah 43:16-21


     The Lord reminds His people that He was the one who led them through the Red Sea and defeated

The Egyptian army.  He then tells them to forget the past and the former things.  Do not make the past

Part of your present or future.  He is now doing a new thing that they cannot perceive it.  He is going

To make a way in the wilderness and create springs of life in the desert.  The animals will honor Him

And He will provide water in the wasteland and deserts for His chosen people to drink.  Like he did for

Moses when he struck the rock with his staff. 

     The Lord has created and formed a people for Himself.  He has made them so they can proclaim and

Declared His name.  Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed and praise is an attitude of gratitude

Shown.  Life in the Lord has purpose and fulfillment.


July 26 – Choices - Isaiah 43:22-28


     Israel has not called on the Lord or done anything for Him.  They have not brought them their

offerings or sacrifices.  The Lord has not demanded or burdened the people with any obligations.

Judah has however burdened the Lord with their sins and have wearied Him with their offenses.

     The Lord is the one who blots out transgressions for His own sake and remembers their sin no

More.  The Lord invites them to review the past.  To discuss the matter of their innocence.  Their

First father sinned.  Adam did this on several occasions as did Abraham.  Even those he sent to

Teach them were sinners.  The results were that the dignitaries from the temple were disgraced.

Jacob was consigned to destruction, and Israel to scorn.  There are consequences to the choices

We make either good or bad.


July 27 – Badge of Honor -   Isaiah 44:1-5


     Isaiah reminds his audience that Isarel has been chosen.  The Lord formed them, made them and He

Will help them.  The tells them to not be afraid they are His servants and the chosen.  So he will bless

Them water when they are thirsty and streams when they are dry.  He will pour out His Spirit and

blessing upon children and offspring. 

     They will sing like fruitful trees.  Some will say that they belong to the Lord and identify as ones who

Belong to the Lord and Jacob.  Others are going to write on their hand and identify as the Lord’s  They

Will take and be proud of the name of Israel.  A time is coming when shame shall become honor.


July 28 – Idol Folly - Isaiah 44:6-12


     The Lord is Israel’s king, redeemer, and the Lord Almighty.  This is not just titles He gives Himself.

This is who the Lord is.  He is the first and the last.  There is no god apart from Him.  Who is like Him

Come forward and declare it and make it know.  The Lord established His people long ago and only

He can tell what is to come.  He reminds them to not be afraid or tremble.  He proclaimed and

Foretold long ago that they were His witnesses.  They were to tell that there was no other God besides

Him.  That there is no rock like Him and He is the one.

     Isaiah reveals that those who make idols are nothing.  The things they make are worthless.  Those

Who speak for idols are blind.  The one who shapes a idol can profit nothing.  Jesus said you can gain the

Who world and lose your soul. 

     Isaiah reminds his audience that those who make idols will be put to shame.  The idols are made by

Human hands.  The demons they honor will be put to shame along with the craftsman who made these



July 29 – Delusion - Isaiah 44:12-20


     Isaiah then points out the obvious.  The blacksmith goes to his forge.  He makes the coals hot and

then begins his work.  He gets hungry and needs water to keep him working.  He takes his tools and then

begins to make a human form to create a shrine.  He cuts down a tree.  He creates a fire for his food and

uses the same tree or form an idol.  When the idol is made, he bows down to it and prays to it and asks

it to save or bless him.  Both know nothing.

     The idol worshipper eyes are plastered with sin, and they cannot see.  Their minds are closed so they

Understand.  No one thinks, has knowledge, or understands. They take a block of wood and create a fire

And in the same time period create and idol and worship it.  Their heart is deluded and mislead.  They

Are living a lie and cannot be saved because of their delusion.


July 30 – Cyrus - Isaiah 44:21-28


     The Lord reminds Jacob as Israel He is the servant of the Lord.  As the Lord’s servant He will not be

Forgotten.  Their offenses have been swept away like a cloud.  Their sins like the morning mist.  He asks

Them to return to Him because they have been redeemed or bought back.  Creation has been

Instructed to sing and burst into song about what the Lord has done.  Through Israel the Lord has shown

His glory. 

     The Lord reminds His people that they were formed by Him in the womb.  He is the Lord who made all

Things both in heaven and on earth.  He foils the signs of the false prophets and makes the wisdom of

this world appears foolish.  He carries out the words of His prophets and makes the predictions of His

messengers come to pass.  The Lord is about to rebuild the ruins of Judah. 

     The Lord can make the watery places and streams dry up.  Then Isaiah introduces a future helper of

The Jews.  He tells about the Medo Persian king called Cyrus who is a shepherd who will accomplish

What the Lord pleases.  He commands Jerusalem to be built, its temple and foundation to be laid.  Get

This 200 years before it happens Isaiah reveals how a Persian king will command a temple to be rebuilt.

When Isaiah wrote this the temple would not be destroyed for over a hundred years.  The Bible is more

Accurate than tomorrow’s newspaper.


July 31 – Cyrus Part Two - Isaiah 55:1-8


     One has to remember that when Isaiah wrote his manuscript it was broken up into chapters or verses

That would come later.  In fact, several hundred years later.  So, these first few verses are a continuation

Of the previous chapter.  Cyrus is anointed to take nations and strip kings of their power.  He will open

Shut doors.  The Lord will go before him and level mountains.  He will break down gates of bronze and

cut threw bars of iron.  He will get treasure from secret places, and he will come to know that the Lord is

summoning him. 

     It is for the sake of the Jews he will be summoned, anointed, and raised up.  He will be given a title of

Honor though he does not acknowledge the Lord.  He will be strengthened by the Lord.  People from all

Paces and walks of life will know it is the Lord who has done this.  The Lord creates light out of darkness. 

He can bring prosperity or disaster for He is the Lord who can do all things.  He commands the elements

So that righteousness and salvation may flow because these are His qualities.


Aug 1 – Cyrus Part Three - Isaiah 45:9-14


     Isaiah then says woe.  Woe means grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble. In the

Bible, woe is often used as an exclamation of judgment on others, misfortune on oneself, sadness over

others, or a warning of impending doom, condemnation, or wrath of God.

     Isaiah tells those who ague with God is like broken pottery or clay who argues with their maker. 

Woe to those question their maker are like children arguing with their parents of why they were born.

God made all things.  As for Cyrus he will be raise up by the righteous who will make his ways straight. 

Cyrus will rebuild Jerusalem and set the exiles free.  He will be do for a price or reward but because the

Lord said so.


Aug 2 – No Idols - Isaiah 45:15-18


     The prophets see how that the Egyptians, Kushites, and Sabeans will come to Judah in chains.

They will bow down in homage and say there is no God except the God of Israel.   They will say that

There is no God but the living God who does not hide.  He is savior and God of Israel.  All idol

Worshipper will be disgraced and shamed. 

     Israel will be saved by the Lord.  They will never be shamed or disgraced because God is their ever

Lasting salvation.  The Lord who created all things will do this for Isarel because He s the Lord and

There is no other.  Isaiah is pounding on the theme of the Lord is God and the idols are not whatever

Form they come in.


Aug 3 – Every Knee - Isaiah 45:19-25


     The Lord has not spoken from darkness or in secret.  He speaks from the light and truth.  He implores

them to come to Him and not seek Him in vain.  He invites them to come from the nations and not listen

to the idols or those who speak for them.  He invites them to counsel and here what was declared long

past. He reminds them that he is the righteous God, Savior and only God. 

     When the Lord swear it is by Himself for there is no greater authority.  He does it with integrity and

His word and promises cannot be revoked.  He reminds them that every knee will bow and every tongue

will swear loyalty to Him.  Paul would say the same thing about Jesus Christ.  The Lord is the only

strength and deliverance.  All who rage against the Lord will be put to shame, but Israel will find

deliverance.   Those who boast in the Lord will find His favor.


Aug 4 – God Who Saves - Isaiah 46:1-4


     Isaiah shows his knowledge of the nations around and their idols.  He reminds that Bel and Nebo are

Nothing but idols to be carried.  They are burden to the weary.  They themselves will go into captivity.

Every empire will imprison the idols of other empires to show their superiority.

     The Lord speak to the descendants of Israel.  The are a remnant of what they were once.  The Lord

Has upheld them with truth.  He has carried them before they were born.  From birth to death the Lord

Will be with His people.  The Lord made us, carry, sustain, and rescue us.  What powerful truths and

Promises to reflect on.


Aug 5 – The Folly of Idols - Isaiah 46:5-8


     The Lord than asks two questions.  Who can compare to the Lord or count Him equal?  Who is like

The Lord and to whom can He be compared?  The idol maker pours out his coins.  He hires an idol

Maker who makes it and then they bow down to worship it.  They then lift it on their shoulders and

Carry it to the sacred place.  They cry out to it but it cannot save them from their troubles.  Then the

Lord reminds them and tells them to keep this in mind.  He tells them to keep it to heart.  This is the

Folly of idolatry and a rebellious heart.


Aug 6 – Glory Revealed - Isaiah 46:9-13


     Isaiah reminds his audience of the ancient things.  Things long ago.  The Lord is God and there is none

Like Him.  He is omniscient.  He does what He pleases, and His purposes will stand.  He calls birds from

Far off lands to accomplish His purpose. What He plans to do or say will be done.  He demands that the

Stubborn hearted hear those who are far from His righteousness.  He will bring is righteousness near. 

Salvation is not far away, and it will not be delayed.  Salvation will be granted to Zion and my splendor,

Majesty and glory will be given to Israel.  Tremendous promises.


Aug 7 – Babylon Uncovered - Isaiah 47:1-3


     Isaiah writes to the Babylonians and their families.  He tells them they are soon going to have no

Throne and only the ground to sit upon.  There is going to be a humbling time for the Babylonians.

They will no be called tender and delicate.  He tells them that they are going to end up ashamed and

Uncovered.  They have been rebellious and cruel.  With the same measure they have shown to others

It will be given to them.  If you sow a certain lifestyle sooner or later, it will catch up and destroy you.

He also warns them that they will end up fleeing and trying to escape but they will not.


Aug 8 – Failure to Think Through - Isaiah 47:4-7


     The Lord is about to execute judgment on the so call queen of heaven.  Ishtar is a universal deity and

Is found in many ancient societies.  Israel’s redeemer is the Lord Almighty.  He is the Holy one of Israel

And the sovereign over the nations.  Isaiah reveals that the capital city of the Babylonian empire is about

To be destroyed and become silent as cities go. 

     The Lord reveals why he is going to judge them.  He was angry with His people because they had

Become idolaters and had desecrated the covenant.  They were given into the hands of the Babylonians

But they showed no mercy.  They even put the old and aged into slavery.  In their pride they took on a

Role that was not theirs and claimed a title which the Lord did not give them.  They did not considered

The consequences or reflect on what might happen.  Shortsightedness is often the thing that brings

Someone’s downfall. 


Aug 9 – Cannot See What is Coming - Isaiah 47:8-11


     Isaiah reveals the folly of the Babylonians and people in general.  They are lovers of pleasure and

Narcissistic.  They have not been in a relationship, so they have no children.  In a single moment or

Calamity and tragedy will come upon them and change their status. 

     Occult power and witchcraft will not save anyone from the wrath of God.  Another folly is to believe

That things done in secret will not be revealed.  Actually, it is the opposite.  Manmade wisdom and

Knowledge leads to self delusion and deception. When disaster comes, they will not know how to

conjure It away.  No magic or occult solution will be found.  No amount of money can change the

situation.  No astrologer will see it coming and it will be swift and deadly when it comes. 


Aug 10 – Man’s Wisdom = Isaiah 47:12-15


     Isaiah even tells them to keep on with their magic spells and sorceries which they have done since

Childhood.  Maybe they will succeed.  The reality is the astrologers, stargazers who make predictions

Month by month he tells them to let them save the Babylonian from what is coming. 

     The prophet then states that they cannot even save themselves from the fire and calamity which

Is about to come.  Ever since childhood the Babylonian have been relying on the wisemen, mages and

Astrologers and since that time they have been deceived.  No one can save them.  The Lord is the final

Judge and he will judge with righteousness and fairness.


Aug 11 – It is Coming - Isaiah 48:1-5


     Isaiah then begins his message to the Israelites and people of Judah.  They have made oaths and

Promise to the God of Isarel and the Lord but they have not kept them.  They have not been truthful or

Righteous.  They called themselves citizens of Zion and that they serve the God of Israel.  They said they

Followed the Lord Almighty.

     The Lord foretold ancient and former things of long ago.  His mouth had announced them even before

They happened.  When He acted, they suddenly came to pass.  The problem is that Judah was stubborn,

Stiff necked and tough to reach. 

      The Lord is telling them what is going to happen so that they will not be able to say that some idol or

False god made it happen.  They are being addressed by the true and living God. 


Aug 12 – A New Thing - Isaiah 48:6-11


     The Lord reminds the people of Judah that all the things they have seen or heard have been repeated

Many times.  Yet the Lord is about to tell them new things, hidden things that they have never heard

Before.  These are things that are created now, and they have never heard before, so they won’t be

Able to say, “Oh that I already knew.”  

     The Lord tells them the reason He is given them new information is because they have been a rebel

From birth and have become treacherous.  The Lord has delayed His wrath for the sake of his nature,

Essence and character he delayed them.  He showed mercy instead of anger.  He chose not to destroy

Them even though they deserved it. 

