Friday, January 31, 2020

Have fallen

Jan 31 – Have fallen – Rev 2:5

Vs  5 – The Lord asks them to consider and look how far they have fallen.  He is asking them to have a time of self examination.  This helps us to have a proper perspective of where we are.  Paul tells the church in Corinth to examine themselves.  Jesus was doing the same.  
     He then tells them to repent., to turn back and come back to their first place.  Return to their first love.  Go back to the beginning. They were a church known for their love.  This is what He is telling them to do.   Sometimes we have to do that to get our bearings again.  Do the things that made us powerful and effective first.  These would be prayer, the word, fellowship and evangelism.
     Now this net statement is frightening.  If they do not repent the Lord himself will come and remove their candlestick.  Now some believe this is the pastor but it probably means that the Lord will sever His ties with them.  They will cease as a church.  Their influence, effectiveness and representation for Christ will end.  This is a solemn warning, one that cannot be ignored.  No church is beyond judgment.
Feb 1 – Nicolaitans – Rev 2:6

Verse Today

Speak love

Solomon wrote in Prov 18:21, The tongue has the power of life and death,and those who love it will eat its fruit. What you say is so important. So today speak encouragement and life into others. Be a blessing and tell people how much you appreciate them. Speak these things while they can be heard. Especially to your loved ones.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The pattern

Jan 30 – The pattern – Rev 2:4

Vs 4 - You will find this the pattern of the message to the churches.  He will commend them and then the Lord will tell them what He sees wrong with their situation.  To Ephesus they had forgotten their first love.  They were now doing church as a form or tradition.  When you lose your first love your zeal is replaced by works.  You rely more on form, liturgy, tradition and administration than you do on the Lord.  The church becomes a mechanism not an organism.  It is sad when a church loses its power and zeal and replaced it with other things.  This is what had happen to Ephesus.  The first generation Christians were gone and the second and third forgot about why the church was as powerful as it was.


Solomon says in Prob 18:4, The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. When a person's tongue belong to God it can be wise and encouraging. So today submit you tongue to the Lord and make a decision to encourage and help others. God will help you be wise and discerning. Be his voice of healing today in your world.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Three Things

Jan 29 – Three things – Rev 2:3

Vs 3 – The three things the church at Ephesus had done during this time was as follows.  They were people who persevere.  They could not be overcome.  They held onto their faith in the face of immense persecution.  Many in their rank were be imprisoned and even killed.  They had endured unspeakable hardship for the name of the Lord.  They would not recant or give in to persecution.  They were true to the name of the lord.  They believed and lived the fact that there is no other name given under heaven that men might be saved.   Lastly, they have not grown weary.  The persecution has been intense but this church has not given up.  They are staying in it for the long haul.  They will not be victims, conquered or overcome.  Instead they will be victors, conquerors and overcomers.

Verse Today

Our choice

Ezra writes in Ps 119:133,Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. So the promise and challenge is to not things rule over our lives. That is a moment by moment decision on our part. We control what happens to us. So today choose to walk with the word and in the Spirit and be a blessing and walk in victory. It is your choice.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ephesus’ Characteristics

Jan 28 – Ephesus’ Characteristics – Rev 2:2

Vs 2 – The church had the following characteristics.  They were people who did things.  There works of righteousness and truth were evident to the Lord.  They were hard working.  Evangelism, prayer, preaching, serving the city in all ways they could.  They were also people who had been through great persecution.  At the time of the writing the church was under a empire wide purge and persecution.  John was on the island of Patmos because of this.  This church was a persevering church.  They were a church that did not tolerate wickedness or evil.  They stood up for truth.  
     They had tested people’s claims and if they were false they would prove them otherwise.  The acid test of any person of God is what they do with Jesus Christ.  Did He come in the flesh, was He virgin born, was he crucified, buried and rise again.  Did He allow His body to be broken and did He shed His blood.  All these and more is the acid test for truth and falsehood.  Jesus had stated that it was by their fruit you would know them.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Verse Today

The light

Ezra writes in Ps 119:105, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. So today read the word of God and let it lead and guide your life today. In the Bible you will find what you need to live a godly and righteous life. Moment by moment you need God's word.

