Monday, November 30, 2020

Through Christ

 November 30  –  Through Christ - Col 3:1-4


     We have been raised from death unto life through Christ.  Paul gives an encouragement this morning that we set our hearts that are on the things above.  In this life it is so easy to lose our perspective.  You can be easily distracted with the cares and woes of life.  It is very easy to become so busy that we forget about God.  Paul says to set your eyes on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

     We are to set our minds on the things above and not on the thing on the earth.  This is not an easy thing to do.  Heavenly things cannot be seen with the eye.  Yet you can see them in your mind and heart.  In your heart and mind heavenly things are real.  Earthly things are things that you can see, taste, touch, feel and experience.  Most people are operating on this level.  I have been told many times by people, that if they can’t see it, they won’t believe it.

     Paul reminds us that our lives are hidden in Christ.  What Paul is saying is that we are not our own we have been bought with a price.  It is important that we look to Jesus and set our hearts on the things that are above.  These are things that we need to realize. So today, make a concentrated effort to set your eyes, mind and whole being on Christ.  You have so much to look forward too.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Commentary on the Bible - Gen 6 - God's covenant

o the Church and Nation of Sweden


o the Church and Nation of Sweden


    You are a nation with a long and various past.  You were known as the northern people.  You served the myth and legends of the Nordic people.  You were fierce, strong and ruthless.  You were feared and respected at the same time.  You then gave up the demons, legends and idol worship of the old days and came to me.  You have been great and humbled in your history.  Today you are standing on the edge of change.  What you do now will determine your future.  You have many who have come to you demanding you change to accommodate them.  You are struggling with social, cultural, political and religious changes.  What you do will determine what I do.  There are forces on your continent that will demand your alliance and submission even now you have to a certain point.  These demands are making you question if the alliance is to your advantage or not.  As well as more of you are turning away from me so your nation will be reaping loneliness, selfishness, and separation.

    To my church, I have a commendation and a warning.  My commendation is that you see what is happening and are responding with fasting, prayer, personal commitment to righteousness and truth.  You know your time is limited and you are responding in the right way.  The warning is that many who call themselves mine and are not.  You are lukewarm, apathetic and apostate.  You have all the form of godliness but not the substance.  You look fine on the outside but inside you are dead and lifeless.  You cannot give medicine to a corpse.  I wish to revive you but you are currently, blind and deaf to my call.  Repent or I will remove your candlestick.  This is a serious time for your country and you.  I am going to raise up from among you young people who will know their God, be strong and do exploits.  They will be raised up for a time such as this.  There are many in your land you have not bowed their knee to the images and standards of this world.  So spend time with me, become renewed and revived.  There is a small window of opportunity before I come.  Seized it and rescue the perishing and care for the dying. 

Supremacy of Christ

 November 27  – Supremacy of Christ - Col 1:15-20


     Paul tells us this morning about the supremacy of Christ.  He is the visible image of the invisible God.  He is the greatest and first in place over all creation.  All things were created by Him both in heaven and on earth. 

     All authority, rule, might and dominion were created by Him and through Him all things are held together.  Jesus was an active part of creation.  He is the head of the church. He is the beginning of the church.  He is the focal point of history and the foundation stone of the church.  He was the first to rise from the dead and defeat death once and for all.  He was in flesh all the Godhead dwelling.  Through Him man was reconciled to God.  All things have been reconciled through His shedding of blood on the cross. 

     Christ is the supreme Lord.  He is not only our Saviour but He must also be our Lord.  Christ left glory to be a man and die for the sins of mankind.  He is God with a face.  Today just don’t think of Jesus as a wonderful man, He is God.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Suriname


To the Church and Nation of Suriname


    You have had a varied and violent history.  You have been exploited, fought over by other nations.   You have suffered through slavery and racial prejudice.  You have submitted to occult, shamanism, witchcraft, idolatry and worshipping the creation instead of the creator.  Until recently you have had civil unrest, torture, war, and dictatorship.  You have asked the question of why this has happened?  This is a direct consequence of the choices you have made and others have made for you.  Yet there is a light at the end of the darkness.  I have wonderful plans for you.

     I have a warning and a promise for you.  First, you must stop  Javanism a syncretic faith found among some Javanese Surinamese; and various indigenous folk traditions that are often incorporated into one your alliance to Christianity.  This is causing you to be judged.  It also is making you lukewarm and blind to my truth.  My promise is that I am sending to you those who will encourage you, strengthen you, teach and train you for the coming revival that will come to your part of the world.  I will send people from the Caribbean, Central and South America.  They see you as a nation on the rise.  They want you to experience what they have.  They have a deep love and affection for you.  Next, you will have leaders who will rise from you and will touch many in your country.  You will see people turning from dead religion to the true and living God.  I have two promises for you today.  You will lack nothing.  Though you have experienced poverty soon you will have everything you need and more.  Next, I will give you what you desire as you seek my face and righteousness.  My promise is that all things will be added unto you.  Get ready I am about to do a new thing.  One that is exciting and wonderful.

Two Things

 November  26 – Two Things -  Col 1:2


     Paul was commending the saints at Colossae for two things.  That they had an unshakeable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that they loved one another.  These two things are so important for Christian growth and maturity.

     To be a reproducer in the faith your devotional life must be consistent.  You have to know your God.  You must be able to talk to Him and He must be able to talk to you.  People have come to me time and time again asking for the secret of success to becoming a more stable and mature Christian.  The answer is prayer and Bible Study.

