To the Church and Nation of Spain
You are a nation in transition. You have been sought after by empire after empire. You were once a great empire yourself. Today your language is spoken by countries around the globe. I used you for expansion of my cause and kingdom at first but then you became oppressive, strict and unforgiving. You had no tolerance for anyone who did not agree with your doctrinal position. You started well but then became rebellious, unloving, harsh and cruel. That is why you reaped what you sow. Like many, you started off well but then you became arrogant, proud, self-reliant and cold. You have seen war, civil unrest, and sorrow. You were great and then became humbled. Now you stand at another crossroad. At one time you were part of a great empire. It fashioned your thinking for centuries. There is rising another empire, evil, cold, demanding, hard and wicked. It is calling you to itself. It will be ruled by the unholy trinity of the beast, false prophet and dragon. They will be allowed to rule the world for a time and then I will destroy them and all who follow them. Your choice is whether or not you will join them or not. Each choice has a consequence so you must choose wisely.
To my church, I have a warning and an encouragement. My warning is to those who have begun to stary away. You must return to me. You are becoming secular, lukewarm and compromising. You are being pressured by forces to accept society and cultural positions that are against my word. Do not succumb to them. You are also becoming more like the world than like me. You do not go to my house and yet you call me yours. Repent quickly for I am coming back and time is running out for you. Remember my coming is in a moment of time. You will not have time to utter a word, think a thought or even breathe a breath. To my remnant, I encourage you to draw close to me as I draw close to you. I am sending you people from all over the world who speak your language. They have you on their heart and they want you to come to me. They have zeal and truth. They have fire in their soul and courage in their heart. They will come to you with fasting, prayer and weeping heart, They want you to come to me. They cry over what you have become but they also believe in what you can become. Receive and listen to them. They are your deliverance, healing, and restoration.
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