Friday, January 24, 2020

To the Church and nation of Burkina Faso

To the Church and nation of Burkina Faso
     I have a good and strong word for you as a people.  Thought the robber religion has been straining to take the heart of your nation I will not let that happen.  The followers of Islam will actually be coming to me.  I have a great renewal in store for you.  I will pour out my spirit upon your nation.  As I have done through out your area to the nations near you.  I will do the same for you.  As you have seen and experienced in other lands near you I will do the same for you.
     I have seen the hunger in your land for spiritual things.  Satan has been exploiting it by bringing the rise of voodoo and native ancestral spirits but he will not take the heart of the nation.  I will reach deep into your heart and make it alive.  To the intercessors and prayer warriors.  To those who have toiled night and day in prayer I will answer your prayers.  Tell me exactly what you want and I will do it.  You have been faithful in the small things.  Never despise small beginnings.  I am about to increase your numbers a hundred fold.  The greatest blessing will happen among the young people.  They will be the ones who will lead this revival.  There will be many new churches that there will be not enough pastors to fill each position.  This move will be a lead by people without formal training but will have my anointing and power.  
     I though warn you about the false prophet and seeming anointed person.  Some will be genuine and others will not.  By their fruit you will know them.  Test everything and make sure it lines up with my word.  Many will see visions and dreams.  I will show myself in mighty ways among my people.  In time I will raise up enough leaders to pastor and lead my people.  So be warned and ready to move.  To the person who wants the normal I will pass you by.  I am looking for those who desire m and only me.  Those who thirst and hunger for me will find me.    
To the church and nation of Burundi
     The Lord has seen both your trials and deep pain.  I will do a new thing among you and you will rise above your circumstances to win.  I have seen how you have persevered under great sorrow.  I have also seen how you have prayed and labored for me day and night.  I am pleased with you and I will reward you with a move of my spirit.  
     Yet I have two things I need for you to remove from your midst.  First, you must remove those who sow seeds of discord and disunity.  You have allowed people  to rise to leadership who have done so through gossip, slander and intimidation.  They have become a blight on you.  They have fed on your fear and refusal to deal decisively with them.  You thought you were doing the right thing but instead you have allowed them to take away your effectiveness.  Secondly, remove the false teachers from your midst.  False teachers have taught you things that water down or pervert my gospel.  They teach wrong things about the Us,  They don’t teach the proper things about the Father, Son or the Holy Spirit.  They teach from their own perverted and evil ways and you have accepted them.  Purge them from your midst and I will once again give the pure truth.
     Your day of victory is coming and has come.  I have once again moved in churches and in places where I have been accepted.  You will also see many come to me.  So keep praying, evangelizing and working for me.  You have sown with tears and you will reap with joy.  My hand will be upon you with signs, wonders and miracles.  You will see some rise from the dead and great power will be displayed among you.  It will be the Day of the apostles once again.  So rejoice and be glad for great is going to be your reward.


Jan 24 – Write – Rev 1:19

Vs 19 – John is then told to write.  His responsibility is one of herald, messenger and scribe.  He will write down what He sees.  What is now and what will happen.  John is a recorder of the events and realities that He will see during this vision.  The book of Revelation is an accurate description of what John saw and experienced.  We are the readers and audience get a glimpse of what he experienced.  If it overwhelms us how much more did it affected John.  One thing is for sure once you read this book your world view changes and is never the same.  You are no longer ignorance and must respond to becoming a witness for Jesus Christ.

Settled in heaven

Ezra wrote in Ps 119:89, For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Great news the word is settled and will be given to us as we need it. His word will keep us in every situation. So moment by moment this day trust God and His word. You have nothing to worry about. His word is settled.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

To the Church and country of Bulgaria

To the Church and country of Bulgaria

     I have seen you have a long history of serving me.  Though you have become more of a form that substance.  I have seen your struggles and your long years of oppression.  I set you free and have given you a new era.  This is your time to rise again from the ashes of decay.  Pray for a mighty move of God and I will give it to you.  You were one of the first countries and areas to receive and let my word take hold.  Though you are an old civilization behold I am making you new.  
      The coming revival will hit your cities first and then spread through out the land.  It will be led by hungry young adults who have seen to much of the world and not enough of me.  I warn the long time established orthodox churches.  I will give you an opportunity to embrace this move but if you choose tradition over freshness I will pass you by.  I am looking for those that are hungry thirsty and desperate.  Are you that?
     I warn you also that the coming of the Lord is at hand.  So repent and call unto me while there is still time.  The kingdom in its fullness is at hand.  You have this moment and this moment only.  You need and must respond.  This is your moment.  Seize it for it is yours or I will give it to others who want it more.  Remember they that hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled.