     Out of these two elements develop love and devotion for the saints.  John says in 1 Jn 4:7-8, that the Christian must love one another.  Jesus Himself said, that people will know that we are His disciples by the way that we love one another.  I hope you will be found with these two things, “faith in Christ and love for the saints.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Sudan


To the Church and Nation of Sudan


     You are a country where politics, religion, language, and race collide.  You also have shown through your history what happens when my people are in leadership and when other religions then seize control.  You are an ancient land.  You have had many dealings with me.  I have sent my people to you many times.  When you accepted them you have flourished and been powerful.  You helped save my nation of Israel which brought my blessing.  Then when you accepted me for hundreds of years you were in abundance, health, and peace.  Since the rise of other religions, you now have war, strife, economic, political, social and religious turmoil.  Hundreds have perished because of your foolishness, pride, and blindness.  As a nation, you have this moment to turn away from war, sorrow, and death to me.  If you choose me I will heal your land and restore you.  If you choose to continue as you are you shall fall into deeper darkness and sorrow.

     To my church in the dark land.  You have suffered much and have been persecuted without any reprieve.  I have seen your sorrow, tears, and pain.  I will heal you.  Wipe away your tears and give you the oil of joy for mourning.  I am about to break out in a revival in your land.  So many are tired of war, political upheaval, death, famine, and disease.  They want a new future and I will speak to them.  It will happen through, visions, dreams, prophecies and you.  There are many now even being prepared for you to harvest.  Many are young and vulnerable right now.  They need your love, mentorship, and role model.  This will be a revival in homes because religious zealots and clerics are looking for this.  They are afraid of you.  Their master is deception, lies, and falsehood.  They, however, will not be able to detect or stop you.  It will be days of harvest for you.  I have two promises for you today.  I call you to heavenly ambitions, goals, and affections.  You must keep your eyes on me for the enemy is lurking nearby seeking who he may devour.  I promise to give you exaltation to heavenly places.  I am going to give you a new place, name, and promise.  You will be with me where I am.  You will reap what I give you and you will have my victory. 

I am coming soon

 November 25 – I am coming soon – Rev 22:20-21


Vs 20-21 -  At the end of the Bible and the end of Revelation there are two more invitations.  Jesus is giving his testimony.  His testimony is true because it is back up by the Father and the Spirit.  Jesus makes a statement and an invitation.  “I am coming soon.”  This is the blessed hope the church.  It is the message of the church.  It is the message of the New Testament.  Jesus is coming back.  He is coming soon.  It could be anytime.  There is no more time all things that are now in place.  Then Jesus says, Amen, so be it and it is done.  Come Lord Jesus.  Yes Jesus please come back.  Don’t delay.  The world is out of control.  The news is bad.  Governments and nations have gone insane.  Evil is spreading.  Come Lord Jesus.  This is the last of five invitations give in the last part of this book.  It is a statement of fact.  Jesus is coming back, ready or not.  You better get ready. 

      The book closes as does the Bible.  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with God’s people.  It is grace that is the underlying motive for this book.  It is unmerited favor that mankind has been given a chance for eternal and abundant life.  It is grace that calls us.  It is the means in which we are saved and kept.  This grace will be with us as God’s people.  Amen so let it be done and finished.  Nothing needs to added or taken away.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Commentary on the Bible Noah - Genesis 6

Vignettes on Prayer



Vignettes on Prayer


     Today I was reading from Proverbs 12:25, where Solomon says that worry weighs a person down and an encouraging word cheers a person up.  Peter states 1 Pet 5:7, that we are to cast our cares on Jesus.  Worry, fear and anxiety will rob us of the joy and victory of the day.  The best way to deal with these things is to pray about them.  In fact we should be praying about everything.  Once we have prayed about them our next step should be to receive God’s victory and powerful.  This will enable us to do the next thing which is to encourage others.  Paul states that what we have received we should pass unto others.  When you have received a good promise and word from the Lord you should give it to others.  So many people today need an encouraging word and where better to get it from than a person who has made prayer a priority.  So today cast your cares on the Lord and then share an encouraging word with others.

.To the Church and Nation of Sri Lanka

 To the Church and Nation of Sri Lanka


    You are a very religious country.  Almost all of you say that religion is an important part of your daily and cultural life.  You ally yourself to a belief system based on which demon, deity or philosophy you follow.  Many of you call yourself enlightened by the reality is you are in slavery, darkness, and death.  You have wars over religion, culture, tribe, and language.  In your history, there has been little time of peace as you have chosen the ways of darkness instead of light.  The most civil wars were over language and tribe.  It is quiet now but it will again flair up.  Until you choose me you will never be free.  You need to know that your religion is in vain.  It blinds you to the truth.  It deafens you to righteousness.  It keeps you in darkness and captivity.  Yet I have a wonderful redemptive future for you if you choose to reject religion and embrace a relationship with me.

     To my church, I know you are growing and becoming a force to reckon with.  You will have a great revival among you.  Your land is tired of war, civil unrest, hatred, religious intolerance and prejudice.  You have a message of love, peace, and joy.  I will move among those trophies of grace and heirs of salvation.  I am even now preparing hearts for your message.  I will also bring to you my people from other nations to help you.  They will train, encourage and strengthen you.  I am coming soon so work while there is day because the night is approaching fast.  I will soon cross, cultural, religious, language and racial lines to bring healing.  I will use you with signs, wonders, and miracles.  I have three promises to give you today.  I will give you new inward power that will make you strong, courageous and determined.  Next, I will give you a new devotion to me.  You will be single-minded, steadfast and zealous for me.  You will not hear the voices of the world.  Lastly, I will give you a heavenly affections.  You will know you are a pilgrim passing through.  You are looking for a city whose maker and builder is God.  You are my instruments of healing and forgiveness in your nation.  Go forth and I will be with you.

Don't subtract

 November 24 – Don’t subtract – Rev 22:19


Vs 19 – These two verses can be taken together  or separately.  The reality if you add or take away from this prophecy and book there will be judgments and consequences.  If you take away you will lose you share in the tree of life.  The tree of life gives eternal life.  The tree of life brings healing to the nations.  It’s roots are into the river of life and both come from the throne of God or God himself.  Taking away from the book also means you lose your place in the City of God.  In both cases you are meddling with the Word of God.  It is God’s perfect and acceptable will.  It is true and life.

