November 20 – Outside – Rev 22:15
Vs 15 – The phrase here is quite tasteless. People who are outside are considered dogs. This is a phrase used by the Jews when talking about the gentiles. It is not a nice phrase. There are five different things that people are doing. First, they practice magic arts that call up demons and use their power to hurt others. Next they ate sexual immoral. They are hurting themselves and others that they are getting intimate with. They are not true to proper sexual practices as outline in God’s word. Thirdly, the have killed or murdered. This is intentional, deliberate and premeditated killing of another human being. Fourthly, they have worshipped demons and gave themselves to worship of other things besides God. Idols can come in many forms. An idol is where you go when you are in trouble. Lastly, they love and practice lies. Lying can become quite the art form. So those who love and practice lies do it for their own gain and do it to get out of trouble. These type of people will never get in the city because they have already been judged. This is again another exhortation to cease doing this so you can gain eternal life.
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