Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tribute to Caesar

Sept 1 – Tribute to Caesar – Luke 20:20-26

                There were men that were assigned to keep a close watch on Jesus and to find out if there was something  they could accuse him of so they could turn Him over to the governor.  They sent someone to question Him about who they should pay their taxes too, Caesar or not?  Jesus asked for a coin and when it was given to Him, He asked whose image was on the coin.  They said, “Caesar,” to which He responded, “Give to Caesar was is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”  They were silenced and astonished by His wisdom.  This is a great exhortation for us today.  Give what is man’s to man and what is God’s to God.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Spirit of Truth

In John 15:26, Jesus told His disciples that when the Helper comes whom He is sending from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father, He will testify of Me.  Whenever the Holy Spirit is working He always points to Jesus.  Jesus is the object of His attention.  He always brings Jesus into focus.  When a person becomes a Christian, Jesus should be the main focus of our lives.  He should be the one we all want to become like.  When Jesus died on the cross He was doing the will of the Father.  As His followers our goal and ambition should be doing the will of the Father.  Our present and future should be wrapped in becoming more and more like Jesus.  I love what Paul said in the book of 1 Corinthians.  "He said, "I have determined that I will know nothing but Christ and Him crucified."  The beautiful thing is that this focus does not have to be a manmade effort.  We have the Holy Spirit living inside us.  He has been sent by Jesus.  He is the Spirit of truth who testifies of Jesus.  He will help us, empower us, gives us all we need to walk in victory and in authority.  We do not have to do this alone.  We have resurrection power in us.  He will enable us to not just live a Christian life but live it abundantly.  There is an old hymn that states, "More abundantly, more abundantly, that you might have life and more abundantly."  Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead so we could have both eternal and abundant life.  The Holy Spirit living inside of us makes that possible.  So today, go and touch your world for Jesus Christ and do it abundantly in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Key of the Kingdom

In Matt 16:19, Jesus told Peter that he would receive the Keys of the Kingdom and whatever he bound on earth would be bound in heaven whatever he loosed on earth would be loosed in heaven.  The power of prayer is the Key of the Kingdom.  Prayer is the secret of victory in every situation.  No matter what we face the first thing we should do is pray.   I have found over the years of serving the Lord that when I commit something to the Lord His answer does not take very long.   The problem for the average believer is we do not commit our situations to the Lord fast enough..  Or what we do is think that the thing we are facing is too small for the Lord.  Jesus was telling Peter and us to allow the Lord to get involved right away.  The secret of Jesus' success in life was that He involved the Father in everything He did.  He knew God's will in the matter and we can as well.  So when you pray bind whatever it is that is bringing defeat and loose victory into the situation.  Let the Lord be your helper and your victory.  You do not have to face anything alone.  The Key is prayer and lots of it.    

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The cost of folllowing Jesus

In Matt 8:34, Jesus talks about the cost of being His disciples.  It is a steep and life changing cost.  If a person is not willing to give everything over to Christ they are not worthy of Him.  You must be willing to give everything to Christ because He gave everything to purchase yours and mine salvation.  In John 3:16, we learn that God loved each one of us so much that He sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  Jesus'' sacrifice is free but it cost Him everything to give us our salvation.  Jesus in this verse says that if you want to follow Him you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him.  This verse tells us that we have to be willing to give up our hopes, dreams, desires, past, present and future to follow Him.  We also must be ready to sacrifice all to follow Him.  Recently, I finished a book on the Christians who live in North Korea.  This is a country where if you become a Christian it could mean imprisonment or even death, yet multitudes have been willing to give up everything to follow Christ.  Why, would they be willing to do this?  It is because they know that only Jesus Christ can offer both eternal and abundant life.  They willingly give up all to serve Jesus.  What have you given up for Jesus?  Most in Canada know nothing about self sacrifice and following Jesus.  It shows by our prayer lives, Bible reading and Church attendance.  Here is a thought, One day you will have to give an account of your life to Christ.  Will you be able to say, "I gave up everything to follow you or not?"  Today make your choice because someone in your world is wanting to see a real Christian, it might as well be you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

In the Name of Jesus

In John 16:24, Jesus gives us a great exhortation.  He says, "Ask the Father anything in my name and He will give it to you."  What a great promise for prayer.  No matter you are facing or whatever you need, you can ask the Father in Jesus' name and you will have it.  Do you  need healing, forgiveness, strength or breakthrough?  God will give it to you in Jesus name.  I love the name of Jesus.  It is such a powerful name.  At the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.  In the name of Jesus we have the victory as the chorus says.  What do you need for victory today?  Go and pray in Jesus name and you will have it.  This is a refrigerator verse.  It is a verse to put on the mirror that you see everyday.  God has given us the victory.  So today in the name of Jesus go and be a conqueror.  No more being a victim or being defeated.  I love that old chorus. "I will not be defeated."  This is such a powerful truth.  To know that God is on your side and that through Jesus you will have the victory because anything we ask the Father in Jesus' name shall be done.  This is shouting ground so go and win your victory today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Essays on Prayer - No. 19 - By Robert Dean Steel