Monday, November 23, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Spain

  To the Church and Nation of Spain


     You are a nation in transition.  You have been sought after by empire after empire.  You were once a great empire yourself.  Today your language is spoken by countries around the globe.  I used you for expansion of my cause and kingdom at first but then you became oppressive, strict and unforgiving.  You had no tolerance for anyone who did not agree with your doctrinal position.  You started well but then became rebellious, unloving, harsh and cruel.  That is why you reaped what you sow.  Like many, you started off well but then you became arrogant, proud, self-reliant and cold.  You have seen war, civil unrest, and sorrow.  You were great and then became humbled.  Now you stand at another crossroad.  At one time you were part of a great empire.  It fashioned your thinking for centuries.  There is rising another empire, evil, cold, demanding, hard and wicked.  It is calling you to itself.  It will be ruled by the unholy trinity of the beast, false prophet and dragon.  They will be allowed to rule the world for a time and then I will destroy them and all who follow them.  Your choice is whether or not you will join them or not.   Each choice has a consequence so you must choose wisely.

    To my church, I have a warning and an encouragement.  My warning is to those who have begun to stary away.  You must return to me.  You are becoming secular, lukewarm and compromising.  You are being pressured by forces to accept society and cultural positions that are against my word.  Do not succumb to them.  You are also becoming more like the world than like me.  You do not go to my house and yet you call me yours.  Repent quickly for I am coming back and time is running out for you.  Remember my coming is in a moment of time.  You will not have time to utter a word, think a thought or even breathe a breath.  To my remnant, I encourage you to draw close to me as I draw close to you.  I am sending you people from all over the world who speak your language.  They have you on their heart and they want you to come to me.  They have zeal and truth.  They have fire in their soul and courage in their heart.  They will come to you with fasting, prayer and weeping heart,  They want you to come to me.  They cry over what you have become but they also believe in what you can become.  Receive and listen to them.  They are your deliverance, healing, and restoration. 

Vignette on Prayer


Vignette on Prayer


     Today we are looking at 1 John 4:19, which states, that we love each other because the Lord loves us first.  The reality is that we will not often know about love until someone proclaims it to us.  When someone tells us they love us we make a decision to return the love or not.  God loved us first.  Even before we knew about him He loved us.  As a Christian we are called to love others.  Jesus stated in Matt 22:37-40, that we are to love the Lord with all our being and then love others.  This is accomplished best through prayer.  When we pray we are creating a divine connection.  Through this connection we are allowing the Lord to download his love into our hearts.  In prayer we are receiving love.  Then as we leave our prayer time this love will freely flow because you understand that you are to love one another.  So today pray and then love.  It is a wonderful gift that you can give others and yourself.  In this way you are fulfilling the great commandment which is to love others. 

Don't add

 November 23 – Don’t add – Rev 22:18


Vs 18 – Jesus then gives a stern and powerful warning.  Whoever hears the words of this prophecy and adds anything to them.  That person will have the plagues described in this book placed on them.  Nothing needs to be added to Revelation.  Nothing needs to be added to the Bible.  Yet there are people and groups that have.  Why is it, that man thinks he needs to improve or add to the word of God?  Are we that vain?  Do we think we know better than God?  Did God miss something?  We have cults and false religions because they failed to heed this warning.  Millions of lives will be ruined because of disobeying this warning.   Billions have been deceived because of failing to heed this warning.  It is so sad that they will face the judgment and plagues described in this prophecy.  The ultimate deception is those that do will tell you they are not adding.  Man feels that redemptive truth is not enough and that through their own interpretation or good works they will get to heaven.  Such deception.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Carpenters - Top of the World & We've Only Just Begun

Mary Hopkin Those Were The Days 1969 Rare Performance

Το Sir With Love - Lulu (Lyrics)

Sister Act- I Will Follow Him

OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

The Sounds Of Silence (Live) by Simon & Garfunkel


Vignette on Prayer


     Today I was looking at Psalm 107:1 and what a great scripture it is.  David writes give thanks to the Lord.  This is actually one of the most powerful ways to pray.  When you give thanks you are doing the will of God.  It also releases divine help and benefits.  Now David is giving thanks to the Lord for two reasons.  First, the Lord is good.  Many times it has been said, that God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  Goodness is part of His character and essence.  Every perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights who never has any shadow of turning.  What a great promise.  Then David brings out such a great truth.  God’s love endures forever.  That means that God’s love and goodness will be with you today as it was in the past.  His love and goodness will also be with you in the future.  These are two qualities that will never change.  So as you approach the throne of grace today remember God’s goodness and love is the means and ways of releasing the benefits and provisions of heaven.  Remember you have not because you ask not. So ask and receive.

Cornerstone Community Church ST. Albert - Nov 22, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

To the Church and Nation of South Sudan

 To the Church and Nation of South Sudan


     You are an ancient land, at first you followed, ancestor worship, worship of creation, idols, shamanism, and demons.  There has been a division in your land, based on race, creed, color, language, tribe, clan and religion since the beginning.  As a nation you ave suffered, torture, rape, warfare, religious oppression.  Even today you are fighting a civil war because of satanic and demon forces warring over you.  They know what you can become and doing everything they can to destroy you.  I have kept you for a time like this.  Satan is afraid of what you can become.  He knows that your country is young, vital, hungry and thirsty for peace, love, forgiveness, and freedom.  He knows that if you ever become unified and forgiving nothing will be able to stop you.  He is using religion, warfare, and prejudice to keep you in bondage.

