To the Church and Nation of Bahama’s
I have given you so much to be thankful for. I am aware of what you have gone through. The times of piracy and slavery. I have seen how many were exploited and hurt by others. I want you to know that all that was done by those who were led by satan. He was able to influence you and bring you down through voodoo and fear. Even now he is fighting for the very soul of your nation. However I have seen how my people have fought against him through prayer and evangelism.
I want you to know that he will not prevail in your nation. His latest attack is found in the Jezebel spirit. This spirit will try to destroy you from within. It is a witchcraft spirit who will try to intimidate
Without confrontation. This spirit will use accusation, gossip and lies. It will attack your reputation and influence. You will also have in your midst false prophets. Individuals that will come across as teachers of the word but they are in truth ministers of darkness. You will also have the spirit of Balaam. This spirit will try to get you to compromise your values and morals. It will try to get you to accept the worldly standards.
I have a remnant of people who will never bow to any of these spirits. I am also raising up a new generation of warriors. They will be young, powerful and determined. They are going to ask the elder statesmen of the church to come along side of them and mentor them. They are strong but inexperienced so they will need the older mature Christians to help and mentor them. I will also move mightily in your churches with a new worship revolution. Out of you will come songs of worship that will go around the world. You will have a new crop of worship leaders and musicians who will be sold out to me.
A great day is before you. You can and will touch the islands of the ocean. You will partner with the church in Cuba in reaching Central and South America. I have position where you are to reach your area. Out f you will come the five fold ministry to teach and evangelize your part of the world. Be strong and bold for I am with you. My Spirit will empower you, but now it is your choice to heed this warning or not.
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