  In this essay I will write about how to prayer for the person who has walked away from the Lord and the lost.  These two groups compose the most of those we pray for.  Here is one reality for both groups if they do not get saved they will die in their sins.
  The back slider or the person who once the knew the Lord and walked away is in a very precarious position.  The reality is that they knew the Lord.  They had experienced His salvation, grace, love and mercy.  They walked in the goodness of God.  It may have been for a short time or long one but they had a relationship with the Lord.  Now for some reason or another they are no longer serving the Lord.  You can tell by their fruit.  Now I know that some who will read this essay will say that these people were not truly converted so they never really were saved and there are others who believe in once saved always saved.
   We all know someone who fervently served the Lord and for one reason or another they turned away from Christ.  The reality is that Jesus is not their top priority, they are doing all the same things they did before and maybe even worse.  The problem with someone like this is that they will say, "Yes, I know all about the Bible and what I should do but I will later."  I have a brother who says that.  So how does one pray for your loved one, friend or former church member.
    First, you ask the Lord to open up their eyes, heart, mind and ears to the gospel.  You pray that God will arrange circumstances, people and situations where they come into contact with the Lord and His people.  Ask the Lord to put a dis-satisfaction with their life and that they will want to come back to the Lord.  Ask the Lord to break the demonic strongholds that have been built up in their lives.  Pray that the Lord will expose their condition and begin a work of conviction in their hearts.  Pray that they do not rest day or night until they make it right with God.   Ask the Lord to spread His love and mercy in their lives.  Pray that the Lord will send the right laborer to talk to them.  Plead for them day and night and keep praying because many times it takes a period of time to see this happen.  When the Holy Spirit speaks, go and do your part.  I have been used many times in restoring a back slider.  I will praying and then the Holy Spirit will tell me to go and visit someone and they are ready.  It is amazing.  The Holy Spirit loves the back slider he does not want them to miss one moment of salvation so He works behind the scenes.  Our part is to pray and be ready to do His biding.
   The largest group of people you will ever pray for is the lost or unsaved.  In my community alone they number over fifty thousand.  When praying for the lost I break them up into groups.  Children, young people, young adults, young families with children, families with youth, empty nesters and seniors.
   I pray that God will speak to the children and youth because they are the age where most people will get saved, 80% of all who come to Christ will come in this age bracket.  When someone is young they have a greater capacity and ability to receive Christ.  They believe what you say and they have not be harden by time, environment, worldly influence or demonic attack.  They have the faith to believe.  As they get older the pull of friends and the world become stronger.  They listen to voices of media, fashion, fame, popularity and money.
   This is why we need to pray for families with young children and youth.  I remember one time a little girl told her mom and dad she wanted to go to Sunday School because one of her friends told her how much it was.  She asked all week so out of obligation they came and got saved and became an active part of the church.  That is why most of our resources in the church should be spent on children and youth ministries because they bring the best results.
   When you pray for the younger generation claim the promise of Prov 22:6, which states that when we train a child in the way they go when they are old they will not depart from it.  Interesting fact is that the writer is not talking about later in life, he meant when the child has facial hair which in Jewish time period could be anywhere from 13-17.  If you start early and stay with it you will see your children serving the Lord.
   Bind the enemies ability to work in their lives, ask the Lord to deaden and silence the call of the world.  Ask the Holy Spirit to work in their lives creating situations, circumstances and
bringing the right people at the right time for the right reason into their lives.  Plead for their souls day and night, fast and pray.
   When it comes to the older person, pray that God would take a piece of information, an exposure to Sunday School, a piece of literature, a friend or maybe a media presentation and use it to reach them.  The longer you live the more chance there is to come across something the Lord can use.  Pray that this will bear fruit.  Stay in prayer and be like Abraham when he prayed for Sodom.  He asked the Lord for as little at 10 people.  You can do the same.  The reality is that is that if you do not do it.  Someone could miss eternity.  The Lord told Ezekiel.  "I am holding you responsible, if you do not tell them they will not hear."  I believe God is saying the same to us.  "If you do not pray they will not hear."   

Sumoto Chapel

Message for Sunday -  Aug  25- 2013 – Sumoto Chapel – Psalm 15

Two questions David asks his audience and us.

1.        Who may dwell in your sanctuary?
2.       Who may dwell on your holy hill?

He does not leave them hanging.  He has a list of characteristics of the Godly.  Things, he thinks is important.  This is David’s list of the fruit of the holy life.  Faith is not just speech it is action.  James said, “I show my faith by what I do.”  Faith is action.  You say more about your Christianity by what you do than by what you say. 

1.        He who walks blameless and who does what is righteous or right.  No blame can be attached to your speech, actions, attitudes or motives.  You do what is right.  People can count on you to do the right thing.  Your integrity and honesty make you stand out. 
2.       You speak the truth from your heart.  You season all your speech with love.  You watch what you say and how you say it.  You are like David when he said. “Lord put a watchman at the door of my mouth that I will not sin against you.”  Your heart is guided by the love of God and when you speak that is what comes out.
3.       He has no slander on his tongue.  You do not gossip, speak bad or knowingly hurt your neighbor by your speech.  This is known in some circles as back biting.  You are nice to their face but behind their back you speak evil of them.   You will always speak well of your neighbor.  One time there was a man whose neighbor what not a nice man but he was hard working so whenever he spoke about his neighbor he spoke about how working he was.  Your tongue could be the thing God uses to restore someone.
4.       He does not do his neighbor wrong.  You must never knowingly be dishonest, untruthful or intentionally hurt your neighbor.  Jesus used the illustration of the Good Samaritan to bring the point that anyone who needs our help or we meet is our neighbor.   William Booth was asked what words would best described his ministry as the founder of the Salvation Army.  He wrote “others”.   We are to love our neighbor as ourselves.
5.       He does not slur on his fellow man.  This is talking about people we do not know.  Here is a perfect example, “You are driving down the road, someone, cuts you off or pulls in front of you and causes you to stop or swerve suddenly.”  You immediately yell at them , in my country you honk the horn like a mad man.  You call them bad names.  It makes you feel better but you have judged that person by one incident.   David says we are not to do that.  This can also apply to people groups or families.  You may say for example, every body in Tokyo is crazy.  Those who live in Kobe are great but those in Osaka are snobs.  You are making a general statement.  It is like me saying well everyone in U.S. are gun happy, tobacco chewing, truck driving, over weight people.  That is slurring your fellow man.
6.       Is a person that despises and hates vile and evil men.  David said, we should hate sin but love the sinner.  You should love what is good and hate what is evil.  David then says we should honor those who fear and have a respect for the Lord.  We should appreciate those around us who put the Lord first in their lives.  Honor means to hold someone in high esteem. 
7.       Keeps his oath even when it hurts.  If you make a promise, David says you must keep it.  Jesus said, let your yes be yes and your no be no.  It means if you tell someone you are going to do it.  You do it.  Even if costs you something which it usually does.
8.       Lends his money without usury or interest.  Jews were to lend money to their fellow Jews  without any interest added to it.  It was a straight loan paid back at the same amount.  You loaned someone 100,000 yen he only had to pay back 100,000 yen.  The banks would go out of business if they did.  In Nehemiah’s day he had to deal with this problem.
9.       Does not accept a bribe against the innocent.  You never take money to hurt another.  Especially those who cannot defend themselves.  James said pure religion is taking care of the widows and orphans and keep oneself unpolluted by the world.

David closes this Psalm by saying that those who do these things will never be shaken.  No matter what goes on around them they will be never shaken.  Their trust is in the Lord.   Great words of exhortation and things to think about.    So David answered his original questions and then tells us that whoever does these things will never be shaken.

Now in my tradition and way of closing a service,  I would like to pray for people who need God to heal or meet their need.  So if you need prayer, would you come to the front and I would love to pray for you.       