The Living one

Jan 23 – The Living One – Rev 1:18

Vs 18 – Jesus then states that He is the living one.  He was dead but now He is alive.  Jesus is the first born among creation.  That same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will do the same for us.  This resurrection reality is forever and forever.  Those who believe in Christ will never die.  Their mortal body may pass away but they will have eternal life.  
     Jesus then said he holds the keys of hell and death.  Jesus conquered death and those who receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior.   “Possessing the “keys of death” means that the risen Christ has control and authority over death. In John 10:17–18, Jesus says, “The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” When Jesus died, He died according to His own timing, when He “gave up his spirit” (John 19:30). Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was already dead (Mark 15:44). Jesus, who has the authority over death, had the unique power to give up His spirit and to rise from the dead. Moreover, He has the authority to release His followers from death in order that they may be with Him forever.”  (Questions Org.)  
     Jesus is the living one, who rose from the dead and the results of that is forever.  His resurrection secured control over death and hell.  


In Ps 107:20, David states, He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. We are healed and delivered today from the attack of the enemy and our own stupidity. The word of God is such a wonderful help. So today read God's word and receive the help you need. Also today let the word heal and set you free

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Brunei

To the Church and Nation of Brunei

     I have seen the oppression that has been brought on by the robber religion.  I have also seen how the sultan has placed stricter laws on his own people.  It breaks my heart when people use religion as a tool of oppression.  Power is always abused in the name of religion.  I know that you have been threatened and attacked by extremists.  Yet I have also have seen how you have prayed for your nation.  I have seen your travailing in prayer.  Good news I about to call my people from among the Muslims.  They will see me in you.  They have seen the oppression, the hate and the lack of love in their own religion and they will turn to me by the thousands.  I will visit them in the night watches.  I will call them out of darkness into my light.   I will raise from among these new believers great and mighty men and women of God.  They will be strong and mighty in me.  They will be courageous because of the promise I give now.  Go and take the land for I am with you.  The same promise I gave to Joshua when he was about to take Canaan I give to them and you.  No weapon against you will prosper.  You are about to see my glory and presence among you.  It will be glorious and you will be amazed.
     This however will also result in the forces of Islam reacting as they see they number in their buildings decrease.  They will react the only way they know how through hate, oppression and violence.  Yet this will not stop me.  It will only strengthen your resolve and more will come.  You will have revival especially among the young.  They have become unsatisfied with the present state of things.  They have tasted the world and found it lacking.  Great days ae ahead.  They will be difficult at times but you will prevail.

Slain in the Spirit

Jan 22 – Slain in the Spirit – Rev 1:17

Vs 17 – John was literally slain in the Spirit at this moment.  He fell over like a dead man.  This of course is not the first time this has happened when the natural comes into contact with the divine.  Daniel had the same reaction when he came face to face with an angel.  In the Garden of Gethesame  when Jesus said, “I am He who you seek.”  The men fell over as dead.  How does one comprehend or even fathom the divine.  Jesus then placed His hand on John and said, “Do not be afraid.”  John’s reaction was one of fear and reverence.  The Lord said 365 times in the Bible about not being afraid.  So there is one do not be afraid for every day of the year.  Jesus then repeats what had been said before.  “I am the first and last.”  Everything begins and ends with Jesus.  He is the one through all people can be saved.  Salvation ends and begins with Him.

