To the Church and nation of Burkina Faso
I have a good and strong word for you as a people. Thought the robber religion has been straining to take the heart of your nation I will not let that happen. The followers of Islam will actually be coming to me. I have a great renewal in store for you. I will pour out my spirit upon your nation. As I have done through out your area to the nations near you. I will do the same for you. As you have seen and experienced in other lands near you I will do the same for you.
I have seen the hunger in your land for spiritual things. Satan has been exploiting it by bringing the rise of voodoo and native ancestral spirits but he will not take the heart of the nation. I will reach deep into your heart and make it alive. To the intercessors and prayer warriors. To those who have toiled night and day in prayer I will answer your prayers. Tell me exactly what you want and I will do it. You have been faithful in the small things. Never despise small beginnings. I am about to increase your numbers a hundred fold. The greatest blessing will happen among the young people. They will be the ones who will lead this revival. There will be many new churches that there will be not enough pastors to fill each position. This move will be a lead by people without formal training but will have my anointing and power.
I though warn you about the false prophet and seeming anointed person. Some will be genuine and others will not. By their fruit you will know them. Test everything and make sure it lines up with my word. Many will see visions and dreams. I will show myself in mighty ways among my people. In time I will raise up enough leaders to pastor and lead my people. So be warned and ready to move. To the person who wants the normal I will pass you by. I am looking for those who desire m and only me. Those who thirst and hunger for me will find me.
To the church and nation of Burundi
The Lord has seen both your trials and deep pain. I will do a new thing among you and you will rise above your circumstances to win. I have seen how you have persevered under great sorrow. I have also seen how you have prayed and labored for me day and night. I am pleased with you and I will reward you with a move of my spirit.
Yet I have two things I need for you to remove from your midst. First, you must remove those who sow seeds of discord and disunity. You have allowed people to rise to leadership who have done so through gossip, slander and intimidation. They have become a blight on you. They have fed on your fear and refusal to deal decisively with them. You thought you were doing the right thing but instead you have allowed them to take away your effectiveness. Secondly, remove the false teachers from your midst. False teachers have taught you things that water down or pervert my gospel. They teach wrong things about the Us, They don’t teach the proper things about the Father, Son or the Holy Spirit. They teach from their own perverted and evil ways and you have accepted them. Purge them from your midst and I will once again give the pure truth.
Your day of victory is coming and has come. I have once again moved in churches and in places where I have been accepted. You will also see many come to me. So keep praying, evangelizing and working for me. You have sown with tears and you will reap with joy. My hand will be upon you with signs, wonders and miracles. You will see some rise from the dead and great power will be displayed among you. It will be the Day of the apostles once again. So rejoice and be glad for great is going to be your reward.
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