Bible Verse – This is what the Lord says to the House of Israel : Seek me
and live.
Amos 5:14-15 – Amos
the Business man Prophet – May 24th 2009
Intro: The book of
Amos is a book of love to talk about. It
all happen when Dr. Peter Craigie talked about it in Lacombe , Alberta
in 1981. Amos like many of the book I
have related today is so relevant to our Post Modern society.
1. Amos was a
rancher, shepherd and fruit farmer from a town in Tekoa in Judah . He
Was called by God
to go to Israel the Northern Kingdom and bring a message of
Repentance. God saw that Israel had become a nation of
religion and formalism. The
Result was a
nation that was corrupt, idolatrous and perverted.
2. The social system
of Israel
benefited the rich and exploited the poor.
The justice
System was
corrupt. The religious system was
idolatrous and the worship of God was
Lip service
only. Israel ’s disregard for human rights
and for individual rights threaten
The nation’s very
3. Amos decided to go
to Bethel in the Northern
Kingdom . It was both a
trading centre
And religious
centre. It was where one of the two
golden calves had been set up by
Jeroboam I. This trip was both a business and religious
trip. He would do business
And speak God`s
message to the people. The whole trip
would last about three weeks.
4. Amos used a simple
but picturesque style of writing. He
starts off by talking about the
Sins of the other
nations, then Judah
and once he has their attention. He
5. Amos reminds
Israel that God`s moral claims will be heard and only when Israel
Recognizes God
and turns from their sin that they will be restored.
Seek good not evil, that you may live.
1. The word seek is
used numerous times in Amos. God through
Amos is telling the
Readers and
audience of the message to actively search, with great diligence and
Urgency, to seek
the Lord. Underlying this active search
is the knowledge that if they
Did not,
destruction and punishment was their fate,
a. Amos cries out in
the marketplace in Bethel ,
seek good not evil. The social,
And justice
system was corrupt. People were being
exploited at every level. Idolatry,
Injustice and greed were every where.
b. Amos is telling
them this message carried with a life and death consequence. Canada
Today is very
much in this position. 115,000 babies
will die this year in Canada
Through abortion,
3-4 million in the past 35 years, we are only one of 4 countries that
Have changed the
definition of marriage. We have allowed
certain form of
euthanasia, less
than 5% go to church, freedom of speech on certain issues have been
c. Canada like Israel needs to repent or we shall
be destroyed. Amos traces this decline
To Israel
by these factors being absent.
1. The scarcity of God`s
word. Hosea and Solomon stated
that people perish for lack of
Knowledge. Amos compares a scarcity of God`s word as
compared to a famine in
The natural
world. God`s word enlightens man to
God`s love, mercy, grace,
Salvation, commands,
conditions and demands. When it is
promoted, honoured and
Obeyed a nation
flourishes. When it is neglected a
nation withers and dies.
2. Lack of true prayer to the
living God. Israel did pray
but to Baal, Astarte, Molech,
The queen of
heaven and other demonic deities. True
effective prayer is made to the
Living God, maker
of heaven and earth. A nation is only as
strong as the people who
Pray in the right
manner to the right God.
3. Not worshipping the true God
and the honouring of His House. Israel was a
nation but they worship idols, deities and demonic spirits. Their.
Worship caused
them to leave, disobey and hate God. .
When these three
are absent from society. Spiritual,
moral, social and economic
Decline and
destruction follow. This applies both
to the individual and society as a
Then the Almighty God will be with you as you said.
1. Israel had formalism in their
worship of God. They called on God when
They believed
because of their Jewish heritage that this was a safeguard from
Judgment or destruction. This fallacy or idea destroys personal
responsibility. God
Offers a personal
relationship to everyone. Salvation is a
personal choice. Just
Because your
parent or grand parent was a Christian that does not mean salvation for
The rest of the family. Everyone one has to make their own decision.
2. Lip service or
claiming to be a Godly person without the lifestyle is hypocrisy and is
Abominable in the
sight of God and man. Amos says seek God
and live and God will
Be with you as you say He is.
Hate evil, love good
1. Israel was
guilty of calling good evil and evil good.
Like today, Christians are viewed
As narrow,
bigoted and dangerous. We are the reason
God has not poured out
Judgment on
individuals and this nation. We hold
back the forces of hell. Yet satan
Has many
politicians, social activists and media personalities toting a line that evil
Is good and good
is evil.
2. Amos says hate
evil, have nothing to do with it. Be
like Joseph and flee from it.
3. Love good. Love integrity, honesty, uprightness,
morality and people of conscience
Who love and obey
God and His word. Part of the seven fold
mission of church is to
Love and promote
all that is good. It should be part of
our thinking process. Paul
Writes in Phil
4:8-9. What so ever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable,
Excellent and
praise worthy. Think on these
things. These are good and should be
Loved, promoted
and lived out.
Maintain justice in the courts.
1. Amos before he
gave his message spent some time just looking around to see what
Was going
on. He saw the judges taking bribes, the
priests and people worshipping
At the shrines
and altars of idols. He saw the poor
being mistreated, greed being
Promoted and
injustice everywhere.
2. Amos
is a book that cries for justice. Let
men seek the Lord, let them repent and
Live in justice.
3. Amos prophesized
during Jeroboam II, a time of so called prosperity but also great
Sin. I want to clear up a misconception promoted
in the North American
Church. Prosperity, is not always a sign of God`s
favour, it can be a sign of greed,
Immorality and
injustice. Just look at any street gang
in any major city. Just because
A person has
money does not mean they are godly. God
wants to prosper but it begins
With our soul
Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.
1. Amos used a
metaphor of the straining of God`s mercy by sinners as to overloading a
Cart. His last statement is like a prayer. Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on the
Remnant of Israel . There may be a narrow escape. If they repent, God may still
Show mercy.
2. Amos doesn’t hold
out for much hope but there is a little.
His message is simple seek
The Lord and live.
It is the only way to avoid total destruction. In his five visions
Amos pounds again
and again about how true morality is found in God. He truly lives
Up to his name,
(Burden Bearer). He speaks to a land not
even his own about he
Carries a message
of hope. This philosopher, poet and
prophet cries out to Israel
To Canada .
3. Seek the Lord and
live, forget our idolatry, injustice and greed. He is your answer
Today for what is
happening in your world.
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