Thursday, August 27, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Netherlands


To the Church and Nation of Netherlands


   You are a paradox as a nation, on one hand, you have a history and being a righteous and godly nation but now you becoming something different.  I have a commendation to give you and a rebuke.   I commend you on how you fought for and took care of my people.  Your actions in the holocaust showed that paradox again.  On one hand, so many of you protected my chosen people and yet others tried to harm them.  You have been a strong supporter of me around the world and yet you also allow formalism, tradition, and ritualism to be a part of you.  I commend you on your desire for tolerance, freedom, and values.  I, however, rebuke you because in this present day you are, blind, lame, wicked, pitiful and apostate.  As a nation, you have allowed vice, pornography, sexual immorality, abortion, suicide, and death to flourish.  You call your progressive, enlightened and culturally accepting.  The truth is that you are blind to righteousness and deaf to the truth.  I am calling you back to holiness, righteousness, and truth.  If you do not heed my call you will suffer much judgment.  There are also forces within you that want to lead you into a relationship with the forces that will be attacking my people and church in the last days.  You have a choice right now.  This choice will be taken away if you refuse to hear my voice.  To refuse means that you will become one of the nations of the confederation that will promote and support the anti-christ, dragon, and false prophet.

     To my church.  I have given you an opportunity for real change in your land.  You stand right now on the edge of revival or apostasy.  What you do now will determine what will happen to your nation.  Remember if my people who are called by name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways.  My promise is that I will hear from heaven, forgive and heal your land.  There is coming a great final move in your land.  Right now you are facing a falling away but soon many will turn back to me.  I will once more pour my Spirit upon your land and this will make you strong and bold.  Do not think that you had something to do with this.  This is my move and my move alone.  It is, however, a response to the remnant among you who have not compromised but have held my truth and name in the highest regard.  I have two promises to leave with you today.  I will give you a place near my throne.  You will have my glory, presence, and power among you.  Those who stay true will also have a final inheritance given to the pure of heart.

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