Verse Today

Beat the destroyer

In Psalm 17:4, David says, Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. David knew the hearts of men and he knew what the destroyer could do. So he exhorts his readers to keep the word of God in their heart. Jesus defeated the devil in the wilderness by the word of God. we must do the same. So today read, learn and apply the Word of God and you will be able to defeat the devil every time.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Seven Stars

Jan 21 – Seven Stars – Rev 1:16

Vs 16 – Jesus holds in his hand the seven stars. The seven stars were emblems of the ministers of the seven churches to which the apostle was ordered to write, and whom Christ upheld and directed.    They are ones to whom this letter would be written.  Out of His mouth would be the double edge sword.  . The sword represented his justice, and his word, piercing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, Heb 4:12.  This same phrase would be used in the destruction of the armies of the evil one when Christ comes back and destroys the armies of the anti-christ in the battle of Armageddon.  
     His face was like the sun in all its brilliance, Matthew henry says, “His countenance was like the sun, when it shines clearly and powerfully; its strength too bright and dazzling for mortal eyes to behold.”  The Pulpit Commentary says, “It is the "Sun of Righteousness" and "the Light of the world." The exceptional glory of the Transfiguration has become constant now.”   What Jesus showed at that time is now always part of who He is.  Jesus right now is the one who can bring light and life into the dark times and places in your life.

Verse Today


In Deut 30:14 it says, No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. Having the word in these places means that we have an opportunity to release the power and presence of God. These two things will keep us through any thing. So today let the word become an active part of your life. It will give your freedom and victory.

Monday, January 20, 2020

To the Church and Nation of Botswana

To the Church and Nation of Botswana

     I have made your land rich in wildlife and resources.  The greatest resource is the people.  I was very pleased how so many of you turned to me when I sent my statesmen David Livingston among you.  You embraced me and turned from the demons that had trapped you for centuries.   How many of your countryman have turned to me.  Yet greater days are ahead for you.  You have seen my healings and victory over the powers of darkness.  Your evangelists and pastors are strong in me.  You are about to see greater things now.  It will feel like the Day of Pentecost all over for you.  In your prayer meetings and times that you have tarried before me I have told you about my coming revival.  It will now begin amongst you.  It will start with the children.  In their times of gathering they will turn to me.  Their childlike faith will lead you.  Remember I told you that you had to come like a child.  
     This revival then will spread among your young people and they will lead great prayer meetings that will explode into a great move.  I am also sending you my great evangelist to help with the harvest.  Yes my people there will be a last day harvest in your country.  I have promised it and I am not slow in the fulfillment of my promise.  The wonderful thing is that you will have many young evangelists and pastor rise from your midst.  They will grow strong and mighty in me.  They will be courageous and fearless.  They will be strong and do exploits.  
     One thing I warn you about, satan will oppose you by trying to send division and dissension among you.  Do not lose the unity I am giving you.  Be wise and do not let your traditions and own ideas divide you.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the faith.  Also do not allow race, creed and color keep you divided.  Remember all are one in me.  Your day is coming and will come.  So go forth in victory.

His feet

Jan 20 – His feet – Rev 1:15

Vs 15 -   His feet glowing like bronze in a furnace.  Matthew Henry says , “His feet like fine brass burning in a furnace, may denote the firmness of his appointments, and the excellence of his proceedings.”  Matthew Poole says,  “By the feet of Christ (probably) are signified his ways, counsels, and methods, in ordering and governing his church, which are compared to fine brass, for the beauty and glory of them, and for their firmness, strength, and steadiness.”  His feet are beautiful because they bring the good news of the message of peace and that God reigns.  
     His voice is like the sound of many waters.  Elliott says, “His voice as the sound (better, voice, as the same word—phoné—is used twice, and translated first “voice” and then “sound” in our English version) of many waters.—Daniel described the voice of the Ancient of Days as the voice of a multitude (Daniel 10:6); but the voice of the multitude was in earlier Hebrew writings compared to the sound of the waves of the sea, which the voice of the Lord alone could subdue (Psalm 65:7; Psalm 93:4). This image the Evangelist adopts to describe the voice of Christ—strong and majestic, amid the Babel-sounds of earth. That voice, whose word stilled the sea, sounds as the waves of the sea”    Matthew Henry states, “His voice as the sound of many waters, may represent the power of his word, to remove or to destroy.”
     There is no voice in all creation like this voice.  It brings comfort to the weary, judgment to the arrogant and victory to the oppressed.  The volume of this voice denotes the majesty and power of God.

Verse today

God cannot lie

In Num 23:19 it states, God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill? What a great promise. When God says He is going to do something He will do it. So what do you need? Ask and receive. Moment by moment God is with you. So live in these promises today.