     I will now outline the path for you to be restored.  First, you must come back to me.  Many have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.  Many have added their local deities and beliefs into their worship and liturgy.  This must stop.  Light cannot co-exist with darkness.  Next, you must forgive and love.  Only through love, acceptance, and forgiveness can you move forward.  You must cross, cultural, language, clans and tribe and work together will the atmosphere in your country change.  You must be courageous relentless, and tenacious in your fight in the spiritual realm.  You must fast, pray, seek my face, turn from your wicked ways.  You are key to the healing of the land.  As you turn to me so will those who are around you.  I will also bring you help from other nations to help you rebuild and be restored.  I will also move mighty upon your children and young people.  They are the key to this healing and revival of the land.  Remember no weapon form against you will prosper when you stand in my power, armor, authority, and anointing.


 November 20 – Outside – Rev 22:15


Vs 15 – The phrase here is quite tasteless.  People who are outside are considered dogs.  This is a phrase used by the Jews when talking about the gentiles.  It is not a nice phrase.  There are five different things that people are doing.  First, they practice magic arts that call up demons and use their power to hurt others.  Next they ate sexual immoral.  They are hurting themselves and others that they are getting intimate with.  They are not true to proper sexual practices as outline in God’s word.  Thirdly, the have killed or murdered.  This is intentional, deliberate and premeditated killing of another human being.  Fourthly, they have worshipped demons and gave themselves to worship of other things besides God.  Idols can come in many forms.  An idol is where you go when you are in trouble.  Lastly, they love and practice lies.  Lying can become quite the art form.  So those who love and practice lies do it for their own gain and do it to get out of trouble.  These type of people will never get in the city because they have already been judged.  This is again another exhortation to cease doing this so you can gain eternal life.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Vignette on Prayer


Vignettes on Prayer


     The scripture I was thinking about today is Rom 10:17, which states faith come from hearing and hearing from the Word of God.  So my thought is simple.  Today why don’t we read the word of God as a prayer.  That way our ears hear the word and at the same time our faith will be built up.  There are actually 227 written prayers in the Bible.  If you were to recite one prayer a day you would be able to cover 227 days this year.  I have one friend that reads the psalms as a prayer.  Personally in my prayer time I will read scriptures over my family and for revival.  Reading the promises of God is another way to build your faith.  Remember prayer is much more diverse than you think.  Remember faith is built up by reciting and speaking the Bible.  Do it today and build your faith.

Washed Robes

 November 19 – Washed robes – Rev 22:14


Vs 14 – John points out here that you are blessed when three things happen.  First, you have had your robes washed.  This is done through the blood of Jesus Christ who is the lamb of God.  Your sin which were scarlet have now become white as soon.   Next, you have the right to the tree of life.   Adam and eve were not able to eat from the tree of life but in the new heaven and earth we not only eat from the tree of life but every month we will have fruit that bring healing.  There is no more separation or angel blocking the way.  Lastly, to be able to walk through the gates of the city.  Remember no vile, evil or sinful person can enter the gates.  They are in the lake of fire.  You have your name written in the Lambs book of life.  You have passed from death until life.  This has all made you blessed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

To the Church and Nation of South Africa

 To the Church and Nation of South Africa


     There has always been one form of racial tension in your land.  Even before the Europeans came to you, you were fighting among the nations within you.  It breaks my heart when I see my creation oppressing each other under the guise of color, religion, culture or language.  Prejudice in any form belittles others.  My will is that all men come into unity and truth.  This is accomplished through Jesus Christ who came for all mankind.  He came to set the captive free.  Prejudice and the oppression it brings is centuries old in your land.  It started when you came to this land and instead of working together, you choose to line up by tribe, clan, and language.  You robbed, killed and destroyed and use the excuse that they are not of us.  They do not have our gods, deities or idols.  This then happened to you when the Europeans came and when you came into power you did it to them.  Only through forgiveness and love can this be destroyed.

    To my church, I will use you for forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration.  Your land has been fractured and split apart from hatred.  You see it every day in services, bible studies, and gatherings.  My church is divided on race even though there has been some progress.  This cannot continue.  All our mine in the Lord.  There is no race, creed or color in me.  I am the God of all men.  Every, tribe, nation, people and language are mine and I created them.  I am going to use you as the healer and bride on this issue.  I am raising up from among you Daniel's Joseph's and Esther’s.  Wise and discerning leaders who will be able to bring you to a place you should be.  I call on you to draw close to me.  I encourage you to repent of all that is wrong in your life.  I call you healing and freedom.  I have three promises to my church in South Africa.  I will ignite in you a flame of fire.  It will purify, cleanse, burn away and refine your heart.  Secondly, I will give you a new heart.  A heart of love, compassion, forgiveness, and grace.  Thirdly I will use you to bring healing to your nation.  You are my path to reconciliation.  As your love one another so your nation can learn.  Be my example.

Alpha and Omega

 November 18 – Alpha and Omega – Rev 22:13


Vs 13 – Jesus again refers to himself as the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.  These three phrases tell us that He is beginning and end of all things.  In position and authority he is first and last.  All life starts and ends with Him.  He is the giver of life and the sustainer of life.  He has all power.  He has been and always has been. He is the forever and eternal one.  He has always existed and will always exist.  Nothing anno one is greater than Him.  This is for the reader’s reference and for our knowledge.  This is who He is, the eternal, all powerful, pure, holy, all knowing God.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  There is a consistency and reliability about God.  He will never leave you or forsake you and will always be true to you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My Reward

 November 17 – My reward – Rev 22:12


Vs 12 - Jesus then gives four exhortations.  First, look, be watchful.  Be alert.  Keep your eyes open.  Don’t be caught unawares.  Next he says again that he is coming soon.  He wants us to be aware.  At any time he could come back.  You have to live ready.  Don’t get caught up in the things of the world.  Keep your eyes on the skies.  As the old song says, “Your redemption draws nigh. 