Essays on Prayer - No 18 - by Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No 17 -  by Robert Dean Steel  

  In this essay I will be writing about how to pray for the church and what I call the dis-infranchised.  I will explain what that means in a moment.  The church of Jesus Christ is a powerful entity that needs to be awaken to its potential.  This prayer essay I hope helps to make that happen.
   The church of Jesus Christ is the most power organization on the planet.  It has all of heaven backing it.  It has the power to change and reform society but how does that begin.  In a previous essay I talked about how certain things need to be covered in prayer.  Some of the things that will be share here are a summary but new information will also be given as well.
   When you pray for the church or your church.  Pray that God will create a hunger, thirst and desperation in all of us.  "They that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled."  When people are desperate they will do anything to make it happen.  When you are dis-satisfied with where you are and what you are doing then you are in a great place for God to change things for the better.
   Next pray 2 Chron 7:14, Pray, that the church would humble itself.  Humility is a core element for change.  Pride exalts itself but humility exalts the Lord and others.  Pray that your fellow Christians will see the need for prayer.  Nothing happens without prayer.  Prayer is the fuel for change and revival.  When God's people pray the enemy gets fearful.  They know that a praying church is an unstoppable force.  Next, the church must seek His face.  To many times we have chased after the wrong things.  When you choose to look into the face of someone you see their full expression.  You cannot miss what they want or are saying.  You know exactly what they are thinking.  When we seek the face of God we are seeking for His mind, will and direction for our lives and world in general.  You know that salvation, deliverance and healing are top priorities for God.  You become keenly aware that He is about eternal and abundant life.   Lastly, pray that the church turns from our wicked ways.  Most of us would never admit that we deliberately sin or we intentionally sin.  Yet everyday in our words, thoughts, actions, attitudes and motives that is what we do.  Most of us do not carefully watch our lives.  We often speak without thinking, react without considering the consequences and do things before we have thought things through.  Many of us do not even consider many of the things we do as sin.  We have drop the standards to the point where things that were taboo 20 years ago have become acceptable.  When the church looks at sin as sin eventually the world will as well.  We set the standard not the world.  In many cases the church looks more like the world instead of the church.  We are having debates about things that should never be debated.  We have taken love and grace and made them so greasy that we never want to offend any one.  I have news for you the gospel is offensive.  It confronts people about their sin.  Jesus died so that mankind could be forgiven of their sin not excused.  Jesus loved the sincere seeker but He confronted the self righteous hypocrite who refused to see their sin as sin.  People who come in our midst and try to make us accept their lifestyle choices or orientation are not turning from their sin they are trying to make us think it is acceptable because we are called to love.  Love does not condone sin, it confronts bad behavior, addictions, lifestyle choices and orientation because eventually it can kill them and those around them.  It is time that instead of coming out of the closet people need to clean it.
   When you pray for the church.  pray for the pastors that they would be men of the word, prayer, Spirit and integrity.  When you pray for church boards, pray that they would follow the guidelines as presented in 1 Timothy and Titus.
   Pray for unity, power, anointing, authority, wisdom, clarity and boldness would be prevalent in the church.  Pray that the churches would be able to work together as a unified group to reach their communities for God.  David said, "How good and pleasant it is for brethen to dwell together in unity."  Your prayers can make that happen.  Your community is waiting for a revival.  It can happen when you pray.
   Next, I want to expose a very large problem facing the church today, I call them the dis-infranchised.  They are people who called themselves Christians but never darkened the door of the church.  They stay home on Sunday mornings and watch television evangelists.  They are quick to criticize the church and blame it for their many problems.
   There is also a growing group of people who have been hurt and have never recovered from their hurt.  Here is a reality, pastors, church boards and church organizations in general are made up of people.  They say, do and react like people.  Salvation is not a cure all for bad behavior.  All of us are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have never met a pastor yet who would knowingly hurt any one but it happens.  Any one I have met would go the second and third mile to repair a relationship.  Pastor's heart break when a person gets hurt. 
   I met woman recently who was working in a church kitchen.  She was working for a Christian school program.  We talk for a moment and then I asked her what church she went too.  She replied, "Oh I don't go to church, the one I went too hurt me ten years ago and I don't go any more."  My heart broke.  Myself and a fellowship pastor reminded her that not all churches hurt and that there were great churches and pastors who would be more than willing to restore her.  Her react was, "Oh its too late."  Here was a woman who could not get past an offense and had been carrying  unforgiveness for ten years and could not see her way past it.
   The people dropping out of churches is almost an epidemic now.  It is not just happening to the fringe, it is now happening to core people.  People you would never think it would happen too. So the question is how do you pray?
   Pray that God would open their eyes and see how the enemy has been able to exploit that hurt.  Next, pray that God would put in their life people who are patient.  It will take time to win them and see that not all people in the church are hurtful.  Pray that God really puts a desire for change and a hunger for Himself in them.  That their eyes would be opened to the unforgiveness in their heart.  Weep, fast, pray for them.  Stand in the gap and bind the enemies attacks in their lives.  Bring them by name before the Lord.  Stay with this until you see a break through.  Whenever you have a chance phone them or go see them and create a friendship with them.  In time God may use you an instrument for healing.  Be patient and wise.  I know this one man that whenever we talk he brings up something that happened to him over 20 years before.  I have been patient and because of this he has come to church from time to time.  He has still not gotten over the unforgiveness and pain but God is working.  Remember these people were at one time pillars in the church and they can be again.

