To the Church and Nation of Nicaragua
You are a land f beauty, lakes, and rivers. I have blessed you with a wonderful climate and natural beauty. In the early history of your land, you followed the demons, idols, shamans and folk religion. This has brought you to fear, darkness, disease, sickness, and pain. You enslaved, were involved with human sacrifice and honoring of ancestors. This kept you enslaved to ancient demons and deities which you tried to appease through witchcraft and ancient crafts. Even when I brought you the message of Christ you added your ancient ways to the ceremonies of the church. You now have syncretism and the marriage of the occult with the practices of the liturgical church.
All these things brought to you war, strife, oppression and other countries interfering in your affairs. Each act of rebellion brought dictatorship, war, and death. This was all judgment for what you had done. Those who live by the sword die by the sword. Yet because many of you have turned away from your sin I have begun to heal your land. My church has become an active part of your society. I am about to bring even more healing to your land. I will especially move among your young people. Poverty, unemployment and social unrest will move them to me. In me, they will find purpose, direction, and love. The lack of peace your nation has had will turn them to the Prince of Peace. Your young people will also be Daniel's and Esther's. They will be raised up for a time like this. They will know their God, be strong and do exploits. I will give you active service where the only plan and purpose of your life will to do my will. Great days are ahead for my church.
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