     He then says he had a reward coming with Him.  He plans to reward and keep his promises.  Whatever Jesus said he will do, he will do.  The last thing to know is that the Lord will reward each person according to what they have done.  So the reality is that what we do does matter.  We are called to a life of faithfulness ands obedience.  Four powerful promises and realties found in this verse.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Vignettes on Prayer


Vignettes on Prayer


     The verse I was looking today is such a great verse.  James 5:13, NASB: "Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises."  James is talking about how to release yourself from suffering.  When you are over your head and feel like you are drowning James has simple advice, pray.  The first response of any Christian should be prayer.  One writer says if you wait to pray when you are in trouble it may be too late.  Prayer should be a natural response at the beginning and end of the day.  I make it my habit to pray first thing in the morning.  Now my prayer times are a little earlier than most because for 9 years I have been getting up at 4 a.m. every morning.  This is because of my being a radio personality.  The issue is not the time but the habit.  When you are suffering in what ever form it may be James says pray.  James also has great advice that when you are happy, cheerful or excited.  Then sing praises to the Lord.  It releases victory into the natural and spiritual realms.  Two great thoughts for you and I today.

Be Holy


November  16 – Be holy – rev 22:11


Vs 11 -  There is a reality that is associated with this book.  The one who does not heed this book will continue o be vile and do wrong.  They will scoff, mock and malign this book.  The will believe it is a fairy tale or fantasy.  They will say it is a great work of fiction but nothing else.  It has to be the Holy Spirit who quickens this book.  They one who does right and the holy person will continue doing what they are doing.  They will heed the words of this book and will moment by moment live and obey the Lord.  The righteous will be excited about this boo and will do everything they can to get ready and be ready.  The contrast is clear, precise and succinct.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Vignettes on prayer


Vignette on Prayer

     Today I was looking at Matt 6:19, which states, lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.  This is such a straight forward thought.  Jesus was reminding his audience and us that the things of this world will always pass away.  When we focus on these things we lose our focus on the heavenly.  The reality of going after things is that you become more earthly and less heavenly minded.  Chasing after earthly things also keeps you away from the most important things.  Prayer is actually the most important thing you can do.  The reason is because it is what Jesus is doing right now.  It is called the highest calling.  When you pray for others you are making a difference in their lives.  The reality the highest calling is actually the one thing most people do not do.  Surveys have been done many times and found that the average Christian will spend less than one minute a day in prayer.  These same surveys show that the only time we spend extended times in prayer is when we are in trouble.  One adage says that when you only spend time in prayer is when you are in trouble.  You are already in too much trouble.  Jesus makes it clear that when you focus on the wrong things you have the wrong goals and priorities.  So today get back to basics of prayer, the word and going to church.  These will keep you heading the right direction.  Let them be your compass for your soul.  Also keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.  The best way to do this is prayer.

To the Church and Nation of the Solomon Islands In recent days it feels that all of heaven and hell are against you. The civil war, the earthquakes, and Tsunamis all feel like the judgment of God. The enemy knows the heart and soul of your nation is at stake. He has caused all the unrest, division, war and strife you have faced. You have been the subject of intense spiritual and natural warfare. All these are trying to keep you fulfilling your great destiny. The reason you have been under attack is that you are out of your will come to a great last day revival that will sweep across the Pacific to all nations the border this great Ocean. There are billions of souls at stake. Your very destiny is on the edge. Will you submit to Him or me? To my church, you have a great mission ahead of you. You must be tenacious, relentless and courageous. I am mobilizing the forces of heaven to come to you. You are one of my key nations to launch the great revival that will sweep across the Rim of Fire. The fire will be my fire which will purify, cleanse, refine and consume. I will bring a fire that will refine and cleanse all the dross out of the heart. It will consume all opposition. It will give light to those in darkness. Satan is putting his best forces out to stop you but remember no weapon form against you will prosper. Even though the enemy is coming in like a flood, I am raising up my standard to oppose it. I am sending you the best warriors both natural and supernatural to help you. When the forces of man fought on you and the allies won so the forces of heaven will fight with you and you will win. So be strong, diligent, faithful and obedient. The battle is not yours it is mine. I will see you and I win it.

To the Church and Nation of the Solomon Islands


     In recent days it feels that all of heaven and hell are against you.  The civil war, the earthquakes, and Tsunamis all feel like the judgment of God.  The enemy knows the heart and soul of your nation is at stake.  He has caused all the unrest, division, war and strife you have faced.  You have been the subject of intense spiritual and natural warfare.  All these are trying to keep you fulfilling your great destiny.  The reason you have been under attack is that you are out of your will come to a great last day revival that will sweep across the Pacific to all nations the border this great Ocean.  There are billions of souls at stake.  Your very destiny is on the edge.  Will you submit to Him or me?

     To my church, you have a great mission ahead of you.  You must be tenacious, relentless and courageous.  I am mobilizing the forces of heaven to come to you.  You are one of my key nations to launch the great revival that will sweep across the Rim of Fire.  The fire will be my fire which will purify, cleanse, refine and consume.  I will bring a fire that will refine and cleanse all the dross out of the heart.  It will consume all opposition.  It will give light to those in darkness.  Satan is putting his best forces out to stop you but remember no weapon form against you will prosper.  Even though the enemy is coming in like a flood, I am raising up my standard to oppose it.  I am sending you the best warriors both natural and supernatural to help you.  When the forces of man fought on you and the allies won so the forces of heaven will fight with you and you will win.  So be strong, diligent, faithful and obedient.  The battle is not yours it is mine.  I will see you and I win it.