Essays on Prayer - No 17 - By Robert Dean Steel

   In this essay I will be covering how to pray for a church service and preparing the ground on site for breakthrough and the most powerful time in prayer.  This has been my habit for decades.  My family and friends are well aware of my routines in this matter.  They are the secret to any success that I have in ministry.
   First, you invite the Lord into the services that will be conducted on Sunday.  It is the Holy Spirit who needs to be in control.  From the invocation to the benediction of the service He must be in control.  You pray that everything that said, sung and done in the service will bring honor praise and glory to His name.  You bind, break and cast out any forces whether worldly, fleshly or demonic from the services.  You ask the angels to camp around your facility and that their presence would inside as well.  In this way you keep out any forces or spiritual activity that would keep the Lord from doing His full and complete work in people's heart.  You pray that God will lead all the participants and people in the service would walk out different than when they walked in.  Remember we grow from glory to glory.
   Next, you pray for the worship services.  Pray for the song leader and those who served with them.  That they would be unified and anointed.  Empowered, having the Lord's authority and power.  They would have wisdom clarity and boldness.  Each person involved would come in expectation and a desire to serve and worship the Lord.  The music would have a deep impact on both the musicians and the people.  That the songs chosen would not be their favorites but songs that would lead the people into worship.  Pray that professionalism and the striving of it would not take place over leading the people into the presence of God.  Pray that the people would not get distracted, that they would be able to release the cares and distractions of the week to the Lord and enter into worship.  That the worship time would have its full effect and that they would  be ready to receive the word.
   Thirdly you pray for the finances of the church.  Remember you are praying that every need would be met.  That generosity and prosperity would be sown in the church not stinginess and poverty.  A church is able to function well when the finances are not a concern.  Pray that God would send generous giving people into your midst.  That discipleship and evangelism can be conducted.  It takes money to make things work.  Pray that people would sow above what is expected and even give sacrificially as the needs are known.  Pray that God would give you cheerful givers.
   Fourthly, pray for the word.  You want to have good solid meat every time the pastor speaks.  Pray that God would give him the anointing, power, authority, enablement, unctioning, wisdom, clarity and boldness to speak what God has put on his heart.  He would speak what God wants the people to hear and not be tempted to preach for the itching ears in the audience.  Pray that your pastor stands behind the pulpit and preaches with all heaven standing behind him.  Pray that he has time to adequately prepare and pray over his message.  That he has time to prepare his heart, mind and spirit for giving the message.  Pray that he has wept and prayed over his message.  A good sermon is 10% written preparation and 90% prayer preparation.
    Fifthly, pray for the application of the word.  A good message is only as good as the application of it into the hearts, minds and lives of the audience through out the week.  Pray for salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation, forgiveness, strength, freedom, victory and break through in every area of lives.  It is absolute essential that people walk out different than when they walked in.  Corporate services are only as effective as the prayer ministry that has been done before.  The more people involved the stronger and more effective the service.  James put its into perspective when he said, "Do not only be hearers of the word but doers as well.
   :Lastly, pray for all the other ministries going on.  It could be children's church or Sunday School, teens, adult studies, cell groups etc.  Every ministry and person who works in these ministries need to be covered in prayer.  Pray that God would anoint, empower, flow through and they would be an instrument in the hands of the Lord.  Pray that they are adequately prepared in every way and that when they minister they are ministering out of the excess not out of bare bones.  That they would be ministering out of Lord's strength and not their own.
   Your prayer support is so essential to a well run and functional church.  A praying church is a powerful church. 

Essays on Prayer - No. 16 - By Robert Dean Steel

   This essay is about praying for the harvest.  It is based on the sower found in three of the gospels.  Jesus talks about a sower and the different types of soil.  The Lord in 2000 gave me an outline on how to prayer for the souls of men based on the soil of their heart.  I wish to share this with you today.
   The first, is the hard or stoney soil.  This is the soil where before people have an opportunity to receive but before they can do anything with the message the enemy has snatched it away.  When praying for your loved ones, friends or people in your world with this soil, pray that their hearts would be soften.  That God would plow their hearts and prepare their soil for the sowing of the word of God.  Bind the enemy attempts to steal the seed sown in their hearts.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would used people and situations to show that the gospel is what they need and that their eyes would be opened, their ears would be able to hear, their minds can comprehend and the hearts ready to receive.
   The next soil is the shallow soil.  This is the hearts of the people who gladly receive the word and at first are very excited and ready to serve the Lord.  Then persecution and hard ship comes and they give up the gospel because it is too hard.  I had this happen in the first church I served.  A woman was very happy to serve the Lord but when her friends gave her a choice about them or Christ she chose them.  My heart was broken because we had work so hard with her.  So when you pray asked the Lord to deepen their soil right away.  That the seed would be sown deep and that all stones and material that would be used to keep them becoming fertile would be removed.  Pray for series of mentors and role models to be placed in their lives so they can find help when they struggle.  Pray that God gives them godly friends and helpers right away.  This is the number one reason why they give up the gospel.  Pray that the right seed would be shown.  Many people get excited and have emotional experiences at first but that only goes a short while and what they need is the strong and deep word of God sown in love acceptance and forgiveness.
   The third type of soil is the thorny soil.  This is where people gladly receive the world but over time the cares and riches of life choke out the message.  This is the number one problem in the western church.  We have too many cares and riches.  Pray that people would not get to busy or too rich and that they would have the right priorities.  Pray that they would pray, study the word, not neglect church and learn the value of souls and evangelism.  Bind the influence of the world, with its draw of pride, possession and pleasure.  I fight everyday for people in this condition.  Pray that the enemy would not be able to tempt, deceive or accused them.  Distraction or neglect are the two of the most prevalent problems these people have.  Glen Cole said the most prevalent sin among Christian is partial surrender.  People who have this type of soil in their hearts are perfect candidates for this condition.  Pray the message will not be choked but flourish.  Pray that they have the will and resolve to eliminate all the things that would choke the message.
   Lastly pray for good soil.  These are the people who receive the word and it takes root and produces a harvest of 30, 60 and 100 fold.  There are many like this.  Pray that they will become as fruitful as possible.  They are the world changers and shakers.  Pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Essays on Prayer - No. 15 - By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No. 15 - By Robert Dean Steel

