Monday, August 22, 2016

Events of the Feast of Tabernacles

 Events of the Feast of Tabernacles – John 7:11-52

                This is a lengthy passage and we cannot fully cover all the events in one devotion so for the next three days we will examine and learn life lessons from this account.
                Jesus was asked by His brothers to come with them to this feast and He stayed in Galilee but come later.  The Jews had been watching for Jesus for they wanted to kill Him.  They were looking for Him on the way to Judea from Galilee.  This one of the reason why Jesus went to this feast in secret.  The people were divided on their opinions of Jesus.  Some felt He was a good man.  No one however would say anything about Him for they feared that certain faction of the Jews who wanted to kill Jesus.   The feast was almost half over before Jesus began to teach in the temple.  Jesus answered their question and revealed that His teaching was not His own before His father’s in heaven.

1.       Jesus’ teaching comes the Father who sent Him.  If anyone will do Jesus’ teaching they will be doing the will of the Father who sent Him.
2.       Jesus did not speak of Himself.  He spoke for the Father and the works that He did for the honor of the Father.  Jesus was a man of truth.
3.       Jesus told His audience that they did not keep the law which Moses had given them.  They were not for Christ but against Him.  Imagine thinking you are doing the will of God and finding out you are not.  This always causes a reaction.

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