Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Secret of Overcoming

The Secret of Overcoming – Job 13:13

Intro:  This morning we are looking at the book of Job.  What a powerful book.  It is about a man who at the time is the greatest man in the east.  From his life we learnt the secret of overcoming.  We see how you can come back from complete disaster if you trust God.  This is the first of two messages from the Book of Job.

1.  This book introduces us to Job.  A man whose character is an example to follow. 
    These following five characteristics distinguished him from all the men of his

a.  He was blameless.  No one could accuse him, attach blame about his morality,
     Business dealings, how he treated others or how he lived.
b.  He was upright.  He always did what was right even to the point of taking the loss.
     He lived his life with the belief that God was watching, judging and rewarding him for
     His conduct and character.
c.  He feared God.  Job awed, respected and honoured God.  He knew that the fear of the
     Lord was the beginning of wisdom.  Our scripture this morning showed he feared and
     Trusted God so much that he believed if God would slay him, he would still trust God.
d.  He shunned evil.  He avoided it at all costs.  He hated its appearance.  He stated he
     Never look at a woman with lust.  That is why Job was confused about what had
     Happened.  After his self examination he concluded he had done nothing wrong so he
     Couldn’t figure out what had happened.
e.  He prayed for his family every day.  Job made sure his family was covered in prayer.
     He took his role as Patriarch and High Priest over his family seriously.  He was their
     Spiritual covering..  He knew his role as a Father.  He knew spiritual heritage didn’t
     Just happened you had to work at it.  Men that is my exhortation to you.  You want
     Your children to serve the Lord do your part and it is never too late.  These
     Characteristics made his the greatest man in the East and prepared him for the greatest
     Trial of his life.

2.  In Chapter 1-2, we are introduced by this first book of the Bible to the divine conflict
     Of the ages.  God and satan have a conversation over Job.  God says that there was no
     Man like him.  Satan reveals a truth about men and women who God has a
     Relationship with.

a.  God has put a hedge of protection around Job, his family and everything he owns.
b.  God has blessed the work of his hands and everything he owns and in involved in.
c.  This is the promise for the child of God as well.  I know that so everyday I put a hedge
     Of protection and me, my family, everything I own and this church and every Sunday
      I do it over you as your spiritual patriarch. 

d.  Satan says, “let me take away everything he has and he will curse you.”  God allows
     It to happen.  From the very beginning of Biblical history we learn that satan is the
     Author of evil.  His MO is shown from the very beginning.  He comes to rob, kill and
     Destroy.  Jn 10:10.  His principle means of attack is accusation, temptation and
     Deception.  He suffered from the I Will syndrome.  I will be like God, I will have His
     Glory, I will be worshipped, love and feared.  This caused him to become proud,
    Arrogant, devious and totally corrupt.  He now is known as the Father of all lies.
e.  Satan takes everything Job has, family, possessions but Job did not curse God.  He
     Understood as he says in1:20, that family & possession are only for this life.  We
     Come into this world with nothing and we leave the same way.  We are pilgrims
     Passing through.  Job did not curse God.
f.  God is pleased with Job’s response.  Job maintained his integrity.  2:3  Satan then says,
     Let me take his health and he will curse you.  God allowed it and Job lost his health
     And was afflicted with a dreaded disease.  So bad his wife told him to curse God
     And die.  Job revealed to us a powerful
     Truth.  Shall we accept good from God and not trouble.   Job is all about why the
     Righteous suffer reverses.  
g.  We learn from this book the meaning of faith.  It is more than a theological truth, a
     Philosophical approach to life, a code to live by.  It is putting your faith in the unseen
     God, believing His promises, trusting Him in all circumstances, knowing all things
     Work together for God. Refusing to allow pessimism, negativity, hopelessness to
     shake you.  This book reminds us that faith lies not in outward circumstances or in
     Speculative explanations.  It is an encounter with the all knowing and all powerful
     God.  We all need to become like Job and say, “Even if He slays me I will trust Him.”
     Faith in a simple word is trust. 
h.  There is a biblical list you can trust God for. 

a.  God will meet our physical needs.  Mt 6:33
b.  God has meet my needs today and He will meet them tomorrow.  Mt 6:34,
     Phil 4:6 &19
c.  God will me our need for security or love.  Rom 8:35-36 & 5:8
d.  God will meet our need for significance.  Phil 1:21, Eph 2:10, Ps 103:4

3.  The book of Job shows the malignant destructive power of satan in human life.
     But it also shows the quickness of people to blame or kick someone when they
     Are down.  Job’s four friends come to see him.  They are so shocked by his
     Condition they sit down and do not speak.  Then when they do, Eliphaz, Bildad,
     Zophar and Elihu argue with Job for 34 chapters, that it was his sin that caused all
     This.  They speak about God but only as men who do not know Him.

a.  Job was a man that of great faith in God and even though he suffered much he still
    Maintained his innocence and integrity.

b. God finally shows up after Job had requested several times for God to explain why
     This happens.  God shows Himself in His wisdom, power, and glory.  This is enough
     for Job and he sees God as He is and what He is and that is enough reason for Job
    To rest his faith in.  The very fact that God does not explain the mystery of suffering
     Teaches Job and us that He wants our confidence and trust. It is a mystery why God
     Uses suffering, trials and tribulations in the divine plan as a means of perfecting
c.  Job repents of his complaining and lack of understanding of God.  He then gets the
    Privilege of praying for his four uninformed friends and God restores everything but
    in a greater measure than before. 
d. This oldest book of the Bible with its 42 chapters, 1070 verses, 10102, words and ten
     Messages from God.  When Moses or Elihu wrote it they wanted us to know God
     May allow things in our lives but they will work for our good and make us like Jesus
     Who as the writer of Hebrews stated learned obedience by the things He suffered. 
     This book which happened during the time of the patriarchs in the land of Uz located
     South of Edom, west of Arabia near the Chaldean border, shouts loud and clear that
    When satan comes in like a flood.  God is there and He knows what is happening and
    He will raised a standard against satan.  In the end church we will be fully restored and
    Better ff than before. 

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