Monday, January 6, 2020

To The Church and Nation of Barbados

To The Church and Nation of Barbados

     I have placed you where you are for a reason.  As you were the first place people stop before they entered the Caribbean so I will use you to bring a great revival to this area.  I know at one time you were predominately an island of slaves and servitude but I will make you overcomers, conquerors and victors.  My church is not slaves or victims.  I have called you out of this lie and darkness into light and transformation.  I will start in my church with renewal and transformation.  It will be exciting for you as your churches come alive.  You will see great and mighty things happen in your midst.  I will show you my presence and my glory.  Now you have been weak and sickly but that is about all to change.  Exciting times are ahead for you.  You will take my word and use it for my glory.  Your prayer meetings will come to life and you will experience the fullness of my Spirit.  It will be times of great rejoicing and my glory will enable you to overcome.
     As you know there are strong forces of witchcraft and voodoo on your island but any curses they try to put on you will fail.  The power struggle will be the heavenlies.  Your secret of success will be prayer, worship and holiness.  Satan cannot disturb or slow down those who know their God.  Stay close to me and put out all sin out of your life.  Holiness will win the day

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