ohn 5:1-47
I trust you are not growing tired of this passage just one more day after today and we will move on. The richness of this account is amazing. Today Jesus talks about light, truth, the word and the Holy Spirit. John compacts so much truth in one chapter it is wonderful.
1. Jesus doesn’t testify about Himself but the Father testifies of Him and this testimony is greater than John the Baptist who was sent as a human witness.
2. John was sent to testify that Jesus is the truth. All this so people might be saved. John had testified to the people that Jesus would come shortly and baptised people with fire and the Holy Spirit.
3. Jesus revealed that John was a light that burned for a while and some people chose to enjoy the light. Ministry is not always long term but effectiveness is determined by anointing, availability and obedience. Jesus had the Father’s testimony and the works He was doing showed that He was the Son of God. In the case of the Christian the inward testimony of the Spirit and the fruit we display show we are of the family of God.
4. If people will believe in Jesus then they will have the Holy Spirit and the voice of God inside. We have His word, form and voice inside.
5. Our last point this morning is people can study the scriptures and yet miss the mark because they think through them they can have life. True life only comes through Jesus. It is sad commentary of religious life to read the bible and miss eternal life because you did not believe and trust in Jesus. This is also a challenge for all today. Start with Jesus and go from there.
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