To the Church and Nation of Zimbabwe
You are a nation on the rise. After many years of conflict, war, civil unrest, oppressive government I have given you a window to recover. You saw the influence of one man on a country. The power of one can be either good or bad. Through it all, you survived. The reason this happened is that Satan was afraid of what you can become. He is the source of all evil. His mandate and nature are to rob, kill and destroy. He is and was the power behind Communism and Marxism. They hide behind helping people and instead enslave people. You must reject them and repent of what has happened. If you do I will heal and restore your land.
To my church, you have suffered much. You had to flee but I am calling you back to your land. There is a window of opportunity to help restore your nation. I have been moving among the people and finding those that are hungry thirsty and unfulfilled. The years of inflation, strife, famine, corruption, and government waste have made them want peace, security, stability, and freedom. Remember who I set free will be free indeed. I am about to pour out my spirit in a great way. I am bringing back my people. They will restore, love and heal this land. I am sending my forces of heaven as well in response to your prayers, petitions, and intercessions. The time you have is short so be quick, determined and wise. As all repressive regimes, they loosen to get economic growth but when they cannot control it the government will again become dictatorial and repressive. I have given you this moment to seize and do all you can do. Many are going to come and many will be healed
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