Friday, November 13, 2020

Hear and see

 November  13 – Hear and see – Rev 22:8


Vs 8 – John then to refers himself as the one who saw and heard these things.  What a wonderful and powerful experience for the disciple that Jesus loved.  John was a prolific writer.  He wrote a gospel, three letters and now this wonderful and powerful book.  He had seen and experienced things that no other man experienced.  He had encounters with demons, angels, satan and God.  He had seen the tribulation period, the judgments and the end of all things.  When he had seen and heard then he was overwhelmed.   John had a moment of where the divine meets the natural.  He fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing him all these things.  There are nine incidents where people fell down in the face of the divine, each one experiencing something amazing, frightening and totally beyond human ability and understanding.  All you can do is fall down and worship.

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