Sunday, January 3, 2021

To the Church and Nation of the United Kingdom

To the Church and Nation of the United Kingdom


    You are in your moment of decision.  There is much spiritual warfare over you at this time.  You are a nation on the brink.  It was me that move your people away from the continent to spare you the draconian rule of the empire of the next age.  There are still forces who are working to draw you back in.  They are both supernatural and natural in nature.  Satan thought he had you but in my mercy and grace, I rescued you.  You were once the empire who ruled the world.  You did much good and bad.  You have had great and godly leaders who influenced the world for me.  Men like Wesley and Wilberforce.  Great pastors like Spurgeon.  Men of faith like Mueller and world changers like Booth.  I used you to bring my message to the dark places through Livingston.  I raised up John Wesley to change the world on how I moved.  You have evangelized the world and brought millions to me through Alpha and in countries, within your country, I brought a revival that changed the world and how it thought I moved.  You have a great redemptive history and future as well.  Some believe you are in the twilight of your influence but I am going to give you one last moment to touch the world for me.

     To my church in the UK.  I will use you to reach all corners of the world.  I have given you influence in 53 countries of the world.  You have 2.4 billion people and counting who you can reach.  I am going to move mighty in your land.  Then those who I will raise up will go through the world and bring my message of love, healing, health, and restoration to all corners of the world.  The Alpha movement will in the last days reach millions for me.  I will give you another revival in Wales and out of your great cities you will reach the nations who have come to live in you.  It is a new day for you.  Many of the churches who have been cold and indifferent are about to come to life because I have strategically placed people there.  They have fasted, prayed and interceded for their churches.  Be wise and discerning because there will be cults that will try to counterfeit and steal your converts away.  Some will even be fooled but I will bring a great revival.  I have two promises to give you today.  First, I will give you power, authority, anointing, enablement, wisdom clarity and boldness in these last days.  No one will be able to stand against you for I am with you.  Secondly, I will make you wise, discerning, knowledgable and understanding.  This will give you the ability to see what the enemy is doing.  It will also help to see that which is real and which is of the enemy.  Remember he comes as an angel of light.  Be strong, courageous, determine and wise. 


    You are in your moment of decision.  There is much spiritual warfare over you at this time.  You are a nation on the brink.  It was me that move your people away from the continent to spare you the draconian rule of the empire of the next age.  There are still forces who are working to draw you back in.  They are both supernatural and natural in nature.  Satan thought he had you but in my mercy and grace, I rescued you.  You were once the empire who ruled the world.  You did much good and bad.  You have had great and godly leaders who influenced the world for me.  Men like Wesley and Wilberforce.  Great pastors like Spurgeon.  Men of faith like Mueller and world changers like Booth.  I used you to bring my message to the dark places through Livingston.  I raised up John Wesley to change the world on how I moved.  You have evangelized the world and brought millions to me through Alpha and in countries, within your country, I brought a revival that changed the world and how it thought I moved.  You have a great redemptive history and future as well.  Some believe you are in the twilight of your influence but I am going to give you one last moment to touch the world for me.

     To my church in the UK.  I will use you to reach all corners of the world.  I have given you influence in 53 countries of the world.  You have 2.4 billion people and counting who you can reach.  I am going to move mighty in your land.  Then those who I will raise up will go through the world and bring my message of love, healing, health, and restoration to all corners of the world.  The Alpha movement will in the last days reach millions for me.  I will give you another revival in Wales and out of your great cities you will reach the nations who have come to live in you.  It is a new day for you.  Many of the churches who have been cold and indifferent are about to come to life because I have strategically placed people there.  They have fasted, prayed and interceded for their churches.  Be wise and discerning because there will be cults that will try to counterfeit and steal your converts away.  Some will even be fooled but I will bring a great revival.  I have two promises to give you today.  First, I will give you power, authority, anointing, enablement, wisdom clarity and boldness in these last days.  No one will be able to stand against you for I am with you.  Secondly, I will make you wise, discerning, knowledgable and understanding.  This will give you the ability to see what the enemy is doing.  It will also help to see that which is real and which is of the enemy.  Remember he comes as an angel of light.  Be strong, courageous, determine and wise. 

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