Essays on Prayer - No 14 - By Robert Dean Steel
In this essay, I will be giving advice on how you can claim your gates and high places in your community. On a recent trip to Japan I discovered the reality of high places. On every major hill and mountain there is a Buddhist or Shinto shrine or altar. In these places pilgrims offer food and offerings to the gods and spirits of those religions. These afford the demonic forces a commanding presence in those communities and cities. This not an accident.
In the Old Testament and through the history of the nation of Judah and Israel it states that the people of the land and the nation of Israel would either offer things to the Lord or the gods of the land. When a King wanted to cleanse the land of evil and demonic influence he would begin by destroy the altars and shrines on the high places. You must remember our fight is against dark forces in the heavenly realms. If these demonic generals are aware of the significance of the high places so should we. Now for some of my readers this is either new or you may not believe what I am saying but if you do a careful study of the Old Testament you will find what I am saying is true.
Here is a story from Irish history that helps illustrates this point. When Patrick first came to Ireland during the fifth century the land of Ireland was control by the druids. Once a year around the feast of Easter they would build on a hill opposite the Kings castle a large fire to show their power and authority over the land. This greatly disturbed Patrick so he decided that he would have his followers build a larger fire on a opposite hill to demonstrate the power of God over the land. This was actually an event that began to bring Christian influence over the land of Ireland. When Patrick died he had been personally responsible for the salvation of 80,000 people and the ordination of some 5000 clergy and workers. It was the catalyst of claiming the high place that started it.
So whatever is the high place go there are and say, "In the name of Jesus, I claim this high place for the Lord, I command all demonic, worldly and human influence to bound, broken and cast out in the name of Jesus. I release now the angels of the Lord to this place and their influence to be broken in the name of Jesus. From this day forward only that which of God is allowed in this community. All that is not of God must now leave and never come back in the name of Jesus."
If you can find others who will join your in prayer the better because the Bible states that where two or three agree as touching anything it shall be done. United prayer is the key to any long term victory.
Now this should also be done at the gates or entry points of your community. When I lived in smaller communities it was easy but now that I live in a city I have 17 entry points into my community. Instead of saying that this high place belongs to God you say this gate or entry point.
The Bible teaches the importance of the gates in the ancient world. The city of Jerusalem for example had twelve gates around it. Each gate always had a guard tower and large gates and hardware. The city of New Jerusalem will have 12 gates as well. The bible says that those who possess the gates possesses the city. It is time that we possess our cities again. In the name of Jesus we need to send the demonic forces packing and claim back what is ours. Many communities remain in the hands of the enemy because the church either refuses to take what if theirs or this kind of spiritual warfare is either foreign or they do not believe it. When I have talk to pastors I have been surprised by those who embrace and reject this idea. I remember when I first moved to a community in British Columbia. I presented this teaching to the pastors. I was surprise that many were not only willing to try it but participated in taking the high places and gates of the city. Immediately the spiritual condition of our community changed. We saw more liberty in our evangelism. Churches prayed together, planned together and saw many people come to know the Lord. The pastors of that community knew they needed a breakthrough. This community had been a center for new age and demonic activity but not long after we did this the influence of these people decreased and many moved out the community.
When you claim your gates you possess your community. Over the years I have made declarations each designed for each community and have seen dramatic results. This of course has nothing to do with me but with the Lord who has given us authority in the spiritual realm. How God lays it upon you to take your high places or gates must be under the Holy Spirit's direction. Every community is different. In one community I lived in a tall building was the high place. The challenge I leave for you today is, are you be willing to step out by faith and go into the enemies camp and take back what he has stolen from you? Remember souls in your community are waiting for your boldness.
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