I have favored you because you stood with my people. When nations would attack them and remove them from within you. You would welcome them back and even promoted them to come and be a part of your nation. For this, I have blessed you. You also allow my church to thrive and grow within your borders and that is why I have given you prosperity and favor. You have also chosen not to become part of the group that would be based for future judgment. I call you today to not join that group and keep your neutrality. I have a rebuke and a promise for you. My rebuke is that you have proud, arrogant and self-satisfied. You believe it is because of something that you have done makes you wealthy and free. It is not. It is because of my blessing alone. So do not think you cannot be humbled or brought low. Remember I make nations rise and fall. Secondly, you are relying on your wealth and resources. These can be taken away. So do not store treasures on this earth they can be stolen. I also warn you that there will be thieves, scammers, hackers, and fraudsters who will take what you have if you rely on your wealth.
To my church, I have a promise. You are going to become a launching point for the last day revival in Europe. I will use you to touch many on the continent. I will use the wealth I have given to you to be given to my work. So give generously and cheerfully when asked. Also, I will use you to go and be my missionaries, Many of you will receive a call shortly and then you will have to make a choice. I trust you will choose to follow my will and go to where I assigned you. You need four things to become what I intend you to be. You will need faith, love, grace, and obedience. I will equip you with these. Your response is courageous, strong and faithful. Great days are ahead of you so open your heart and draw near to me and I will give you all that you need to do my will, plan, and purpose.
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