Friday, August 26, 2016

The man who peered into the future.

Nov 8 -2009 – Malachi 4:2– The man who peered into the future.

Intro;  Today we will look at the book of Malachi and also will focus at the end of our service on Communion. 


-  Malachi wrote the last book of the Old Testament around 525-450 B.C.
-  His name means messenger. He had one final message to the returned exiles before there would over 400 years of silence.  It is interesting to note that this last voice of the Old Testament introduces the first voice of the New Testament.  He was the last of the Old Testament prophets until John the Baptist. 
- He was a contemporary of Nehemiah and Ezra.  He was also one of three prophets that ministered to the returning exiles.
-  Malachi had a forward view.  He saw things not as they were but as they would become.  In his 28 distinct messages from God.  Malachi saw Jesus and John the Baptist.

But you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings and you will go out like calves released from the stall.

1.  Malachi stood at the crossroads of one of the most significant time periods of history. 
     After him written prophecy would become silent for over 400 years.   
2.  Prophets had come and gone, the priests of his day had become corrupt and because of
     Their example the people were no better.  God in his justice was about to put a curse
     On the priests and those that had robbed them 
3.  Malachi revealed that God had brought judgement on Edom, he had cut off those who
     Had intermarried after being warned for 4 generations.
4.  But this book has powerful statements like this.  To those that revere His name.  Those
     Who love, worship, fear, honour and exalt His name, there is this promise.  The Sun
     Or Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.  The Son of God, the
     One is righteous and makes us righteous through his broken body and shed blood will
     Rise with healing in his wings.  This is an analogy for the presence of God.  In the
     Presence of God is fullness of Joy.  The Son of righteousness comes with healing,
     Physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.  He brings healing for every
     Situation and circumstance.  He is Jehovah Rophi, our healer, By His stripes we were
     Healed.  Amen.
5.  When He heals you, you will be like a calf released from the stall. 
6.  There is nothing like freedom in Christ. Remember it is not who you are in Christ but
     Who Christ is in you.  It is about Him not you..  You can do nothing without Him. 
     The focus is Him. 

2.  The main message of Malachi is turn from your wicked ways and love of House of

a.  Malachi love his nation and the people of Israel.  So he brings them six things to

1.  The Lord will give the remnant a story of grace and love for His people.  God always
     Shows unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness and so much we.  Love is
     Especially important it shows that we are His disciples.
2.  There is an offer to His faithful servants that one day there will be a Son of
     Righteousness.  I love living today.  We have what Malachi dreamed about we have
     Accepted and live in what he saw.
3.  The Day of the Lord will be glorious in the sight of the Lord.  Malachi spoke about
      Jesus and John the Baptist.  He looked forward to them.  We have the privilege of
      Looking back at them and enjoy the benefits of what they did.
4.  Malachi says divorce is something People of God should not engage in.  It breaks
     God`s heart and destroys a sacred covenant made before God and Man.  Malachi
     stated God hates what divorce does.  He sees how is destroys individuals, families and
     society.  Yet we also know that God can heal this and restore lives even after it has
     been done.  For the believer there are only two legitimate reasons for divorce, from
     the Bible.  Jesus said adultery, Paul said, being married to an unbeliever who wishes
     to be released from the marriage.  After careful consideration I have a personal third
     reason, spousal abuse.  Yet I also believe you must do everything you can to reconcile
     if possible, divorce should be the last option.
5.  Carelessness in worship may be the first step to spiritual decline.   Be careful how
     You worship and the reasons you worship.
6.  Instead of airing our doubts to others, we may speak in secret to God about our
     Doubts so He may guide us into truth and peace.  Malachi saw first hand how this
     Led to spiritual decline of those around him.

3.  Malachi was forceful and creative in his presentation of the Word of God.  He told the
     People to honor God’s name instead of sinners.  To stop offering blemish sacrifices,
     Justifying sin & with holding their tithes.  I actually know Christians who have done
     This because they did not like the pastor, a board member or someone in the church. 
     This is wrong because all our resources belong to God and it dishonors Him when we
     with hold it.   There are consequences when we do, If we with hold it He with holds
     His blessing but it we do not He opens the heavens and pours out His blessings.

a.  Malachi saw the spiritual decline of  the exiles and how it made them dishonest in
     business, over look or participate in social injustice or sin.  Allow sorcery, impurity
     and oppression. 
b.  Yet it is not a negative book or writing.  As we prepare for communion or the Lord’s
     supper.  Here are four promises given from Malachi.

1.  The prophecy of John the Baptist as the messenger of the coming covenant.
2.  Outpouring of great blessing.
3.  Saints as God’s treasurers.  We are God’s channel for blessings and His jewels.
4.  A new day of righteousness before the Day of the Lord. 


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