Saturday, July 14, 2018

1 Cor10:12-14 – How to be Successful in Trouble – Feb 9 2013

Today we are going to look at life verse of mine that I wish to share with you. 

1,  Paul says in Vs 12, When a man thinks he will always stand, beware or take heed you
     can and most likely will fall.  When you are self assured, satan loves to kick the feet
     out from beneath you and God will let him.
2.  Peter was such a man when he told Jesus that he would not deny Him.  Jesus told
      Peter that before the rooster crowed Peter would deny Jesus 3 times.

3.  What causes a person to fall? 

  1. Pride: you think it cannot happen to you.
  2. Neglect:  You are not keeping up with the word, prayer, fellowship and keeping your testimony strong.
  3. Allowing the opinions of the others matter more than God.
  4. Wordliness:  Allowing the things of the world to invade your life.
  5. Giving into temptation. 
  6. Fear:  God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of love power and a sound mind.
  7. Half hearted faith.  Most prevalent sin is the sin of partial surrender.  It takes real effort to have a vibrant and dynamic faith but so essential.

Here is the Promise. 

  1. Every temptation you face is common to man.  The devil uses accusation, temptation and deception.  The world uses, pride, passion and possessions.  The flesh uses the five senses, our inward tendency to sin and our need for security, significance and self worth.

  1. Jesus faced all these and yet did not sin.  Heb 4:15
  2. He did it through the power of the Holy Spirit and you can win as well.  You have to do three things.  Submit your will to God.  Submit your thought life to God.  Say No.

  1. God is faithful.  God was with you in the past, He will be with you today and He
      will be with you tomorrow.  You are not alone.  He is the same yesterday, today  
      and forever. God is with you. 
  1. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able to endure.  God knows what you are made of.  He knows how much you can take.  He saw the temptation years before it happen.  He has put all the right stuff in you right now to win.  You have the Spirit, the word, His promise, His power, anointing, fellow Christians and the promise that all things will work together for God.  You have the armor, and weapons
  2. He will make a way of escape.  Noah escaped by the ark.  Moses escaped by the Red Sea.  The Three Hebrew boys escaped by the Fourth Man.  The truth is God will not abandon you.  He will not leave you or forsake you.  The devil wants you to believe He will but He will not. 

Paul closes off this exhortation but telling the Corinthians to flee idolatry.  He tells them that idolatry in any form will make us fall.  Idols come in many forms but here is the litmus test to find out what idol you may have in your life.  Where you go to in your time of need to help you is your idol.

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