Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Essays on Prayer - No 12 - by Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No 12 - by Robert Dean Steel

   In Larry Lea's book, Could you not tarry."  He teaches that this is a powerful way of getting people to your church.  Before you do any evangelism or outreach you need to cover things with prayer.  So here is simple model to start having people come to your church.  Over the years it has worked wonderfully for me.
   First, you need to know that there are people who belong to your church.  They are not there but they are coming.  What you need to do, is release them from the four directions and believe that God is going to send them.
   So, you speak first of all the demonic forces in the four directions.  You say "North, in the name of Jesus you have no right, authority or power over the people who belong to our church in the name of Jesus.  By the blood, the word and the name of Jesus Christ I command you to let them go."  Then you call them in from your area.  In my case, I call them from Northern, Alberta, Northwest Territories, the Yukon, Nunavutt, Alaska, Russia, Baltic countries, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland and Greenland.  I call them as far as Grise Fiord which is the most Northern inhabited community in Canada and the world.
   I then release them and ask the Holy Spirit to draw them and send angels to protect as they are coming.  I tell every hindrance, blockage, reason or excuse holding them back to be broken in the name of Jesus and that I believing for their release now in name of Jesus.
   Then I do the same over the south, calling people from central and southern Alberta, United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America and from Antarctica because there are at least 4000 permanent residents there.
   Then I do it over the east calling them from all the provinces east of my location.  Then from the islands of the Atlantic and then Europe and Africa as far east as Jerusalem.  To me Jerusalem is the center of the world.
   Lastly, I do it over the west.  Calling them from B.C. western U.S. the 23000, islands of the Pacific into the continent of Asia with its 3 billion people.  This call is as far west as Jerusalem.
Again in my case I call a specific number of people I wish to call to our church every week.
   Now I know that I have been very specific in this essay on my prayer model for this subject.  You of course can modify it to your situation but the most important thing is to ask.  James 4:2 says that we have not because we ask not.  You need to ask.  If you do not aim for something in prayer you will not be surprise when nothing happens.  Over the years this model has worked wonderfully for myself and those that I have taught it too.  I trust it has been helpful and you will begin to see immediate results like I did when I began to pray.  The Lord loves to answer specific prayers.  This is one.    

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