Sunday, July 8, 2018

New Beginnings

Gen 4:6-7 – A New Beginning – July 4th 2010

Intro:  Well good morning, I know it has taken a long time but we are finally here in Cornerstone and in St. Albert.  This is the first of my messages from the book of Genesis.  It is also a new beginning for both of us.  But before I start my message I wish to share with you a humorous story.  Tell of the man who had a lab report and a cat scan on his dog. 

1.       Genesis is the first book of the bible and is called the book of beginnings or origins.  Talk about going through the bible over the next four years.  Genesis scholars tell us was written by Moses it is a record of the origins of the universe, human race, sin, redemption, languages and the Hebrew race. 
a.        The main theme is man’s sin and the initial steps taken for his redemption and the divine covenant made with God’s chosen race.  In this series we will look at the lives of Enoch, Noah,
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
b.      Ernest Francis stated that Genesis tells us how it all got started and laid out the path of where we are going.

2.        Our scripture today is Gen 4:6-7, which tells us the account of Adam’s 2 sons, Cain and Abel.  The Boys had just presented 2 offering to the Lord.  Cain the oldest presented a fruit and cereal offering and it was not look on with favor and Abel the youngest offered an animal offering and it was accepted and look at with favor.  This of course created a conflict.
a.        It all started with Adam and Eve, their mom and dad who were the first human’s.  They were created perfect, had a perfect invironment  and relationship with God, but as with all perfect situations there is always a spoiler.  The spoiler was satan.  In the garden he came in the form of the serpent but he comes in many forms and ways. 
b.      His M.O. is spelled out in John 10:10, he comes to rob, kill and destroy.  He uses accusation.  He is known as the accuser of the brethren in Rev 12:10.  He uses temptation, he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Luke 4:1-11.  He uses deception, Jesus in John 8:44, calls him the father of all lies and tells us that there is no truth in him.
c.        Genesis introduces or gives us the origin of two of the enemies of the child of God.  Both are results of the fall, satan and sin.  When Adam and Eve fell or gave into the temptation it resulted
In death or separation from God.  It was a physical, spiritual and eternal death or separation.  God’s answer to this situation was a promise of a future redeemer and a substitution.  Animal skins were given to Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness which meant an animal substitution or an animal giving its life was made to cover our sin.
d.      Cain and Abel in our text implies knew this  but Cain like so many understand what is required but decided to present what he thought what was right.  Talk about sin clouds our view.  Talk about Les Jarratt, the 1st part of the story.  Abel knew what was required and he did.  Talk about my first car accident.

3.        Our text reveals next a very important truth.  Cain was angry with God because God did not accept his offering or look at it with favor.  He reacted wrongly and with anger.  God reminds him of this truth. “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?”   Or Cain, you knew what was required and if you would have given the right offering it would have been accepted.
a.       Obedience is the key.  Andrew Murray writes, “Obedience is the key to spiritual life and victory.”
The Bible teaches that each believer will be judged on several things, motive, love, faithfulness, attitude, walking in forgiveness and obedience just to name a few. 
b.      God then says to Cain, “but if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you.”  The Lord’s view of sin here is that it is like an animal, enemy or person that is ready to pounce.  It wants to control , dominate, have and destroy you.  Then God says, “but you can master it.”  Right from the beginning God reveals the power of choice.  I saw a sign recently that said, “Character is the sum total of the choices that we have made.” 
c.       God says to Cain, “sin wants to be your master.”  Cain this is your moment to rise or fall, to be master or be mastered.  As the first born of Adam, this is a pivotal point in human history.  Cain was making a choice of destiny.  Would the sins of the Father be passed onto the next generation or not?  Would sin become a permanent part of the human race?  That is why I love redemption it gives us a second chance to begin legacy and a new path for our part of the human race.  Brothers and sisters in Christ we can cannot change our past but we can change our present and future.  Talk about my choices.

4.       We see from the next verse, Cain attacked and killed his brother and then tried to cover it up, deflect the blame or accept responsibility for his actions.  That happens a lot today. 
a.        The results or consequences because there is always results or consequences for sin.  The law of sowing and reaping comes into effect here.  Jesus taught, if you sow to the flesh you reap the flesh, if you sow to the Spirit you reap in the Spirit. 
1.       Separation from God, family and friends. 
2.       Ground would not yield fruitfulness to him.  The very thing he loved was taken from him.  Sin destroys the things we love.  Sin will always cause you to do things you never though you would do, take you places you never thought you would go and make you something you never though you would be.”  Talk about dateline trap for child predators.  Cain asked for mercy and was granted some.
b.       Our story, account or passage today stresses how sin got its foothold in man and how it operates but also how it can be thwarted.   The power of choice is a wonderful gift of God.  You just have to say no as the ad campaign said.  Have people say no, to each other.  Talk about Nicolas and Jeremiah.
5.        As I close and as we get ready for communion let me share Paul’s perspective on how we can deal with this issue or problem.  He says in Rom 12:1-2.  I beseech you brothers by the mercy of God or because you have receive the mercy of God, to present your body as a living sacrifice.  Remember it is holy and acceptable to God.  Paul’s says doing this is your reasonable service.  The bare minimum. 
a.        Do not conform to the images or standards of this world, which is materialism, pursuit of pleasure or pride.  But be transformed by the renewing of your mind, which James D. Craig calls “Walking in the Spirit.” 
b.      That happens by everyday putting on the Helmet of Salvation, Eph 6:17, Choosing to think on that which is pure, holy, truthful, noble, right, lovely, excellent, admirable, or praiseworthy as Paul writes in Phil 4:8-9.  Reading, studying and applying God’s word daily. 
c.       This Paul says will help you know the perfect and acceptable will of God.  As we close today and
Focus on communion let us remember all that was purchased and as well remember the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Close with Roger Jarratt’s salvation and the second part of an earlier story.   Then focus on beginning new and the new era that is upon us. 

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