Saturday, July 7, 2018

Life of Paul

Life and Message of Paul – Acts 9:15-16
Intro:  Today we are talking about the Apostle Paul or St. Paul as some call him.  Paul was a revolutionary figure.  He transformed the entire thinking and direction of the church.  He was responsible for writing over half the New Testament.  He was a paradox of intellect and simplicity of faith.  On one hand the greatest thinker the church ever had and yet his faith was that of a child. 

1.      Paul was first known as Saul, Paul is his Greek name.  He was born in a city called Tarsus in Asia Minor.  He was born in a Greek city, into a Jewish family that had Roman citizenship.  He was educated in Jerusalem by Gamaliel, the greatest teacher of his day.   He was a zealot and focused individual. 

a.      Before his conversion, he supervised the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr, went house to house in Jerusalem and arrested , imprisoned and killed Christians.  It was on his way to Damascus with orders from the High Priest to destroy the church that he met Christ.  He learned that day.

1.      Those that persecute the church persecute Christ.  Those that slander, mock, curse and try to shame you, do this to Christ.
2.     It is difficult to fight the will of God.  Obedience and disobedience have their consequences.  Saul or Paul learned that day when God has a call on your life it is best to give in.  You will never be fulfilled until you do. 

b.     Saul or Paul was blinded by that encounter.  He was led into Damascus to wait but he was not idle, he fasted, prayed and waited in expectation for God’s answer to this situation.  We must never be idle in our times of waiting.

3.      While Saul or Paul waited God spoke to Ananias that Saul had already received a vision about him laying hands on Saul and to give him a message.
This reminds us that before God asks us to do anything He has already prepared the way.  Ananias reminded Christ about who Saul was but Jesus Christ revealed four things about Saul which we can apply to our lives.

a.     He was a chosen vessel of God.  Paul says in his letters we are vessels for noble and also ordinary purposes. 
b.     Saul was to bear His name and tell His name among the gentiles and the Jews.  Paul would make three missionary journeys to tell the Jews and Gentiles about Christ.  His last and fourth journey was to tell a cruel, despot Roman emperor named Nero about Jesus Christ. 
c.      He will be shown many things.  Paul was given many incredible truths, the mystery of the church, fuller revelation of the gifts and fruit of the Spirit, 15 attributes of love, the administration and structure for the church, just to name a few. 
d.     He must suffer for my name sake.  Paul would be beaten with rods, stoned, left for dead, be shipwrecked, suffer from starvation, betrayal and loneliness.  He would be imprisoned for long period of time and eventually be killed for his faith. 
e.     Ananias went and told Saul why he was there.  He prayed and Saul received his sight.  He was filled with the Holy Spirit.  This is where Pentecostal scholars believe he was baptized in the Holy Spirit.  He was baptized in water which was his identification with Christ, followed the command of the Lord and publicly declared to all his faith and decision to follow Christ. 
f.       Paul immediately preached about Jesus Christ.  No grass grew under this man’s feet.  He knew what Christ had done and he wanted all to know.  Rom 1:16

4.      Here briefly are seven lessons we can learn from Paul life.

a.     God always prepares us for our work.  Our family background and situation, where we grew up, nationality, language, education, interests, giftings, talents, abilities and likes all prepare us. 
b.     Don’t fight with God or His will.   It has consequences good and bad. 
c.      Find out how to do the will of God.  Paul shows us in Rom 12:1-2

1.      Present your body as a living sacrifice as holy and acceptable to God.  Paul says this is your reasonable service. 
2.     Don’t conform to the world.  Don’t let the images, standards, materialism, pleasure, self seeking, self sufficiency and pride of this world conform you.
3.     Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Fill your mind with the word of God, good literature, conversation and images.  Whatever is holy, pure, righteous, truthful, lovely, virtuous,  praiseworthy, noble and good report think on these things.  This is called walking in the Spirit.
4.     This will help you know the will of God.  His will is good, acceptable and perfect for you.

d.      You are a bearer of Christ or ambassador for Him.  Not only are you to tell others, which is the great commandment but you are to live your faith out in front of others.  You are the only bible many will read.
e.     We all have a mission, calling and destiny.  God has you where you are, doing what you do for a reason.  You are the apostle Paul in your world.
f.       God will show us many things.  God will show you, teach you, lead and guide you.  He will show you what you knew to know, when, where, why and how you need to know it.  He wants us to know His will, plan and purpose for our lives. 
g.     We will all face trials, tribulations, problems and reverses.  These however make us stronger, smarter, wiser, more resourceful, dependent on him, and trusting in Him.  We learn do more prep, prayer, reading God’s word, and choosing our relationships better.  Paul was a great example. 

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