Hear and see

 November  13 – Hear and see – Rev 22:8


Vs 8 – John then to refers himself as the one who saw and heard these things.  What a wonderful and powerful experience for the disciple that Jesus loved.  John was a prolific writer.  He wrote a gospel, three letters and now this wonderful and powerful book.  He had seen and experienced things that no other man experienced.  He had encounters with demons, angels, satan and God.  He had seen the tribulation period, the judgments and the end of all things.  When he had seen and heard then he was overwhelmed.   John had a moment of where the divine meets the natural.  He fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing him all these things.  There are nine incidents where people fell down in the face of the divine, each one experiencing something amazing, frightening and totally beyond human ability and understanding.  All you can do is fall down and worship.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Vignettes on Prayer


Vignettes on Prayer


     Today I was looking at John 8:32 on how who the Son sets free will be free indeed.  What an amazing thought.  When you are praying for the souls of others you are actually praying for their freedom.  People who do not know the Lord are in bondage and they don’t even know it.  When we pray for the lost we are praying that their eyes would be opened.  That their ears would be unstopped and their heart and minds would be able to receive the truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  You are praying for liberty and truth.  You are praying for victory.  Prayer is the means to which we will set the captive set free.  We are fighting for souls and their freedom.  This is a noble work.  It is a work of great importance.  You have friends and family who need to be set free.  The only one who can do this is Jesus Christ.  Good thoughts, positive sayings, and clichés will not set a person free.  In spite of the many motivational adages a person cannot set themselves free.  They are bound by sin and only the sin breaker can set them free.  Who the Son sets free is free indeed.  The work of prayer is part of that.  So today pray for the freedom of those you love and care for.  It is a noble and powerful work you are involved in.

To the Church and Nation of Slovenia

 To the Church and Nation of Slovenia


     You have been called the crossroads of Europe.  You have been part of almost every major European empire.  You have been forced and have accepted all the gods of these empires.  You then heard of me and accepted me.  You became a hotbed of religious fighting during the reformation and counter-reformation.  There was a purge done in my name but they were never of me.  Torture, oppression, and hatred is never of me.  This led to a history of repression and oppression.  You have been called the source of water for your region and I have blessed you with natural wonders and resources.  You have been a good steward of your forests and animals to which I commend you.  You have been faithful to the Adamic command of being keepers of nature.  Now you stand at the crossroads and a time of decision.  Soon I will be coming back and currently, there is an empire rising to be the base of the evil during the time called Jacob's trouble.  You have joined them in social, economic, political and spiritual ties.  You have only a short window to change your mind before I come and judge you now and then in the end times.  My counsel is that you sever these ties or you will face all the consequences of these choices.

     To the institutional church, I have a serious warning to you.  You have become apathetic, lukewarm and soon will be apostate.  You need to wake up because if you do not you will miss my coming and find yourself as either members of the one world religion or tribulation martyrs.  My coming is soon and all the forces are preparing for the last days.  I am sending you pastors, missionaries, evangelists, prophets and teachers who will encourage, train and teach you about me.  I am using all forms of media to reach you  I do not wish you to miss this.  I will raise up from the remnant intercessors, prayer warriors who will fight for your soul and your nation.  There is little time to come to me while I am near.  I have two promises for my remnant.  Those who have been faithful, obedient and diligent.  No power will be able to separate you from my love.  Nothing in heaven or on earth.  I will keep you in the palm of my hand.  Secondly, I will strengthen you for what is about to come.  There is going to be a struggle for the souls of your fellow countrymen only those who know their God and are strong in me will be able to stand between the forces of hell and your fellow countrymen.  You are standing right now between the living and the dead.  You are my intercessors and warrior.  Remember in me you will win.

I am coming soon

 November 12 – I am coming soon – Rev 22:7


Vs 7 -  This is a statement of warning and promise.  He is coming soon.  You must be ready.  You must live ready.  All the book of Revelation is only a moment away.  Jesus said it will be like in the days of Noah.  People will be doing their normal daily routines and in a moment all will change.  Nothing will ever be the same again.  You need to heed this warning and promise. 

     You are blessed if you heed and keep the words of this prophecy written in this scroll.  This indicates what the book was written on and the material originally used.   You are blessed when you realize that there are certain commands and promises given in this book.  God does not give instruction and promises without an expectation that they will be obeyed.  Andrew Murray said we are in the school of obedience.  This is a moment by moment reality.  You are blessed when you obey and live in the reality of the soon coming of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Slovakia

 To the Church and Nation of Slovakia


     To have had numerous people settle in your area over the centuries each bringing their own belief systems.  You were in darkness, fear, idolatry, demon worship, witchcraft, sorcery and other practices that accompany following after demons.  When I sent my missionaries and pastors you accepted them and even set up a kingdom based on my word and laws.  You have throughout your history been influenced by the empire around you.  They have oppressed and taxed you.  You have sown kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and love at times and then you have given in to greed, fear, oppression, and darkness.  During this time you have reaped what you have sown.  At this time you have a decision to make.  In your haste, you have aligned yourself to a union that will become a base for end times judgment.  I counsel you to break that alliance or you will suffer the full consequence of this.

   To my church, I have a rebuke and commendation.  First, my commendation.  You turned to me when communism fell.  You embraced the love, peace, joy, and freedom that I gave you.  You turned to me and sought me with all your heart.  Throughout your history when the oppression of others was too strong you would turn to me and I would heal you.  My rebuke is that you have returned to your all old ways.  You have started to once again become apathetic, and lethargic.  You are getting lukewarm and once again have begun to turn to a form of godliness and denying the power thereof.  I counsel you that you do not slide any further but come back to me.  I want to heal and restore you.  To my remnant, I have four promises to bestow on you.  I am going to give you my presence.  When you gather together my presence will be sweet, powerful and dynamic.    Next,  I will hold you in my hand.  Nothing can pull you out of my hand as long as you draw close and stay in the center of my will.  Perilous days are ahead as your nation is in its hour of decision.  Thirdly, You will be my branches.  I will give you life and you will bear much fruit.  Your fruit will be love, compassion, peace, joy, kindness, and grace.  All who see it will be drawn to you.  Lastly, we will be in close and personal fellowship.  I will call you friend and I will never leave or forsake you.  The last news I have for you is that I am coming soon so keep your oil vessels full and your lamps lit. 