Friday, January 17, 2020

The voice and write

Jan 17 – The voice and write – Rev 1:11-12

Vs 11 – John was instructed to write on a scroll and then send this message or letter to the seven churches in Asia Minor.  These churches would have further instruction soon.  John was told to tell then what he saw and experience.  What John would see would defy imagination.  A fantastic reality was about to open up to him.  This letter would change everything and everyone who would look at the future.  This letter would also answer the question, `what is going to happen in the future.

Over come

In Rev 12:11, John says, They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death. So to overcome the enemy you must do these three things. When you do you will win every time. So today live the world, share your testimony and give your life to Jesus moment by moment.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

To the Church and nation of Bolivia

To the Church and nation of Bolivia

You have seen my presence and glory in the past few decades I have grown you into one of the most influential churches in South America. I have used the five fold ministry to build you into the place you should be. Yet I have so much more in store for you. I have only two things to remind you of. First don’t allow form and substance to replace reality. Many of you are starting to wain and lose heart. You are starting to again fall into the traditions of men. You have allowed the ways the religion to come into among you. The false teacher will always try to get you away from the real to the counterfeit.
Remember they are like clouds without rain but no life. They are like a wind that blows in a dry place. They is much moment but not much life. The second, thing I have is that some of my ministers have become more interested in building their own kingdom than mine. They have began to believe their own press. They have listened to the praise of man and have lost their anointing. When the anointing lifts than man always tries to manipulative people and then put heavy burdens on them. They bring in systems that make the music, and church look good but it lacks the anointing. Smoke machines, or western ideas are not the answer. I look pure worship that comes from a heart that seeks me. I am looking for people that will lift up their holy hands without wrath and malice. Do this and I will be pleased.
My promise for you that where ever two or three are gathered I am in their midst and where ever two or three agree in my name it shall be done for them. You have shown that you are people of prayer and now I will answer your prayers by bringing a revival that affect every level of society. Household salvation, church revival and then nation wise revival is coming. So stay strong in those the things you are strong. Be brave and go and conqueror for I am with you where ever you go and whatever you do

In the spirit

Jan 16 – In the Spirit – Rev 1:10

Vs 10 – John was in the Spirit on the Lord`s Day when this happened.  This is a proof that the church met on the Lord’s day and was a practice from the early days of the church.  Meeting on the Lord’s day is one thing that distinguishes the difference between the Jewish and Christian faith.  Jesus rose from the dead on the Lord’s day and thus is the primary reason the church meets on the Lord’s day.  John also was in the Spirit at the time.  This is the only way to fully receive what we need from the Lord.  Jesus said, “That which is spirit is spirit and that which is flesh is flesh.”  You cannot receive from the spirit when you walk in the flesh.  John was in the right frame of mind to receive this message.  John then heard a loud voice behind Him which sounded like a trumpet.  This message like a trumpet would resonate strong, clear, precise and simple.

Verse today

Overcome evfil

John writes in 1 John 2:14, I write to you, dear children,
because you know the Father.
I write to you, fathers,
because you know him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men,
because you are strong,
and the word of God lives in you,
and you have overcome the evil one. A great promise to know that through the word of God we overcome all evil. Jesus came tos et us free and give us victory over the devil. Stand in that promise today and live a free life in the Lord.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Things to consider

Jan 15 – Things to consider – Rev 1:9
 Vs 9 – John reveals several things to consider and in this verse he states the background of this letter.  He lets his audience know that he was John.  Most scholars believe this was John the beloved and the brother of James who was the first martyr.  He was their fellow companion in the suffering that was prevalent at that time.  Domitian was the Caesar at the time and he was persecuting Christians through out the empire. Previous to the writing of the book of Revelation tradition says that John had been boiled in oil but had survived and was banished to this island called Patmos.  John was serving in the Kingdom of God and so was those who serve here was do it with patience and endurance.  Paul says that we must not grow weary in well doing because in due season we will reap a harvest.  John had been doing this ministry for about six decades.  
     John found himself imprisoned on the Island of Patmos because of two reasons.  The word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.  These two qualities must be front and center of all we do for Jesus Christ.  This book was written around 95 A.D.  The first century was about to close and John was the last of the apostles.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Alpha and Omega

Jan 14 – Alpha and Omega – Rev 1:8

  Vs 8 – Then the Lord says three things about Himself.  He is the Alpha and Omega.  This is of course the beginning and end of the Greek Alphabet.  All things begin and end with Him.  He is the creator and sustainer of all things.  This is what and who the Lord says He is.  The testimony of the Lord is true and cannot be disputed.  Secondly, He is the one who is, who was and is to come.  This is a description od the eternal nature and character of God.   He is the past, present and future.  Thirdly, He is the almighty.  No one is and no one possesses His power, authority, might or dominion.  These are simple declaration of who He is.

