Saturday, March 24, 2018

Cords of the Cross

Cords of the Cross – Seventy Six

     The Lord says to His children today that it was love that kept Jesus on the cross.  It has been said that there were certain cords that kept Jesus on the cross.  Jesus was not friendless when He hung on the cross.  He could have called a legion of angels to rescue Him.  God Almighty was watching and willing to intervene.  It was not because of weakness that Jesus stayed on the cross.  He may have been ready to expire but he chose the time of His death.  When He said it was finished then and only then did he died.
     Jesus knew that mankind could not save themselves.  It was our sin that caused us to be separated from the Father and Jesus knew this was both a manmade problem and an eternal problem.  The only answer was an eternal man to break the power of sin, death and the grave.  Jesus became that person.  It was His love for mankind that kept Him on the cross. 
     Jesus was also aware that a blood sacrifice was needed for sin to be dealt with.  Without the shedding of blood there is no removal of sin, (Heb 9:22).  Animals could not deal with the eternal problem of sin so Jesus who was the eternal man did so when he suffered, bleed and died on the cross.
     Jesus was also submitted to the divine will and purpose.  Right after the fall a plan was put into motion.  The seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.  Jesus destroyed the works of satan on the cross.  It was the divine will of God to not only bring about redemption for mankind but to destroy the works of the devil once and for all.  Jesus did this on the cross.  He knew this was God will and way to restore mankind’s dominion on the earth. 
     Jesus was loyal to eternal purpose.  He knew that it was through His broken body and shed blood that mankind could be saved and healed.  It was through His death, burial and resurrection that mankind could have again eternal and abundant life.  Praise God for the cords of the cross and Jesus Christ who allowed them to keep him on the cross until all was accomplished.  It is finished.

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