No Night

 November 10 – No night – Rev 22:5


Vs 5 – This part of the chapter ends with the reality of light.  In Jewish thought darkness is associated with evil and light with good.  So evil has been destroyed and so light is in full effect.  There will be no night true light has dispelled it.  There will be no need for a lamp or sun.  The familiar objects that give light will not be needed.  The Lord God will give the light.  This will be a place of eternal day.  The New Jerusalem will be displays the glory, splendor and light of God Himself.  Then this verse points out that the Lord will forever and ever.  This period will never end.  This city and its beauty and majesty will be forever.  The people who live here can and will live here forever.  It is their forever home, as reward for faithful and obedient service.

Monday, November 9, 2020

No curse


November 9 – No curse – Rev 22:3-4


Vs 3-4 – The information released here is such great news.  There will no longer be any curse.  The curse of the law was broken on the cross by Jesus Christ.  This is a new era of amazing grace.  The throne of God and the lamb will be in the city.  The throne will be the central point of the city.  Remember there is no need for a temple because the throne of God which was in heaven has now been moved to this city in the new heaven and new earth. 

     The throne of God and the lamb will be there so the inhabitants can serve Him.  What a privilege to be connected in the service of the Lord.  This means that there will be work to be done and things to be taken care of.  Being an inhabitant of the city is already a great reward but also to be in service of the Lord is wonderful as well.

     This next verse is wonderful. You will see his face and His name will be on your forehead.  Moses desired to see His face but saw his back side.  Paul stated we look through a glass darkly but one day we shall behold Him and se Him as He is.    God will take on a physical form on our behalf and his name will be on our forehead.  We belong to Him.  This is going to be an amazing time

Friday, November 6, 2020

Commentary on the Bible - Gen 3 - Fall of Man

To the Church and Nation of Sierra Leone

 To the Church and Nation of Sierra Leone


     Slavery both positively and negatively has been the root of your problems.  In the old times you practiced, idol worship, ancestral worship, witchcraft, occult and demon worship.  Many of your inhabitants were products of or were enslaved.  This has given you a tolerance towards others rarely found in your part of the world.  Yet tension still exists because the majority of your nation is Islamic and my people and they cannot co-exist peacefully.  What has light in common with darkness.  Truth with an error.  Yet I have a great revival coming your way.  Very shortly I will pour my Spirit upon you.  At one time your country was considered impenetrable because of the landscape.  It was also considered this by evangelism but that is about to change.  You have been fasting, praying, seeking my face and turning from your wicked ways.  You know that a spiritual war was about to break over your land.  You now know that I have been gathering my forces for a final assault on your land.


     I have four promises to give you as you prepare for evangelism.  First, make sure that your heart is right.  I need hearts that are right because when the success comes some will think it is because of their talents and skill that this has happened.  Next, keep your heart right because it will determine your character.  Satan will throw all kinds of temptations against you to try and pull you off course.  Thirdly, be wise in how you speak.  There is a climate of political correctness and Islamophobia in your country.  They will see you as a threat if you do not be as wise as a serpent and harmless of a dove.  Lastly, Walk in faith.  You know I have given you the land.  Claim it and it will be yours.  I can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond what you can ask or imagine.  Walk-in faith and not insight and I will give you what you wish.

Nothing impure


November 6 – Nothing Impure – Rev 21:27


Vs 27 – Nothing and no one impure will ever enter it.  No one who is shameful and deceitful will ever dwell there.  The underlying reason is clear.  The devil, demons, beast, false prophet and evil humanity has been thrown into the lake of fire.  All the elements of evil have been judged and destroyed.  There is no evil present in the universe any longer.  All whose name was not written in the book of life have been judged and sentenced.  The only people who can enter this city are the ones who name I written in the Lambs book of life.  The greatest reward for salvation is to be able to dwell in the city foursquare.  To be able to live with the Lord in this beautiful city whose maker and builder is God.  This is the city that Abraham was looking for.  This is the place where the Hall of faith was gazing upon as they were being persecuted and killed.  This is the reward for righteous and godly faith.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Seychelles

 To the Church and Nation of Seychelles


     I have seen your rise and fall.  I have seen your successes and failures.  Even now I see what you are and what you are becoming.  I gave your peace and stability for many decades because of your reliance on Britain.  In recent years you fell into dictatorship and oppression.  Yet I am going to restore you.  I have great plans for your islands and area.  You are going to become a refuge in the last days.  Many will come to you because of what is happening in the world.  They will see you as a place of safety.  At that moment you will have a decision to make.  Do you ally yourself with evil or good?  Will you choose life or death.  Judgment or reward.  To prepare you I am going to send a mighty move of God.  Even now my people are starting to fast, pray and seek my face.  They want healing in your land.

     To my church, I am going to visit and revive you.  I am going to come and renew your services, bible studies, and prayer meetings.  I am going to revive your personal times.  I am going to speak to you in your worship times.  I am going to send you help and they will work with you for the final revival that will sweep over the world.  The promise of Joel 2:28 is about to be fulfilled and you will be one of my greatest fields.  This is going to be a revival among your young people.  They see the wage and class distinction in your country.  They want change and I will stir their hearts towards me. They will be the Daniel's Esther's and Joseph's of your country.  They will be righteous, holy, obedient, faithful and zealous for truth.  They will revitalize you and your churches.  Great days are ahead.  So be strong, courageous and fearless.

Glory and honor

 November 5  - Glory and honor – Rev 21:26


Vs 26 -  It is evident that during this time glory and honor will be given to the nations.  Those who were faithful and true during the age of grace, the tribulation period and the thousand years will be rewarded for their service.  Each will receive honor from the Lord.  As a group they will carry their own splendor.  It will be an amazing time.  Each person will be totally recognized.  They will walk in purity, holiness, love, compassion and truth.  The grace and beauty of the Lord will be displayed in their lives and conduct.  Kindness, patience and gentleness will flow from each thought, speech and action.  Never an unkind word, or deed done.  All will be benevolent and generous.  Heaven on earth. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Serbia

 To the Church and Nation of Serbia


     You have been oppressed and have oppressed.  You have had some highlights and high points in your history.  The emperor Constantine and his mother Helena came from you.  You also became a center for me but you slipped into formalism, tradition, ceremony, and apostasy.  Through this lukewarmness, you became cruel, oppressive and harsh.  In recent times you have fought and killed your neighbors.  You were oppressed by atheists which still have a strong influence in your nation.  The challenge for you is the future.  You are in the valley of decision and what you do will affect your future.  There is coming a political, economic, religious and social movement that will demand your loyalty and your heart and soul.  In those days you will have to decide to join them.  If you do you will face the full judgment of the last days.  You were part of the old Roman empire and a flashpoint of a world war.  Now you have your choice to make and with it certain consequences.