Verse Today

Grow in the word

Peter writes in 1 Pet 1:23, For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. This word is given so that we will grow in the Lord. Moment by moment you have an opportunity to grow in the Lord. Growth means to apply what you read into your life. When you do that you have abundant life. So today apply what you read and grow into the person God intended you to be.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Kingdom

Jan 12 – The Kingdom – Rev 1:6

Vs 6 –This verse is amazing because all Christians are a kingdom.  This has both a personal and corporate application.  The Kingdom of God is within us and together we are the kingdom of God here on this earth.  The three characteristics of this kingdom are righteousness, peace and joy.  (Rom 14:17)  Next, we are ministers before Him.  We minister love and preach the gospel to people on this earth.  Then comes the greeting and phrase, “To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen.”  This is both a statement and greeting.  God has glory and dominion over all.  Amen is the exclamation point to this fact.  Imagine every Christian has this wonderful connection to this fact and truth.  We have the glory of God in us, the characteristics and essence of God.  We will also one day rule and reign with Him.  Amazing and awesome truths.

Verse Today

Word of God.

The writer of Hebrew states in Heb 4:12, For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The word of God knows us better than we know ourselves. So today remember the Word of God is what you need for every decision and situation. It will help guide, direct and lead you life. Use it wisely and it will lead you into great things and will help you do great things.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Your grace is enough

To the Church and Country of Benin

To the Church and Country of Benin

     You have been enjoying my move and my presence.  My missionaries came to you many decades ago and you have embraced my message.  Many of you have settled for a form of godliness but it has become more tradition than reality but I can work with that.  You see as long as you serve me I can change you.  You have seen what I have been doing in the countries around you and many of you are anxious to have that happen in your midst.
     I have promised you my Spirit and many of you have prayed towards that.  Yes, I will do great and mighty things among you.  All the signs and wonders I did during the time of my Son being on this earth you will see.  I also promised that greater things you would do in my name and that will happen.  I also saw how you endured during the times of darkness when evil men tried to suppress you and take away what you have.  I am pleased by your strength and faith.  Because of that I will reward you with more than you can handle.  I will do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can dream or imagine.  My word for you today is to go forth in my victory.  I promised you new things and they are about to come to pass.  You will rise to the heights I intended you to rise.  So rejoice and great will be your reward.  

Called to write

Jan 10 – Called to Write – Rev 1:4

Vs 4 – John was called to write to the seven churches in Asia Minor or modern day Turkey.  John  addresses each one of these churches I chapter 2 and 3.  For the moment he wants them to know that two virtues are being released to them.  Grace which is unmerited favour and peace with is absence of personal warfare or conflict to be given to them.  These along with truth, righteousness and love were often common greetings given by the writers of the New Testament.  
     Grace and peace were being released by the one who is, and was and who is the come.  The eternal one, the one who has always existed and will always exist.  He has no beginning and no end.  This is obviously is the Jesus .  Here we are introduced to the seven spirits who are before His throne.  There are two thoughts here.  The "Sevenfold Ministry of the Spirit" interpretation holds that the seven Spirits refer to Book of Isaiah 11:2. In this interpretation, "The "seven Spirits" represent the sevenfold ministry of the Spirit as depicted in Isaiah 11:2."  As it is written in the Holy Bible in the Book of Isaiah, 2 And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; Isaiah 11:2 (KJV). Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.  The reference to the lamb in Revelation 5:6 relates it to the Seven Spirits which first appear in Revelation 1:4 and are associated with Jesus who holds them along with seven stars.   The second is in the New Testament, the term "Dynamis" (translated as Virtues) suggests a class of exalted spiritual beings; the same perhaps parallel to the "chief Princes" (Sar rishown) in the Old Testament, of which Michael is stated to be one (Daniel 10:13).[6]
     Note: the word "Dynamis" means something closer to 'strength', 'power' or 'ability' not 'virtues', as examinations of a Greek lexicon or concordance would reveal. "Dynamis" is used by Paul to refer to spiritual beings in Romans 8:38, Eph 1:21, 3:10, 6:12, Col 1:16, 2:10 & 15. "Powers and principalities" can apply to both angelic and demonic beings, more often in the New Testament to demonic beings.
Sevenfold may also be connected with the Biblical understanding of the number 7 representing perfection. The "Seven Fold Spirit of God" could be the "perfect" Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

