Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Year Coming

 Everyone is speculating on what 2013 will be like.  For many it will be the same as 2012.  They will get up and do the same thing day and after day.  The question I have for you is what will you different in 2012?  May I make a suggestion.  Make this a year that you spend more time in prayer.  Prayer is the thing that moves the hand of God in your world.  Pray that God will use you and bless people through you.  Here is another suggestion, spend as much time as you can in the Bible or the Word of God.  Let it become a daily routine.  There are so great truths you can learn.  Mark Twain said the one thing he dislike about the Bible is that it knew him so well.  The Bible allows us to see ourselves for what we are but the beautiful thing is that it will not allow us to stay that way.  God is in the improvement business.  He loves you to much to leave you the way that you are.  Let Him change you for His glory. Here is another suggestion.  Spend more time with your loved ones and family.  When you give yourself to others you and they always win.  At the end of life I have yet to hear a person tell me that they wish they had more money or possessions.  They say they wish they had spent more time with family and friends.  Make 2013 the year of relationships.  My last suggestion is resolve to the serve the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.  Make Jesus Lord of everything.  He wants to flow through you to others.  Let this next year but your aim and goal. 

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