Thursday, January 7, 2021

Vignettes on Prayer - Jan 7, 2021

 Jan 7 - Vignette on Prayer


     Today I was looking at Matt 6:19, which states, lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.  This is such a straight forward thought.  Jesus was reminding his audience and us that the things of this world will always pass away.  When we focus on these things we lose our focus on the heavenly.  The reality of going after things is that you become more earthly and less heavenly minded.  Chasing after earthly things also keeps you away from the most important things.  Prayer is actually the most important thing you can do.  The reason is because it is what Jesus is doing right now.  It is called the highest calling.  When you pray for others you are making a difference in their lives.  The reality the highest calling is actually the one thing most people do not do.  Surveys have been done many times and found that the average Christian will spend less than one minute a day in prayer.  These same surveys show that the only time we spend extended times in prayer is when we are in trouble.  One adage says that when you only spend time in prayer is when you are in trouble.  You are already in too much trouble.  Jesus makes it clear that when you focus on the wrong things you have the wrong goals and priorities.  So today get back to basics of prayer, the word and going to church.  These will keep you heading the right direction.  Let them be your compass for your soul.  Also keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.  The best way to do this is prayer.

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