Wednesday, November 4, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Serbia

 To the Church and Nation of Serbia


     You have been oppressed and have oppressed.  You have had some highlights and high points in your history.  The emperor Constantine and his mother Helena came from you.  You also became a center for me but you slipped into formalism, tradition, ceremony, and apostasy.  Through this lukewarmness, you became cruel, oppressive and harsh.  In recent times you have fought and killed your neighbors.  You were oppressed by atheists which still have a strong influence in your nation.  The challenge for you is the future.  You are in the valley of decision and what you do will affect your future.  There is coming a political, economic, religious and social movement that will demand your loyalty and your heart and soul.  In those days you will have to decide to join them.  If you do you will face the full judgment of the last days.  You were part of the old Roman empire and a flashpoint of a world war.  Now you have your choice to make and with it certain consequences.

     To my church, I have a rebuke and a promise.  First, I am a broken heart on how you have become lukewarm, apostate and apathetic.  You allowed those who power to take you to war with little opposition.  Next, you allow form, style, tradition, and ceremony to become more important than me.  Lastly, you choose icons, saints and formalism over me.  Repent and return to your first love.  You are close to total rejection of me and instead will have a form of godliness and deny the power thereof.  To my remnant.  I will send you people to help.  They will instruct, train and revitalize your churches.  I will also pour out my spirit among you.  I will make you the center of my move of God in the Balkans.  I want to heal your land.  You will lead, healing and reconciliation services.  You will have large prayer meetings that will help restore and renew my church.  I will give you signs, wonders, and miracles.  You will have favor among the leaders of your land as they try to restore the land.  They will see you as a vital source of help.  Walk wisely.  Walk-in love, acceptance and forgiveness.  Reach out to your neighboring countries and hold inter-country healing services.  There can and will be healing in this land through me. 

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