To the Church and Nation of Azerbaijan
I know that you are an old nation. You were on the silk road and have had many nations visit you. Your old alliances have brought you both wealth and poverty. You have riches and yet also have great lack. I have seen how you have embraced me and forgotten about me. I placed you in a strategic place but you also fell from where you have been placed.
To my people I know you have struggled hard against the forces of hell. You have fought for every victory you have been given. Satan has fought you every step of the way because he knows what you can do and he is afraid of you. You are few in number and feel you are alone but I remind you of the same word I gave to Elijah when he felt alone. I have many people who have not bowed their knee to baal.
I know my people are fighting ancient foes and seemingly new ones but I have promised you that even though the enemy comes in like a flood I will raise a standard against him. I will pour out my spirit upon your nation because I have seen your struggle and desire to glorify me. I have heard your cries in the midnight hour. I have seen your tears and your desire for me to move. Though your nation has turned itself to the forces of Allah and to atheism you will prevail. There is a generation of young people who are tired of the old things and they want a new thing. You have fought for them and you will have them stream into your churches, meetings and Bible Studies. It will be a great day for you. Stand strong and do not become discouraged, frustrated or disappointed. I will come and do great things in your midst shortly
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