   This following essay is about taking down demonic strongholds in a spiritual warfare.  In an earlier essay I talked about how we are involved in warfare where are enemies are not carnal.  They are spiritual and must be confronted and defeated through spiritual means.  For example praising and worship with songs and prayers has a powerful effect on the heavenly realm.  I have often wondered how singing a worship song can change a spiritual atmosphere but it does.  One time our children were fighting and carrying on as children can do.  We were about lower the boom and send them all to their rooms but my wife got an idea.  She went to the stereo and put on a worship album within a few minutes the children had settled down and were playing well together and for the rest of the afternoon there was peace in the house .  This became our practice through out the years. 
   When you are confronting and doing spiritual warfare you must use the authority of the blood, the word and the name.  Let me explain.  It is the blood of Jesus Christ that has secured us the victory.  Through His blood we have victory and power.  Through the blood of Jesus every foe standing in the way of God must leave.  We have authority through the blood of Jesus.  The second thing that has given us victory is the name of Jesus.  In the name of Jesus, all authority has been given unto us.  In the name of Jesus, we have anything we ask in His name.  Jesus said that when two or three gather in His name, He is there in their midst and when two or three agree as touching anything it shall be done for them.  In Jesus name, we have the victory.  He tells us we have all authority, power and victory in His name.  Lastly, we have victory because of the word.  Isaiah tells us that the Lord has put His word of His name.  When we stand upon the word we shall see every demon flee.  When Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil He used the word each time to defeat him.  We must do the same.  I have been in many confrontations with the devil and have seen the victory in Jesus name.
   Now when you are praying against demonic strongholds whatever they may be.  You can if you wish, name them if the Holy Spirit leads that direction.  You may have spirits of death, suicide, or destruction in your area.  Maybe you have ancient deities such as Baal, Astarte, Molech, Chemosh, Baal or Jezebel.  You may be dealing with sexual spirits or occultic forces.  Wizards, warlocks, new agers, eastern mysticism, religion of the marshal arts.  In Japan for example, Shinto and Buddhism are strongholds.  In some areas of Canada you may be dealing with so called Christian cults.  I grew up one community like that.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you and with the confirmation of others you will be able over time identify and confront these spirits.  In my last essay I talked about how Patrick over came the druids. 
   I am not in any way saying you should focus on finding the name of every demon in your city for example I live in a city of 60,000 people so they must be at least close to that many spirits in my city.  I do not have time to try and name them all.  What I do know is that everyone of them is defeated through Jesus Christ.  From His book the Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson gives us some ideas on how we can overcome and defeat the enemy in prayer.  I will use his thoughts.

1.  When you confront them.  Pray that God will confuse the enemies camp.  If the enemy is in confusion they will not know how to re group or counter attack. 
2.  Ask the Lord to give you discernment on know how to defeat the enemy.  God has certain means and methods to defeat the enemy.  When you read the Bible God uses many methods.  You have Moses using a rod, Elijah calls down fire, David uses a sling and five stones, Elijah uses salt to make the water of Jericho sweet.  There is a means and method you can use to defeat the enemy that is where discernment, knowledge and wisdom in the Holy Spirit can come into play.
3.  Ask that the enemy have no communication between each other or their commanders.  When communication breaks down in warfare orders get missed, troop movement can be slow and even misplaced.  The enemy relies on communication like any force.  When they cannot communicate among themselves or their commanders they lose every time.
4.  Pray for sterility, barrenness and un-fruitfulness.  This is obvious when the enemy cannot be fruitful in what they do they will shrivel up and die.
5.  Invite the angels into the battle.  Angels are ministering spirits to help the saints.  For every demonic spirit there is two angels confronting them.  You can invite them into the battle.  We see for example that the nation of Israel had an angel leading them through out their time in the wilderness.  Another angel destroyed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.
6.  Use the means and methods we have talked about in spiritual warfare.  Stand on the name, word and blood of Jesus.
7.  Stand in the authority of Jesus Christ and refuse to back down until you have the victory.  Sometimes it takes months and even years to breakthrough.  I close with this story.  John Nash and Abel Clary were Charles Finney's prayer team.  It was reported that the two of them would go into a community and spend weeks in prayer until they have cleared the air of all opposition.  They would groan, weep, sing and pray hour after hour until they felt the peace and power of God.  We must do the same and clear our community of evil because souls are hanging in the balance.

Essays on Prayer - No 14 - By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No 14 - By Robert Dean Steel

   In this essay, I will be giving advice on how you can claim your gates and high places in your community.  On a recent trip to Japan I discovered the reality of high places.  On every major hill and mountain there is a Buddhist or Shinto shrine or altar.  In these places pilgrims offer food and offerings to the gods and spirits of those religions.  These afford the demonic forces a commanding presence in those communities and cities.  This not an accident.
   In the Old Testament and through the history of the nation of Judah and Israel it states that the people of the land and the nation of Israel would either offer things to the Lord or the gods of the land.  When a King wanted to cleanse the land of evil and demonic influence he would begin by destroy the altars and shrines on the high places.  You must remember our fight is against dark forces in the heavenly realms.  If these demonic generals are aware of the significance of the high places so should we.  Now for some of my readers this is either new or you may not believe what I am saying but if you do a careful study of the Old Testament you will find what I am saying is true.
   Here is a story from Irish history that helps illustrates this point.  When Patrick first came to Ireland during the fifth century the land of Ireland was control by the druids.  Once a year around the feast of Easter they would build on a hill opposite the Kings castle a large fire to show their power and authority over the land.  This greatly disturbed Patrick so he decided that he would have his followers build a larger fire on a opposite hill to demonstrate the power of God over the land.  This was actually an event that began to bring Christian influence over the land of Ireland.  When Patrick died he had been personally responsible for the salvation of 80,000 people and the ordination of some 5000 clergy and workers.  It was the catalyst of claiming the high place that started it.
   So whatever is the high place go there are and say, "In the name of Jesus, I claim this high place for the Lord, I command all demonic, worldly and human influence to bound, broken and cast out in the name of Jesus.  I release now the angels of the Lord to this place and their influence to be broken in the name of Jesus.  From this day forward only that which of God is allowed in this community.  All that is not of God must now leave and never come back in the name of Jesus." 
   If you can find others who will join your in prayer the better because the Bible states that where two or three agree as touching anything it shall be done.  United prayer is the key to any long term victory. 
   Now this should also be done at the gates or entry points of your community.  When I lived in smaller communities it was easy but now that I live in a city I have 17 entry points into my community.  Instead of saying that this high place belongs to God you say this gate or entry point. 
   The Bible teaches the importance of the gates in the ancient world.  The city of Jerusalem for example had twelve gates around it.  Each gate always had a guard tower and large gates and hardware.  The city of New Jerusalem will have 12 gates as well.  The bible says that those who possess the gates possesses the city.  It is time that we possess our cities again.  In the name of Jesus we need to send the demonic forces packing and claim back what is ours.  Many communities remain in the hands of the enemy because the church either refuses to take what if theirs or this kind of spiritual warfare is either foreign or they do not believe it.  When I have talk to pastors I have been surprised by those who embrace and reject this idea.  I remember when I first moved to a community in British Columbia.  I presented this teaching to the pastors.  I was surprise that many were not only willing to try it but participated in taking the high places and gates of the city.  Immediately the spiritual condition of our community changed.  We saw more liberty in our evangelism.  Churches prayed together, planned together and saw many people come to know the Lord.  The pastors of that community knew they needed a breakthrough.  This community had been a center for new age and demonic activity but not long after we did this the influence of these people decreased and many moved out the community.
   When you claim your gates you possess your community.  Over the years I have made declarations each designed for each community and have seen dramatic results.  This of course has nothing to do with me but with the Lord who has given us authority in the spiritual realm.  How God lays it upon you to take your high places or gates must be under the Holy Spirit's direction.  Every community is different.  In one community I lived in a tall building was the high place.  The challenge I leave for you today is, are you be willing to step out by faith and go into the enemies camp and take back what he has stolen from you?  Remember souls in your community are waiting for your boldness. 

