Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Essays on Prayer - No. 13 - By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No. 13 - By Robert Dean Steel 

   The Bible teaches in Proverbs 14:34, that righteousness exalts and nation but sin is a reproach to any people.  Praying your your country, national leaders, provincial, state or community leaders is so important.  Paul puts into perspective when he said we are to pray for those in authority over us that we may live quiet and peaceful lives. 
   In the book, "If my people," it states that God does expect the ungodly to pray but He holds His people responsible.  2 Chronicles 7:14, is the key for national revival.  We are to humble ourselves.  Until God's people humble themselves, pride and arrogance will reign in the land.  We then are to pray and I am not talking about just individual prayer but church wide, city wide, provincial or state wide and even if possible national prayer.  We should pray in city and town halls, in schools, or in any public place that will allow us and pray with fervency and urgency.  Then we are to seek His face.  God is looking for people who will seek His face.  We must get so sick of the sin in our land.  We have to say Lord," I cannot take this immoral evil land any longer.  I will not let the demonic forces that have destroy marriages, family and children continue.  I will pray for the sanctity of life and for our nation to stop killing our children in the name of convenience.  I will not stand by while our governments give into special interest groups.  I will stand up for those who have no voice.  I will not left others take my place in speaking for them.  I will not let evil dictate the morality of the land.  I will through Jesus Christ be a voice for morality in this nation." 
   Then we are to turn from our wicked ways.  The church holds the power of life and death in our hands.  Too long we have been silent.  Too long, we have let evil reign and sin work its destruction in our land.  I am not saying that we should take to the streets and do public protests but in prayer we need to be militant and say like Jacob, "God I will not let you go until you bless me." 
   You need to pray for your national leaders.  In my country we have a Christian who is currently our Prime Minister and supports Israel.  We need to pray that God will continue to lead and guide Him.  That his government will be wise and righteous.  They will be free of scandals and choose the path of integrity.  For the opposition leaders who are currently supporters of certain ungodly things we need to pray for their salvation and for someone within their sphere of influence who can talked to them about the Lord.
   Then we need to pray for provincial and state leaders.  Pray that God would help them to be righteous.  In my country 87% of our population is under Premiers who are women.  The reality is that every one of them have endorsed ungodly and feministic policies.  We need pray that God would speak to their hearts and re-align them to godly principles.
   Pray as well for your municipal or county leadership that they would make good bylaws for the benefit of the people.  If possible try to get a prayer meeting going in a city or town hall.  Then you will have authority because you have territorial authority.  You have claimed the ground.
   When you have done this the Lord promises to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.  Here is a reality.  Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.  One day we will have to stand and give an account of how we prayed for those in authority for us.
   Our churches, community, provinces, states and countries need revival.  Let us be diligent presenting these things before the Lord.  He promises to hear us and heal our land.   

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