Friday, August 16, 2013

Psalm 144 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

Psalm 144 - Psalms of Steel by Robert Dean Steel

There is no place like your house, O God.
In your house is joy everlasting.
In your house is victory, freedom and grace.
In your house is love, acceptance and forgiveness.
You enable, empower, anoint and give unction.
It is the place where the saint can truly express their love.

Together we praise and worship you in holiness.
The beauty of your house is expressed in song.
Our hymns, psalms, choruses and songs release worship.
Our worship is an attitude of the heart expressed.
Together we receive the Holy Spirit unction and power.
You dwell in us and we dwell in you.

Prayer is the fuel that furnishes the fire of God.
Your word is proclaimed to the saint and sinner.
All are called to truth, light and salvation.
In your house all who come can leave changed.
No burden, sickness, hurt or distress,
Will be able to stay when the brethen pray.

It is the foolish and selfish who neglect your house.
No excuse, reason, justification or hurt,
Stands when the Lord comes among His people.
The call is ringing out loud and clear.
It is distinct, precise, and to the point.
Return to the house of the Lord and be healed.

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