Essays on Prayer - No. 13 - By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No. 13 - By Robert Dean Steel 

   The Bible teaches in Proverbs 14:34, that righteousness exalts and nation but sin is a reproach to any people.  Praying your your country, national leaders, provincial, state or community leaders is so important.  Paul puts into perspective when he said we are to pray for those in authority over us that we may live quiet and peaceful lives. 
   In the book, "If my people," it states that God does expect the ungodly to pray but He holds His people responsible.  2 Chronicles 7:14, is the key for national revival.  We are to humble ourselves.  Until God's people humble themselves, pride and arrogance will reign in the land.  We then are to pray and I am not talking about just individual prayer but church wide, city wide, provincial or state wide and even if possible national prayer.  We should pray in city and town halls, in schools, or in any public place that will allow us and pray with fervency and urgency.  Then we are to seek His face.  God is looking for people who will seek His face.  We must get so sick of the sin in our land.  We have to say Lord," I cannot take this immoral evil land any longer.  I will not let the demonic forces that have destroy marriages, family and children continue.  I will pray for the sanctity of life and for our nation to stop killing our children in the name of convenience.  I will not stand by while our governments give into special interest groups.  I will stand up for those who have no voice.  I will not left others take my place in speaking for them.  I will not let evil dictate the morality of the land.  I will through Jesus Christ be a voice for morality in this nation." 
   Then we are to turn from our wicked ways.  The church holds the power of life and death in our hands.  Too long we have been silent.  Too long, we have let evil reign and sin work its destruction in our land.  I am not saying that we should take to the streets and do public protests but in prayer we need to be militant and say like Jacob, "God I will not let you go until you bless me." 
   You need to pray for your national leaders.  In my country we have a Christian who is currently our Prime Minister and supports Israel.  We need to pray that God will continue to lead and guide Him.  That his government will be wise and righteous.  They will be free of scandals and choose the path of integrity.  For the opposition leaders who are currently supporters of certain ungodly things we need to pray for their salvation and for someone within their sphere of influence who can talked to them about the Lord.
   Then we need to pray for provincial and state leaders.  Pray that God would help them to be righteous.  In my country 87% of our population is under Premiers who are women.  The reality is that every one of them have endorsed ungodly and feministic policies.  We need pray that God would speak to their hearts and re-align them to godly principles.
   Pray as well for your municipal or county leadership that they would make good bylaws for the benefit of the people.  If possible try to get a prayer meeting going in a city or town hall.  Then you will have authority because you have territorial authority.  You have claimed the ground.
   When you have done this the Lord promises to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.  Here is a reality.  Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.  One day we will have to stand and give an account of how we prayed for those in authority for us.
   Our churches, community, provinces, states and countries need revival.  Let us be diligent presenting these things before the Lord.  He promises to hear us and heal our land.   

Essays on Prayer - No 12 - by Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No 12 - by Robert Dean Steel

   In Larry Lea's book, Could you not tarry."  He teaches that this is a powerful way of getting people to your church.  Before you do any evangelism or outreach you need to cover things with prayer.  So here is simple model to start having people come to your church.  Over the years it has worked wonderfully for me.
   First, you need to know that there are people who belong to your church.  They are not there but they are coming.  What you need to do, is release them from the four directions and believe that God is going to send them.
   So, you speak first of all the demonic forces in the four directions.  You say "North, in the name of Jesus you have no right, authority or power over the people who belong to our church in the name of Jesus.  By the blood, the word and the name of Jesus Christ I command you to let them go."  Then you call them in from your area.  In my case, I call them from Northern, Alberta, Northwest Territories, the Yukon, Nunavutt, Alaska, Russia, Baltic countries, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland and Greenland.  I call them as far as Grise Fiord which is the most Northern inhabited community in Canada and the world.
   I then release them and ask the Holy Spirit to draw them and send angels to protect as they are coming.  I tell every hindrance, blockage, reason or excuse holding them back to be broken in the name of Jesus and that I believing for their release now in name of Jesus.
   Then I do the same over the south, calling people from central and southern Alberta, United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America and from Antarctica because there are at least 4000 permanent residents there.
   Then I do it over the east calling them from all the provinces east of my location.  Then from the islands of the Atlantic and then Europe and Africa as far east as Jerusalem.  To me Jerusalem is the center of the world.
   Lastly, I do it over the west.  Calling them from B.C. western U.S. the 23000, islands of the Pacific into the continent of Asia with its 3 billion people.  This call is as far west as Jerusalem.
Again in my case I call a specific number of people I wish to call to our church every week.
   Now I know that I have been very specific in this essay on my prayer model for this subject.  You of course can modify it to your situation but the most important thing is to ask.  James 4:2 says that we have not because we ask not.  You need to ask.  If you do not aim for something in prayer you will not be surprise when nothing happens.  Over the years this model has worked wonderfully for myself and those that I have taught it too.  I trust it has been helpful and you will begin to see immediate results like I did when I began to pray.  The Lord loves to answer specific prayers.  This is one.    

