Tuesday, November 24, 2020

.To the Church and Nation of Sri Lanka

 To the Church and Nation of Sri Lanka


    You are a very religious country.  Almost all of you say that religion is an important part of your daily and cultural life.  You ally yourself to a belief system based on which demon, deity or philosophy you follow.  Many of you call yourself enlightened by the reality is you are in slavery, darkness, and death.  You have wars over religion, culture, tribe, and language.  In your history, there has been little time of peace as you have chosen the ways of darkness instead of light.  The most civil wars were over language and tribe.  It is quiet now but it will again flair up.  Until you choose me you will never be free.  You need to know that your religion is in vain.  It blinds you to the truth.  It deafens you to righteousness.  It keeps you in darkness and captivity.  Yet I have a wonderful redemptive future for you if you choose to reject religion and embrace a relationship with me.

     To my church, I know you are growing and becoming a force to reckon with.  You will have a great revival among you.  Your land is tired of war, civil unrest, hatred, religious intolerance and prejudice.  You have a message of love, peace, and joy.  I will move among those trophies of grace and heirs of salvation.  I am even now preparing hearts for your message.  I will also bring to you my people from other nations to help you.  They will train, encourage and strengthen you.  I am coming soon so work while there is day because the night is approaching fast.  I will soon cross, cultural, religious, language and racial lines to bring healing.  I will use you with signs, wonders, and miracles.  I have three promises to give you today.  I will give you new inward power that will make you strong, courageous and determined.  Next, I will give you a new devotion to me.  You will be single-minded, steadfast and zealous for me.  You will not hear the voices of the world.  Lastly, I will give you a heavenly affections.  You will know you are a pilgrim passing through.  You are looking for a city whose maker and builder is God.  You are my instruments of healing and forgiveness in your nation.  Go forth and I will be with you.

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