Verse Today

Tell others

Paul writes in 2 Thess 3:1, As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. This is the essence of evangelism. we are to tell others what has happened to us. We are living witnesses of the grace of the Lord. So today tell someone what has happened to you. You overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Prophecy to Belize

Image result for belize flag
To the Church and Country of Belize

     I have seen how you embrace stability and consistency.  You are strong among the nations of your area.  You have chosen to embrace my church by following the teachings of Christ.  The thing I have against you is that many of you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.  I have seen however have you have struggle for me in the midst of the darkness that can surround you.  So I am going to increase your influence and make you a starting place for revival in your area.  You will see my glory.  You will also see signs, wonders and miracles.  This will combat the negative influences in your area.  Yes, I know the forces of hell have tried to import evil voodoo into your country.  They want you to worship the demons of the Caribbean but so far you have been have been successful in combating them.  You will overcome and be strong.
     You are launching point for the move of God that will be impacting central and south America.  You will work with the missionaries that come to help build my church.  You will also send missionaries to the South America and Caribbean world.  At this time build yourself up in the most Holy Faith.  Read and study my word.  Apply to your everyday situation and be strong for me.  I will make you a light in your dark world.  No one can stand against when you walk in me.

You are Blessed

Jan 9 – You are Blessed – rev 1:3

Vs 3 – You are blessed in five ways because of this book.  First, when you read it aloud.  This book would be read aloud in the churches mentioned and also to this day in churches through the world.  Any given Sunday, the book of Revelation is preached, taught and spoken of thousands of time.    You are blessed because you read and heed the word.  Secondly, this is a word of prophecy.  It is from God’s heart and mind itself.  This prophecy is about what God Himself has ordained.  It will not be altered or changed.  Thirdly, you are blessed when you hear.  This is God’s hope for the church and a warning for the wicked.  Throughout this book there will be given many opportunities for man to repent.  Fourthl,y you are blessed when you keep or put into lifestyle what is written in this book.  James says we are not to be just hearers of the word but doers as well.  There was a man who once heard the Word of God and chose to follow the Lord’s will and saw great and mighty things.  Billy Graham was just eight when he gave his life to Christ in a Sunday School class but by doing what was written by the Word of God he had the privilege of seeing millions come to Christ.  Obedience is better than sacrifice a lesson that King Saul did not ever learn.  Lastly, the reader is blessed because the time is near.  Any moment a person can meet Jesus.  It could be through either portal of the rapture of or death but the reality is that time is short.  This is both a warning and hope.  This theme will be repeated throughout the book

Verse Today


Paul writes in Rom 1:8, our heart,”[a] that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: What a wonderful privilege to tell others about Jesus Christ. We do it through our testimony and our lives. So tell someone so they in turn can learn and receive the eternal and abundant life we have. It is the greatest blessing we can share today.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Verse Today

Reason for the Book

Jan 8 – Reason for the Book – Rev 1:1-2

Vs 1 – The first truth is that book is about Jesus Christ.  God the Father gave Him a message to show to his servants all who called Christ as Lord and Savior.  This was for John’s time and for ours.  The message and intention of this book is timeless.  Should Jesus tarry it will have relevance to the next generation.  The reason for this book is clear, to show the things that will soon take place.  God wanted to make sure that His servants were not caught unawares.  Another truth is that these things will happen because the Lord Himself as ordained it.  The Lord is not man who is a liar.  His word is true and what He says will come to pass will come to pass.  The Message was made known by an angel sent to John the beloved.  John would be the writer and revealer of this message.  

Vs 2 – John would have the privilege to bear witness to the word of God.  This statement makes it clear that this is the Word of God and God holds His word above His name.  This message would be the testimony of Jesus Christ.  This word or book will show who He is and what He is doing.  John will record all He saw.