Thursday, August 6, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Mauritius

To the Church and Nation of Mauritius


     I have blessed you with natural beauty and some of the most unique creatures on the planet.  What you have done with that is you have done is worship the creation instead of the creator.  You have also chosen to follow deities, idols, and demons.  You believe in many false gods and this is to your shame.  You call yourself tolerant and enlightened but you are in darkness.  I am providing you a true light if you wish to receive it.  No one has to stay in darkness but they can come to the light.  Those who follow false gods are guilty of three things, sorcery, impurity and oppression.

    To my people in this land.  I have seen how are concerned you are for your fellow countrymen.  It breaks your hearts to see the shrines, idols, and places of worship set up to false gods.  You are praying and working for me and I am pleased.  I have four promises for you today.   I will accompany you with my presence.  Be like Moses and say if your presence does not go before me I will not go up and I will be with you.  Secondly, I will hold to close by my hand.  I promise to lead and guide you all tasks I give you to do.  Next, You will be fruitful branches and bear much fruit.  I am the vine and you are the branches.  You will have fruit and that fruit will remain.  Lastly, no power will be able to separate you from me.  My love will surround you and keep you.

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