     The Lord’s motivation is to test them, to refine them and make them pure.  It is called the Lord’s

Furnace of affliction.  He chose to do this because He has planned to redeem them.  He will not be

Defamed and He will not yield His glory to another.  A sobering thought.


Aug 13 – No More Secrets - Isaiah 48:12-16


     The Lord calls Israel to listen.  He is the first and the last.  With his hand He laid the foundations of the

Earth and with His right hand He spread out the heavens.  He called them into being.  He reminds them that idols cannot speak or foretell things.  The Lord is about to judge Babylon and He has chosen the

Medo-Persian to do this.  That which was spoken in secret is about to become public. 

     The Medo-Persians will succeed because the Lord is with them.  The Lord has made this known by His Spirit.  Isaiah has been sent by the Lord to speak this message to both Judah and the Babylonians.  There

Is no secret any longer it is public.  When God says something is going to happen it would violate His own

Nature to not make it come to pass.


Aug 14 – Simple and Clear - Isaiah 48:17-22


     The Lord is the redeemer, Holy One of Israel, and the Lord.  He is their sovereign, Lord, and God.  He is

The one who teaches them what is best and the way they should go.  When one listens and obeys the

Lord peace and well being will flow like a river.  If only they have listened the legacy would have been

Great and passed on for many generations.  They names would be remember and not destroyed.

     Isaiah tells them to leave Babylon.  Leave that city with joy and gladness.  Proclaim it to all nations.

Let all the nations know that the Lord has redeemed Israel.  Like in the past He will lead them through

The deserts and made water flow from a rock like He did in the times of Moses.  This chapter ends with

A somber warning.  There is no peace says the Lord for the wicked.  Simple, clear, and precise.


Aug 15 – The Servant of the Lord - Isaiah 49:1-6


     Isaiah begins a section of his book talking about the Suffering Servant.  The Lord calls the people of all lands to hear.  Before this person was born the Lord call them and before he was even in his mothers womb the Lord had called His name.  The Lord has our lives planned out even before we are even conceived. 

     The Lord has made His mouth a sharpened sword.  He has been set aside like a sharpened arrow hidden in a quiver.  Israel was created to display the splendor of God.  Unfortunately, because of their

Stubbornness the Lord has labored in vain. Yet it is not the end of the story.  They will be a showcase

Nation and be a reward for the Lord. 

     The nation of Israel will be gathered back to Himself.  The servant of the Lord will be honored and will be the Lord’s strength.  The Lord is also going to restore them to become a light for the gentiles and His

Salvation may reach the ends od the earth.  This is a prophecy about the universal Messiah.


Aug 16 – Restoration - Isaiah 49:7-12


     The Lord may be at first despised by the nations, but they will stand up and give honor to the Lord because the Lord is faithful and they will see that the Lord has chosen Him.  The favor of the Lord in

The day of salvation shall come and help the Messiah. 

     The Lord will also keep and be a covenant to His people.  He will restore the land and reassign its

Desolate inheritances.  He will say to the captives in the darkness to come and be free.  They will be

Fed and kept.  The Lord will have compassion and will guide them.  He will level the mountains and

Valleys.  They will come even from the far away places.  There is going to be a time of healing and



Aug 17 – Exile - Isaiah 49:13-21


    The Lord commands creation to sing, rejoice and break in song because the Lord comforts his people and has compassion on the afflicted.  Judah has said that the Lord has forsaken us but can a mother forsake their child.  She may forget her child, but the Lord will not.  The Lord has engraved them on the palms of His hands they are ever before Him. 

     The people will see their children come back and they will wear them as ornaments and put them on like a bride.  At one time they were desolate and ruined.  They were small in the sight of the nations and far away.  Soon, the children born in exile will say that where you are living is to small.  The Lord felt the same way when the people were in exile.  Whatever state we are the Lord is aware and longs for better things.


Aug 18 – He is the Defender - Isaiah 49:22-26


     The Lord has two messages here.  The Lord is beckoning to the nations and lift His banner to the peoples.  They are going to bring your daughters and sons on their arms and hips.  Kings will become foster parents to them.  Queens will nourish them.  They will bow down and honor Israel.  They will know that the Lord is God and those who hope in Him will never be disappointed. 

     The Lord then asks a question.  Can plunder taken from the warrior or captives from the fierce?  Of course not.  The Lord will contend with those that contend with them and will save their children.  The oppressor will become the oppressed.  All mankind will know that the Lord is Lord.  He is Savior, redeemer, and the Mighty One of Jacob.  Such a powerful promise for them and for us.


Aug 19 – Lord’s hand is no so short - Isaiah 50:1-3


     The Lord is speaking to Judah, and he tells them that they are on the same path as Israel.  Isarel was given a certificate of divorce and sent away to Assyria because of their transgressions and sins.  The Lord came but no one was there.  When he called no one answered.  Sin and iniquity will silence our ability to hear the Lord when He speaks.  There is a communication gap. 

     The Lord reminds Judah that His arm is not too short that he cannot save and that he does have the strength to rescue them.  All they must do is ask.  The Lord is only a prayer away.  Just with a word he can turn the sea or rivers in desert.  He clothes the heavens with darkness and make it look like sackcloth.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord.


Aug 20 – The Passion - Isaiah 50:4-6


     The Lord gives those who seek Him a well instructed tongue.  One that can sustain and keep the weary.  He wakens us early so we can seek Him and get instructed.  Remember His mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness.

     Isaiah states that the Sovereign Lord has opened the ears of the Messiah.  He has not been rebellious or have turned away.  The Messiah has offered his back to those who beat him.  This of course speaks of what Jesus would suffer at the hands of the Romans.  His cheeks would be bruised, and His beard would be pulled out.  He would be mocked and spit upon which did happen.  Isaiah gets a picture of the crucifixion 700 years before it happened. 


Aug 21 – No Accusation - Isaiah 50:7-9


     The Messianic picture continues stating the Lord is going to help Him.  He will not be disgraced.  He is going to set His face like flint.  The so-called shame will turn to victory.  The Lord vindicates and because of that no one can bring charges.  The Messiah will face His accusers face to face. 

     The accuser will be confronted.  When the sovereign Lord helps no one can condemn.  Remember there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  They will wear out like a garment and the moths will eat them.  All the plans and devices of men and evil will come to naught when the Lord is on our side.


Aug 22 – Invitation - Isaiah 50:9-11


     A question is asked.  Who fears the Lord and who obeys the word of the Lord.  An invitation then is given.  Let the one who walks in the dark and has no light trust in the Lord and rely on their God.  God is always issuing an invitation.  He then states that a person can light a torch, build a fire for warmth but it will not satisfy a basic need.  When we rely on our own devices, wisdom, and resources they will fail, and we end up in torment.  Answer the invitation and receive eternal and abundant life.  The alternative is dismal.


Aug 23 – Abraham and Sarah - Isaiah 51:1-3


     Isaiah speaks direct to those who wish to pursue and go after righteousness and desire to seek the Lord.  He tells them to go to rock from which they were cut and from the quarry they were hewn.  This of course is the Lord, and their desire is from Him.  Their examples are Abraham and Sarah.  They were the ones who gave birth to Israel.  Abraham started out as one but later he became the father of many nations and people.  That was because of the blessing of the Lord.

     The Lord is going o comfort the people of Zion.  He has seen their ruins.  He will make the desert like the garden of Eden.  This promise will bring about four things.  Gladness, thanksgiving, joy, and the sound of singing.  All forms of worship.  Worship is an attitude of the heart express when the Lord has fulfilled and kept His promises.


Aug 24 – Seize the Eternal - Isaiah 51:4-17


     The Lord gives an invitation for the nation to listen.  Instruction will come from Him.  His justice will become the light to the nation.  His righteousness is coming quickly.  The salvation of the Lord is on the way.  The mighty arm of the Lord will bring justice to the nations.  Those who live on islands will look to the Lord for hope. 

     Isaiah encourages his audience to look to creation.  The heavens will vanish like smoke and the earth will wear out like a garment.  Isaiah is the master of speech and illustration.  The inhabitants like have a short lifespan like flies.  Salvation however lasts forever.  Seize salvation that lasts and not the things of the earth which perish quickly. 


Aug 25 – Therefore the Redeemed - Isaiah 51:7-11


     The Lord then tells the people to hear what is right and take his instruction to heart.  He tells them to not fear mere mortal or listen to their insults.  They will be eaten up like a moth eats a garment or how the worm devours the wood.  The righteousness of the Lord will last forever, and His salvation is for all generations.

     Isaiah says that his readers should awake and see the arm of the Lord.  Remember days gone by and generations of old.  Was it not Israel that cut Rahab to pieces. Rahab, in these passages, takes the meaning of primeval, chaotic, multi-headed sea-dragon or Leviathan.

     The Lord is the one who dried up the Red Sea and made a way through it for the nation of Israel.  Therefore, the redeemed shall enter Zion with singing.  Everlasting joy will crown their heads.  Gladness and joy will overtake them.  Sorrow, sadness, and sighing will flee or run away.  This of course became a powerful song during the Jesus movement.


Aug 26 – The Almighty One - Isaiah 51:12-16


     The Lord reminds His people that they should never fear people.  They are mere mortal like the grass.  The problem is that they have forgotten the Lord who made all creation because all they see is their oppressors who are bent on destruction.  Easy to do. 

     The Lord will soon set the captive free and release those in prison.  They will not die from starvation.  The Lord is their God.  He stirs up the seas.  He is the Almighty.  He has put his words in their mouths, and they are covered by the shadow of His hand.  He has set the heavens in place and laid the foundations of the earth, and they are His people.  Such a great knowledge and reality. 


Aug 27 – God’s Wrath - Isaiah 51:17-22


     The wrath of the Lord is equated to people who have become drunk on wine and drank even the last contents of the cup.  It has gotten so bad that even the children that have been born to her have abandon her.  She is about to face, ruin. famine, sword, and destruction and no one will save or help her as a nation. 

     The wrath of the Lord is swift, strong and comes with a rebuke.  In this case the Lord who usually defends Israel will not.  They will drink the cup of His wrath and they will be no more.  They will be given over to their tormentors and they will be walked upon because of their rebellion, disobedience, and idolatry.  A sad state for a covenant people.  A lesson for all.


Aug 28 – Freedom - Isaiah 52:1-3

     The Lord encourages His people to wake up and clothe themselves with strength.  The city of Jerusalem is about to be clothed with splendor.  The gentiles and the undefiled will not enter it.  They are to shake off their chains of slavery and shake off the dust of oppression.  They have been captive.  They were once sold for nothing but now without any money they have been redeemed.  This is the beginning of a great story of redemption which will come by the hand of the Lord and His Messiah.


Aug 29 – It is I - Isaiah 52:4-6


     The people of Israel first were appressed and enslaved in Egypt.  Next, the Assyrians oppressed them.  The Lord asks the question of what He should do.  His people have become nothing and all day long the Lord name has been mocked and blasphemed. 

     The Lord is about to rise up.  He is about to let the whole world know that He is the Lord.  Most importantly His people the nation of Israel will know.  They will also know that He foretold it long ago.  This is not a secret.  It is the Lord and He alone is God.  God tells what He is going to do long before it happens so His people can watch, wait, and pray.


Aug 31 – How Beautiful - Isaiah 52:7-10


     This is both a song and prophecy.  How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.  They are proclaiming, peace, good tidings, and salvation.  They are saying to Zion and the world that our God, your God reign.  He is sovereign.  Paul would use this passage in Romans.

     The watchman lift up their voices.  They shout with joy that the Lord is going to return to Zion His dwelling place.  They will see it with their own eyes.  The ruins of Jerusalem are encouraged to burst into songs of joy.  The Lord has redeemed and comforted His people.  The Lord has borne His holy arm in the sight of all nations.  All peoples will see it.  All languages will speak of it.  All the ends of the earth will see and be witnesses to the salvation of the Lord.  What a day that is going to be.  It has happened to a certain point with Israel of today.


Sept 1 – The Blood Never Loses its Power - Isaiah 52:11-15


     Isaiah closes off this chapter with an exhortation to Israel and Levi.  Depart and go out.  Do not touch any unclean things.  Come out and be pure those who carry the articles of the Lord.  Something that was suspect in Isaiah’s day.  Often the office of the High Priest was more political or ceremonial than it was sacred or religious.  They will not go out in haste or in flight.  The Lord is going before them, and He will be their rear guard to protect them. 

     Isaiah then begins His account of the suffering servant.  Remember Isaiah did not put chapters or verses in his account or manuscript that would be added later by scholars to create a more tangible account. 

     The servant of the Lord will act wisely, raised up, lifted and exalted.  This is a 700 glimpse or snapshot of what will happen to Jesus.  The people of His day will be appalled at Him.  His appearance and visage will be disfigured beyond that of any human being.  His form beyond human likeness.  Jesus will be turned into human hamburger.  He will sprinkle many nations.  This is a prophecy about the blood Jesus that can cleanse individual and nations. 

      Kings will shut their mouths because of Him.  They were not told, but they will see.  In that time, they may not have heard but they will understand.  The gospel will be the catalyst for end times revival and salvation. 


Sept 2 – Suffering Servant - Isaiah 53:1-3


     This is probably the most powerful Old Testament prophecy.  Isaiah asks the question.  Who has believed our report and to whom has the Lord revealed?  Then the Lord reveals that the Messiah will grow up before the Lord as a tender root.   Like one out of the dry ground.  This person is nourished by the Lord in a time where things seem dry and lifeless spiritually.