Essay on Prayer No. 11 By Robert Dean Steel

Essay on Prayer No. 11 By Robert Dean Steel

  This next essay is absolute essential for household salvation.  Acts 16:31 states that not only shall we be saved but our household as well.  So praying for you family is so essential.  Godly children to do not just happen.  It is daily prayer and parenting that makes it happen.  You cannot separate the two.  When God is in control of the home He will be in control of the parenting and raising of the children.
   I have four children and three great grand children, all serving the Lord.  I have been faithful in praying for my family everyday.  I begin by saying, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done."  Let your will be done in my life.  Let righteousness, peace and joy reign in my heart.  Rom 14:17.  Right after that, I pray for my wife and then for each one of the children by name.  Over the years as they have married or come into relationships with others I cover their boy friends or girl friends in prayer.  Now of course my children have fiances and grand children.  Each is covered with prayer.  Whatever they are going through and whatever has been brought to my attention I cover them with prayer.  I pray a hedge of protection over them.  That God's will would be the top priority for their lives.  They would have a love for prayer, the word, the house of God and evangelism. 
   After that I cover my own family.  I have two brothers and a sister.  I pray for them and their children and grand children.  I pray for my Mom and her husband.  I then pray for my wife's family and all their children.  I add or subtract names as the occasion or relationship changes.  For the saved members of my family, I pray for hunger, thirst and desperation for the things of God.  That they would humble themselves, pray, seek God's face and turn from their wicked ways.  That God would hear them, forgive and healed them.
   For my unsaved family, I claim them daily according to Acts 16:31, I have been praying for some of my family members for decades but I always remember that if I do not grow weary in well doing in time I will have a harvest.  I then pray that God would send a laborer to speak to my family member.  Every member of my family has heard the gospel but so far I still have two brothers and their families who are not saved so I pray that God would send someone their way to speak to them in such a way that would catch their attention and speak directly to their hearts.  Then I commit them to the Lord and ask Him or orchestrate circumstances that will speak directly to them about how He wishes to have a relationship with them.
   Praying for your family is such a privilege.  Make sure you mention them by name and talk to Jesus about what you know is going on in their lives.  Many times my family members have called me up to pray for them because they know it is my daily habit.  I bring their requests and needs before the Lord.  Many times they have phoned back and have thanked for me for praying.  Some still do not know the Lord but one day they shall.  Acts 16:31 is my promise. 

Essays on Prayer No. 10 - By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer No. 10 - By Robert Dean Steel

   This essay is how you can pray for your church.  At the end of this essay I will also include an outline you can use to pray over you church.  Praying for your church is so important.  It knits you to your church and makes you part of the spiritual fabric of your church.
   First, you pray for the Pastors.  They are God's under shepherds.  They have the responsibility for your care and feeding.  They pray for you and when you pray for them there is a closeness that develops.  You cannot hate or criticize someone you are praying for.  Pray that God would lead them, give them wisdom and insight for the church.  Pray that as a leadership and ministry team that they will work together and the enemy will not be able to sow any strife among them.  Pray that the pastor has a strong prayer and personal devotional life.  That he has a strong relationship with his spouse.  That they are walking in unity.  That their children will not be attacked or be subject to criticism.  Cover their family in prayer.  A pastor's family is on the main line.  Every person who prays for their family is uniting with them and they are praying a hedge of protection around their family.
   Next, pray for your church leadership.  They are your representative on the leadership team.  Pray for wisdom, insight and understanding for them.  Pray that will walk in unity with their fellow leaders.  Pray that they will meet the requirements for church leadership as is spelled out in 1 Tim and Titus.  Cover their families in prayer as well.  They face the same problems and challenges as the pastor or pastors.
  Pray against any known forces of attacks.  Apathy, lethargy, apostasy, sedition, division, strife or rebellion.  Come against witchcraft, domination, control, discouragement, depression disease and sickness.  Take authority over any demonic, worldly and human agendas in the name of Jesus.  You are acting as a warrior for your church.  Your intercession can and will keep the enemy at bay.
   Here are some things you can ask the Lord to be happening in your church.  Pray that your church becomes a church of prayer.  That God will send you intercessors and people who really know how to pray and breakthrough.
   Pray for your church to be a church of the word.  A place where the word of God is preached and honored.  Pray for God's anointing, power, presence, authority and wisdom is seen.  Pray that God will send you people who love the word and are noble in the word.
   Pray that all your needs as a church would be met.  That God would bring givers and people who love to sow into the Kingdom.  A stingy church is a powerless church.  Giving releases the abundance of heaven.  God is Jehovah Jireh and He wishes to supply all your needs.
   Pray that God would send workers.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest that He would send the right workers at the right time for the right purpose.   Every church could use more people to do the work of the Lord.
   Pray for people to be released from the four directions.  I will talked about this in a future essay.  How many people do you want to see join your church each week.  Acts 2:47, says the Lord added daily to the church those who would be saved.  Your prayers are an essential part of this.
   Pray for specific groups, children, young people, young adults, young families with children, families with young people, empty nesters and seniors.  When you pray things happen.  Your church needs your prayers.

Here is a model of prayer you can pray:

   Today I stand in the gap for ______________________(name of church)  I thank the Lord for all He has done and miracles wrought in His name.  I thank Him for the reality of His presence in our services whenever we meet in His name.
   Today I declare this church free in the name of Jesus.  I believe that God has a plan and purpose and I release now His dreams and destiny for this church in Jesus name.  In His name we shall become the church God's wishes us to be and I remove remove every hindrance to that belief.
   Today I stand against demonic, worldly or human assignment in the name of Jesus and they are removed permanently.  I release this church from any residue of the past because of broken promises, authority abuse or un-forgiveness.  I release our people, priorities, and resources to the great commission and break every poverty spirit or mentality on this church.  The prosperity of this church will no longer be a thought, hope or dream it shall be a reality in the name of Jesus.  I declare people will be saved, healed and delivered in every service and this church full every Sunday no matter who may be away.  Coming to this church will be a joy and all who attend will fall into the Lord's divine will in the name of Jesus.
   I call from all over our area, country and the world those who belong to this church and I break every hindrance to their coming in the name of Jesus.  I declare thousands to come to be saved and delivered in Jesus' name.  My community will be a place of revival and our church will be on the cutting edge of this move of God.  I release children, youth, young adults, parents and seniors who belong to this church.  I release the forces of heaven to win this battle over my community in the name of Jesus.  I put to flight all opposition to God plans for my church and area in Jesus name.
   Lord I break any word curses, lies, gossip or slander spoken against this church in the name of Jesus.  Any accusations or lies spoken against our church in this city will die today and from this day forward our reputation in this city is now in the Lord's hand and protection.  Lord, this is your church and we are your people.  Lord, protect us, keep us and release us to your destiny and victory in the name of Jesus.

