Parable 108 - Parables of Steel by Robert Dean Steel
What a thrill it was. Jim was riding Phil's motorcycle around the gravel pit. They had been riding up and down the different slopes being real daredevil's. Each jump creating a bigger and more exciting thrill. Jim now turned the bike to one part of the pit they had not explored yet. He roared up the side of the hill and then to his surprise found himself riding off a cliff some twenty feet high. It was the perfect jump and his friend Phil shouted, "Wow what a jump." Everything slowed down for Jim. He saw the ground coming up fast. Reacting by pure instinct he landed the bike on the back tire and then the bike fell to its side. Phil came running up congratulating his friend for the perfect jump and landing. They bantered back and forth about the jump and the landing and how great it looked. They looked at the bike and it had only suffered two broken brake cables which they fixed on the spot. It was not until later that night when Jim was laying in bed that he realized how close to death he had come. God watches over those that fear Him even in their foolish moments.
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