     He will be ordinary.  Like anyone walking down the street.  Jesus will be ordinary in His vocation and personage.  No beauty, majesty, or something that people would desire.  He will become despised and rejected by mankind.  He will be a man of suffering. 

     When He is on His way to the cross people will hide their faces from his because of his battered appearance.  He will be despised and held in low esteem.  Jesus will be hated by the Jews, scribes, ruler and the Romans. 


Sept 3 – For Us -  Isaiah 53:4-6


     Isaiah continues with His description and account.  The Messiah or Jesus took our pain and bore our suffering.  We considered and looked at Him being punished, stricken, and afflicted by God.  He paid a debt He did not owe; I owe a debt I could not pay. 

     He was wounded and pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our habitual sins.  The punishment and chastisement that brought us peace.  It is by His wounds and stripes that we have been healed.  Jesus made us whole and healed by His broken body and shed blood.

     We are like sheep who have gone astray.  Each of us have gone our own way.  Yet the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of all.  When Jesus hung on the cross the sins of all mankind for all time was laid upon Him.  In that moment who knew the separation of man from God.  That is why He cried out, My God, my God why have you forsaken me. 


Sept 4 – The Perfect One - Isaiah 53:7-9


     The picture continues.  When oppressed and afflicted He did not open His mouth.  The rulers and Romans were shocked by this.  He was led like a sheep before the shearers or a lamb to the slaughter.  He did not open His mouth to defend Himself.  BY oppression and judgment, He was taken away.  No one of His generation protested.  Not His disciples, family, or friends.  He was cut off from the land of the living.  Jesus died and the results was the transgressions and sins of the people caused His punishment. 

     Jesus was then assigned or placed in the grave.  He was considered by the ruler, people and Romans as a wicked man or blasphemer.  He was like any other even the rich.  All end up in the same place a four by seven plot of ground.  Though He not a violent or deceitful person.  The perfect one died so we who are not could have the possibility of perfection.


Sept 5 – The Advocate - Isaiah 53:10-12


     Isaiah ends this account with the following insights.  It was the Lord’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer.  The Lord made His life an offering for sin.  This is the purpose for Jesus coming.  He will see His offspring and prolong His days.  Jesus would be the first of many.  The Lord will prosper His hands. 

     After He has suffered.  He will see the light of life.  Jesus was resurrected.  He will be satisfied by the results of salvation being offered to all.  By the knowledge of the Lord, the righteous servant has justified many and has bore their iniquities. 

     Isaiah then sees the work of the Messiah.  He will become among the great.  No man is now more respected and revered than Jesus Christ.  He will divide the spoils among the strong.  He poured His life out to death.  He was numbered among the transgressors.  Jesus was hung between two thieves.  He bore the sins of many in fact all people.  Now He, makes intercession and is an advocate for all.  Jesus is praying for us right now.    


Sept 6 – Enlarge - Isaiah 54:1-3


     An invitation is given here to burst into song for the barren woman that has never had a child.  There is a blessing in that because that person can dedicate their entire life to the Lord and never have any burdens of family.

     Isaiah then encourages his audience to lengthen their tent pegs and tent cords.  This is an invitation to see the Lord bring His blessings.  It is also a directive to risk something and see what the Lord can do.  It is also an exhortation to do this because this becomes a legacy for your descendants.  What we do now and the risk we take can affect our future generations.  Righteous risk will always bring righteous results.  Joshua was told a similar thing when he was about to take the land for the Lord. 


Sept 7 – Come Back - Isaiah 54:4-8


     This is such a wonderful passage.  It brings the following promises, blessings, and benefits.  You are not to be afraid because you will not be put to shame.  You do not have to fear disgrace because the sins and shame of your youth will not be brought up again.  The Lord is your husband, the almighty is your redeemer.  He is the God of all the earth, and He is your friend.

     The Lord is calling us back.  Like a wife who was deserted a young wife who married young.  You were abandoned but now the Lord is bringing us back.  Hosea did that for Gomer in the book of Hosea.  The Lord had in a moment of anger because of our sin, rebellion, and stiff-neckedness gave us over.  Now in compassion and everlasting kindness He has extended His hand of love and forgiveness. 


Sept 8 – Precious City - Isaiah 54:9-12


     The Lord promises Noah the Lord swore that He would never destroy the earth with water.  So the Lord makes an oath not to be angry or to rebuke them again.  Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed the love the Lord has for His people will not be shaken or His covenant peace will be removed.  The Lord has compassion on His people.  Great promise.

     Afflicted people and places will be rebuilt with foundations of precious stones.  The walls will be rubies, the gates of sparkling jewels and the walls of precious stones.  This is a direct reference to the New Jerusalem.  Some thousands of years the Lord let Isaiah see this sight.  John of course saw it in the Book of Revelation.


Sept 9 – No Weapon - Isaiah 54:13-17


     The prophecy is set in the future in the time of the thousand reigns of Christ.  All the children will ne taught by the Lord.  It will be a time of great peace.  Tyranny will be far away, and terror will be removed.  Those who will tack will be defeated and end up surrendering to t he people of God.  Using the illustration of the Blacksmith the Lord says that any weapon forged against us will not prosper or succeed.  The people of God will be able to refute any word or tongue spoken against us.  This is the vindication and heritage of the servants of the Lord.  The Lord has declared it and it can not be altered and changed. 


Sept 10 – The Invite - Isaiah 55:1-5


     The Lord then issues an invitation.  Those that are thirsty or hungry are invited to come to drink and eat.  Those that are thirsty will thirst no more.  Those who have no money will be able to enjoy food made by the Lord.  They are counsel to go after the eternal and not the natural. 

     They are called to hear and listen so they may live.  The Lord is going to make an everlasting covenant, a faithful promise that comes through David.  The Lord made David a witness to the people.  A ruler and commander over Israel.  The Lord will summon nations to his people and in fact individuals not even known by the God’s people will come running.  The splendor of the Lord will be the attraction for all this attention.  The Lord’s character, nature and essence will be the calling card for this.


Sept 11 – The Word - Isaiah 55:6-12


     This is such a powerful passage.  Incredible truths are presented here.  Seek the Lord while He may be found call on Him while He is near.  He is as close as the mention of His name.  Let the wicked forsake their way and the unrighteous their thought.  When they do this the Lord will have mercy on them and freely pardon them.

     Our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways His ways.  As the heavens are higher than the earth the ways of the Lord s higher than ours.  So are His thought higher than our thoughts.  As the snow and rain come down from the sky and make the earth bud and flourish.  So, the word of the Lord which comes out of His mouth will not return void.  It will accomplish what the Lord desires and achieve His purpose.  The word of God is trustworthy and true.  The Bible is authoritative and trustworthy.


Sept 12 – Renown - Isaiah 55:12-13


     The promise is given that those who go out will have joy and be led forth by peace.  Creation will join in the song.  The trees of the field will clap their hands.   The juniper tree will grow in stead of the thornbush and the myrtle tree will flourish instead of the briars. 

     This will be the Lord’s renown and calling card.  It will be an everlasting sign and billboard.  The promise is that it will endure forever.  The Lord is faithful when He makes a promise.  He will always accomplish what He says He will do because it is his character, nature, and essence.


Sept 13 – How to be Blessed - Isaiah 56:1-3


    Isaiah is a social reformer who had the ears of both noble and commoner.  He relates how the Lord wants people to maintain justice.  This is a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people” He states that they are do what is right.  James says that sin is knowing what to do and not doing it.  The reason for this exhortation is that that salvation is near, and righteousness is about to be revealed.  For the Christian this means living right in the face of eternity and the coming of the Lord.

     You are blessed when you do this and the person who does will be stable, constant, and consistent.  Keeping the Sabbath and keeping one’s hands from evil is important in the eyes of the prophet.  The gentiles and the eunuch in the Lord will never be excluded or without help.


Sept 14 – House of the Lord - Isaiah 56:4-7


     Those who keep the appointed says of worship, chose the Lord and keep His word.  The Lord will give them everlasting names.  Gentiles will love, bind themselves and minister to and for the Lord.  They will love the name of the Lord, be His servants and keep worship days, and hold fast to His covenant. 

     The Lord will bring them to His appoint place and will give them joy the house and practice of prayer.  The offerings and sacrifices that they make will be accepted by the Lord.  His house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.  Jesus brought up this statement when he cleansed the temple.  The house of the Lord should be respected and honored because it where God’s people gather to worship the Lord in a corporate setting. 


Sept 15 – Picture of the Wicked - Isaiah 56:8-12


     The Lord promises that He will gather the exiles of Israel.  He has still others that need to be gathered as well.  There is going to be a time where the exile will return and enjoy the bounty of the land again.  Some one hundred years before it happens Isaiah sees the exiles and like Jeremiah says the people will return.  In 1948, Israel returned to Palestine and became a nation again. 

     The Lord then turns his attention to the wicked.  He calls them beasts and dogs.  He states that they are blind, ignorant, and dreamers.  He accuses the watchman of blindness and ignorance.  The wicked are not satisfied.  They are like shepherds who lack understanding.  They follow their own way and seek their own gain.  They are selfish.  They have only eyes for today and not for tomorrow or eternity. 


Sept 16 – Rest in Peace - Isaiah 57:1-2


     Isaiah in this chapter brings the contrast between the righteous and the wicked.  He shows the difference between the godly and the idolater.  When the righteous perish no one takes it to heart. When the devout person is taken away no one understands.  That is because the wicked are selfish and self absorbed.  The ones who walk uprightly before the Lord enter in eternal peace.  They find rest as they lie in death.  They truly rest in peace, and this is where we get the phrase, “rest in peace.”  This is the reward of the righteous.  This was the promise given to the thief on the cross when Jesus said to him, “Today you shall be with me in paradise.”


Sept 17 – Address to the Wicked - Isaiah 57:3-6


     Isaiah changes his tone and addresses the wicked.  He calls them children of witchcraft.  Offspring of immoral people.  They are mockers, and sneer, stick out their tongues, brood of rebels and offspring of liars.  They are immoral when they worship oaks and trees.  They have sacrificed their children in ravines to pagan gods.  They have poured out drink offerings and grain offerings in full view of the Lord.  So, when he brings His judgment for their rebellion, disobedience, and paganism.  He will not relent.  Judgment is coming swift and sure.  The Lord is not mocked whatever a person sows they will reap.


Sept 18 – Endless Trap - Isaiah 57:7-10


     Isaiah then continues to talk to the wicked.  Many at those times had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof.  You made their bed on a high a lofty hill.  Even today high places are where offerings to demons are made.  They made their sacrifices there.  However, in private they had pagan symbols and forsook the Lord.  They committed adultery with these idols.  They gave offerings of olive oil and perfume to Molek. 

     They sent ambassadors to other lands to learn of their pagan ways.  They added to the pantheon of gods and idols they served.  They even went to the length of seeking mediums to contact the dead.  Isaiah of course knew the dead had no contact with the living.  They had become weary with the ways of their lives but refused to give up on those ways.  Instead of seeking the lord and His strength they were trying to make it on their own strength and failed.  Such is the folly of idol worship.  Instead of freedom idol worship is an endless trap.


Sept 19 - Isaiah 57:11-14


     The prophet continues his query.  The wicked walk-in dread and fear because they have not sought the Lord.  It is not that the Lord has been silent the problem is that they do not fear the Lord.  The Lord will expose their unrighteousness and works.  When they cry out, He will not hear them.  The Lord tells idol worshipper to let their idols save you.  Idol worshippers will be carried away and exiled.  Whoever those trusts in the Lord will find refuge, inheritance, and legacy.  They will once again be brought back and given their inheritance.  Wonderful blessings, benefits, and promises are given to the child of God.


Sept 20 – Those Near and Far - Isaiah 57:14-19


     To the contrite the Lord will level the ground and remove obstacles.  The Lord is high, lofty, who lives

forever and is holy will be with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit.  The will revive the heart and

spirit of the contrite.  He will not accuse or be angry with them.  They will not faint and will know they

are His people whom He created. 

     The Lord hates greed, selfish ambition, and covetousness. He punishes those who do it and hides his

Face from them.  The promises is that when a person repents He will heal, guide, and comfort them.  He

Will create praise on their lips, peace to those far and near and heal them. 


Sept 21 – The Wicked - Isaiah 57:20-21


     The Lord has a warning and reality check for the wicked.  The wicked are like a tossing sea.  They cannot rest.  They stir up in their live mire and mud.  Things are ugly and tormented.  There is no peace in their hearts, minds, and lives.  They cannot settle.  There is no satisfaction, and they go through life unfulfilled.  They spend their lives on the pursuit of things that pass away.  The have no direction or guidance for life.  They make it up as they go and end up in bondage, fear, and oppression.  They live their lives not producing, receiving or being of any value. 


Sept 22 – Fasting - Isaiah 58:1-5


     Isaiah in this chapter will be addressing a pillar of Jewish religious life called fasting.  He starts by making a proclamation that Israel has been rebellious and sinful.  They seem to have a desire to know his ways, to do what is right, ask for guidance and seem eager to know that He is near.  They even fast and ask the Lord if He has noticed.  They ask the prophet if God has noticed their piety. 

     The problem is on their days of fasting they do as they please and exploits their workers.  Their fasting ends with quarrelling and strife.  They strike each other and fight.  They fast and expect their voice will  be heard on high. 

     The Lord asks them a serious question.  Is this the kind of fast I have chosen?  Where people humble themselves one day.  They bow their heads, put on sackcloth and ashes.  You call that a fast.  They have all the appearance of godliness, but it has become a ritual, tradition, or exercise. 


