To the Church and Nation of Vietnam
You are a nation in transition. You were a nation of civil war, genocide, oppression, and atheism. You still have a large segment of your population who are nonreligious because of education, socialism, communism and religious warfare. The reason you had so much warfare and murder is that you murder my people and I let you reap the consequences of your actions. When you sow to the flesh, you reap the flesh. When you sow evil you reap evil. You are still a nation of an oppressive government, lack of freedom and control. A window of change is coming. I am moving in your nation. The growth of my church has been 600% and I am moving while the door is open. Satan has been held back for this time because I wish to heal many in your nation. The soul of your nation has been scarred by sorrow, pain and death. Whole generations were lost through the decades of war. I am healing that soul. I will pour in my peace, love, mercy and grace. I will use my people while there is time to bring healing, reconciliation and restoration. I will heal languages, people groups, and tribes. This window is open only for a short time. You must seize the moment. I will also send you help from Canada and nations which have a good relationship with this nation. I will also send intercessors to join with your local forces to intercede for this revival. Even now the forces of hell are beginning to amass for a final showdown. So be urgent, diligent, strong, courageous and determined. The time is short
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