To the Church and Nation of Venezuela
You are a nation in turmoil, civil war, economic distress, social upheaval, and a repressive government. At one time you were the economic and social jewel of your area. You became proud, arrogant and vain. You are being judged for this. Though you sit on vast resources you will not enjoy them until you repent. You have also embraced, demon worship, voodoo, animism, idol worship, and witchcraft. It is broadcasted all over your media, it is practiced in your streets and even in your churches. The institutional church has incorporated into their services, traditional religion. There are icons, saints, alliances with Isthar and many pagan practices. This is the shame of the religious community in this land. You have as nation tolerated atheism and Marxist policies for a time for it brought you a form of stability and prosperity. Now it is your blight and curse. Yet there is hope. If you repent and turn back to me. I will heal your land and restore you to a place of stability and prosperity. You have a choice to make.
To my glorious and majesty church. All the upheaval in the land has turned many to me. The coldness, formality, and apostasy in the institutional church has brought a flood of people who are hungry for reality, love, stability, and restoration. I am moving throughout your land. Your nation will be is collapsing and falling into despair. You have a message of hope. The future of your land is in your hands. You must fight for it. In fact, its survival is in your hands. You must humble yourself, pray, seek my face and turn from your wicked ways. Then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal your land. You must be like Daniel and identify with the sins of the lands and ask for forgiveness. I know you have not done them but your intercession will bring healing, hope, and restoration. Your nation is on the brink. It is in its valley of decision. If it repents it will be saved. If it refuses it will fall into civil war and chaos. You are the key. No government, political party, ideology, the social or cultural policy will answer this. You will. Even now I am releasing my heavenly forces to fight the enemy for your land. Satan knows what you can become and he is doing everything he can to destroy your nation. So stand, be faithful, courageous and strong for if you ask I will give you your nation. So ask.
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