Sept 23 – Noonday From Night - Isaiah 58:6-10


     The type of fasting they are displaying is not what the Lord wants.  Fasting is designed to loose chains of injustice.  It is designed to break the yoke of oppression.  Those who currently fast do not.  They do not share their food with the hungry.  They do not share shelter for the homeless.  They refuse to clothe the naked.  They even turn away their own family members.  This is the essence and nature of true fasting.  Those who fast must be involved in social action.  Isaiah the reformer again preaching to audience. 

     When social action follows fasting and alms then light shines in the darkness.  Healing once again appears, and righteousness goes before.  The glory of the Lord will be their rearguard.  When they call the Lord will answer.  When they cry for help and the Lord will come to their aid. 

     True fasting does away with the yoke of oppression.  When one does not engage in malicious talk and slander.  Satisfies the needs of the oppressed the Lord will make their light shine in the darkness and their night will become noonday.  Amazing promises to true fasting.


Sept 24 – Restorers - Isaiah 58:11-12


     The Lord promises to guide the righteous always.  He will satisfy our needs in the time of a sun scorched land.  He will strengthen our frame.  Our bones and sinew will be strong and able to with stand and problems.  Our lives will be like a well watered garden whose waters never fails.  This talks about abundance.  Jesus said, “Out of your innermost being rivers of water will flow.”  Jesus told the Samaritan woman that the water He gives one will never thirst again. 

     The legacy of the righteous is that their descendants will rebuild ancient ruins.  They will raise up age old foundations.  We shall be called the rebuilders of broken walls.  Like Nehemiah.  Called the restorer of streets with dwellings.  What a wonderful promise.

Sept 25 – The Proper Attitude - Isaiah 58:13-19


     The nation of Judah had forgotten the importance of the Sabbath, so Isaiah reminds them.  Don’t break the sabbath by what you do.  The Sabbath is a delight and the Lord’s Day is honorable.  It is not for us to do as we please.  It is honored by not doing as one pleases or speaking idle words.  It is a time of rest, reflection, and worship.  It is a time for worship, the word, and prayer.  It is a time for corporate fellowship and coming together to hear God’s word. 

      When you have the right attitude and lifestyle on the Lord’s Day then you will find your joy in the Lord which is His strength.  You will triumph on the heights.  You will feast and enjoy your inheritance.  The Lord ha spoken and to not fulfill this promise would go against his character, nature, and essence.


Sept 26 – Sin’s Consequences - Isaiah 59:1-3


     Isaiah reveals something about the Lord and His view of the present generation.  Isaiah of course lived through the reign of five kings.  He saw the reign of 3 godly kings and two ungodly kings.  He was finally killed by Manasseh the son of Hezekiah.  He says surely the Lord hand is not so short that he cannot save or his ears so dull or deaf that He cannot hear. 

     The problem is that the iniquities of the people have separated them from God.  Sin is doing wrong and evil.  It is an active force in mankind.  It is part of our DNA.  It causes us to hide our face from Him.  It causes Him not to hear when we call to Him.  The hands of the sin are stained with blood and fingers are covered in guilt.  This is the action of sin.  The attitude of sin is expressed in how we talk.  Lies and wickedness are spoken. 


Sept 27 – No One Does Good -

     Isaiah continues with his diatribe.  No one pleads for justice or acts with integrity.  They conceive trouble, speak lies give empty arguments and give birth to evil.  They are like evil spiders and poisonous snakes.  They clothed themselves with cobwebs of deceit.  Their deeds and acts are evil and violent.  They rush into sin and are swift to shed innocent blood.  They go after evil schemes and violence mark their ways. 

     The way of peace and righteousness they do not know.  There is no justice in their path or the way they deal with others.  They follow crooked roads and paths.  Anyone who walks with them soon become like them.  Paul would use this passage to describe his generation in the book of Romans.


Sept 28 – Intercession - Isaiah 59:8-14


     Isaiah continues talking about his generation.  Most believe this was written during the time of Manasseh.  They look for light and find darkness.  Justice and righteousness do not reach them.  Isaiah from time to time puts himself in the monologue as an intercessor.  They are like people walking in darkness groping at a wall.  At midday they stumble and fall because of the darkness of their souls.  They moan like bears and doves.  They look for justice but find none.  Deliverance is far away.

     The intercession begins.  Our offenses are many in your sight.  Our sins testify against us.  We acknowledge our iniquities.  Rebellion, treachery and turning our backs on God.  This has brought revolt and oppression.  Lies in the hearts brought this about.  Justice is driven away.  Righteousness stays at a distance.  Truth stumbles in the street and honesty cannot enter.  Isaiah like Daniel is confessing the sins of the people.


Sept 29 – Armor of God - Isaiah 59:15-17


     Isaiah is about to change direction in his monologue.  Truth is no where to be found and whoever suns evil becomes a prey for sin and those who promote it.  The Lord looked and saw that there was no justice.  He saw that no one was ready, wanting, or able to intervene.  So, the Lord Himself will.  He will achieve salvation.  Hos own righteousness will sustain and cause Him to act. 

     The Lord put on righteousness as His breastplate.  He put on the helmet of salvation.  He clothed Himself with the garments of vengeance.  He wrapped around himself in zeal as a cloak.  Paul would use this in Ephesians as the armor of God, Isaiah was use familiar language and illustrations to His audience to catch their attention.


Sept 30 – His Words - Isaiah 59:18-21


     Isaiah then states that the Lord will pay them back for what they have done.  It will be wrath for His enemies and retribution for His foes.  From all direction people will fear the name of the Lord.  From the rising of the sun to its setting they will revere His glory.  They will be aware of His character, essence, and nature.  He will come like a flood and His breath which gives life will drive His vengeance along.   

     The Redeemer will come to Zion to the people of God.  To those who repent of their sins they will find healing, restoration, and victory.  The following promises will come to those who repent.  The Lord makes an agreement and covenant with them.  The Spirit of God who is upon them will not depart from them.  Today of course He lives inside the believer.  His words will be upon and spoken through our lips.  It will also be upon the lips of the following generations.  From this time and forever more.  The Lord declares it and so it shall come and stay.


Oct 1– Come to the Light - Isaiah 60:1-3


     The invitation is given to rise and shine.  Let the light of the Lord shine in and through you.  The glory of the Lord, His presence, power, essence, character and nature is rising up and shining.  There is a darkness and evil that is covering people and the earth.  Satan is that darkness and his rule is one of accusation, temptation, and deception.  The Lord rises upon you and His glory and visible presence will shine upon you.  You do not have to walk in darkness but come to the light.  The outgrowth of the Lord’s light shining in and through you is that nations will come, and kings and rulers will be drawn to it.  This is also a direct comment on the Messiah and Jesus Christ who said He was the light of the world and anyone who comes to Him will not walk in darkness but the light of life.


Oct 2 – Glorious - Isaiah 60:4-7


     The audience is to look around and see who are with them.  The promise is that their son and daughter who are both far and near are going to be involved in this promise.  They will look radiant.  They will be filled with joy.  The wealth of the seas and nations will come to them.  This is of course a promise of prosperity through the Messiah.  All the riches and glories of heaven are ours in Christ Jesus.  That is why He can supply every need according to His riches in glory.

     Judah and the people of God will have an abundance of animals, gold, and incense.  All this to proclaim and praise the Lord.  In that day they will see the offerings of the Lord in the glorious temple and worship will be pure and holy.


Oct 3 – New Jerusalem - Isaiah 8-12


     This passage has a reference to both the natural and supernatural realm.  The prophet talks about those that fly in the air.  He is talking both about the birds but also the angelic realm.  The promise here is that there will be many means and method to return children back to worshipping the Lord.  They will honor and worship Him.  They will be endowed with splendor as the Lord is.

     Jerusalem will once again have favor and compassion.  Foreigners will rebuild its walls and kings will serve you.  This is also a prophecy about the Messiah.  The gates will never shut.  The wealth of the nations and the rulers will come to this place.  Any nation or ruler that does not serve the sovereign and His capital will perish.  This is prophecy and picture about New Jerusalem and the reign of the Messiah.


Oct 4 – Glorious Future - Isaiah 60:13-17


     Isaiah is painting s wonderful picture about the glorious future, The glory of Lebanon and its many trees will adorn the sanctuary and glorify and beautify it.  In the city of the Lord, the Holy One of Israel children of the oppressor and all who despise the Lord and His people will bow down and honor the Lord. 

     At one time the Jewish nation was despised, forsaken, and hated in that day they will become the jewel of the Lord and the joy of all generations.  They will drink from the nations and be nursed from royal breasts.  In that day they will know that the Lord is the redeemer, mighty one and the God of Jacob. 

Instead of bronze, wood, iron, or silver, the Lord is going to give gold, bronze, precious stones, and silver.

He will make peace their governor and well being their ruler.  It is going to be a glorious time.


Oct 5 – In This Time - Isaiah 60:18-22


     Listen to the promises given during that time.  No violence in the land.  No ruin or destruction within the borders.  The walls will be called salvation and the gates called praise.  The sun and moon will not be the light day or night.  The Lord Himself will be the everlasting light.  The days of sorrow will end.  The people will be righteous, and they will possess the land.  They will be planted by the Lord and be the work of His hands.  They will display His splendor through their lives.  The least of the people will become like a thousand and the smallest will become a mighty nation.  That is what Israel is now.  In this time the Lord will do what He says swiftly.  The Lord is mighty and always backs up His word with action.


Oct 6 - Oil of Joy - Isaiah 61:1-3


     This is a direct ministry snapshot of the what the Messiah will do when He ministers on the earth.  Jesus read this passage in Nazareth and told His audience that this scripture is now fulfilled.  The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon Him.  Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit at His baptism.  He is to proclaim the good news to the poor.  To bind up the broken hearted and to set the captive free.  To proclaim the day of the Lord favor and judgment.  He is going to release the prisoner. 

     For those who mourn and are in sorrow.  He will give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness or despair.  They shall become trees of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified and exalted.  A life filled with prosperity and abundance.


Oct 7 – Double Portion - Isaiah 61:4-7


     Isaiah continues his thoughts on the Messiah and His ministry.  The ancient ruin will be rebuilt, places long destroyed will be restored, ancient cities will be renewed, and places devasted for generations shall rise again.

     The people will be called ministers and priests for the Lord and God.  They will feed on the wealth of the nations and the riches they boast of.  Instead of shame a double portion will be granted.  Instead of disgrace a wonderful inheritance.  A double portion in the land and everlasting joy in the heart.  Beautiful promises, promises and benefits.

Oct 8 – Favor - Isaiah 61:8-9


     Isaiah gives the Lord’s view and mindset on things.  The Lord loves justice, and He hates robbery and wrongdoing.  These are manifestations of a rebellious heart.  He will be faithful in rewarding His people and making an everlasting covenant with them.  Teir descendants will be known among the nations.  Their offspring will be great among the people.  All who see them will acknowledge that they are the people that the Lord has blessed.  The blessing of the Lord brings favor, honor and notice for good.


Oct 9 – Displaying His Glory - Isaiah 61:10-11


     Isaiah closes this chapter talking about his own experience in the Lord.  He greatly delights in the Lord.  His soul rejoices in God.  He has been clothed with the garments of salvation and all its benefits.  He has been arrayed wit the robe of His righteousness.  Our garments of sin are gone. 

     The Lord adorns His people head with a mitre.  We have been adorned like a bride in jewels.  The Lord make His people a fruitful plant in good soil.  The nutrients He gives makes seed of righteousness and holiness to grow.  The sovereign Lord makes His people righteous and objects of praise through the nations.  What a beautiful picture and reality for the people of God.


Oct 10 – Beulah - Isaiah 62:1-4


     Isaiah decides to speak on behalf of the Jewish people and for Jerusalem.  For her sake he will not be quiet and must let his views to be known.  On behalf of the Lord the community will shine like the dawn and the salvation is shows shall blaze like a burning torch.  Don’t you just love the use of imagery and language here. 

     The nations will see her vindication and kings will see her glory.  The mouth of the Lord will declare a new name for her.  They will be crown with a crown of splendor from the and of the Lord.  A royal diadem in the hand of the Lord.  The people of God show forth His praise and glory.  No longer will they be desolate or called a waste place.  You will be called Hephzibah, or my delight is in her.  Also be called Beulah which means married to the Lord.  The Lord will delight in you and the land will be married to the land.  


Oct 11 – Watchman - Isaiah 62:5-7


     The Lord promises to rebuild and will rejoice over them as a builder or bridegroom marries.  The Lord will set watchman on the walls.  They will not be silent.  They will call on the Lord as will the inhabitants.  They will not give the Lord any rest.  This is the ministry of prophetic intercession.  They will not give the Lord any rest until He has established His promises, blessings, and benefits.  The city and the people of God are designed to bring praise on behalf of the Lord through out the earth.

     This is a direct exhortation for the people of God to be intercessors and advocate in the ministry of prayer.  We are the one who stand in the gap between the living and the dead like Aaron.  If we don’t pray nothing will change.  Remember you have not because you ask not.  So ask.


Oct 12 – The Banner - Isaiah 62:8-10


     The Lord has sworn by His right hand which is a recurring theme through the book.  In battle when a ruler or sovereign raise their right hand it spoke of authority and power.  So by the authority and power of the Lord never again will their food or grain be given to the enemy.  The resources that belong to the people of the land will be enjoyed by the people of the land.  No more oppression and thievery. 

