Joel 2:13 - May 17th 2009 – Joel the Man who
saw the Spirit of God.
Bible Verse. Joel 2:28: I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your
old men will dream dreams, and you young men will see visions.
Intro: Today I have
so much to share in such a brief time period.
This message is so applicable today and especially in two weeks we will
be celebrating Pentecost.
1. Joel was a prophet
who lived during the reign of Joash. He
was a priest in the temple
Of Solomon and he
lived around 800 B.C. Joel’s named
means, “The Lord is God.”
He was the son of
Penuel. Both he and Joash were strongly
influenced by a Godly
High Priest named
Jehoaida. We all need godly mentors,
right. Someone we can be
Accountable, real
and open with. Someone who can help,
guide and influence our
a. Joel some 800
years before Christ, saw the coming of Pentecost and saw some 2700
Years ago the
coming of today’s Pentecostal movement. The
Bible is more current
Than tomorrow’s
b. Joel is reflecting
on a natural disaster where a locust plague that had devastated the
Land. Joel saw a parallel between this plague and a
human condition. He says a
Human army leaves
behind a scorched earth. Joel saw the
Lord behind the insect
Invasion. He tells the people to repent and the Lord
will relent.
c. Joel believes in whole
hearted repentance leading to the promise of the outpouring of
The Holy
Spirit. God emphasized this message to
Solomon in 2 Chron 7:14. Church
We need to Humble
ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked way.
Then God
will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.
d. Joel writes a
lofty, elegant but very forceful book.
Joel in these three chapters asks 7
questions, He reveals 50 commands, 1 direct message from God and states
10 promises.
2. Joel in our
passage this morning reveals six things.
a. Rend
your hearts not your garments. Joel
says true repentance is not outward but
Inward. Repentance is being genuinely sorry for your
sins. Godly sorrow is truly
Being sorry, and
changing your life. Worldly sorrow is
being sorry that you were
Caught but if you
had a chance you would do it again.
1. Joel in this book
reminds his readers, “The day of God’s judgment is coming upon
Sinful man and there is
judgment for those who fail to acknowledge God and His
Ways. Paul reminds us in Gal 6:8, God is
not mock what a man sows he will reap.
2. Joel wants his
audience to whole heartedly repent. This
brings God’s favour and
Blessing. Joel wants his audience to stop the outward
sign which in his day were
More for show and
really repent and show it through their speech and actions
b. Return to the Lord your
God. Joel’s Judah was like today. A small number of the
People were
serving the Lord while the vast majority were into doing what they
Wanted. It is so human nature to follow ones own
wishes instead of the Lord and so
Easy to do. It takes real hard work to stay on track and
close to the Lord.
1. You need to pray
and read the word everyday. You need to
attend church every week
Or as often as
you can.
2. Returning to the
Lord means you will become a disciple. A
native of the Congo
prayed thus. “Dear Lord, you be the needle and I will be
the thread. You go first and
I will follow wherever you lead.
3. Joel was aware God
is sovereign in this world and His will shall be done on earth in
Heaven and earth. A true believer is aware of that and
so they want to be thoroughly
A Christian. A
Christian is a mind through which Christ thinks, a heart through Christ
Loves, a voice through which Christ speaks,
a hand through which Christ helps.
c. For the
Lord is gracious and compassionate. This
is the first of five attributes of
God revealed by
Joel. God is gracious. He gives undeserved mercy and
favour. We
Don’t get what we
deserve. He sent Jesus to die for
us. Jesus gave his body and blood
For us. He died, was buried and rose again for
us. That is gracious.
1. God is
compassionate. God loves us. The whole gospel shows us this love. God’s
Love is patient,
kind, not envious, boastful or proud. It
is not rude, self seeking or
Easily angered,
keeps no record of wrong, never delights in evil, rejoices in truth,
Protects, trusts,
hope, perseveres and never fails.
2. God is
compassionate. He is love as John tells
in 1 John 4:8. Because of His love
is going to graciously give His Spirit to mankind. In Joel 2:18-27, God
Promises relief.
d. Slow to anger. As I mentioned a moment ago God is
not easily angered. It takes
Generations but when He does, the
gentile nations will be punished and God’s people
Will be
delivered. It took God 450 years to
punish Israel
for its sin. He sent
Numerous prophets
to warn them. God has this same attitude
towards us but I suggest
you do not take
advantage of this slowness to anger.
e. Abounding in Love. God is overflowing and abundant in
love. His love is complete
& it makes us
whole. In St. Paul ’s Cathedral, London is a life sized
marble statue of
Christ writhing in anguish on the
cross. The statue is subscribed, “This
is how God
Loved the world.
1. In Ephesians
3:17-18, Paul describes the four dimensions of love. The breadth, For
God so loved the
world, The length, that He gave His only begotten son, The depth,
That whosoever
believes in Him shall not perish and the height, but shall have ever-
2. God’s love is
beyond description, it is only to be valued and enjoyed.
f. And He relents from sending
calamity. God wants to forgive,
heal and bring life.
Joel tells his
audience that the nation of Israel
will be blessed in the presence of the
Lord forever.
It is God’s desire to with hold judgment. It is the last thing He wants
To do. Salvation is God’s expression of this
desire. He does change His mind in the
Face of true repentance.
1. So today we have
learned that if we rend our hearts and not our garments, return to
The Lord, we
discover He is gracious and compassionate.
The Lord is slow to anger
And abounding in
love. He will relent on sending
2. Joel one direct
message from God is that in the last days a great move of the Spirit
Coming and has
come. Some 800 years before Pentecost,
Joel saw the falling of the
Holy Spirit in
the upper room. Over 2750 years ago he
saw the days in which we live.
My cry is Holy
Spirit come now, come in your strength and your power and in your
Own gentle
way. We need to hear the words of God
again, have visions and dreams.
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