     To my church, I have a rebuke and a promise.  First, I am a broken heart on how you have become lukewarm, apostate and apathetic.  You allowed those who power to take you to war with little opposition.  Next, you allow form, style, tradition, and ceremony to become more important than me.  Lastly, you choose icons, saints and formalism over me.  Repent and return to your first love.  You are close to total rejection of me and instead will have a form of godliness and deny the power thereof.  To my remnant.  I will send you people to help.  They will instruct, train and revitalize your churches.  I will also pour out my spirit among you.  I will make you the center of my move of God in the Balkans.  I want to heal your land.  You will lead, healing and reconciliation services.  You will have large prayer meetings that will help restore and renew my church.  I will give you signs, wonders, and miracles.  You will have favor among the leaders of your land as they try to restore the land.  They will see you as a vital source of help.  Walk wisely.  Walk-in love, acceptance and forgiveness.  Reach out to your neighboring countries and hold inter-country healing services.  There can and will be healing in this land through me. 

Gates are never shut

 November 4 – Gates are never shut – Rev 21:25


Vs 25 – The doors will never be shut.  They will be open all the time.  They will be no night.  Every day beautiful weather, light and beauty.  Eternal paradise.  This is what we have to look forward too.  This is the reward of the righteous.  There is no darkness because evil, sin and those who caused it have been judged and destroyed.  Before Christ access to the Lord was shut because of sin and disobedience but this has been eliminated.  In this time period complete and total access to the Lord, the Lamb and this city is a reality.  Time and space.  Matter and motion have been suspended and we are now living in the eternal now and light.  No more need for a night light.  Fear has been taken away and courage has been given in full measure.  The God of the universe is now the light and heat of this city.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 3

To the Church and Nation of Senegal

 To the Church and Nation of Senegal


     You are a nation of diverse groups in you.  In the past you followed Rog Sene and even today, the supreme deity called Roog and Koox  Serer cosmogony, cosmology and divination ceremonies such as the annual Xoy or Khoye ceremony presided over by the high priests and priestesses.  You have Muslim festivals such as Tobaski, Gamo, Koriteh, Weri Kor, etc., are all borrowed words from the Serer religion.  They were ancient Serer festivals rooted in Serer religion.  This along with the worship of demons, idols and local deities has caused you to fear, oppression and spiritual darkness.  I was able to pierce that darkness and have been working in this dark place for my glory.  Your past has also been filled with slavery, human trafficking, and oppression.  You stand at the edge of a new age.  I am coming back soon and you as a nation will have to decide what to do.  You have already shown that you will side against my people but soon you will have to decide to enter a war against them.  If you do I will judge you harshly.  Remember I bless those who bless my people and curse those who curse my people.  Choose wisely.

     To my people I have seen how you work.  You are faithful, strong, obedient, creative and resourceful.  I will make you wise for you to know that the environment in your nation is changing.  There are those among the current residents who want more traditional Islam and they are starting to make trouble for you.  You will also have to be careful of those who try to incorporate traditional forms and ceremonies into your worship.  They call it cultural but it is not it is demonic.  I will send you evangelists, missionaries, pastors and teachers who will help you with the final harvest.  Yes, I am going to pour out my spirit in your land.  There will be a harvest of young people.  They will be strong, know their God and do exploits.    It will be great days ahead but be wise because also the cults will try to exploit what I am doing.  They will come to your services and will try to steal away the new converts.  I will make you holy, righteous and gracious.  Walk-in love, mercy and truth and I will make you a blessing to your nation.

No need for sun

 November 3 – No need for sun – Rev 21:23-24


Vs 23-24 – The sun and moon have been eliminated because the glory of God gives it light and the Lamb is its lamp.  What an amazing thing to never have to worry about night.  The source of light and heart will be the Lord there.  Living in a place with a constant temperature will be amazing.  This city will reflect the essence, nature and brilliant of the Lord.  The music will be the best, the colors the brightest and the love portrayed in this city will be beyond comprehension.  The word perfect cannot even describe it.  The nations will by its light.  All races, creeds, colors, language groups will be here.  The Kings and rulers of the earth will bring their splendor into it. 

     Who are the Kings and rulers?  It is the church, you and me.  We have new resurrected bodies.  Divine bodies that live and glow with divine essence.  We have the life force of God flowing through us.  Where ever we go the glory and splendor of God is flowing through and out of us.  We are reigning as Kings and priests to God.  This is the reward for our faith.  To inhabit and to exhibit the essence, character and nature of God.

Monday, November 2, 2020

God Almighty

 November 2 – God Almighty and the Lamb – Rev 21:22


Vs 22 – John looks around and does not see a temple.  The reason for this is because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple.  Worship takes a whole need meaning here.  The Lord Himself is present.  The object of worship lives here.  The saints, the angels, the Lamb and the Lord will dwell in this place.  It will be a physical place where the creator of the universe will dwell with His people.  There will be no separation.  We will see Him as He is and we will be like Him in our new resurrected and glorified bodies.  We will not worship from afar or in fear.  Our worship shall be pure, holy undefiled and complete.  We will understand fully who He is and why we worship Him.  Worship will be in the beauty of holiness.  The pure love, grace and mercy of God will be fully understood and realized.