     The people are encouraged to pass through the gates and prepare the way for all the people.  This is also a direct reference for what will happen in Jesus’ day through John the Baptist.  Build a highway and remove the stones standing in the way.  Raise the banner.  Including results for what is a banner used in the bible.  A banner in the Bible is a symbol of identity, purpose, and unity.  It represents the dependence on God and the victory He gives.  A banner is a sign that gives a group a rallying point and arouses their emotions and devotion.  Moses recognized God as his banner, or flag, and proclaimed that He is their source of strength and power in the Lord. 


Oct 13 – Well Known - Isaiah 62:11-12


     The Lord has made a proclamation to the ends of the earth.  He is making His will be known.  All people will know that the savior of Israel has come.  He has called her His daughter.  His reward is in Himself.  There is no greater giver or rewarder than the Lord.  His recompense comes with Him.  He alone gives fairly and with justice. 

      His people will be known as the Holy People.  They will be called the redeemed of the Lord.  They will be sought after and chased in a good way.  They are the city that is no longer deserted.  This is a promise that Jerusalem will always exists which it does even to this day.


Oct 14 – Wrath on Edom - Isaiah 63:1-6


     Once again Isaiah looks to other nations and gives them the Word of the Lord.  The Lord is speaking to Edom and its capital Bozrah.  Edom was a proud and fearless nation.  It relied on its location and place in history.  The Lord uses the example of the winepress and how as an instrument it is used to press the grapes into juice.  He uses it as an example of how His wrath is going to press out the nations.  The Lord is going to have a day of vengeance. 

     Edom was there when Judah fell, and they were active participants in the killing of the people.  So he says in the same way when no one was to help Judah that will happen to them.  He will trample the nations in His anger.  In the same measure they attacked Judah it will happen to them.  You reap what you sow.


Oct 15 – Don’t Grieve the Holy Spirit - Isaiah 62:7-10


     Isaiah then begins a time of prayer and praise.  He will tell of the goodness of the Lord and the things for which He is to praise for.  Especially for the things has done for Israel.  The Lord is compassionate and kind.  He will bring back his people and help them to be true and recognize that He is their savior.  In their distress He was distress and that His angel of His presence saved them.  Isaiah is reflecting on the time the nation was in the wilderness and had the personal guidance of the angel of the Lord. 

     The Lord in His mercy and love He redeemed His people.  He lifted them up and carried just like the days of old.  They however rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit.  So, He turned and became their enemy and He Himself fought against them.  There is many warning about quenching or grieving the Holy Spirit.  This is one thing that a believer must be careful of. 


Oct 16 – Red Sea Crossing - Isaiah 63:11-14


     Isaiah is recounting for his readers that they have quite the history.  Remember how in the days of Moses that the Lord brought them through the Red Sea.  He was like a shepherd watching over His flock.  He sent His Holy Spirit among them.  They had divine help and guidance.  Through the parting of the Red Sea by Moses the Lord had gained everlasting renown.  He led them through the sea like a horse in open country.  They did not stumble and like cattle going down to the plain.  Things went smoothly. 

     The people were giving rest by the Spirit of the Lord.  They were guided by the Lord and because of that He gained a glorious name.  People remember Moses, the Red Sea and Israel but history does not remember which Pharaoh or commanders of the Egyptian armies.


Oct 17 - Isaiah 63:15-16


     Isaiah continues with this power piece of literature.  He describes the Lord as one who dwells in heaven.  His throne is lofty, holy, and glorious.  The Lord is awesome.  He wonders why the Lord has held back his zeal, might, tenderness and compassion.  The Lord is their Father even though the descendants of Abraham and Israel know or acknowledge currently.  The Lord is still the father, and redeemer even if people do not know or acknowledge it.  The Lord is who He is.  He is the great I am.  He is the Alpha and Omega and the Beginning and the end.  The Fatherhood of God is a recurring theme throughout the Bible.  


Oct 18 – Days of Old - Isaiah 63:17-19


     This work of literature continues with the story of Israel and the kindness of the Lord.  Isaiah states in a form of question and prayer.  Why is the Lord making us wander away from your ways?  Why is our hearts harden and we do not revere or fear you?  He then prays that for the sake of His people and servants help them to return.  Israel is His inheritance.

     Isaiah sees that they have the privilege of possessing the land and building a temple.  It had become the holy place of the Lord.  Now the enemies have trampled the sanctuary.  Isaiah’s heart is broken as He prays.  He reminds the Lord that as a nation they are His from ancient times.  Unfortunately, because of the people’s rebellion the Lord has not ruled over them and they have not been called by His name.  Let us never get to that place.


Oct 19 – Filthy Rags - Isaiah 64:1-6


     When looking at the book of Isaiah one has to remember that the book was not divided up into chapters and verses, so we have a history and commentary on the Lord’s dealings with Israel here.  Isaiah describes the majesty of the Lord.  He prays that the Lord would come down and rend the heavens.  That as He comes the mountain would quake and tremble.  His presence is like a fire made of sticks that causing the water to boil.  He asks the Lord to come down and make His name known among His enemies and the nations. 

     He does awesome things that people do not expect.  Since long ago no ear has heard or perceived.  Bo eye has seen the Lord besides you.  The Lord is exclusive working on the behalf of those who wait for Him.  He comes to help those who do right and remember His ways.  The problem is that we continue to sin against Him.  When one angers God who can be saved. 

     Isaiah makes a clear, concise, and precise statement.  All mankind has and are unclean.  Our righteousness is as filthy rags.  We are like the leaf that shrivels up and blows away.  It is clear salvation cannot be attained by man made efforts.


Oct 20 – Remember Your People - Isaiah 64:7-9


     The problem that the prophet sees is that no one at the time is calling on the name of the Lord.  The reign of Manasseh were dark times.  No one is striving to get a hold of God.  The results it feels like the Lord has hidden His face from them.  He states a sad thought.  The Lord has given them over to their sins.  Paul made the same statement in Romans when he said God gave them over to reprobate minds.

     Isaiah reminds the Lord that Judah is the clay and He is the potter, and they are the work of His hands.  He asks the Lord not to be angry beyond measure and not to remember their sins forever.  As he prays he asks the Lord to remember that they are His people. 


Oct 21 – Heed - Isaiah 64:10-11


     The prophets sees that the sacred cities have been turned into a wasteland.  Both the area of Zion and Jerusalem itself.  The temple where generations of Israel worshipped the Lord has been burned with fire.  All they treasured now lies in ruins.  Yu can hear the heart of the prophet breaking.  He then requests that the Lord no longer hold Himself back.  He asks the question, “Lord will you keep silent and punish us beyond measure?  Isaiah sees the future.  His knows what is coming that is why He wrote it down and hundred years before it happens.  There is still time and he hope that Judah will heed it.


Oct 22 – Smole in the Nostrils - Isaiah 65:1-5


     Isaiah continues his message and diatribe.  The Lord revealed Himself to a people who did know Him. He was found by people who did not seek Him.  That is how we are come.  While we were yet sinner Christ died for us.   He spoke to a nation that did not call on His name and said, “Here I am.”

     The Lord is reaching out to an obstinate people who walk in their own ways and imaginations. They are a people that offer sacrifices in gardens and on altars of brick.  They sit among graves doing night vigils for idols and they eat unclean animals.  They believe that they are sacred and pure when they are smoke in the Lord’s nostrils.


Oct 23 – The Lord Rises - Isaiah 65:6-10


     This message is both a message of judgment and salvation.  The Lord has seen what is written and He promised to not hold back.  From times to present times the people have burned sacrifices and offerings to pagan gods, idols, and deities.  The Lord has found the payment for sin now come to the full. 

     Yet because the Lord is merciful and there is a covenant of blessing through Abraham and the other servants of the Lord, He will not fully destroy them.  He will have His remnant.  He will have individuals that will once again possess the land.  They will live and turn the plain of Sharon a pasture for flocks.  The Valley Achor will be a resting place for herds and the people will seek the Lord. 


Oct 24 – Consequences - Isaiah 65:11-12


     For those who forsake the Lord and forget about His holy mountain.  Those who gamble and rely on chance or fate.  They say that destiny leads them.  Their destiny is the sword.   They will come not the fate of slaughter.  He Lord called out to them, but they did not answer.  He spoke but they did not listen.  They were on the wrong wavelength.  They did evil in His sight and chose by an act of their will to displease the Lord.  Whenever we chose our own way, it brings natural and eternal consequences.


Oct 25 – Past Forgotten - Isaiah 65:13-16


     The prophet puts a contrast between the believer and unbeliever.  The believe will eat, drink, and rejoice.  The pagan will be hungry, thirsty, and put to shame.  Servants of the Lord will have joy in their hearts, and it will be expressed through song.  The evil ones will have anguish, sorrow, wail and have brokenness of spirit.

     Evil ones will become a curse and byword.  The Sovereign Lord will put them to death.  His servants will have a new name.  In that day the blessing of the Lord will be upon the land.  It will belong to the one true God.  They will swear by the name of the Lord.  Past troubles will be hidden and forgotten.


Oct 26 – New Heaven - Isaiah 65:17-20


     Isaiah then describes something that will happen in the soon future.  Not his but ours.  He saw what John saw.  The Lord is going to create a new heaven.  The former world in which we live will end.  Be glad and rejoice for the New Jerusalem which 1500 miles by 1500 miles by 1500 miles a cube we be w place of delight and joy.  No weeping or sorrow will be there.  Age will be irrelevant.  People will live long lives.  Like the days before the flood.  Long life, joy, delight, peace, and love.  Eden recreated.


Oct 27 – Lion and the Lamb - Isaiah 65:21-25


     Isaiah continues with his look at the New Heaven and New Eart.  They will plant house and vineyards and they will live long in them and enjoy the fruit of their labor.  The people of that age will live as long as the trees.  The Two oldest trees are Methuselah: A Great Basin bristlecone pine located in California’s White Mountains. It is at least 4,600 years old.  Mystery Tree: A Great Basin bristlecone pine located in California’s White Mountains. It is at least 4,844 years old.  People will live longer than that.

     The offspring of the people of this time will not face misfortune.  They will be blessed by the Lord.  When they pray the Lord will answer even while they are speaking the answer is on the way.  The lion and lamb will feed together.  The lion will become a vegetarian.  The serpent will not bite.  There will be no harm or destruction on His holy hill or landscape.  All because the Lord days so.


Oct 28 – Finishing Up - Isaiah 66:1-4


     Isaiah is now closing off his manuscript.  Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool.  No temple can contain the Lord.  The made all things and by His word everything came into being.  The one the Lord look at with favor are contrite, humble in spirit and tremble at His word.  Whoever sacrifice a bull or offers a lamb is like someone who slays a person or destroys an animal.  Religious service in any form is like one who worships an idol. 

     Men have chosen their own way and so have ended being an abomination.  The Lord will give them harsh treatment and something they dread.  When He called or spoke no one listened or answered.  They chose evil and did what was displeasing to the Lord.  Sad commentary on man.


Oct 29 – Noise in the City - Isaiah 66:5-6


    The Lord calls people to hear what He is saying.  This is for those who tremble at His word.  Understand that your own family and neighbors will hate you because of the Lord.  Remember though the Lord will be glorified, and, in our example, they will see the joy of the Lord.  They will be put to shame.  The sound in the temple and in the city is the sound of the Lord repaying His enemies all that they deserve.  Isaiah saw the exile and the judgment brought by the Babylonians.


Oct 30 – Miracles - Isaiah 66:7-11


     Isaiah then uses the power of imagery to get his point across.  A woman goes into labor before birth pains come and she delivers a son.  Has anyone heard of such things.  Can a country be born in a day or a nation in a moment?  The Lord will do that.  He can open and close wombs. 

     It is time for Jerusalem to rejoice, be glad, rejoice becaus3 she is greatly loved by the Lord.  Instead of mourning she will be nursed, drink deeply, have delight and overflowing abundance.  All provided by the Lord.


Oct 31 – Savior and Judge - Isaiah 66:12-16


     The Lord is now extending peace like a river and the wealth of the nations like flooding streams.  As a mother nurses and cares for her children so the Lord will care for His children.  When one sees what the Lord does, they will in their heart rejoice and flourish like grass in the field. 

      The Lord is coming with fury, fire, and his chariots will come like a whirlwind to destroy His enemies.

He will rebuke with fire and fury.  The Lord will execute judgment on all people, and many will be slain by the Lord.  The Lord is both Savior and judge depending on what you do with Jesus.


Nov 1 – The Day of Return - Isaiah 66:1-18


     People will follow whoever they have chosen to follow.  The righteous will consecrate and purify themselves while the unrighteous will do the opposite.  They will meet their end together with the one they follow.  In simple terms if you follow the Lord, you will go where He is.  If you follow the devil you will end up where He is going.

     The Lord because of what is going on and has been panned by manis going to come.  This is a direct prophecy about the Lord Jesus coming.  He will gather people of all nations, language, and they will see His glory.  What an exciting day that will be.  Like the old song says.


Nov 2 – Come - Isaiah 66:19-21


     There is going to be a worldwide revival and evangelism period.  All who have not heard of the Lord from every corner of the earth will hear.  They will hear of the fame and glory of the Lord.  Once the message is given people from all over the world will come to Jerusalem and the Holy Hill of the Lord. 

They will offer animals, treasure, grain offerings.  This will be offered in ceremonial clean vessels.  The Lord will then select from those who come the honor of being His priests and Levites.  There will be a restoration of all things.  Isaiah is painting a picture of the future in the language, visage, and concepts of His audience.  Powerful imagery.   The Lord does not need this, but it is a reference point for the Jews and mankind.


