Monday, August 24, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Namibia


To the Church and Nation of Namibia            


   You are a nation in transition and change.  In the past you were pagan, idol worshipper and demon followers.  This caused you pain, sorrow, poverty, violence, and genocide.  You were for many centuries oppressed because of these practices.  Many empires have tried to control and destroy you.  You are now heading towards some better because you have turned to me.  I will bless you with a great move in these last days.  I will give you prosperity and health.  You as a nation have chosen to not embrace any longer the deviant ways of man.  You have not to subject your country to the wishes and ways of the current culture and wishes of communities that are contrary to my word and wishes.  For this, I will give you greater freedom.  You must give up slavery, child exploitation and hurting others.

     To my church, I have four promises for you, I will give you wisdom and understanding to know my plan and purpose for your life.  Next, I will give your counsel and direction to know my will and direction for all you are called to do.  Thirdly, you will walk in grace, faith, love, mercy, and favor.  Lastly, I will give you those who you wish to come.  When you call I will answer and heal you and those you love. 

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