Essays on Prayer - No 9. By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer - No 9.  By Robert Dean Steel

   Sometimes it is good to just say prayers that have already been written.  When I am praying I love this next section of prayer.  I pray them with feeling and purpose.  I want every word to sink in and come to pass.
   The first prayer of course is the Lord's prayer.  It is the model for all the  prayers I pray but it is also the catalyst for a series of prayers that I pray everyday and will share later in this series.  There are times where we get stuck and do not know how to pray in our native language written prayers can be times of deep feeling and reality for us.  "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed Be your Name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
   The second prayer that I love to pray is the prayer of Jabez.  Jabez was a man who was in the line of Judah and David.  he was a honorable and noble man who loved God and saw the fulfillment of His prayer.  His name means, "I gave birth to him in pain.  Jabez however did not live up to his name.  This prayer is found in 1 Chron 4:10.  Jabez cried out to God, God of Israel.  "Oh God that you would bless me and enlarge my territory.  Let your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain."  The final phrase was that God granted his request.
   In my prayer time I add, "please keep me from pain and causing pain."  I do not want to be a source of pain or strife in any ones life.  I m sure that is your wish as well.
   You may or may not have written prayers in your tradition of prayer.  These two that I have shared today are biblical prayers.  Not that long ago some friends of mine did a audio series on the prayers of the Bible.  Later in this series I will give you a list of prayer that I use.  They may help you into a new area and help push you into seasons of prayer you never thought about.  One further thought, praying biblical prayers is a great way to hear the mind and thoughts of God.  They are put in the bible for a reason.  Use them under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Essays on Prayer No 8. by Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer No 8. by Robert Dean Steel

   This essay is probably the most important piece of information that I will be sharing through this series.  This will help you maintain relationships and get along with every body all the time.  Now walking in instant forgiveness is the secret to maintaining good relationships. 
   It is in this time and place of prayer you made the decision that you are going to walk in immediate forgiveness.  Let me give you an example.  A person you respect and love comes to you one day and decides to tell you all the things that are wrong with you.  Now their intention may be right and noble but lets say they get carried away and make the discussion a little too personal and your feelings get hurt.  It is in that moment where your feelings get hurt that you choose to forgive.  You say to yourself, "Lord I choose right now to forgive and forget.  No matter what they do to me I will not do the same to them".  Then you work through the feelings and emotions of being hurt.  When you choose to walk in forgiveness you stay free.  Let me illustrate again.  One day I walked in a staples store.  I walked up to the fax machine to use it.  A man was standing beside it and he was writing and shuffling papers.  I saw that he was not using the fax machine so I went to use it.  Immediately he gruffly said, "I was using that machine."  I replied, "I am sorry it was not my intention to butt in line."  He gruffly replied, "Oh yes, it was."  In that moment I made a decision that I was not going to answer a fool according to his folly.  I simply step aside and use another fax machine next to it.  I got all my faxing done long before he did.  Then I said, "well that was quick, smiled and walked away."  I completely forgot about the incident until the writing of this essay.  I walked in forgiveness and did not let his bad manners ruined or even take away a single moment from the joy of the day.
    Now when people get hurt, it usually looks like this.  You get hurt, immediately you begin a thought process.  It begins with a thought.  "They hurt me, why did they hurt me?  I never did anything to them."  Then comes a strong thought.  "I know why they did that, they don't like me.  Now I don't like them, I will never let them do that again."  Then comes an imagination.  This is where you think and think about it.  You run the situation over and over in your mind.  You make a mountain out of a mole hill.  Then you choose a course of action.  "You say things such as, "I hate them, I will never trust them again, they inconsiderate and hateful."  This begins a course of action that leads to separation and mistrust.  The devil gets in there and speaks his lies and before long it becomes a strong hold.  You have now become so hurt that friendship is broken, mistrust has enter your life and you will look at every one in the same way.  Satan has you right where you are, broken, hurt, walking in unforgiveness and separated from God.
   What you have done is you started by rehearsing the offense, you have gone over and over it again and again.  You have nursed it, "Oh poor me, I am so hurt, No one has gotten hurt like me."  The devil is more than willing to help you in this.  Then you curse them and it.  You curse them, curse your situation and God who allowed it to happen.  When you curse a person or a situation you are really blaming God because you often say, "God how could you let this happen.  You are suppose to be a God of love and you let this happen."
   What you need to do is disburse the hurt and offense to God.  " You say God, I do not know why this happen but I will turn this over to you.  I do not know their motivation behind it but I choose to forgive.  They are yours."  In this way you are turning the situation over to God.  He will be your defense.  When you choose to forgive you are giving up your right for revenge and you let God settle the accounts.  You will not be under the power of the offense or the person.  When you do not forgive you are actually giving that person power over you.  They are in control not you.
   So when you choose to forgive, you actually reverse the situation and the offense.  You and God are in control.  Your forgiveness is immediate.  You are not living under the power of the world, the flesh or the devil.  You are walking in victory and you can get along with every one all the time.  It is a great feeling to be at peace with every one.


Essays on Prayer No. 7 By Robert Dean Steel

Essays on Prayer No. 7 By Robert Dean Steel

  In this essay I will be talking about how to build a hedge of protection not only around yourself but every one and every thing in your world.  One time a person asked revivalist Gypsy Smith how to start a revival his answer was the following, "Draw a circle around yourself and do not come out until you are revived and the revival has started." 
   This is literally what you do in building a hedge around yourself.  You draw a circle around yourself and you say, "God in this moment I am building a hedge around myself.  I know from this moment I have a hedge of protection."  This hedge of war or protection protects not only you, but your loved ones, your church family, your church, your possessions and everything in your world.
   You are serving the enemies of the cross notice that you are under the protection of the Lord.  Remember no weapon against you can prosper.  Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is your banner and protection He is surrounding you.  The angels of the Lord are camped around you.  You can even ask the Lord to send His angels to protect you if you wish.
   In Psalm 91:9-14, tells us three reasons why the Lord will build a hedge around us.  First, because you are His habitation.  Paul writes in 1 Cor 6:19-20 that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  We have been bought with a price.  As the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit God has place His resurrection power at our disposal.  (Rom 8:11).  Next, the Lord has set His love on us.  What a great truth.  The Lord loves us.  John 3:16, tells us that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins and give us eternal life.  It is the love of God surrounding us that keeps the hate of the world and the devil at bay.  Let this truth sink in you heart and spirit for a moment.  The God of the universe is in love with you.  He even likes you.  Lastly, we have acknowledged His name.  When a person comes to Jesus Christ by confessing their sin renouncing their sins and choosing to receive His forgiveness you have acknowledged Him as Lord and Savior.  This releases the protection of God over your life. 
   Building a hedge or war of protection over your life and situation is an essential part of your daily prayer time.  In the church where I serve I do this over the congregation every Sunday at the closing of the service.  I want to send them out in victory.  I want them to know that God is their front, rear and side guard.  He is above and below them.  He will bless their coming and their going   Jesus has secured the victory, this hedge of protection helps maintains it.