Nov 3 – Choose Wisely - Isaiah 66:22-24


     As Isaiah closes, he paints one last word picture in the minds of his audience and readers.  As the new heavens and earth that the Lord has made will endure forever.  So will your name and your descendants will as well.  One of promises found to the seven churches is that those who overcome will be given a new name.  From one new moon to another.  From one sabbath to another all mankind will come and bow down before the Lord.  He is the universal God. 

     A last graphic picture is painted for the wicked.  Their bodies will perish, be eaten by worms but they will not die.  This is a picture of punishment called hell.  There will be a fire that burns them that will not be quenched.  They will be hated, despised, and loathsome to all mankind.  The Lord gives them a choice and like the knight from the last crusade in the Indiana Jones trilogy said, “Choose wisely.”


Nov 4 – Jesus our Healer – Isaiah 53:5


     Are you feeling lost, broken, or in need of healing?  Do you believe that there is a greater power that can provide comfort and solace during trying times?  Look no further than the book of Isaiah, a rich source of healing scriptures that offer hope, reassurance, and guidance. From prophesying the birth of Jesus to inspiring spiritual renewal, the words of Isaiah are a balm for the soul, a beacon of light in the darkness.

Join me on a journey through the pages of this timeless book called the Bible and discover the transformative power of healing scriptures in Isaiah.  Over the next fifteen days we will look at 15 healing scriptures and their effect and power in our lives.  I am the Lord that health thee.  Claim it for your family and friends.


Nov 5 – Afflicted for our Healing – Isaiah 53:4


     “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.” – Isaiah 53:4.  This verse speaks of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, taking on our pain and suffering.  It reminds us that our suffering is not in vain and that through faith in Him, we can find healing.  The woman with the issue of blood had been afflicted with this for 12 years.  No doctor could heal her, but she heard about Jesus, and she went to see Him but could not be close because of the crowd.  This is didn’t dissuade her.  She believed that all she had to do was touch the hem of his garment and she could be healed.  She was and so can you.


Nov 6 – Strength to the Weary – Isaiah 40:29


     “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” – Isaiah 40:29.  When we feel weak and exhausted, God provides us with the strength we need to carry on. This verse reminds us that His power is always available to us.  Paul said that he could all things through Christ who strengthens him.  When you are weak Jesus is strong as the children’s song states.  You are never without divine help and strength and the beautiful thing is that it is that His strength is only a prayer away.  Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might today,


Nov 6 – Well Wagered - Isaiah 58:11


     “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” – Isaiah 58:11

This verse offers hope and assurance that God will guide us through difficult times, providing for our needs and refreshing us with His constant presence.  Isaiah loved using metaphors about the Lord changing landscape.  He loved painting pictures of how the Lord would bring water in the desert and streams in the wilderness.  If you are feeling dry and thirsty be like the Samaritan woman and drink from the wells of salvation and praise the Lord.


Nov 7 – The Lord’s Right Hand - Isaiah 41:13


     “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” – Isaiah 41:13.  When we feel overwhelmed and fearful, God promises to take hold of our hand and lead us through the darkness. His help is always near.  There is an old song that says that the Lord is as close as the mention of His name.  Isaiah often used the phrase the Lord’s right hand.  In Hebrew thought the right hand was the hand of strength, might and power.  Today the Lord will heal you with His right hand of power, might and strength.  You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.



Nov 8 – The Sovereign Lord - Isaiah 61:1


     “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” – Isaiah 61:1This verse speaks of the Messiah who would come to bring good news to the poor, healing to the broken-hearted, and freedom to those who are captive. It reminds us that God’s power is at work in the world today.   Jesus spoke these words in Nazareth one Sabbath.  He told His audience that this scripture was now fulfilled.  Today in your life allow this scripture to be fulfilled.  Allow the Lord to heal every aspect of your life.  Don’t live in fear or bondage.  The Lord is here today to heal you just like he offered the people of that community the same thing.  They refused but you do not have too.


Nov 9 – Hope in the Lord - Isaiah 40:31


     “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31.  When we put our hope and trust in God, He renews our strength and empowers us to overcome even the most challenging circumstances. This verse inspires us to have faith in His power.   Remember all things work together for good.  It doesn’t mean all things are good.  In times of trouble, problems, and tribulations.  The Lord is right there.  He will carry you when you cannot carry yourself.  Peter tells us to cast our cares on the Lord for He cares for us.  Let us do that today and be healed. 


Nov 10 – Palms of My Hands - Isaiah 49:16


     “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” – Isaiah 49:16

This verse speaks of God’s deep love and concern for us. It reminds us that we are always on His mind and that He cares for us deeply.  This is such a powerful verse because in the minds of the audience as Isaiah is painting this picture, they look at the palms of their hands and realize that God is remembering them and is going to remember them.  You are always on God’s mind.  You have the creator of the universe looking out for you today.  This is so reassuring. Today remember you have divine assistance and help available.  


Nov 11 – I Will be There - Isaiah 43:2


     “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” – Isaiah 43:2.  This verse offers comfort and assurance that God is with us even in the midst of trials and hardships. It reminds us that His protection is always available to us.  The shield of faith is often associated with the divine protection of the Lord.  David found this protection through his flight from Saul in the wilderness.  No matter where you find yourself today remember the Lord is with you.  He will never leave or forsake you.  He is your healer and protector.  He is your front and rear guard today.  As we celebrate this Remembrance Day.  Remember someone gave their lives so you could be free.  Make sur you use that freedom well.


Nov 12 – Heal Their Waywardness - Isaiah 14:4


     “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them.” – Isaiah 14:4


This verse speaks of God’s unconditional love for us, and His willingness to heal us even when we have strayed from His path. It reminds us that He is always ready to forgive and restore us.   Paul in 1 Cor 13, talked about the love of God.  He reminded his audience that it is the love of God that is the foundation for faith and hope.  Faith is trusting God’s love and hope is believing that through this love you have a future which you do.  If you have family or friends not serving the Lord for various reasons let this verse and others bring you hope and courage to continue praying for them.  Their story is not over yet.


Nov 13 – My Strength - Isaiah 12:2


     “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” – Isaiah 12:2.  This verse speaks of the power of God’s salvation to transform our lives. It reminds us that He is our ultimate source of strength and hope.  Those who trust the Lord will always have strength and hope.  There was a young man who was helping build a Bible College with Elisha when he lost his axe head in the water.  Such a little thing but he told Elisha, and the man of God made the axe head float.  This little story shows us that even the smallest details of our lives can be met by the Lord.  Today let your voice testify of the goodness of the Lord in all situations and give Him the smallest details of your life.


Nov 14 – Wounded - Isaiah 53:5


     “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5.  This verse speaks of the power of God’s grace to bring us peace and healing. It reminds us that even in our brokenness, He offers us forgiveness and restoration.  Jesus was reduced to human hamburger so we could be healed.  It is an afront to Him and what He went through to not claim the healing that is available.  Jesus went about doing good and healing all who came to Him, Mark reminds us.  Please let the Lord heal you and those you love today. 


Nov 15 – Mighty Warrior - Isaiah 62:6


    “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing.” – Isaiah 62:6.  This verse speaks of God’s joy in His children, and His desire to bring us into a place of wholeness and healing. It reminds us that He is always near, ready to offer us His love and care.  When the nation of Israel was fighting the Amalekites in the desert.  The Lord use Joshua with the Israelite army to fight them.  Moses was on a cliff above the battle with his hands raised high.  Whenever he hands grew tired and fell Israel starting losing so Aaron and Hur saw what was happening so they had Moses sit on a rock and then each of them held his hands up until the battle was done and the enemies were defeated.   God will be with us holding up our arms and hands until the enemy is defeated.


Nov 16 – No Weapon - Isaiah 54:17


     “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.” – Isaiah 54:17.  This verse reminds us of the power of God’s protection over us, and His promise to defend us against any attack. It is a powerful reminder of the strength we have in Him.  The agenda of the enemy which is to rob, kill and destroy will fail.  Accusation, temptation, and deception will not succeed at all.  Pride, pleasure, and possession will fall flat and be like gravel in our mouths.  Our need for self esteem, significance and security will be met in the Lord.  Remember we have the armor of God and the hedge of protection around us today. 


Nov 16 – Power to the Weak - Isaiah 40:29

He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” – Isaiah 40:29.  This verse speaks of the incredible power of God’s grace to transform us, even in our weakness. It reminds us that He is always ready to empower us and lift us up, no matter what we may be facing.  Remember the anachronism of Grace.  God’s riches at Christ Expense.  We have the grace and mercy of God with us always.  Any mountain shall become a plain when you apply the grace of God to it.  Grace is not just unmerited favor but the complete power of God to keep us when the will of God leads us.  Whever you find yourself today remember God has already been there and has set His grace to keep and help you.


Nov 17 – Warfare Prayer


     Today I want to give you a special prayer to help put together what we have been talking about these last two weeks.  Heavenly Father, I come before You today, humbly and with a heart full of faith, believing that You are the God of healing and restoration.  I know that You are all-powerful and capable of bringing complete healing to my body, mind, and spirit.  I declare that I am a child of God, and that the enemy has no power over my life.  I rebuke all sickness, disease, and pain in the name of Jesus, and I command them to leave my body now.  I pray that You would send Your angels to fight on my behalf, to protect me from harm and to bring me the healing that I so desperately need.  I claim all your promises for healing and your victories in my life in Jesus’ name Amen.


Nov 18 – Healing Prayer


     I felt I should give you a second prayer for healing.  I declare that by Your wounds, I am healed. I trust in Your power to bring me complete restoration, and I ask that You fill me with Your peace, joy, and love as I walk this journey of healing.  I pray that You would renew my strength, give me wisdom, and guide me every step of the way.  Lord, I also ask that You heal any wounds in my heart and mind, and that You would bring me into a place of emotional and spiritual wholeness.  I pray that You would remove any fear, doubt, or anxiety from my heart and replace it with Your perfect love and peace.  I thank You for Your faithfulness, for Your unfailing love, and for the power of Your word to bring healing to my life.

I trust in Your promises, and I believe that You are bringing complete healing to my body, mind, and spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


Nov 19 – Anointed Messiah – Isaiah 61


     In this chapter Isaiah gives us ten reasons why the Lord anointed the Messiah.  Today we will look at the first one.  Jesus was called o preach the good news to the meek.  Jesus when he came out of the desert after defeated the devil in the wilderness.  He proclaimed good news.  This news was that the Kingdom of God was at hand.  We learn from Paul that the Kingdom of God was about righteousness, peace, and joy.  These are qualities you want in your life.  This is good news when you have instead confusion, wickedness, and hurt.  The Lord has anointed Jesus to bring these into your life.  Open your life and receive these and you to can be anointed to touch others with the good news of righteousness, peace, and joy.


Nov 20 – Bind up – Isaiah 61


     Jesus was anointed to bind up the broken hearted.  There are times when our hearts get not just bent but broken.  Often it is at the hand of someone we love and respect.  One time there was a young man that was in love with a girl, and she came to him and told him that it was over.  In that moment his heart was broken.  He listened to sad songs and mopped around the house.  One day he went to his pastor and asked how he could get over it.  The pastor said that he should pray for the young girl and her new boy friend.  At first it was hard bit over the next few days through prayer he forgave her and in time he wanted their relationship to succeed.  Through the Bible and prayer, we can and do learn that Jesus can bind up and heal our broken hearts.  The success in this area is to allow Him to do it. 


Nov 21 – Liberty – Isaiah 61


     When Jesus was in His hometown of Nazareth he was asked to preach at His local synagogue.  Jesus read Isaiah 61, and informed his audience that this scripture was now fulfilled.  He did not get the reaction he expected.  Instead of being happy that a local boy made good they wanted to stone Him.  He was able to leave but their reaction did not lesson what Jesus said.  Jesus came to set the captive free.  People all round us are in bondage and many don’t even know it.  We have the good news that they can and will be set free.  Let us not be so selfish to keep it to ourselves.  Jesus came to set those in bondage to whatever it is to be free.  Let us point them to Jesus.  We can also through prayer help them to find the freedom that they are looking for. 


Nov 22 – Open – Isaiah 61


     Isaiah in this chapter has painted a picture or given us a snapshot of the ministry of the Messiah.  Jesus Christ of course is the Messiah and the one who lived and breathed what Isaiah talked about.  Jesus opened through his death, burial, and resurrection the doors of freedom.  Those who were facing certain death became free.  The thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom.  That simple act of faith brought a powerful response from Jesus.  He told this man that today He would join Jesus in paradise.  Jesus for this man open his prison door and set him free.  Whatever prison you find yourself in today Jesus can do the same.  He gave to free those in prison let this be your day.


Nov 23 – Year of the Lord –


     Isaiah again in this chapter shows us that Jesus came to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.  This could also be the day of the Lord.  Now many refers this to the future, but it has application today.  The Lord has a plan and purpose for every life.  The problem is when you keep out of the equation of your life you miss so much.  Too many people are living subpar lives.  They think that possessions, pride, and pleasure is the measure of all things.  How blind that thought is.  God created all od us for a higher and better purpose.  God wants to give you an abundant life.  Jesus said that in John 10:10. John prayed in 3 John 2 that we would be prosperity and health even as our soul prospers.  True success starts and end with the Lord.  Let that happened today in your life.


Nov 24 – Vengeance – Isaiah 61


     Sometime when you look around you wonder if there is any justice.  Yes, my friend there is.  God keeps the books.  One day Jesus will come back and judge both the individual and nations.  All will have to stand before the judgement seat and give an account of their lives.  Fortunately for the Christian it will have nothing to do with sinful life.  It will be for rewards for service.  Were we faithful and obedient?  Did we love and walk in forgiveness?  What was our motive and attitude when wronged?  Did we use our time and talents and resources for the service of others?  Did we love prayer and the word? 

     For the wicked and people who did not know the Lord it will be not nice and very unpleasant.  Everything they did we be brought up and the end they will hear, “Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I did not know you?  Let’s pray for our family and friends that they come to Christ and not have to face that. 


Nov 25 – Comfort – Isaiah 61


     We have been looking and talking about who Jesus is in Isaiah 61.  Jesus had come to comfort those who morn.  Mary and Martha had lost their brother Lazarus.  Jesus on that day raised Lazarus up from the dead and presented him back to his sisters.  In fact, any funeral Jesus came across he raised that person from the dead.  Sorrow can come in many forms and many means, but the Lord promises to comfort us in that period.  Whatever has brought sorrow and sadness into your life allow the Lord to comfort you.  Did you know that the oral gifts of the Spirit are design for edification, exhortation, and comfort?  Let the Bible and the avenue of prayer be your contact point today to receive the comfort and help that you need today.


Nov 26 – Beauty for Ashes – Isaiah 61


     There are times in a life where everything we touch seems to be broken or turn to ashes in our hands.  Nothing is going right, and life seems cruel.  That is the time to turn to Lord and allow Him to set things straight.  There was a woman with an issue of blood.  She had spent twelve years in that condition.  She had spent everything she had on trying to get help.  Finally, she heard about Jesus.  She believes all she had to do was touch the hem of His garment and she would well.  She and she was.  Jesus took her life of broken dream and ashes and gave her beauty.  Do you feel like this woman?  If you do Jesus is here to change your situation in a moment of time.  The beautiful thing is that Jesus is only a prayer away.


Nov 27 – Oil of joy – Isaiah 61


     Isaiah gives a wonderful vignette f the Messiah here in Isaiah 61.  He tells his audience and readers that the Messiah will give the oil of joy for mourning.  What are you mourning over today?  What is breaking your heart right now?  Give that thing over to the Lord through Jesus Christ.  Did you know that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Isaiah says that therefore with joy you shall draw from the waters of salvation and in that day shall you say, “praise the Lord.”  Today put your spiritual pipe into those clear and clean waters of salvation and drink deep.  Let those rivers of living waters flow out of you to others.  Joy is a clear expression of one’s life hid in the Lord.  Let prayer be the avenue it flows from and stand on the promises of God’s word today.


Nov 28 – Garment of Praise – Isaiah 61


     The last promises given here that we are going to talk about is how Jesus Christ will give us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Back in the 1960’s the Hollies sang a song called, “He ain’t, He’s my Brother.”  The theme of this song was that we were to help carry the burdens of others and that they were our brothers.  In the sixties the theme of love was prevalent.  Love is still needed.  Isaiah says that if you want heaviness to lift simply praise the Lord.  Praise is thanking the Lord for what He has done.  Praise takes our eyes off the problem and focuses it on the one who has the solution.  The Lord wants to clothe you today will His praise and give you victory over any heaviness you currently have. 


Nov 29 – Righteous – Isaiah 62:1


     In Isaiah 62, we have several pictures of what the child of God is.  Today we are looking at righteousness.  When a person comes to Jesus Christ, we put on a rob of righteousness.  In the Bible, righteousness is an attribute that belongs to God and is manifested in His laws1. A righteous person is someone who not only possesses faith in God but also demonstrates it through their actions. They exhibit integrity, honesty, compassion, and obedience to God’s commandments. Righteousness is “rectitude of the divine nature by virtue of which God is infinitely righteous in Himself”. It is a God-given quality imputed to man upon believing in the Son of God.  So today allow the Lord to complete His work of righteousness in your life and be the righteous example the world needs right now.


Nov 30 – Saved – Isaiah 62:1


     Isaiah brins out here that as a child of God you have been saved from your sins.  Jesus Christ when He allowed His body to be broken and His blood to be shed these were the elements that secure our salvation.  Being saved in the Bible means that your sins are forgiven by the grace of God, and you are given the free gift of eternal life. It means to be delivered out of danger into safety, to be made well or whole, and to be spared or rescued from something undesirable. Being saved does not spare you from earthly troubles, but it does spare you from eternal judgment.  What a wonderful gift has been given and the beautiful thing is that it free to all who wish to receive it.  Let us share this message and see those we love and care about experience what we have been given.  This is to good of news not to share.


Dec 1 – Full of Glory – Isaiah 62:2


     Isaiah once again beautiful and powerful paints a picture of what the child of God is.  He says that we are full of glory.  The glory of God is not some mystical experience found in the desert where someone’s face shines.  It is displaying the character, essence, and nature of God in our day to day lives.  It is loving the unlovely.  It is forgiving when everything in you wants revenge.  It is sharing what you have when you do not want or feel like it.  It is being a friend when the person you are meeting is neither worthy nor wants it.  It means going the extra mile when you don’t feel like it.  It is being Jesus to someone when they are prickly and indifferent.  This is displaying the glory of God.  The glory of God is living in the trenches and walking through the muck and dirt with someone.  This is love in action.


Dec 2 – Called by a New Name – Isaiah 62:2


     Isaiah says that the chid of God will one day have a new name.  John saw the same thing in the book of Revelation.  To the overcomer they will give a new name that only they and the Lord knows.  Jacob was given a new name when he wrestled with the angel.  He was known before this encounter as Jacob which meant supplanter or cheat.  After the wrestling match he became Israel which means Prince with God.  After we are promoted to glory, we will receive our new name.  It will go along with the new home that we have in heaven.  This is something to look forward.  The hymn says there is a new name written down in glory and it is mine.  Claim it and live it.


Dec 2 – Crown of Glory – Isaiah 62:3


     Isaiah sees a crown of glory held in the hand of the Lord for us.   In Isaiah 62:3, the phrase “crown of glory” is used to describe the people of Israel. It means that they will be a symbol of honor and beauty in the hands of the Lord, and that they will be highly esteemed by Him. The crown of glory is a wonderful gift given to those who are serving and loving God.  These three qualities need to be displayed in our dark and dreary world.  People need to see the light of the Lord through our lives.  The essence, nature and character of God is a crown on our head or a feather in our cap.  It is best displayed by the way we love others.  Jesus said this is how people will know that we are His disciples.  So lets love and display His glory today.


Dec 3 – Royal Diadem – Isaiah 62:3


     In the Bible it often talks about a diadem.  A diadem is a type of crown that was often worn by ancient rulers. In the Bible, the word diadem is used to describe the crowns worn by kings and queens. The diadem was a symbol of power and authority.  We have heard it say that one day we will be King and Priest unto the Lord.  Do you see yourself this way?  It is not bragging or being arrogant it is a simple fact.  You are in the position you are because of Jesus Christ.  It is Jesus Christ who is the hope of glory.  The thing we must remember that any rewards or accolades we get is thrown back at Jesus feet.  He is the source of all we have and will ever have.  He has given us power and authority, but it is all because of what He has done.


Dec 4 – Hephzibah – Isaiah 64:4


     In an earlier part of this devotion, we talked about this subject.  We learned that this name means My delight is in her.  The Lord delight in His people.  This is a continuous theme throughout the writings of Isaiah.   Delight in the Bible means to have a high degree of pleasure, satisfaction, or joy in God and His Word. It also means to bend towards or be inclined towards God, to take pleasure in His will and obedience. When we delight in the Lord, He will give us the longings of our hearts, which will align with His eternal purposes.  So, you are who the Lord says you are and His delight in you.  This is all because of Jesus Christ.


Dec 4 – Beulah – Isaiah 62


     As before we have talked about this subject.  IN the Bible this word means married.  The church has often to been referred to as the Bride of Christ.  After we are rapture and judged the next event, we will be attending is the marriage supper of the Lamb.  This is a celebration of the church being finally united with Jesus Christ.  The promise that we have been waiting on has finally happened.  The sanctity and preciousness of marriage is found in the Lord.  He is the third person in any marriage.  Years ago my youth pastor was doing a wedding and he stated in marriage the two become one because of the Lord.  One day we shall become like Him and enjoy His friendship forever.  This is a promise, blessing, and benefit of knowing the Lord.


Dec 5 – Praise – Isaiah 62:7


     Isaiah says that one day the people of God will be the praise in the earth.  We are currently not in that place but one day it shall happen.  Right now, it is our responsibility to show Jesus Christ in how we talk and live.  Paul calls us living love letters who are written and displayed for all to see.  We are the only bibles that some people read.  My prayer and yours should be that we will display the character, essence, and nature of God in our day to day lives.  Praise is also a wonderful thing to display because it shows that we are thankful for what the Lord has done.  It is an attitude of gratitude.  So today be grateful.  In everything gives thanks for tis is the will of God for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Dec 6 – Redeemed _ Isaiah 62:12


     Isaiah states that the people of God are redeemed.  They are redeemed by the Lord.  Just like Ruth was redeemed by Boaz so we have been bought back from slavery by the Lord.  In the book of Hosea.  We find a powerful picture.  Hosea was called by the Lord to marry a lady called Gomer.  Gomer left the prophet for a time and fell into slavery.  Hosea found out that she was on the slave block and bought her back.  This is a picture of what the Lord has done for us.  We were in slavery to sin and wickedness.  He came and redeemed us through the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Like the hymn we should live in redemption and proclaim it to all for the glory of God.


Dec 7 – Reasons to Worship – Isaiah 25:1


     In this chapter Isaiah gives us reasons why we should worship the Lord.  Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.  The prophet points out that the first reason o worship is because the Lord has done wonderful things.  In fact, Paul states in Eph 3:20, that the Lord can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we can ask or even imagine.  The Lord created the entire universe out of nothing.  He spoke and it just happened.  The Lord can move atoms around and arrange them into any form He wishes.  The reality is that the Lord is the creator and sustainer of the universal on every level.  These are just a couple of reason we should praise and worship Him.  The biggest reason is that He has given us eternal and abundant life through His son’s sacrifice. 


Dec 8 – Counsel - Isaiah 25:1


     Isaiah gives us the second reason to worship the Lord is because He has counsel, and it is available at any time.  Today we have the privilege of having the Bible which is the Word of God.  It is a compass, guide book, and instructional manual.  In the pages of the Bible, we have the promises, benefits and blessings that come from the Lord.  James says that every perfect and good gift comes down from the Father of Light who has no shadow or variable of turning.  God is consistent and constant.  He is the one thing that does not change in this ever-changing world.  You can trust Him and now that He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.  The Lord has given us direction, guidance, and counsel through thew person of the Holy Spirit.  He takes that which He hears and passes it to us.  There is no need to be walking in the dark as a Christian.  So, lets praise Him for His guidance today through the pages of the Bible.


Dec 9 – Strength – Isaiah 25:4


     Isaiah is giving reason to praise the Lord.  In this verse as a social reformer the prophet points out that the Lord is the one who gives strength to the poor.  Jesus pointed out that it is the responsibility of the people of God to care for the widow, orphan, sick, visit the ones in prison, and protect the vulnerable.  When we do it to the least of them, we are doing unto Him.  When Mother Theresa was one time by a reporter why she could so beautifully and effectively minister to the lepers of Calcutta.  She told this person that whenever she minster to the leper she was looking at Jesus in His distressing disguise.  The Lord has called us to minister in His name to the less fortunate.  This is an act of worship.  We are ministering to Him. 


Dec 10 – Distress- Isaiah 25:4


     Another reason to worship the Lord and give Him praise is because he helps those that find themselves in distress.  This condition can be caused by many factors.  The most usual is something the enemy has brought about.  We need to remember that the agenda of satan is to rob, kill, and destroy.  He uses accusation, temptation, and deception to bring that about.  Jesus when he was attacked by satan in the temptation in the wilderness used the word of God as His defence.  This is a good model for our defence as well.  When you use the Bible, you are releasing its promises, benefits and blessings.  The best way to overcome problems is to focus the one who has the solution.  That is course the Lord so today worship and praise the Lord and release through this act the victory and freedom that is yours through Jesus Christ. 


Dec 11 – Refuge – Isaiah 25:4


     Isaiah relates another reason why we should worship the Lord.  He is the refuge in the storm.  Jesus was asleep in the stern of the boat when a storm came up on the Sea of Galilee.  It was so bad that even experience fishermen like His disciples were afraid for their lives.  So, they woke Him up and reported that they were afraid for their lives.  He got up and walk to the bow of the boat and told the winds and waves to be still and it became calm.  The Lord is with us in any storm we face.  He doesn’t always calm the storm, but He is with us and that is a wonderful reason to praise the Lord.  He is our refuge and place of safety.  Let us praise the Lord for that fact.


Dec 12 – Shadow in the Heat – Isaiah 25:4


     Isaiah is worshipping the Lord here because the Lord is the shadow in the heat of the day.  In Israel it is often very warm.  In fact, Jericho everyday of the year has an average temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit.  In the Judean wilderness It can be easily over a hundred degrees.  In this horrid heat a shadow is a welcome relief.  In the mind of his audience Isaiah was painting a picture of relief and help.  The Lord will help us when we feel the heat of our circumstances will consume us.  In those life and death situation the Lord will be our relief.  Peter encourages us in 1 Pet 5:7 to cast all our cares on the Lord for He cares for us.  Today allow the shadow of the almighty cover you today and get relief from whatever comes your way today.  A great thing to thank the Lord and worship for Him today.


Dec 13 – Good things – Isaiah 25:6


     Isaiah tells his audience that the Lord is the who gives good things.  James states that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Light who never shows any variable or turning.  The one thing we can rely on is the consistency of the Lord.  Jesus through His ministry demonstrated this.  The Bible says that Jesus went about doing good.  You can be assured of this fact in your dealing with the Lord.  Elijah found this out when the Lord fed Him by ravens in the wilderness and then having one meal with an angel gave him enough sustenance to make a forty-day trek to Mount Sinai.  The Lord is Jehovah Jireh and He is going to supply every need according to His riches in glory.  That s a great reason to worship and praise the Lord. 


Dec 14 – Death Defeated – Isaiah 25:8


     Isaiah saw that in the future that death would no longer have dominion over the life of man.  He saw the Messiah defeating death.  Jesus Christ has defeated death and that is why stated in 1 Cor 15:51-58 that death has been swallowed up in victory.  The chains of death could not hold him.  Corruption could not decay Him.  Mortality was put aside by Jesus.  My pastor Ken Bunting often stated in our services that he had passed from death unto life.  Such a powerful truth.  Death is only a portal into eternity.  Paul said we are absence from the body and present with the Lord.  Today we do not have to fear death.  Jesus said in the upper room discourse that he was going to prepare a place for us.  What an exciting truth and reason to worship the Lord.


Dec 15 – Wipe Away all Tears – Isaiah 25:8


     The prophet continues with reasons to worship and praise the Lord.  Jesus in His ministry encounters many broken and hurt people.  Many had shed tears and Jesus was moved with compassion to meet their needs.  Jesus one time was passing by a funeral of a young man.  He saw many mourners who hearts were broken.  Jesus in compassion walked over the funeral briar and reach out and touch the boy who came back to life.  The psalmist said the Lord sees every tear and puts them in a bottle.  The Lord sees the times we weep in silence and alone.  He hears every prayer for help and sends His deliverance.  Today in those moments of sadness let the Lord bring that garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Often this relief comes through praise and worship.  Through this act you are inviting the divine into the natural.  So lets do what the psalmist says and praise the Lord.


Dec 16 – Wipe Away Reproach – Isaiah 25:8


     Isaiah brings to the attention of his readers and audience that the Lord one day is going to wipe away all tears of shame and reproach.  There are times when the enemy and his agents of evil accuse us.  Sometimes they exploit something that we have said or done.  Other times they just lie about us.  This is the time we do a self examination like Job and then let the Lord defend us.  There are also times where we tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.  Always refute lies with truth.  Remember you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.  One day all the shame and reproach that we have suffered will be revealed and every sadness it caused will be wiped away in the goodness and love of the Lord. 


Dec 17 – Save Us – Isaah 25:9


     Isaiah encourages his audience and readers to worship the Lord because He is the God who saves.  A modern song today says everyone needs compassion and the mighty God who saves.  Sometimes it fees that we are going down for the third time and we are about to expire.  That is when God comes to the rescue.  The nation of Israel had its back to the sea and the Egyptian army to its front.  In that moment it looked bad for Israel.  Moses asked the Lord what to do and the Lord told him to lead the people through the Red Sea. The wind began to blow, and the sea parted, and the Lord provided a way where there was no way.  Notice the Lord did not take the people out of the scene but provided a way for them.  This often happens and, in that moment, it becomes a lesson of faith.  Israel and we learn that God is the Mighty One who saves.  Remember that when you found yourself in an impossible situation.  Your story is not over yet.


Dec 18 – For Unto Us – Isaiah 9:6


     We are just a week away from Christmas and so today are over the next few days we are going to examine tis wonderful promise and passage from Isaiah.  The prophets say, “Unto us a child is born unto us a child is given.”  Isiah saw some 700 years before the event that a unique and one-of-a-kind child was going to be born.  This child would have one mission and that was to save mankind from our sins.  This child was given not just the one nation but for all nations.  His sacrifice would have a universal application.  It has been said that if we were the only person alive Jesus would have come to save us.  The reality of today that there are more than 8 billion people that live on this planet and each one can come to Christ.  Jesus was given for us because we needed Him.  Let us do our part and share it with our friends during this holiday season. 


Dec 19 – The Government – Isaiah 9:6


     Isaiah sees in the future the reign and rule of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus was facing Pilate, he told that if his reign was now that His followers would come and rescue Him.  Jesus knew that his reign was of the spiritual kind for now but in the future, He will come and rule on the earth.  When He does it will be with justice and truth.  There is a time when Jesus will reign, and the beautiful thing is that we will reign with Him.  The government of Jesus Christ is first and foremost one of compassion and love.  No one will be able to lie to the Lord because he knows all and sees all.  Jesus came the first time as the suffering Savior.  The second time He will come as the conquering King.  Each has its role and place. 


Dec 20 – Wonderful – Isaiah 9:6


     Isaiah then names the person and gives his qualities.  The word "wonderful" is used in the Bible to describe something that excites or calls forth wonder1. It is used in the Old Testament to translate the Hebrew words "pala'" or "pele'". In the New Testament, it is translated from the Greek word "thaumasios"1. In Isaiah 9:6, the word "wonderful" is used as one of the names of Jesus.  Jesus is beyond comparison.  He is the essence, nature, and character of God in the flesh.  Jesus is God with a face.  He is the perfect union of natural and the divine.  This word describes who Jesus is and how He will deal with us.


Dec 21 – Counselor – Isaiah 9:6


     Jesus is known as the counsellor.  He will give us through the person of the Holy Spirit guidance, direction, and advice.  Today we have the Bible as our guidebook, compass, and instructional manual.  The pages, of the Bible gives us advice on how to receive and use the promises, benefits, and blessings of being a child of God.  The Holy Spirit is also known as the counselor.  He takes what He hears and passes it unto us.  We are not alone in this walk of life.  Jesus is the divine advice giver.  We are walking together in this life.  As the old song says, we are not alone.


Dec 22 – The Mighty God – Isiah 9:6


     Isiaah is looking at the Messiah and sees that He is the mighty God.  Jesus left the realm of glory and became like us.  Jesus from time to time displayed his power especially over nature.  One time He calmed the winds and the waves.  Another time He was transformed on the Mount of Transfiguration and showed His former glory.  At His water baptism a voice from heaven stated that He was the beloved Son in whom the Father was well pleased.  The title “Mighty God” assigned to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 signifies His divine nature and attributes. It confirms Jesus’ position as not only the Son of God but also God Himself. He possesses all the power and might of God, demonstrating His authority and ability to accomplish extraordinary feats beyond human limitations.  Jesus was the perfect union of the divine and the natural. 


Dec 23 – Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6


     In this verse this phrase means, In Isaiah 9:6, “Everlasting Father” refers to the Messiah who will be a Father to His people forever, ruling over them with fatherly concern for their benefit. The phrase does not imply a confusion between Jesus and God the Father, but points to the ordained role and eternal authority Jesus holds as both the Son of God and our Savior. It connects God the Son with God the Father, reminding us that while Jesus is a Distinct Person, He is also eternally one in essence and nature with God. This is one of the most well-known Old Testament prophecies about Jesus.  There is an element of the Christian faith that believes that Jesus is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  This view denies the Trinity.  They use this verse to prove their point and, they miss the point. 


Dec 24 – Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6


     This is such a powerful truth.  Jesus is the one who brings peace because he did away through His broken body and shed bled brought peace.  He made a way where there was no way. The title “Prince of Peace” attributed to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 signifies His role as the ultimate reconciler, bringing peace between humanity and God. Jesus came to mend the broken relationship caused by sin, offering a path of reconciliation and eternal peace.  Many Christians read Isaiah 9:6 every year during the season of Advent to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Messiah. The Messiah was God’s anointed, a king who would establish God’s peace through Israel.  Jesus brings peace and deals with the internal conflict and warfare that often is felt in life.  He gives peace that the world cannot give or the world cannot take away.  A Great truth for Christmas.


Dec 25 – The Virgin – Isaiah 7:14


     Isaiah gets a view, snapshot of a young girl who was going give birth to the Messiah.  He saw someone of the tribe of Judah who was of the house of David.  This girl would be a virgin and the child she would have would be a Savior.  He would save mankind from our sins.  This of course is what happened in the stable in Bethlehem.  Jesus was Christ was born and He is the reason for the season.  As we spend time together doing our Christmas celebrations let us remember that the child is the reason for our celebration.  Let us remember that with Jesus Christ Christmas is a mess.  He is the central figure of human history.  He came because we needed a savior.  He paid a dent He did not owe I owe a debt I could not pay. 


Dec 26 – Waiting – Isaiah 40:31


     This portion of scriptures talks about waiting the results of what can happen.  Cam Floria in the cantata called the Apostle said, “that waiting is providential discipline to those whose life has an exceptional calling.  For example, Abraham waited 25 years for Isaac.  Joseph found himself waiting for 13 years for his promotion from prisoner to Prime Minister.  David spent some 15 years waiting to be King of Israel.  The apostle Paul waiting over a decade for His call.  Waiting is difficult especially these days because we live in an instant society.  Food prep, interest connection, movies, etc.  We are not patient people these days.  Yet, there is something we need to remember God does work according to our timetable.  He is not limited to time, space, matter, and motion.  He is the eternal God who knows how to arrange, circumstances, situations, and people to accomplish His will.  Our part is to trust Him.  It has been said that if God doesn’t open a door then learn to praise Him in thehallway.


Dec 27 – Renewed – Isaiah 40:31


     Isaiah says when you are waiting on the Lord for any reasons there are some benefits.  For example, you will be renewed in your strength.  Waiting can be a time to rest, calm down, step back and recalibrate.  It can be a time to get refresh, revived and renewed.  It can be a time for education and learning.  You can mentality, socially, emotionally, physical, and spiritual get back on track.  It is also a time to get back to your first love and zeal.  The secret is making the most of the situation.  Benny Hinn was in between jobs so he decided to take the time to pray and seek God.  That period launched his ministry.  Isaiah points out that those that wait shall be renewed in their strength.  So, if you find yourself in a time of waiting step back and let it become a time of renewal and refreshment and enjoy it because after it is over you will be thankful that it happened and what it did in your life.


Dec 28 – Eagle Eyes – Isaiah 40:31


     The next thing that happens when you are waiting is you can change your mindset.  Isaiah paints a picture of an eagle flying above the situation.  He sees more than those on the ground.  This also paints a snapshot of getting a broader perspective.  When you rise above the situation and get God’s perspective than you realize there is more than meets the eye.  For example, when Abraham was climbing Mount Moriah with Isaac, they only saw the one side of the mountain.  Abraham had been told to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice he did not know on the other side of the mountain a ram was looking to stick his head in a thicket.  God saw and at the right time he opened Abraham’s eyes to that fact.  We need God’s point of view.  That is why we ask the Lord to give us His insight, mindset, and point of view.  With the Lord we will get the right information, at the right time for the right reason.  Waiting on the Lord helps with this process if we are willing to rethink this concept.


Dec 29 - Run – Isaiah 40:31


    Isaiah has been talking about waiting on the Lord and the benefits, blessings, and promises that can happen.  He states that you can run and not grow weary.  In a time of waiting, you can practice.  You can improve your skill sets, education, and mindset.  You know that sooner or later the time of waiting will be over, and you will busy.  It is in this time that you learn to pace yourself.  You learn that life is not a sprint but a long-distance race.  You know that if you go to fast at the beginning to you will not have the stamina to finish well.  In life we can grow weary in well doing but waiting helps us to realize that the goal is made up of different lengths to the race.  Waiting and practicing help you to finish well.  Remember at the end of the race a prize is given not in the early stages or halfway.  Finish well and hear the statement, “We done good and faithful servant and enter into my rest.”


Dec 30 – Walking and Not Faint – Isaiah 40:31


     In Isaiah’s picture here we see someone who has assistance in their walking.  When you wait on the Lord you have learn that pace s everything.  You know that if you pace yourself well and work on that you will finish well.  This thought also talks about divine assistance and help when you need it.  You shall walk and not faint.  This means you will have someone come along side and assist you.  Recently I saw a video where a coupe had run out of gas and a trucker stopped.  He pulled them to the gas station and then paid for their gas.  He helped them walk and not faint.  When you wait you learn to trust God and His ability of coming to you aid, assistance, and help.  So wait on the Lord and His timing and you will never be found wanting.


Dec 31 – Final Thoughts


     We have spent a year with Isaiah.  He is a prophet, social reformer, and statesman.  He is elegant in his presentation and powerful in his imagery.  He uses word pictures and colorful illustrations to get his point against.  His ability to use language for spiritual truth is beyond comparison.  He is equal to Ezra in scholarly presentation and on the level of Daniel and Joseph for impact to His generation.

     Isaiah gives us more than one hundred prophecies about the Messiah.  No other author in the Old Testament can make that claim.  He truly was a man who saw tomorrow.  Thousands of years before it happens, he saw the 1000-year reign of the Messiah.  He saw the New Heaven and New Earth.  Isaiah looks in the prophetic future and sees what John saw hundreds of years later.  Isaiah had the ability to touch the elite and the humble.  I can truly say that after spending this year with Isaiah that we have been truly blessed.  He is the master communicator and storyteller.